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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Why, for Reer Sool used to live in Baydhabo in the pre-civil war, waliba iyagoo af Maay jacbursanaayo. Shaneemada kasoo horjeeda masaajidka weyn Jameeco ee buuxi jireen. Hada ka horaa xariifkoo Booroow la dhahaayo dhulkaas u booqday, asxaab ku bartay, his typical struggling day in the first few months used to go similarly like this: Booroow: De'eroow, see haayta. Dacar Waar BOORANOOW waa nabad, ee dee waxaanu heyno majidho. Booroow: Nibid wiyaan De'eroow. Dacar: Waaxay dee nibid? Booroow: War mahaad hadalka niki gagabaneysaa. Dacar: Gaw!! Oo maxaad tidhi Booranoow? Booroow: War mahaad naka ayaareysaa ma Abeydin baad naka Aaleysaa. Dacar: Ka daroo dibbi dhal, ma hadaad... Booroow: Hadiis dhalyana mahaa jarto? Dacar: Gaw!!! Waar iska aamu yaaney aadanuhu kula yaabine... Booroow: War mahaad oratay? Eedan intee joogyaa? ______________ Hakaa saarto Booroow, adigaa isku tagtee meel indhaha faraha lagaa galinaayo. Ar google ee ku jirta sheekada, ee true ma'aha.
  2. Salaan... I didnt makee him that it was all ordained by the lord. Allaahu akbar! I guess Bush isn't alone in that league of God-wanted-me-to-be-president. Oh, wait a minute again, the "lord" is Sir Senaawi, my bad.
  3. Salaan... Going back the topic at hand and we should be brutally honest with ourselves: The deplorable people who live in and around Shabeellada Hoose--waana degmooyinka Afgooye, Awdheegle, Daafeed, Marka, Baraawe iyo Qoryooley--would care less whether invaded and occupied by "gaalo" or living under untamed militiamen controlled by the pearl-eyed, self-proclaimed wadaad, whose militia currently harass and hassle them daily. They have been victims and over-oppressed for far too long. For vast majority of them, I am sure, they are thinking, "Let the so-called gaalo come and both the oppressed and the oppressor feel the heat equally." Thus, rightly or wrongly, C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil is a victim of his own unmaking. When Cismaan Caato and et al. start talking about in defence of "Soomaalinimo" against foreign troops, mainly Amxaar, it makes me giggle for a moment. Where was "Soomaalinimo" in the last 15 years, especially when the majority of his hub (and most of other warlords' weaponry in every region) were bought and bestowed by the same Amxaar/Tigrey to kill and victimize another Soomaali? No sane Soomaali would allow an Amxaar or a Kenyaati soldier to set a foot in our soil, but the likes of Cismaan Caato would be the last to feel Soomaalinimo in this case.
  4. Salaan... Baydhabo yaa ugu horeeyo C/llaahi Yuusuf, aniga waaba yaabee? Mise its "neutral" clan-wise position uu isku haleynoyaa? It isn't even as safe as Xamar now, for it is equally ruled by four warlords {Xaabsade, Saransoor, Madoowe, Shaatigaduud and the upcoming et als}. Yes, Itoobiya would try inay u qabato, but Reer Arlaadi ain't gonna be fooled again. They were first fooled by returning Siyaad Barre's militia. They were again fooled by Caydiid's Salbalaar. No more fooling game and "peace-loving community" label. Toogtaan laga barte laga badiye aa socoto, oo iyagii aaba qolo qolo iyo hebel hebel isku rifooyo. Aw Cabdullaahi should stick with Xamar, and if he is that fuleey, ha iska dhigo jagada "madaxweynimada."
