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Everything posted by Cabdow

  1. ^ Hello Deeqa, nice to meet you wallal. The name is deeq By the way, waz up with ya sig, afkiibaa juuqda gabay miya?
  2. Canjeex I never took you the kind to support qudbo siro. Oh well.. As awoowe Xiin said, adi kuma jirted qolyahan la Qudbo-Sireeyo ee qalbiga khair u sheeg baayo Besides that, adi boqol malaay inlagaa baxsho istaahishaa, see camal PS. Inna Lillah, qaar baa kutubtii lasoo baxay, war kutubtiina galalka iskaga ceshta. I'm sure most guys here are not being serious about this topic!
  3. Congrats brother Theiry, kuwii isku waara Allaha idinka dhigo I'A.
  4. ^ si baad u dhoolacadeynee, ma deeqaa lagu yiraah? Rudy, kaligaa maaha, magacaas wa laga qeeliyey sxb!
  5. C&H, Walle Minni baan joogin ee marhore baan ku...haheeey :cool:
  6. If you ask stupidh question, you deserve to get stupidh answer!
  7. I am still confused about why they seized the center if they are after one man said committed a crime. What has to do the said criminal guard and the Center/Drs. Hawo... The supports explain plz... That's exactly the question i had in mind too, care to explain ya supporters? Why because of one man the centre and the Dr's had to suffer or be captured? JB inuu Masjidka Sh. Cali Suufi joogi jiraan u malayn!. And what's wrong haduu joogi jiray, do you have anything against Masjidka Sheikh Cali Suufi?
  8. Walle qoftan in lasoo hayo waan arkayay waayahan, Allaha soo hadeeyo iyada iyo intii lunsanba. Tuujiye, halkaa ka wad sxb. Dhag jalaq ha usiin these confused lot ee mooda diinta hadii laga baxo ama ladacaayadeeyo inay 'the ultimate' ilbaxnimo heleen. 109. Surah Al-Kaafiroon (The Disbelievers) 1. Say (O Muhammad) to these Mushrikiin and Kafiroon): "O Al-Kafiroon (disbelievers in Allah, in His Oneness, in His Angels, in His Books, in His Messengers, in the Day of Resurrection, and in Al-Qadar, etc.)! 2. "I worship not that which you worship, 3. "Nor will you worship that which I worship. 4. "And I shall not worship that which you are worshipping. 5. "Nor will you worship that which I worship. 6. "To you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islimic Monotheism)."
  9. War ileen ummad wada buufis qabaa meesha ka buuxa, inna lillah. Laakiin idinlayaabi maayoo, after twenty years of qax, rafaad and qoxootinimo, inaad isla hadashaan walle iyo bille gar baad u leedihiin Hadda kohor nin isla hadlaa laweediiyey oo waxa layiri, war hebalow maxaad iskula hadashaa, markaasuu wuxuu yiri. Ummadoo dhan baa isla hadasha, ee anu waan ismaqashiiyaa un
  10. Inna lillahi wa inna illayhi rajicuun! May Allah have mercy on the Sheikh's soul and give Sabr to the famalies he left behind, Amin.
  11. The value of a man should not be determined by the size of his wallet, but rather, it should be determined by his faith and charactar, sax walla la? I would say sax and if you are smart you would say sax too
  12. Funny and at times can be extreme, how far one would go to satisfy their Qaad/jaad addiction, but hunting outside a court house? That just takes the cake
  13. Best way to build your confidence to approach a girl is to remind yourself (or atleast qalbigaaga ka dhaa dhacsii just b4 the prey) that, women have hard time or don't have the balls to approach a man, therefore, you are doing them a favor by approaching them! And if that still does not help, keep reminding yourself. Also that, they want/need you more than you want/need them (as ciyaalka xaafada we call that playing reverse psychology on their a*s ) lol@nuune...For a sec i thought you were trying to send the man to a war (or sab wiido if he is ciyaalka xaafada) when you used words like, Strategically and tactics
  14. @todoba sano ayaan laba af quudinayey....Igaarka iskaaba cubka ku jiro iyadana lix boqol bay ka calacaleesaa yaah
  15. La xawla walla quwata illa billah @ Arch, war makaa dhab ba? @Karl
  16. John waa raggedii, when not taking cheap shots at our religion that is
  17. AMAL, a multi-layered portrait of contemporary India, follows an auto-rickshaw driver in New Delhi (Amal) who is content with his small, but vital role in life. One day he drives an eccentric billionaire (G.K. Jayaram) who, disguised as a vagabond, is searching the streets for the last morsel of humanity, and someone he can leave all his money to, and Amal's life may change forever. AMAL serves up a visual feast for audiences. Filmed on location in New Delhi, India, this modern day fable asks the important question of what success means to each individual and ultimately reveals to audiences that the poorest of men are sometimes the richest. Watch it here (Part 1 of 11)
  18. Ilaahay iguma keeno inaan qof dumara lacag weediisto, hadii kale waa taniyo aakhiro haku daba socoto "remember that day i gave/borrowed you...."
  19. Teenii baa carada ka badan (as Somalis) markaasaad sheeko African-American khuseesa noola soo shir tageesaa, naw!
  20. ^ I don't think Islam prevents the practice, as long as it's not done out of fear of poverty or a way to prevent contraception altogether (unless its health reasons) As Allah said in the Qur'an: Don’t kill your children for fear of poverty; it is We who provide sustenance for them and you ; verily killing them is a most heinous crime! (Al-Isra’: 31). ^^^ That verse alone is good enough for me to have as many as she can bear IA'
  21. May Allah s.w have mercy on her parents' soul and may he pardon all the dead muslims sins both minor and major Insha Allah Amiin brother...It's a very sad and touching story, may Allah make it easy for her!
  22. Nimco dareen is the dhexyar of all dhexyars ninyow, but no, the other dhexyar i'm talking about is a SOL Londoner So are you going to the event Zak?
  23. With all this bariis & hilib talk gaajaaba nagu rideen sxbyaal Iga tag, sab sharafteeda qurbahey ku bahdileen! Imagine adi iyo Maadeey oo sab isugu yimid, ma cuntadaad ku raxeysataa mise goortuu is qarxin doono yaad ka fikirtaa
  24. Now that's what I call All-Star event! How I wish I was living there that day and Lily dhexyar was my date for the night, imagine that :cool: I see OSF is doing their thang once again, Thanks Zak.