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About QabiilDiid

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  1. Minister of State, Foreign & Commonwealth Office Lord Malloch-Brown: First and foremost, the leaders of Somalia and Somaliland must sit down to try to resolve their differences. Lord Malloch-Brown:-We have had contact with the President of Somaliland, and the Foreign Secretary will meet him. Our position remains the same: first and foremost, the leaders of Somalia and Somaliland must sit down to try to resolve their differences. Beyond that, it is for Africa to take the lead in any change of status that might follow. We certainly cannot overlook the fact that Somaliland is the one part of broader Somalia where there is, at the moment, some reasonable government and development progress. Indeed, some 60 per cent of our development assistance is applied to Somaliland because of the success that is possible there. On Somalia, the fight against piracy is certainly critical. As noble Lords know, we are very much involved in the piracy taskforce; its command centre is here in the UK. Beyond that, we are engaged onshore in Somalia, in the work to stabilise the political situation. There is important progress at the moment and we have been encouraging that with a new President, who has now succeeded in forming a broad-based Government, who have returned to Mogadishu. While there have been ups and downs in security, the basic trend towards a more inclusive politics in Somalia seems to be on course as an outcome of the Djibouti process. source
  2. ururka midnimada soomalida waqooyi oo fadhigoodu yahay nairobi oo soo dhaweeyey hadalka/kuxigeenka riyaale anagoo ku hadlayna inta jecel soomaalinimada iyo midnimada umadda soomaaliyeed meel kastoo ay joogto waxana soo dhawaynaynaa hadalkii ku xigeenka maamulka riyaale ahmed yuusuf yaasiin. waxaanuna soo dhawaynaynaa madaxweyne shariif oo aanu ku rajo waynahay inuu isu soo dhaweeyo soomaalida oo dhan,waxaana ka soo horjeednaa kala go,a iyo kala qo qobka umadda soomaaliyeed.iyo in lakala gooyo soomaaliya anagoo ka soo jeedna gobolada waqooyi ee dalka soomaaliya. Codsi aannu udirayno umadda soomaaliyeed. waxaanu ka codsanaynaa in ummadda soomaaliyeed uu gobol walba isagu gaar ahaantiisa isu xukumo oo uu yeesho maamul hosaad ,oo markaas madaxweyne guud oo umadda soomaliyeed u dhexeeya la doorto . doorasho xor ah oo ay ku midaysan yihin koonfur iyo waqooyi leh la sameeyo. gobolwalbana uu maamulkiisa umadaxbanaanaado,gobolna gobol xukumin, Dowlad guud oo federal ahna lasameeyo, haqsi ka yimi koonfurtana uu san hargeysa xukumin,ama laas caanood,laakiin inay iyagu isxukumaan. waxaan kaloo kula talinaynaa in caddaalad dadka wax loogu qaybiyo koonfurta iyo waqooyi ayna isu furnaadaan hargeysa iyo xamar iyo kismanyo iyo boosaaso iyo dhaamaan gobolada soomaaliyeed oo dhan. waxaan soo dhawaynaynaa maamulada ay madaxda Kayihiin riyaale iyo Faroole waxaana ka codsanaynaa in shir guud oo umadda soomaaliyeed waqooyi iyo koonfur iyo maamulada oo dhan ah la sameeyo halkaasoo dawlada soomaaliyeed oo loo dhan yahay la sameeyo. waxaan kaloo soo dhawaynaynaa hadalkii axmed ee uu shegay in Midnimada SOmlia Muqadas tahay Macquulna ahayn in Somali Lagala Gooyo Xuduudana lagala Samaysto.......halkan ka aqriso hadalkii ahmes yaasiin. 17469 nairobi kenya Boocame Online news warbaahinta Qarniga Cusub!! or Warbixin Sir Ah oo English Ku Qoran Hoos Ka Akhri
  3. ururka midnimada soomalida waqooyi oo fadhigoodu yahay nairobi oo soo dhaweeyey hadalka/kuxigeenka riyaale anagoo ku hadlayna inta jecel soomaalinimada iyo midnimada umadda soomaaliyeed meel kastoo ay joogto waxana soo dhawaynaynaa hadalkii ku xigeenka maamulka riyaale ahmed yuusuf yaasiin. waxaanuna soo dhawaynaynaa madaxweyne shariif oo aanu ku rajo waynahay inuu isu soo dhaweeyo soomaalida oo dhan,waxaana ka soo horjeednaa kala go,a iyo kala qo qobka umadda soomaaliyeed.iyo in lakala gooyo soomaaliya anagoo ka soo jeedna gobolada waqooyi ee dalka soomaaliya. Codsi aannu udirayno umadda soomaaliyeed. waxaanu ka codsanaynaa in ummadda soomaaliyeed uu gobol walba isagu gaar ahaantiisa isu xukumo oo uu yeesho maamul hosaad ,oo markaas madaxweyne guud oo umadda soomaliyeed u dhexeeya la doorto . doorasho xor ah oo ay ku midaysan yihin koonfur iyo waqooyi leh la sameeyo. gobolwalbana uu maamulkiisa umadaxbanaanaado,gobolna gobol xukumin, Dowlad guud oo federal ahna lasameeyo, haqsi ka yimi