  5. Salaan... waxaan aqaan dhalinyaro leh magacyo somali asal ah, waxay ka neceb yihiina ma leh... Wax lala yaabo, ummad magacyadood Eebe u uumay neceb. Rabiyoow sharafta ha naga qaadin. Marka "cool" waxaa eh in lala baxo magacyada xataa Carabta la bixin, kamid ah "Imtihaan" ama "Imtisaar" ama "Ummayma." Nothing saddens me markaa arko Soomaali la baxaayo magacyo Carabeed that has nothing to do with diinta. Abaadir, abaa magacyo waa laguu hayaa iyagoo buux eh, mida koowaadna aad iyo aad aan ugu faraxsanahay magac Soomaali in aad u bixisid awlaadaada, ha ugu horeysee wiilkaa dhalan doono, Eebe haduu idmo. {Waana laguu hambalyeeye.} Hadaa magacyada Soomaaliyeed u noqdo, Guuleed iyo Liibaan waa magacyada aan ugu jeclahay, laakiin kuwaana fiiriba: Qamaan Hanad Abshir Abyaan Kaafi Keenaan Bootaan Mataan (inkastoo u badi ciyaalka mataanaha loo bixiyo) Keer Dalmar Dubad Deeq Deer Sharmaarke Geedi Kulmiye Raabi Raage Mise the old ones: Samatar Warsame Xareed Samawado Saxardiid Sugule Xaashi Rooble
  6. Salaan... An international fanfare incident occured in '77 at our own capital. Indeed many of us were born after that fateful event and few of us heard it. Albeit coming across the then new information two years ago, here, for your knowledge, is that eventful day: On October 13, 1977, Lufthansa Boeing 737, bound for Frankfurt, is hijacked by Palestinians shortly after take-off. The plane is diverted to Rome's Fiumicino Airport. Almost all of the passengers are German vacationers. Including the crew, there are 91 hostages. The hijackers' leader called himself "Captain Mahmoud", and was subsequently identified as a notorious international terrorist*, Zohair Youssef Akache. He ordered the aircraft captain to fly to Fiucimino airport in Rome, where the airliner was refueled. From Rome, the airliner set off eastwards and landed at Larnaca in Cyprus at 2038. Here, "Mahmoud" demanded that the aircraft be refueled again, or he would blow it up, the first of many threats to use explosives. After refueling, the airliner took off and overflow various Middle East countries. Permission to land at Beirut was denied and the runaways were blocked, so it was taken on to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf where the same thing happened. It was flown on to Dubai,where, despite being refused permission to land, the crew were forced to do so for lack of fuel. At one point at Dubai the airliner lost power and the temperature inside rose to over 120 degrees F (49 degrees C); many of the passengers, some of them quite elderly, became very distressed. While here, the crew managed surreptitiously to signal that there were four hijackers. Then on Sunday, October 16, the airliner suddenly took off, only 40 minutes before the first deadline for blowing iy up. It was refused permission to land in Oman and arrived over Aden airport with sufficient fuel for another 10 minutes' flying. Despite warnings from air traffic control, the aircraft was brought down safely on the taxi track. PILOT EXECUTED By now conditions inside the aircraft were very bad, and "Mahmoud" was acting in an increasingly unpredictable and unstable manner. Jurgen Schumann, the pilot, was allowed to leave the airliner to check the undercarriage, and disappeared for a few minutes. When he returned he was taken to the first class cabin and made to kneel on the floor; "Mahmoud" then shot him in the head, killing him instantly, directly as a result of Schumann's earlier, successful effort to feed information about the terrorists to authorities. The next morning the co-pilot, Jurgen Vietor, took off and flew the airliner to Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. There, German government spokesmen contracted the hijackers and said they were prepared to release 11 terrorists held in jail and fly them to Mogadishu; "Mahmoud" postponed his deadline to 0145 hours the next morning (October 18). THE RESCUE A 30-stromg contingent from GSG 9 was in the air within hours of the hijacking and arrived in Cyprus just as the Boeing 737 was taking off. Following a brief discussion with the Cypriot police, the GSG 9 team took