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Everything posted by king_450

  1. Sounds like most of you who said looks don't matter a bit unsure of themselves, which is how almost all of us feel from time to time! So at least you aren't alone. Even those of us who seem like they are incredibly beautiful or popular or handsome feel bad about ourselves sometimes. However It's important to learn to cope with these feelings (ugliness,fat,thin,etc)and try to turn them around so you feel good about yourselves again.Suppose a person says bad things about you, they are usually doing it because they have a problem with their own self-esteem,so such ppl think by pointing out you know the flows in others, makes them feel better about themselves. I love to be around beautifull ppl day and night , but i hate when such start bragging about themselves or negatively compare others I'm much better looking than average individuals are. to sum up please be aware , Arrogance is not an attractive behavior..
  2. Very intersting Ijabo,Now as the so called Somalis, let's attack this nasty negative, no good, lousy rotten (had enough yet?) act of misinforming and finger pointing each other. Stop right now wherever you may be, and seriously consider what good has ever come of such behavior. Lets face it, at the time most finger pointing happens the mistake has already passed us by. By draggin the situation will only get worse and may cost long-time friendships. Nothing positive ever comes out of finger pointing and it usually comes from guilt.Am wondering could this have been partly your fault ladies? or the answer is Nah,Nop,No way. I'll just blame it on the guys.Talk about your poor attitudes! The only way We(Somalis) can overcome this sort of Childness is ,Preparation as well as communication which eventually can prevent most misunderstandings. Boys you have to write another thread --- perhaps titled : In defence of the indefencable Somali MEN!!! How can we prevent such occurrences? Hopefully, they are not repeated ..
  3. Hanif , i don't comprehend , why you want ppl to screw up their system.Don't you have better thing to do.
  4. I don't have a dog, but I do have a cat. When I'm home from college, I pick her up and cuddle her, and she always tries to bite me damn her. If she doesn't like to be cuddled, she shouldn't be so fluffy! But anyway: if anyone--and I mean ANYONE--tried to take my kitty away from me, mean and old and crotchety though she is, I would be after them faster than you can say Meow Mix. I can only imagine my reaction if I had grown up with the unconditional love of a friendly dog. But I hate them.
  5. As far as i am concern this conflict is being dictated by the whims of political factions and warlords. .May i say more!
  6. The issue is not complex as some of you might have suggested. But adopting or taking some of western traditions might not be a bad idea , after all if what you inheriting is all the good part and using for your own enhancement then it is good. We are in their society but that does not forbid to practice your culture and relegion,at the same time mingle with them and succeed. Perhaps some of us ,this so called freedom becomes too much to handle and fumble it badly,and realize it very late, if you are in that group then there is always time to repent and start over again to correct your shortfalls. As for the educated ones,i see no evil in it,just make sure you enlighten those who are left behind.
  7. Yes indeed he was one of the true Democratic Elected Prez in our Nations History ,and a true gntl,but not the only one. here is the other one. Before Elected the Prez of SOmalia.May God Bless Him
  8. Well if War and War is the only option, then let it begin now then later, that is what Somalis know War. And may the better one prevail. But i have a feeling this is the begining of the true distruction of the rest of calmity in the land.
  9. i was kind skeptical first to understand what is all the fuss in here,the topic seems legitimate and clear cut. But then again after going back and re-reading i did notice why it has changed from its orignial intended purpose .{Police Terror) do exist big time, no doubt about it, but here is my problem too without prejudice,just read this quote and tell me what you think. What is worse than them is the actual terrorists living amongst us, claiming to be practicing our religion and are continuously giving us a bad name! that is a bad choice of wording,i don't know how you define terrorist? in Western Society now days the term "Terrorist" means to them 'any one who is Muslim" so that is where you have draw the line and refuse to be bombarded news claims that constantly accuse Muslims , i mean all Muslims to be some sort of Collaborators of anti Western. If that is what you meant and your conclusion supports their claim,then ppl have right to thread back negatively towards you, but with respect .But if you don't then you all in the same boat. Now back to the police, yes the worst of them have the badge and blv me they will use it for their benefit, just be cautious and smart.