koonfurtana uu san hargeysa xukumin,ama laas caanood,laakiin inay iyagu isxukumaan. waxaan kaloo kula talinaynaa in caddaalad dadka wax loogu qaybiyo koonfurta iyo waqooyi ayna isu furnaadaan hargeysa iyo xamar iyo kismanyo iyo boosaaso iyo dhaamaan gobolada soomaaliyeed oo dhan. waxaan soo dhawaynaynaa maamulada ay madaxda Kayihiin riyaale iyo Faroole waxaana ka codsanaynaa in shir guud oo umadda soomaaliyeed waqooyi iyo koonfur iyo maamulada oo dhan ah la sameeyo halkaasoo dawlada soomaaliyeed oo loo dhan yahay la sameeyo. waxaan kaloo soo dhawaynaynaa hadalkii axmed ee uu shegay in Midnimada SOmlia Muqadas tahay Macquulna ahayn in Somali Lagala Gooyo Xuduudana lagala Samaysto.......halkan ka aqriso hadalkii ahmes yaasiin. 17469 nairobi kenya Boocame Online news warbaahinta Qarniga Cusub!! or Warbixin Sir Ah oo English Ku Qoran Hoos Ka Akhri
  4. SIILAANYO WAA LOOGA BOODAY..... The north western adminstration is revealing the reality to the local people in steps....step the article below.... If you are seccessionist, take it easy and stay calm when reading.......... 17459
  5. SIILAANYO WAA LOOGA BOODAY..... The north western adminstration is revealing the reality to the local people in steps....step the article below.... If you are seccessionist, take it easy and stay calm when reading.......... 17459
  6. Please visit and take your time to listen to him. Ilaah isaga oo kale ha noo badayo....
  7. Ma qirsan tahay in ay awooddiisa jinsayadeed, karaanka dadnimadiisu, hanaanka uu diintiisa u aaminsan yahay, himiliyoonka uu doonnayo in uu dadkiisa gaarsiiyo intuba ay bilyan goor ka heersareeyaa kuwaaga? Si kale isna waxa uu ku guulaystay in uu isku hayo dad si kasta u kala duwan: af, dhaqan, diin, dareen iyo himilooyin isku cakiran oo aan is qabsan karin, adigu dadkii ugu safisanaa oo wax walba oo ummaddi wadaagta wadaaga ayaad u horseedaysaa in ay kala qobqob naadaan...... Halka aad joogto ayuu kuugu iman mar ay ahaataba, 50 sano, 100 sano haddii aad joojin weydo kala go'a ummadda Soomaaliyeed iyo iska soo horjeedka.
  8. You said nothingness has gone to where?
  9. The world has said no to your nothingness dream. So you are threatening there will be no peace in Somalia if nothingness can not remain nothingness. Poor...
  10. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^Waax kulaa haadlaa ayah iska raabta. Jaar kaa tuul. Ma uurku baalle ayaa tahay, waxa aan iska "raabtu", maxaad ku garatay? :confused:
  11. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Somaliland wants to live peace with a peaceful neighboring coutry of Somalia. Nothingness can only live in peace with nothingness...
  12. Originally posted by Ibtisam: Neither one of you are my buddies. :rolleyes: So, you are neither pro Somali Republic, the only state that matters in the universe, nor with SNM gang’s futile attempt of becoming “a breakaway” sovereignty. Who are you then? What are you doing here?
  13. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Qabiilka, Egypt is one of the biggest opponents to somaliland. Not only now but from the beginning and they always loose. It is a political is rifrif between the two governments. your last hope is Tanzania? How much dollars did waraabe spend in hotels of daralasalaam and the gifts to the front secrtaries of the Minister of Foreigner Affairs of Tanzaia when he was there last month? You see intergovernmental political persuasions and discussions are two way streets. When you say the Tanzanian government should recognize SNM gang as legitimate sovereignty, what if her President PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete as the current leader of AU and who definitely understands the responsibility that comes with such high esteemed position, approaches the gang’s flyer distributor boy (Ducaale) and talks him out of the madness of the futile attempt of dismembering the Somali Republic, will the SNM gang’s figure head (Riyaale) and his assistant respect the decision of the African head of State elders?
  14. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^Since WHEN was Jerusalem YuhuudLand you ignorant ************* :mad: The Zionist need to do jackshid with ignorant Muslims like you spreading their lies. Uuuf Look. Mr. Bright…..let us see if your buddy has enough balls to change her/his bottom line into: Jerusalem, the Republic of Palestine or the capital of United Islamic Countries whichever will not contradict her/his intentions