off in their aircraft again and returned, via Ankara, to Frankfurt. Meanwhile, a second aircraft containing Hans-Jurgen Wischenewski, West German Minister of State, psychologist Wolfgang Salewski, and another 30-strong group from GSG 9, led by their commander Ulrich Wegener, had left West Germany and gone to Dubai. From there they went to Mogadishu, where they were given permission to land. In Mogadishu, Wischenewski took over discussions with the hijackers. As the 1600 hours deadline approached and it was clear the "Mahmoud" would in all probability carry out his threat to blow up the aircraft, the German minister said that the 11 prisoners would be released. "Mahmoud" gave them until 0245 hours the following morning to produce the 11 at Mogadishu. At 2000 hours the first group of GSG 9 who had gone to Cyprus and then returned to Germany arrived in Mogadishu and the rescue briefings began. At 0205 hours, just 40 minutes before the deadline, Somali troops lit a diversionary fire ahead of the aircraft. Two hijackers went to the cockpit to assess its significance, whereupon the tower contracted them by radio and started to discuss the conditions of the exchange. They said it would commence in the near future, when the aircraft arrived from Germany with the released prisoners on board. At 0207 precisely the emergency doors over the aircraft wings were blown open and members of the rescue party tossed in some "stun grenades." The men of GSG 9, with two British SAS men lent by the British government, had reached the aircraft and climbed onto the wings completely undetected; the hijackers (and the hostages) were taken by surprise. The men of GSG 9 rushed into the aircraft shouting to the hostages to keep down on the floor, and opened fire on the hijackers. "Mahmoud" was fatally wounded in the first few seconds, but managed to throw two hand-grenades before he died; fortunately, their effects were cushioned because they rolled beneath seats. One of the women terrorists died also and the second man was wounded inside the aircraft but died outside in a few minutes later. The second woman, Suhaila Sayeh, was wounded but did not die. Meanwhile, the passengers were herded off the aircraft through the doors and emergency exits; three hostages had been wounded, but none was killed. The operations ended at 0212 hours and was entirely successful. GSG 9 had proved itself and the men received a well-merited heroes' welcome when they returned to Germany. Sources:1 2 ______________ The only survivor of the four hijackers at Xamar _________________ *As the aphorism goes, one man's terrorist is another man's...
  7. Salaan... goormaa kushineeto iyo beyruut gaareysaan.. Ar gish gish gish gish {waa qosloyaa xaa iga fiirinee}. Ar "beyruud" aan maqlo shimee igu danbeysay walaahi, xataa maskaxdeyda sidii Windows 95 ee process u sameysay xabaar ee qaadatay memory aa iska yaree. Laakiin ma taqaanaa sababta loogu bixiye "beyruud"? Hint hint "Liibaan" meel la dhaho waagaas qarax iyo qub iyo qash ee ahaan jirtay oo Bakhdaadka maanta waaye, marka beyruud saas aa loogu bixiye aan u maleynaa, ar ciyaal xamaraa. Teeda kale dowlada hoosta aa u gilin jirnay ka waran, waxaa qaadi jirnay ciyaalkeena: Aw waraaboow Hee Hargeysa aantee? Haa!! Xamar kidarba!!! Maanta waa ka shaleynay oo Xamarna waa lagu daray. Wiilo, adiga abaayadiis "boojo" iyo "warbac" ma ciyaari jirtay, koleey wax walba "Buuma" aa u gishatee. Ar maxaa wariiri la ii duugay intaa warbac soo jibi is dhahaaye, xaaaax.
  8. Salaan... Horta dadkaan waaba iga yaabiyeen. Meesha labada "land-dheere" iyo kuwa Muqdisho xooga ku heysto kaliya miyaa Soomaaliya dhan. Inta kale "muufo" waaye miyaa. Iyaah, waraaba jiro, ee waraa jiri doonee wiishkalee ha yeeroow bilaash maloo dhihin. Dadka dego Sh/Hoose, Baay, Gedo, Jubbada Hoose, Jubbada Dhexe, Bakool iyo Hiiraan {or Hiiraan iyaga dadka Muqdisho xooga ku heysto aa lagu daray aa filaa} bilaash miyaa oo meeshii labada "land" aadaan iyo Muqdisho maa u cad bas? Walaahi dadkiina ruwaayad aa ku heysiin meesha. Magoow af {mise gacan waaye now} waa heysiin, awalba waxaa la dhahay: Af waakoo mey liki aamee!!!!!!!!
