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Everything posted by king_450

  1. [ November 16, 2003, 12:50 PM: Message edited by: Ameenah ]
  2. Now days i just pick and choose what Thread to read. At first i was skeptical to find out what is all about this thread, but then again i am wondering how can one women know what Every women wants? Surely every women is different! but ppl you've enlightened me! Even though women don't all want the exact same kind of man, they do want certain attributes in every man. My success with women has gone through the roof and I think I have finally figured out just what women really do want!? Not Beauty Not Wisdom, but Mulla that is it Green baby.
  3. Zaki Bro you r 2 much, well he is as you can c his bio, from Ethio , he is a good singer ,especially listen the song "Mystic Groove", and select Real player or MP3 whichever you have.Is late got to bounce out , email me 2morrow, i hope u enjoy the cd.
  4. Lefty that is harsh response, probably you will be responsible for their suicide.
  5. Bashi, true Senator Bird, has changed a lot recently, but he was one the great KKK Dragon Chief, and i still have not heard him say any remorse about his past activities, true he is an old geek now , but he is the holder of the senate Gate.
  6. How life is fragile, may allah pure their soul and help the families they left behind. I thought for a moment it could have been me instead of them.But wasn't God help every immigrant across this universe.
  7. 12- I hope this is the proceeding number, at any way once again i will not pass this opportunity to be heard from me, i am wishing to all of you the Nomads and nomadette in this or abroad to have a Good ramadan and Allah show us the path. Happy Ramadan.
  8. We have to deem demonstrateand or depart this maddness, every topic here is an indication of another missed opportunity. I for one Love to incumbent upon respect what some one is showing herein. Please write big words and more big words if you can't have it just don't read it.
  9. This practice of extracting the brightest ppl from Africa ,or for that matter any where in the world is not new, take a look for example in the states, most of the highly paid medical field specialsist in today's universities run by Foreign born teacheres/scholars etc. At the begining of this year i was in Australia, oh boy most of the nurses in that country are out of towners, i will say atleast 45% are not Aussies, yes they are well paid , but deep down they have left their original countries in self destruction. money matters over anything nowdays.
  10. Nafta, i hear you, i hope people Dig your point, i know i did. So let's come the conclusion of this issue once for all. Nafta really said what most of us have no balls to say, that is hiding behind the Somaliland/Puntland/X-land ,Blanket. So i will be the first to admit , yes i am from, Somaliland/Puntland!, so tell me where are you from, now i hope you get my Groove in here. Be polite but brave or plz kill this unsubstantiated allegations., Who is next?
  11. Rahima , that was a smart choice devide the system by deviding ,the branches ,judicical, legislative and exec,for that assumption only Hargeisa will become the most powerfull city of all,because that is where the law of the land will be decided. But my confidence goes to my birth place, none other than, " Mogadishu "to be the capital of the " Great Somalia "!
  12. Jalyni, no i wasn't taking personal,to the contrary bro. But enlighten me bro, who are your team, or teams for that matter? i know i will do or die with the "R" redskins , and am still hoping the best are kept for last.Oh by the way if any one is Raiders Fan don't be disappointed about last monday night's Game, it was a fantastic game, but Jerry came short of the Goal line but it was a hard faught game, and the best win .
  13. Samurai not long ago ,i went to the State of Mn,thanks to my good friend Zakariye. one night i was watching one of the so many Somali Tv's in Minnsota,and he(the professor) was the guest i am assuming, and they have asked several questions concerning about his run around with the community,and the way it seems to me he somehow was deflecting the question back to the reporter,who i am assuming might have been a sympathetic to the Professor.It went for several minutes without the professor answered the core question,he was blaming almost every one except him, he was the good guy,but after the interview finished i was so amazed how nice the Somali Community in Minnesota are,cz they are tolerating this gimmic and still invite him over and over, in order to show him the good side of the community, and i am very touched by that, so samurai, be nice to ur enememies ,so they might atleast take a lesson from your gentitlity. even though sometime ppl take a weakness for being so nice ,but again Life is too short let be gone by gone,and remember he is a somali,give him the benefit of doubt.
  14. Nafta, i don't think you r hatred person, but by looking your Avator, i can see only Love and Kisses, enough for that,and let me get back to the core issue of this topic. For instance, if better is the main issue here then i have to side with the principle aspect of this matter,yes i King am better a lot of you in so many ways, likewise a lot of you might be better a lot of other ways then me,, so for that there shouldn't be any fuss for the Word "Better " itself.But if what we are talking about is The Reunification of the South & North,then the matter should be left to the people to decide as free elected democratic society,let the ppl who live in these Terretories make the ultimate Judgement to their life, no one here pays one's bill,so who made us to be judgemental about what Somaliland or Puntland, or X-land for that matter wants. Let the ppl Vote and make their choice, the last timewe have a Dictatorship in Somalia, we all know what went wrong.So Chill Y'all.