  10. Wanting to get Hitched and talking about it, are completely 2 different things. Some of you just feel obsessed about being Hitched, and you will never get it, unless you go to the right places. Perhaps try going to the mosque or your aunt's house to meet your distance cousin, you don't need to look no further. Visit your relatives houses more often and see what happnes. Or keep talking about Marriage forever.
  11. Hurray, to the Women who has decided once for all to take Guns,and protect themself from the bad breed who have accustomed of molesting them and humiliating them day in day out. It is time and i would like to see them do more harm before things get quiet. Revenge Ladies" the time has come.
  12. Baloony, for once i wish the "somalis" speak the truth. We "each one of us" whether u want blv it or not we belong certain Clan"Qabil" call it what ever u want. And specially nowdays, one must deeply feel in conncection with their own kind, .But if you have committed a horrible crime against a specified clan, then i think you feel little bit depressed .It is not about Qabil that needs to be condemned , but the individuals who betrayed their own kind. I for one will always be in support of my Clan, regardless.! If you don't your own clan, there is always alternative, join a desired group that you can relate. I think the Torch has been passed to the new generation of each Qabil, and Qabilism must stay alive, to be identified. It is the Finger print of your Being .
  13. Atleat not at most , this was a great article but does it say anything about US"Somalis", perhaps yes if you have become one of them or not if you still insist in being a true Somali.Those of us who have been raised in western society we know what this White Women is talking about, she is saying and sending hidden Racist remarks , that most of you can't comprehend. Reality is even if you are married to other race, you must feel some of their hatred in one way or another, either by saying sarcastic worrds to you, not through you or say straight forward. Yes there are some African American Men who have choosen to marry WHite females, just as a trophy or sympol of success, i guess,but in reality if they have to do all over again they will have choosen thier own race.This white female said , learn from us how to treat Black men. I wonder if she talking to the men, rather then to the Black women?.
  14. Well i never wanted to respond this threat but after seeing how some of us feeding this frenzy media creation lie, i will say my take. First are we all becoming Tv addicts, cz everytime i turn around all we talk about is what the Tabloids are spreading,and who cares is MJ converts to Islam.Even though this was a big hoax,but i don't care so don't heat up ur blood pressure by assuming something which is not there.And i might add for the first time i am blvng MJ did it this time.
  15. what a boyish response out here, call sadam a coward or selfish, will not solve anything at this point. First i didn't like the man at all, but after i hear some conversation last night about the man, i was told that during the war b/w somalia and Ethiopia , Iraq was the only Arab country who support somalis without any reservation.I was told also that he blvd then that Somalis must be united, from ETHIOPIA" to Kenya,so tell me is he a coward or brave human being? Sure he killed Iraqis, but do we know if they were traitors to their own country, just look now how they are helping the Israel's and the Americans. So no matter what happens to Sadam history will be in his side. And for the rest of teh arab world, "Shame".
  16. The only thread that i see the somali ppl ,literally talk to each other is , when one criticize another somali for no reason at all. Here is my problem if you don't agree or like a Somali Men or for that mater a Somali women, then don't talk about it, go ahead and find your mr/mrs right, whether it will be a Negro or whitties or brownies or greenies,but plz don't justify your wanting to date another gender by criticizing one another, just go ahead and do it,and stop this hatred toward each of you.Hibo i take my hat off for you, i wish we have many women like you in our society today,ppl like you are giving me hope to justify my love toward my ppl.
  17. Come on Iman Want bees! she is what early 50's or perhaps late 40's and still kicking, i think Iman is wonderfull and served us well,i am only talking about those of us who understand what life is all about . But my God what is this other sis Lady Barud, all i see is "Bootylicious", and by the way does it seems those picutes was taken by her GF in the back alley , or lower level 2 in one of those Garages, enough said.