  9. Salaan... How come we've missed the biggest Somali-achieving "emperors" that can forever claim the undisputed fame and prestige of being the only Soomaali people to rule over almost all other Somali-inhabited lands for more than 400 years. They were Soomaali. So far in this thread, I hadn't seen anyone write or mention them yet. Ajuuraan Sultanate Those Soomaali leaders' feat achieved what no precedent or later comer would ever accomplish. Their reign swayed a vast land--ruling from central capital of Qalaafe in Soomaali Galbeed, their umatched domain extended beyond what is now Muqdisho, Hobyo, as far north as Boosaaso, as far south as close to Jubbada, including the in-between provinces now known as Hiiraan, Shabeelooyinka, Baay, Gedo, NFD {which Kenya occupies now}, Galgaduud, Mudug, Bakool {and did I mention Soomaali Galbeed yet?}--oh, dear, they ruled and achieved what we have yet to achieve--a complete Soomaali unity ruled by a Soomaali dynasty. Finally, maryooleey couldn't stand burdened with the enormous amount of taxation that was as foreign. With the involvements of each clan and tribe conspiring, they were finally crushed, and with that, vanquished with history's dustbin. Their last "czar" was a man named Olol Diinle and his Mustaxiil, I believe. Some of their remnant "sultanate" was later inherited by Geledi Sultanate, one of collaborator clans that annihilated and dismembered the majestic realm. The latter itself ruled, from Afgooye, for aproximately 150 years a large junk from Gedo in the west to as far as Baraawe in the south. If we only could have recorded the unfolding history back then.
  10. Salaan... weli waxaan la yaabanahay garaangar aa fuusto laga sameeyaa Ee dhab eeba kaa tahay miyaaba. In aad nagu qufeysid aa ku mooday, hadii qof saan camal garaangar u goysay tahay, ee marka B T J X aa laguugu dhigaa. Laba nooc garaangar aa jiri jiray, mid fuusto laga sameeyo iyo midka laga sameeyo gaarigee ciyaalka ku socod baran jireen {the old kind of baby walkers}. Tan fuustada ah, fuustada dhan ma laga sameeyo oo labada af ee wareega eh mise ha ahaato mida ugu koreyso mise mida ugu hooseyso, midkood aa laga goyn jiray. Saa u aragtid fuustada, kan wareega ugu koreeyo camal aa laga sameen jiray Garaangarta laga sameen jiray gaariga ee ciyaal socodka ku baran jireen aa la xiiseen jiray ama laga jeclaa kan fuustada qaraabnimo u ekaa, waana ka casriyeysanaa. Waxaa laga sameen jiray gaariga hoostiis meesha wareega eh oo lugaha ku yaalaan aa waxaa ku jirtay bir wareegsan, birtaas aa laga bixin jiray. Kuwa noocaan eh camal oo waagii hore ahaa, kuwa hada cusub badankood sadex geesood sidii sanbuus camal waaye, kuwaas ma laga sameen karo oo wareeg ma'aha Garaangarta gacan ma lagu wadi jirin, lugaha baabuurta aa gacan lagu wadi jiray, laakiin garaangarta fiilo la qaloociye oo loogu tala galay aa lagu wadi jiray. Ugu danbeyn saas camal ee u wareegsanayd
  11. Salaan... The "gaalo" Talyaani paid their due respects, burying our brothers and sisters--who died of hunger, who drowned at the sea--in Rome in a not that far distant memory. More And what the "wadaado" did to long dead bodies, possibly some of those people's forefathers, was barbaric and unfortunate the least. Anybody who has an iota of bini aadenimo in his/her heart would be upset waxaan ayaandarada iyo waxooshnimada eh lagula kacay dad aan is difaacin karin. It disgusts me.
  12. Salaan... garaangar- dhaxdiisa inaan galno aan buur iska soo tuuri jir Maanta wax la soc socdaba garaangar dhexciis aa la galay, dalaq. Maxaa ku xigo, tiintiin aa ku dhex dabaalanoyaa?? Teeda kalena Jalaato Asad, Jalaato Tibtob {TipTop}, Jalaato Jaangow, Jalaato Jubba...lee maqli jiree, jalaato canbana ma jirtay? Maxaa kale ku jiro markii canbaha laga saaro? Armee "mango shake" lee tahay?
