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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Try to watch this slideshow song by Axmed Naaji Sacad. I promise at the end of that presentation, your heart would feel 'something' by seeing your dad, dal, diin, dhaqan, and dhul in peaceful. Just beautiful with a beautiful song. Especially this girl ------> in the song. You will see her picture enlarged, and she undoubtedly seems a true nomad indeed. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  2. Salaan... Libaax, if you are out there bacdal todobaadka arooska even though you are extending it, and if you're reading this, as I know you are VERY busy this week , AWGUURIYO yaqeey. Even though I have an humble question: Why was the aroos held in LONDON??? Is she another nomad too???? Is she???!!! ________________ Macsalaama!!
  3. Salaan... Aw right, maxaa la qarinaa hee ka aheen labadoo gantaalo {perhaps, kor ay u taagan yihiin; perhaps, waaba dhaceen } iyo kuuntadoo sidii cajiin eh iskugu malaasan. Wax kale noo sheega hee. For your all informations, sisters, we had all been shuufing around for a long time. We don't ask your permissions, or whether you put that blind or daah down. We check you by the second. At the sidewalks. At the ruwaayado. At the aroos. At the down-every-possible-place-xaliimo-socializes-at. See waaye, waa shuufeyneynaa miyaa mise waa baashaleynaa. Heey, anaga shaqadeen ma'aha hadii idinka carwada iskeentiin. Hadaba ogaada taas. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  4. Salaan... Nasro, walashiis, that topic hadn't been deleted because at that time, as I understand, there was no qabiil 'policy' in this forum. You can surf back the old archives too, and you might see in there some threads exclusively devouted to qabiil at that time. The qabiil issue was enforced in the beginning of this past summer--with full sweeping, absolute NO TOLERANCE attitude. And so, the topic you're talking about now is instead 'closed' for good. Some nomads weren't comfortable with it, as I heard that, and they complained, but the Admin., always being a fair guy, instead closed it than to delete the whole thread. I personally never cared qabiil. I only cared when Awkoombe or someone like him makes fun ALL of our qabiils. That is the only time I care and I enjoy the laughter. So, if you really like to know my abtirsasho, I would be glad to help you around. But, alas, I couldn't name any further name than my first four names. What is your qabiil by the way????!!! Look at her face??? Relax, marax waaxid fuleey eh. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  5. Salaan... Taqwa, manooleed kaaba? Ay Iisho aa ku raadineysay nooh. Xaajigeey Taqwa-Taraafiko-Temperal yaa arkey lee ku heesay in suuqa Fiya-Eejito. Anigana yaab, I don't know waxaa tusisay yaqeey. Anyway, here is my e-mail: waryaa@go.com And the name is Cabdisa...--Just call me Cabdi for now. :cool: Did I tell you horta inaa miss gareeyi that lecture by Sheekh C/raxmaan Sudeysi? Yeah, with my maraxnimo I did miss it. I only needed his autograph, though--to sell it through ebay and make a little $$, you know. Macsalaama, duqa!
  6. Salaan... Somalia proper has gone through three stages... To begin with, since when was Soomaaliya 'improper?' Goodness. And another thing, why do some folks from that part of the north are obsessed with that region? In here, almost all those who distinguish themselves regionally do hail from the north. It is no coincidence that we do have in here the likes of Northerner, Burco's_First_Lady, Nugaal-Nomad, Hargeysa_Queen, another Burco, Hargeysa-Flex, Wiil-Nugaal, Wiil-Majeert--n, Buhoodle, Ceergaabawi, Puntlander, Wiil-Qardhood, another Hargeyso... What is this obsession with both northwestern and northeastern regions? Kamoon, guys, this is rather getting too much. I have yet to see a person who is using as his/her user name associated with some southern part of the country in this forum. This is rather getting tedious, walaahi. _________________ P.S.: I am from Berbera nooh. Wait a minute, yes, it is Baardheere, mea culpa! And I do know that I am off the topic. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  7. Salaan... atarisho and atoore are indian words... Nah, nuune. Actually those words themselves are English. They are derived from actress and actor respectively. Perhaps, Hindi waxee kasoo dhiitiyeen English, and anaga iyagaa kasii qaadaney. Teeda kale the word rooti is a Hindi word. It is not a Soomaali one. Even the word "shaah" too. I agree with you, though, that luuqada Soomaali is a perfect language, but we abused it. Even though, it is good to borrow foreign words, words that are especially perfect in sounding, like kaasmaayo or qatari saana. Do you also know that the word Banaadir is a Persian word? It is derived from the Persian word of 'bendar,' meaning port. Ingiriisbo fake waaye, so no problem us using luuqad qalaad {hint, hint, Carabi dhehbo }. English wuxuu ka kooban yahey Greek, Latin, Germanic iyo the old French. Inta kale been. ___________________ Macsalaama!!