  15. Jaylani that is harsh, calling The Real Nfl Team Deadskings, Yes we have been loosing some taugh game, but one must never give up,otherwise you will never be counted, dead or alive you have to stand for your team. And raiders wow i know Jery Rice is the best Nfl receiver and he still is the secret weapon for the Raiders.they might win but kansan is taugh team too, so we will see how it folds at the end of the game.Plz don't call my team deadsking, but Redskins. peace see you in superbowl.
  16. WHITE WOMEN.....they have the ability to think and understand things clearly and logically SOMALI WOMEN.... they have the ability to cook and clean and talk Well lady i don't know if you expect any sane person to respond to you ,or just ignore this media quotation completely.Do you beleive this though?
  17. Playmaker , true it was a bad loss and am still recovering, but overall i still do beleive that the "R" Redskings will make the easter champions ,and go to the Superbowl. For the VIkings man they surprise me so much, they are playing a great game and they are 5-0,one of the leaders in the entire NFL league, and yes today they are playing with another team who are 5-1,so if Viking wins today, I think i need to reorganize my strategy and think wisely. Good luck to all the Redskins Fans and Vikins too.
  18. I have to admit that not long ago, i used to run away the Islamic section, not cz i hate it, but i didn't have much clue about what was going on out here.But i have discovered once again ,to start re-learning all over again about the quran, my goal is to learn all by heart , which i never got chance when i was kid, since i have been most of my childhood in here, but that is not an excuse but the fact, thank God now i am concentrating to learn , since i got the chance , thanks to God. And brother Nur , you are really making this forum a much interesting and i applaud it to you, thank you for your contribution and the rest of you likewise. Now about the Madhabs this is what i have found out, it might shed some light , here is brothers/sisters
  19. I do beleive that ,if the rest of muslims countries have done what Saudi Arabia is practicing this will have stopped Long Long time ago.i do remember still the day that Saudi Arabia announced it will not allow entry of any Follower of Hinduism into Saudi Arabia.And not only Hinduis of India, but for that matter to all Hindus who may be citizens of other countires.Not long ago the Hinuds poured Gas for children/women/men , who are muslims and burned them to nothing is new that we can learn ,but it shows us once again that Muslims need to unite and protect their relegion and rights.
  20. Saying Minority, plz don't accept what you been preached daily, in God's eye, you are not a minority but complete person,but Sue if you keep obeying anything & everything you hear from TV's or your fellow corrupt minded human being, then you definetely at loss. How can we help you raise your morale and your dignity?
  21. Well if you solely basing your reasoning about over 20,000,000 ppl, by a single act , then you have something bigger coming to your way.
  22. This is nice , i am also wishing to each & every one of you a happy happy ramadan and longivity. but also it will be a good idea if the month of ramadan to let each and every one of us know how well you and your family are doing. God Help Every Muslim around the World and in death.
  23. Well the only success so far Amercans have done are the followings 1-They have stolen the Iraqi Treasure 2-They have stolen the Virginity of Iraqi Women,every day they are getting married to Iraqi women like they have never seen a women, that is what america is all about, steal the heart and soul of the Iraqi ppl. 3-Enrich The Jewish State by supplying Iraqi's Oil.
  24. Sue i am touched by your self centered response to this Western Media propoganda,did you know every day these same ppl who are publishing these news papers are also infecting more than any one to thier platant lie,now first this incident even though it is harsh what this man did,have no baring effect to the culture of our good ppl,not what so ever,you don't get discouraged and accept this low life reporting, what this man did is wrong yes, but we somalis don't practice this bad behavior,it is only one incident, but i have seen more cases then this, but they never report it. So stand up and defend ur good name,if you don't do that who you expect to do for you. Somali People are good ppl , either you love them or hate them,but don't listen to these nonsense.
  25. A R A B (now days any one who speaks the language calls him/her ARAB) B A R A (Teach) Some 1 told me the other day how the Arab nations became Joke to the rest of the world, they are rich in History,knowledge,Wealth ,but still can't put their act together. now days they read their names backword, and they become Nations to be taught lessons over and over again. God Help them, but first they need to help themself.