  13. Salaan... To some, their lives revolve around qabiil. Indoctrinated in their clan’s unfounded and unquestioned myth the day they spoke, you can’t reason with them. Their cocooned lives were unfortunately constrained to "clan-circle"--friends being the same clan, avoiding the "strangers" and being hardly suspicious about other Soomaalis, it isn’t easy to reason with them. They are enthusiastic to know one’s qabiil before they befriend with the person. Those characteristics are embodied by the feelings of mum the moment an "outsider" randomly joins their not-so unsuspecting group {read clan} conversation. The discerning ones are quick to change the subject, others’ uncomfortable silences say it all. For the folks like those, you can let them live in their cocoons, which they have every right to. They are largely minority, but, alas, they have a well-constructed vocal voice that few can confront. Marka we will see where it goes. I, however, personally do not give a crap about clan loyalty, starting with my own. I can proudly say that I never ever paid clan "qaaraan," which you never know where it goes, even if it is advertised positively. The bizarre border where clan loyalty stops is never questioned until a brother kills his blood brother. The moment the suspicious "stranger" factor is out of the picture, I against my brother begins. This qaaraan episode reminds what happened to this individual I personally know in London a several years ago. A sick warlord came for a medical check-up to London, and "clan-circle" started a grand qaaraan lagu daaweeyo. He got well, went back to his fiefdom. A few months later, he and his minions clashed, the same major clan-circle, this time disoriented into sub-clan level, broke into two groups, each vying the support of one side, organized two separate qaaraan to support the erstwhile sick warlord and his opponents {or even take him out of the picture ( read "kill")}. My friend was summoned up to pay his share, this time in sub-clanish level. He protested, telling them it was only a short while ago that they were paying his medical bills, saving his life and now they want to terminate him. What a world! What a tribal nonsensical world!
  14. Salaan... Shaqada ugu xun, aha. Well, let's see which tops this one: They are Soomaali, working on your "xaa-xaa-xaaar" in buckets and then putting them on that booyad each night It happens in Wajeer, NFD. 100,000 shuudkooda ee habeen walba qaadaan. Rafaadkooda ma yaro. "The smell is overpowering as they move the buckets" From BBC, the The unsung heroes of Wajir.
  15. Salaan... Alle-u-baahne, yaanan Eebe u baahneen, lol, macalinka weyn ma aqrisay waxaa qoray aniga? Ma aqrisay ujeedadaan @#$&% OFF! micnaheeda ugula lahaa? Xataa mowduuca {the title} ma ahayn my words, waxaa kasoo guuriye dirito from that forum. In aan quotation {" "} giliyo aan rabay, laakiin system forumka ah ayaa ii diiday, marka aniga naftirkeey ayaaba aad ugu xanaaqay "Itoobiyaanka foosha xun" saas in ee nooga hadlaan, oo waxaa rabay in aa idin tusiye kaliya, oo waana aragtaa @#$&% OFF! aan ku iri. Waad ku qaldantahay arintaan aad soo gudbisay ee fadlan waxaad dadka weydiisataa cafis iyo inaad naga raali galisid, dadku waa qaldami karaan. Haye, waa yahay widaayoow, adiga iska biloow i cafi hee, inkastoo danbiga aan galay cirka iyo dhulka meel uu kasoo jeedo aanan ogeyn.
  16. Salaan... Ma "village" maa la isku heysaa? Yaab badanaa. This is one Bacaadweyn I've found. I don't know who controls it, though it seems it is located north of Gaalkacyo.
  17. Salaan... Horta wax is weydiis ma xumee, yeena Itoobiya xukumin maanta? Intaas oo qabqable we have, few are outside Itoobiya's web. Itoobiya daraad SSDF, SNM, USC iyo SPM ee wadatay. Itoobiya shaleey Xaaji Masale's SNF, Shaatigaduud's RRA, Moorgan's SPM iyo finally tutigood waxee iskugu keentay waxee SRRC ugu wacday. Itoobiya maanta C/llaahi Yuusuf's "government," Riyaale's "administration," Sheydhaan Aadan Madoowe's RRA in Bakool, Hiiraan's three different "governors," Bari's "president" Xaashi, Maxamed Dheere's "governorship" of Jowhar, kuligood ee dusha ka wadaa. Waxa kaliya ka maqan waa Xamar, wadaadka wareersan u taliya Sh/Hoose iyo nus Jubbooyinka. Gedo nus ee ka heysaa, Galgaduud iyo Mudug hal bari ma u ugu daaheyso, oo waaba xuduudka. Itoobiya xataa maka fakan kuwa waxba heysan kamid yihiin Xasan Abshir, Deeroow, Mowliid Macaane, Muunye iyo Hilowle Iimaan Cumar. Marka haddee xaalada saas noqotay oo wada qabsan rabto dalkii, iska dhaafee Soomaali Galbeed ku filaan weysay, ee xaalada waxee noqonee "by all means." Addis Ababa in qabta laga bilaabe ma'ahee sida Xamaas Tel Abiib u gisho, oo qiil qiil la giliyo rajiimkiis si kale maku istaagaayo eygaas Sanaawi la dhaho oo Lambar Afar daarad ugu taalay, oona ku daganaa canshuurtii Soomaalida laga qaaday, baasaboor Soomaali diblomaasi ku socon jiray, maantana axsaankiis saas haduu noqday wuu ka shalayn doonaa.