  18. Very interesting word" Average Somalilander". What on earth is that suppose to mean? can some 1 plz explain it to me? I thought you can only be called an "Average" Individual when you have witnessed for insatance the rape of your loved ones, and for some reason you are going to overlook because of peace process without any consequence with the rapers. If that is not an average person, then we don't need any average person in any society, those are the killer of the true civilized world. Perhaps let's change the subject little bit further and put the current Selected Prez of USA "Bush" yes he is an average person, all his grades were "C" and look the harm he is causing.I hate to be called any Somalilanders "an average lander"
  19. Well as i have said so many times for so many other sites, i never trusted or liked listening to the BBC- somali news section specially, sometimes you can't differentaite if they are creating a sensation about the story, or making up . So i am still trying not to pay any attention to the BBC wrold service what they say."It is a tool to the thugs and separatists". And i don't know if you'all have noticed the number of news makers that broadcast the news, how did they get the job,is it just because they all speak the same dialect or coincidence. Somalis are a mixture of differnt ppl, we know now for certain that somali ppl have different dialect, so in order to satisfy all somlis i do blv, BBC world service needs to change its practice of hiring only ppl from North, and mingle the somalis who broadcast the news equally. Hire with their knowledg and talent , but not their dailect. So BBC is nothing more then the tools of disguised "Thugs"
  20. Well Hibo, allow me plz to say "sis" this is your quote Men are always intimidated by my personality Wow very interesting , i don't know if what you meant was some men but not all men, but at any way, what kind of "Huts" you been hanging around, cz i have never met so far a women that i can say she intimidated me, but yes sometimes there are some brat , you know who likes to get your nerves, or perhaps there is a misunderstanding b/w those brothers and you, if it is only for you speaking out about any issues, then perhaps you might have sound to some of them, that you are no more than "Know All" kind of individual which might offend some men, but if all you do is speak your mind for what you feel inside you and blv then, you are doing the right thing, i migh suggest you come and check out the kind of "Huts" we Hang around, good luck and you will find your match sooner then you expecte , blv me, it always happens around this time of the year. good luck
  21. Somaliland, in my opinion are on the right course, for cleansing its heritage from Hyenas.What is wrong with , when one protects his being? unless you have no confidence in ur own being, then the only option that is left is to dehumanize the good action that somaliland is taken.Why on earth you want be there? if the ppl in Landers support this dissassociation of non somalilanders, will it hurt your being or enhance it? that is the question one must answer first!I do support unequivalently what the landers are doing, and i hope they will even go fruther by deporting any 1 who does not have any legitimate claim why they have to be in somaliland.Garbage in Garbage out.
  22. First i do not second guess about M&m and whoever else call the B word to any Women,if you watch those sort of videos and don't spend your valuable time hitting your books or going to the mosque, specially if you are a Somali women, then you have no right to be defending Black women at all. Who made y'all somali women to speak for all the black women in the world. At one point Somali women don't want to be called Black, when the game is smooth, but then when the color of the game changes , all of sudden here they are coming out of the woods and claiming to be Black.make up your minds ,for once who are you ladies.Some of you ladies you know are standing by a thread,& you are about to get loose ,but scare about your mom or sister around your neck,once that goes away, i bet y'all will be in the dark alley performing. If you already start belly pearcing,tatoeing,then what else left nothing. And the funny thing is some of you are here only for few years and acting like Bros.Just give me a break and don't complain being called names, you deserve wherever you lay down your butt . If you protect yourself nothing will happen to you, if not then hell maybe upon your butt .And let ppl express their ideas.
  23. If that is your wish, then here is my advise 2 u, next time go the mosque and after the prayer is finish , ask the muslims in the mosque that you are here 2 give your sister, and i promise you , she will be taken by some nice muslim. good luck but plz update me in this site. good luck.
  24. Kaafi , i haven't seen such a topic in a long time, and you are in the right trac , you will be success. Now for your core question, you can start a student association from any existance association, for instance if what you saying is true that there is only about 7 of you who are somalis in that University, then join any student association that you like, within that association you can start your 7 somali student assciation under that umbrella, so don't be discouraged, you doing the right thing, good luck. by the way kaafi you can join any student association, but yes it is nice to be in ur own domain however. But if you need more information how to create plz feel free to see my school. here is the site The George Washington University Student Association >
  25. Kaafi , i haven't seen such a topic in a long time, and you are in the right trac , you will be success. Now for your core question, you can start a student association from any existance association, for instance if what you saying is true that there is only about 7 of you who are somalis in that University, then join any student association that you like, within that association you can start your 7 somali student assciation under that umbrella, so don't be discouraged, you doing the right thing, good luck. by the way kaafi you can join any student association, but yes it is nice to be in ur own domain however. But if you need more information how to create plz feel free to see my school. here is the site The George Washington University Student Association >