  8. Salaan... The best Soomaali website I have had ever seen. Absolutely irresistible
  9. Salaan... Seinfeld. A show about absolutely nothing, watched by idlers such as me. Spot on Kramer ________________ Macsalaama!!
  10. Salaan... Soomaali diidoow sicir u dhimo I have nothing to say than that maahmaah. ProudSister: You make me proud, indeed. And hang on there, sister. I am sure there are plenty of silent readers out there who do have that optimist attitude, and have faith in our propitious nation. Soomaali iyo Soomaaliyaba Ilaahaa u gargaaro: Aamiin!! _________________ Macsalaama!!
  11. Salaan... Nuune: Saxiiboow, maalin aaba ka hadlee, anaga yearkii aaba qaatir bilaah laga taagan yahey. See waaye. Markii dhashay, aabaheey geedkii ku hoos dhashay oo tiin-tiinka ahaa uu labadii Carabi kasaayi ku qorey tariiqda. Well, eventually geedkii waala gooyi oo mundul kalaa laga dhisay meesha, marka saxiiboow 01/01, yacni first january aa ku jacbursanaa, adigana day aaba leedahay. By the way, happy belated birthday to all our JANAAYO KOOWDEED KUWII DHASHAY. You have many in your league. by the way, did you guys face difficulties viewing the site these past three days? Ijaarkii aala bixin waaye, waanwaan iyo qaraan aala iska soo aruurinaayi. Aaheey, saas ula socda. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  12. Salaan... Xariir, dankis saxiiboow. Even though when I read that story three years ago, I happened to hear that logic was originally used by a Christian, but still whoever believes in God should rejoice. Back to the topic of explaining the nature of Allah, this aayad from the Quraan always, always, always fascinated me: "Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as {if there were} a niche and within it a lamp: the lamp is in a glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east {i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning} nor of the west {i.e. nor it gets sun-rays only in the afternoon, but it is exposed to the sun all day long}, whose oil would almost glow forth {of itself}, though no fire touched it. Light upon Light! Allah guides to His Light whom He wills. And Allah sets forth parables for mankid, and Allah is All-Knower of everything." {24:35, Suura Al-Nuur} Yaa Allaah!! Subxaanallaah!! Only Allah {s.w.c.} can describe Himself fully. And yes, the aayad concludes that "Allah sets forth parables for mankind..." Allah {s.w.c.} tries best, but our limited mind couldn't reach that Realm of Allah. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  13. Salaan... Originally posted by Tamina: I was soo furious. The station in my city was having a pledge drive which lasted for a duration of few days. :mad: I even called them up and voiced my concern>>>> ITS NOT FAIR!!!!!! (that's how desperate I was).There was nothing they could do for me but if I wanted to donate to feel free to do so. OH paleezeeeeee! Didn't I tell you to come and watch with me? And it wasn't about the station, it was about your JIIB telefashin. I told you years ago to throw that one out. But, baqeelnimaa kugu dishay saas. Hakaa saarto. Midkeyga kugu sadaqeysan doonaa on this Xaj. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  14. Salaan... Originally posted by Loyan: I will see you (Insha Allah) on 2003 What???!! 2003??!! That is soooooo long, maan. We will miss you so much. Come back, baliis. Soo bari saxiibow; even though, in here nomadland, we are still stuck in 1423. :cool: _______________ Macsalaama!!