  18. Salaan... I am sorry inkastoo masiibo meeshaan ku qoran tahay, I couldn't pass without not laughing at that particular picture. Is jeclaa igaarka. The mentality of telefoon iyo telefashin la isku hor masawiri jiray wali mala aaminsan yahay, xataa qof Odhawa dagan. Mish macquul. Eebana ha u wada naxariisto intii masiibada ku dhimatay, aamiin. The small island far left is Xaafuun
  19. Originally posted by Action Jackson: MMA,,, can you get the correct URL of the Ethio... forum.. seems like its down or something.. Duqa, it seems to be down, maba ogi sababta, xaleey lee caadi ahayd meeshaas. Laakiin fiiri <A HREF="http://www.google.ca/search?q=cache:3ptDa9ayu7QJ:www.ethioindex.com/medrek/viewtopic.php%3Fp%3D37297++site:http://www.ethioindex.com+Somali&hl=en&client=firefox-a ">this old thread too, cached from google. And if you wants the URLs, here it is, but still, it isn't working: http://www.google.ca/search?q=cache:fD9CggaLIxgJ:www.ethioindex.com/medrek/viewforum.php%3Ff%3D1+ethioindex+forum&hl=en&client=firefox-a
  20. Salaan... Folks, I was searching something related to Soomaalis, and quickly came across this thread ee ila aqriya bal: In the city I live in there are so many Somalis. I like my brothers and sisters from the East and nor do I have any hard feelings but why why why do they have to talk so loud all the time in public... I just spent 30 minutes at a coffee place during lunch to catch up on some reading and there was this Somali guy half way across this big sitting area and everyone, I mean everyone in the coffee shop could hear him talk on the phone. Of course, we don’t know what he was talking about and I don’t care but why does he have to talk so loud? It was so embarrassing. This is what gives us bad names. The problem is, the white {bolds mine} folks can’t tell the difference between Ethiopians and Somali and take as the same. I am embarrassed!!! By another Amxaar/Tigrey poster: I was trying to buy a phone card, Man it tooks me a long time to talk to the grocery store owner. These two gentel men from somali never stop talking. It is hard to interrupt. they don't care about you unless, you keep your mouth open like them. I think they have a luck of respect for others. I don't mean all somalis. You can't compare them with our poeple. Our people have more discipline and respect to others better than any other African countries. From an Itoobiyan forum. _____________ PS, to those who wrote the above sentences, just in case you are reading now as I happened to yours: @#$&% OFF!
  21. the differences between a jilbaab and an abaya When Soomaali people talk about "jilbaab" and "abaya," only two styles come to mind, which is: When a Soomaali says jilbaab, what s/he means is what this lady is wearing. Other Muslims have different, wider meansings for this word. This is the Soomaali interpretation of the word "abaya." It is this one Saudi style that most comes to mind. Soomaali sisters do not wear this, safe for few sisters that live in Saudi Arabia. When a Soomaali says "khmar" or khamaar in Soomaali, this is what they mean, the head covering only. It is also called in Soomaali "sifaleeti." When Soomaalis talk about "hijab" this is what they mean, that head-to-shoulder covering. In Soomaali, it is spelled xijaab. This being a Soomaali-style of covering. Most of our ladies cover like this, like the two ladies on far right. how is a hajib properly worn? What sorts of restrictions are on the style of these pieces It depends on who you ask. It is generally agreed, though, that the hair, neck and shoulder is standard covering of hijab. And those women you saw wearing "Calvin Klein scarves," to them, at least, they are thinking they are wearing "proper" hijab. As it is said, each has her own interpretation. We have no reason or intention to judge, and they are plenty ingorant folks who rush to do so.
  22. Salaan... It truly and finally dawned on me the true definition of "global village" the other day. I was online MSN and my sister and her children came online with her camera turned on at their home in Xamar. I would have never expected this sooner to happen a house in Xamar hooked to the Internet 24 hours a day and on camera and voice-chatting. Magoow waala hormaray.
  23. Salaan... Hada kahor aan aqriye qoraalkaan aan soo guurin doono oo aan ka aqriye magasiin ama joornaal la dhaho Haboon {ku magac fiicanaa} oo laga helo dhamaan meelahee Soomaalida ku oofan tahay, laakiin laguna daabaco Miniyaanabolis. Aqriso wacan. ________________ Taariikh ahan hab dhaqameedka guursiga gabdhaha Soomaaliyed waxa uu ahaa mid soo taxnaa intii Soomaaliya jirtay, waxaana uu u kala baxaa mid dhow iyo mid khaas ah. Guurka dhow waa kan xigtadu is guursato, kan dheerina waa kan labo qof oo abtiris ahaan kala fogi isguursadaan, waana kan Soomaalidu jeceshahay. Nooc kasta ha noqdee, hab dhaqanka guurka dumarka Soomaaliyeed waxa uu soo maray qaabab iyo marxalado badan oo aad u kala duwan, kuwaas oo iskugu jira kuwan caam ah oo lagaga dhaqmo dhamaan geyiga Soomaaliyeed iyo kuwa ku eg meelo gaar ah. Waxaa tusaale ahaan usoo qaadan karnaa kugu ugu waa weyn, oo kala ah: Boojaal, labixida hablaha, dumaalida, bixinta hablaha, qoofaalka, hareenka, udub-qabsi, qudba-sireeda, IWM. Boojaal: Waxaa uu ahaa qab dhaqameed guursi aad u qalafsanaa, kaas oo la kala dhici jiray gabdhaha iyo xoolaha ay la joogto, kadibna sidaas baa lagu guursan jiray, xurmo iyo xiddidnimo midna malahayn, waxayna keeni jirtay iska hor imaadyo dhiig ku daato. Taasi maanta waa mid dabar go'day dalka Soomaaliyeed. Qafaalka Hablaha {dhabar garaac}: Waxa uu ahaa guursi aad u qalafsan oo gabdhaha xoog lagu muquunin jiray, taas oo go lagu ridan jiray ama faras fankiis lagu qaadi jiray, inkasto oo u dhac ahaa hadana gabdhaha sidaas lagu guursado, waa la is kula xiddi jiray. Nooca guurkani waa mid maanta ka sal guuray dalka Soomaaliyeed. Heeranka Hablaha: Waxa uu ahaa qaab guursi hore oo hablaha Soomaaliyeed iyaga oo calaf doon ah inta ay reerkooda ka tagaan bay cido kale u tagaan. Inta badan hablahaas xil weyn baa la iska saari jiray, siiba duqayda reerkaas. Waxayna siin jireen raga fiican oo ay hubaan in ay gabdhaha si fiican u dhaqaan. Gabdhaha habkan lagu guursado si fiican baa loogu xiddidi jiray. La Bixida Hablaha {La Roorka}: Waa qaab guursi caan ah oo illaa maanta ka jira dalka Soomaaliyeed, miyi iyo magaalaba, marka hore way isa shukaansadaan ka dibna way isla baxaan. Waxaana la isla tagaa meel masafo ah oo lagu meheriyo. Dumaal: Waa hab dhaqan guursi ah oo muddo soo taxnaa illaa hadana si caam ahaana ugu jira dhulka Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa uu dhacaa markii naag nin leh uu ka dhinto, waxa naagtii dumaala marxuumka walaalihiis ama xigtadiis. Qudba Sireed: Waa guur qarsoodi ah oo ee ay og yihiin labada is guursatay, wadaadka wax mehershay iyo markhaatiyaasha oo keliya. WAana waxa ay ku heshiiyeen labada is guursatay, taas oo laga yaabo in ka baqeen ragbasho dhaca sida xaasaska kale. Udub Qabsi: Waa hab gabadhu inta ay nin dush ka jeclaato gasho ninka gurigooda, waxayna ay qabsataa udub-dhexaadka ama sariirtiisa, waxaan caado inta badan ah in halkaas gabadha lagu meheriyo ama xaal weyn la siiyo. Nooca guurkani illaa hada wuu jiraa. Bixinta Hablaha: Waa hab dhaqan guur ee soo taxnaa muddo dheer, illaa maantana waa mid si caam ahaan ah ugu jira dalka Soomaaliyeed. Soomaalidu waxa ay gabdhaha isu siiyaan siyaabo faro badan, hadaan tusaale idiin siiyo waxaa kamid ah: Doonis: Waa gabadha la bixiyo kadib markii labo beelood ay isu soo gole fariistaan, isna weydiistaan gabadhaas. Waxaa gabadhaas laga qaadan jiray gabanti, waxaana loo dhigi jiray dadab oo ayahd in gabadha iyo ninka la siiyey ay isku arkaan. Godobtir: Si loo soo af jaro colaada labo beelood waxaa dhici jirtay in marka magta la bixinaayo la raacsiiyo gabar godobtir ah oo la siiyo wiilasha reerka dhibaatadu gaartay, halkaas oo midkood guursado. Waxaa bixiyo reerka eedaysanaha ah halkaas oo inta badan xiriir wanaagsani dhexmaro dhibahana iyo eedaysanaha. Xigsiisan: Waa naagta oo dhimatay walaasheed oo la siiyo ninkii ay ka dhimatay haddii uu nin fiican yahay. Ku Xamaynta: Waa hablaha oo la siiyo dadka Soomaalidu aad u qadariso madaxda hogaamo dhaqameedka ah, sida: ugaas, suldaan, culimada iyo qofkii uu waalidku damco, iwm. Xurmada Xiddidka: Xurmada xiddidku waa waxa ugu muhiimsan oo qiimo iyo qaayo weyn ku leh dhammaan ummada Soomaaliyeed meel kasta ee joogaan, belad iyo baadiye, dibeda iyo dalkaba. Dadka xiddidka ah waxa ugu weyn ee inta badan dhexmara waxa kamid ah dad, hanti iyo xiriir wacan. __________________ Haboon, Agoosto 2004.
  24. Salaan... These "biased" {read above} and "jealous of the new ministers" xildhibaano are the same people who voted C/laahi Yuusuf into presidency two months ago, and they were applauded. Now they are exercising their xuriyad, dacaayad aa lagu sameynaa. For our information, they were 200 or so xildhibaano in that decision making day. More than 150 voted kalsooni in laga noqsado dowlada, two were against and the rest abstained. I don't think 150 of them all were "jealous." Some of course were, but some other significant members had a legitimate concerns too. Axdiga kumeelgaarka waa lagu tuntay, starting from the day wasiirka koowaad la magacaabay. Some were against wasiirada tirada badan, where one wasaarad was divided into three branches just to satisfy and find a position for a suu and hoobiye owner.
  25. Salaan... The xildhibaano {I don't know qof ee xil dhab ah u hayaan} are simply extending their "vacation" time in Neyroobi, thus voting kalsooni kala noqoshada dowladaan xataa umusha ka bixin. Now, another around, another month of "consultation" that will possibly be held at New Stanley, at Corner House, etc, by again naming the old ministers, same old faces with new shirts, if at all. Who needs to go to a dusty and hot Soomaali city when you are vacationing in the ultimate comfy beds of the likes 680 iyo Hilton hotels. The only people who are surely happy about this fiasco are Kiinyaati businessmen, those who own those hotels. I hope he, the ra'iisul wasaaraha, changes wasiirada this time, making them limited to maximum 20 important wasaarado, and starting from wasiirka arimaha dibada, that guy who flew to Amxaar kingdom of Addis Ababa the very moment he was named, "signing" mutual relationships and "treaties" shouldn't be in that position.