  15. Hi. My name is Xariif-Xaaji-XuuX-Xoogle. I was born in Dhuusamareeb. Bred in Iskushuban. I am 100-year-old man. I have ten brothers and I-can't-count-now sisters. I am the second oldest man in my family. My mother's name is Xaliimo-Xurbi-Xarish. My father's name is Xaasid-XaaX-Xam-Xam. I like to watch good movies. I like to read. I like to hang out with my friends and......... Heeeeeeeeeeey, are you listening to me, or what??? I see I already bored you to death. But, didn't you say you can write anything on this spot. You better listen to me then. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  16. Salaan... Originally posted by Silent_Guy: MMA (shactaroole numero 1, thought he was an old bold guy with a belly but to my surprise I have seen in one thread him mentioning that he was in intermediate level B4 the civil war } Widayoow, see camaleeto yaqeey. Homer Simpson maa iga dhigtey. A 'bald' guy with a 'belly.' LoooooooooooL. Iga qaleey saxiiboow. This is not fair. Aawey dadkii i arkey? I mean in REAL person. Kamoon out. __________________ I admire Taqwa. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  17. Salaan... Originally posted by Ilhaam: And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. Do you mind showing me around, baliis? I still didn't figure that one out. Baliis this newbie. Ad, welkam. I hope others had already answered your questions. ________________ P.S.: Do not mind today of my tip-toing because of my unfamiliar territory I am in. Someone THOUGHT I was a "middle-aged" man. So, I am making clearly myself that I am NOT only 'middle-aged,' but also a TEEN. And to prove that I have to be in this room. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  18. Salaan... Originally posted by Ilhaam: And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. Do you mind showing me around, baliis? I still didn't figure that one out. Baliis this newbie. Ad, welkam. I hope others had already answered your questions. ________________ P.S.: Do not mind today of my tip-toing because of my unfamiliar territory I am in. Someone THOUGHT I was a "middle-aged" man. So, I am making clearly myself that I am NOT only 'middle-aged,' but also a TEEN. And to prove that I have to be in this room. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  19. Salaan... Originally posted by Ilhaam: And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. Do you mind showing me around, baliis? I still didn't figure that one out. Baliis this newbie. Ad, welkam. I hope others had already answered your questions. ________________ P.S.: Do not mind today of my tip-toing because of my unfamiliar territory I am in. Someone THOUGHT I was a "middle-aged" man. So, I am making clearly myself that I am NOT only 'middle-aged,' but also a TEEN. And to prove that I have to be in this room. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  20. Salaan... Originally posted by Ilhaam: And finally, to PM someone you have to click the PM icon next to their name. Do you mind showing me around, baliis? I still didn't figure that one out. Baliis this newbie. Ad, welkam. I hope others had already answered your questions. ________________ P.S.: Do not mind today of my tip-toing because of my unfamiliar territory I am in. Someone THOUGHT I was a "middle-aged" man. So, I am making clearly myself that I am NOT only 'middle-aged,' but also a TEEN. And to prove that I have to be in this room. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  21. Salaan... Lakad, kaaba waran bo? Faytee? Sax!! Ee waxaaga lakiin foori kanjeelo fiya kafiyoore waaye ee bax. Tartiib ugu sheeg nooh martida. Kan usuga yaas kusoo dagi jirey hortibo. Yahuu. Baqeel yaa Baqaariste waaxid. To all our latest new members, our asxaab, first welkam, and baliis heed Lakad's advice: _________________ Mr President, you busted yourself. Who else are YOU out there on the nomadland???? _________________ Macsalaama!!
  22. Salaan... Hawlwadaag Hoose Dhexe. Galaaska Lixaad qabtii markii dhaceysay. Wixii Hawlwadaag Hoose dhigan jirey, xaadir dheh hee xaa sugee. _________________ Jaaw!
  23. Salaan... Hawlwadaag Hoose Dhexe. Galaaska Lixaad qabtii markii dhaceysay. Wixii Hawlwadaag Hoose dhigan jirey, xaadir dheh hee xaa sugee. _________________ Jaaw!
  24. Salaan... How did I miss this movie? Darn! I thought I had a connection in Toronto to know even when a pin drops, but now I might change my inside 'source.' Anyway, this is the movie that got the five stars those people are talking about: And guess what? Judging from the ad., it has one of the finest shactirooliyaal, including Maki Xaaji Banaadir [the guy with the koofiyad barawaani on the large picture}, Awkuuku {Ilaah ha u naxariisto, third from the left} iyo Odey Cabdulle {second from the left} By the way, Ilhaan and Nova, wee inoo talaa. Mala isku sheegaayo yaah, waji kaakiyaal waaxidiin???!!! :mad: