Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^I could be on of them Sheh I login in to FB today after one or more month. I usually login in when someone add me as their friend.
  2. ^Those who were born in Mogadishu don't call it Mogadishu, it is Xamar Cadeey to them. I wish you the best too kid. Lets be nice now.
  3. AfricaOwn...Be little more original kid. Don't repeat what I said. Maalin wanaagsan...I gotta split too but so still love the kid
  4. ^Waraa isku camiraada jooji...freaking southerners
  5. Lazy--I think Africaown is suffering from battered wife syndrome..always coming back to his abuser for comfort and acceptance You abused him enough. Free the poor soul.
  6. ^Then be on your way, and go to your people and leave Somalis to themselves..War Bisinka
  7. Ibti ..Bravo Dear. Ilaahe ajar hakaasiiyo all your efforts!
  8. ^I'm well dear, and yes did xiis for you badly. My neighbor north of me qararac ii keene, other than that all is dandy Lazy...Ka qalee inanka waa gadaal ka gaar. Waa JB inoo cashar soo siiyaa how to mingle with the rest of Maryooley though JB Rambo uu noqdo labadan bari baa leedhahe. He is 'deporting' people aa la yiri
  9. ^Well for one, you are bad guest, secondly you frequent Somaliaonline which makes me think you are either insecure, need hug or home or dare I say need 'to be claimed". Be good guest, and stop agitating our people Lazy is just here to be among her fellow Somali citizens, so stop bugging her. We welcome foreigners but they must behave
  10. AfricaOwn ..I'm glad you are proud and happy about country, but what are you doing at foreign site anyway and why you have the need to convince us foreigners that you are "gone for good" ?. We don't have the need to come Somaliland sites to yap about Somalia's existence. Hello Lazy.
  11. Originally posted by Cara: Maybe your boy had a bad case of indigestion? Nah, he saw twinkle in your eyes-a rare moment, it was cute, he said. Now drop the tough exterior shell thing P.S. Somehow,Somalia look in better shape than SOL.
  12. Che -Guevara


    Originally posted by Norf 1: Nice place. Friendly people (waaban la yaabay just how friendly the people are). Our cos up north are over medicated. That's why.
  13. Garyaqaan Somali ah oo ku biiray Maxkamada Hegue 7 Nov 7, 2008 - 9:12:30 AM Qaramada Midoobay ayaa markii ugu horreysay u dooratay garyaqaan Somali ah inuu ka mid noqdo garsoorayaasha Maxakamdaa caalamiga ee Hegue, kaasoo la dhaarin doono Febuary 2009. Garyaqaanka Somaliga ah oo lagu magacaabo C/qawi Axmed Yuusuf ayaa wuxuu ka guulaysatay tartamayaal ka socda Afrika iyo caalamka intiisa kale, isagoo helay codadka 116-dal oo ka tirsan kuwa UN-ka. Ku xigeenka wakiilka Somalia ee UN-ka Ciid Badal Max'ed oo goobjoog ka ahaa dorashada uu kusoo baxay C/qawi oo dhacday xalay [Nov 6, 2008] oo u waramayay BBC-da ayaa sheegay in codad buuxa uu helay C/qawi. "Ilaa shan wareeg ayaa la qabtay doorashooyinka, intaba waxaa ugu codad badnaa garyaqaanka Somaliga ah, waxaan ugu dambeyn lagu dhawaaqay guushiisa" ayuu yiri Ciid Badal isagoo intaas raaciyay in dalal Afrikaan ah ay doonayeen inay Somalia booska ka riixdaan. Mar la weydiiyay sababta Somalia oo aan xasiloonayn loogu doortay gayaqaan Soomaaliyeed inuu garsoore ka noqdo Maxkamada Caalamiga ah ee Hegue ayaa shewegay inaysan wax shuqul ah isku lahayn doorashada iyo xaalada Somalia ka jirta. C/qawi oo 60-jir ah ayaa muddo badan u soo shaqeynayay hay'adaha kala duwan ee Qaramada Midoobay, wuxuuna ahaa 7-dii sano ee ugu dambeysay la taliyaha dhanka shuruucda caalamiga ah ee Hay'ada UNESCO. Sidoo kale garyaqaankan ayaa hay'adihii uu u soo shaqeeyay kala talin jiray dhanka shuruucda caalamiga ah, waxaana hay'adaha uu u shaqeeyay ka mid ah kuwo ka madaxbanaan Qaramada Midoobay. "Guusha uu gaaray C/qawi ma ahan oo keliya mid isaga u gaar ah, waxayse guul la taaban karo u tahay dhamaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed, waayo Somalia waxay ku biirtay 15-ka dal ee garsoorayaasha ku leh Maxkamada caalamiga ah ee Hegue" ayuu mar kale yiri Ciid Badal. C/qawi Axmed Yuusuf ayaa haysta shahaadada ugu sareysa Sharciyada, wuxuuna wax kusoo bartay Jamacadii Ummada ee Somalia, Jaamacad ku taala dalka Talyaniga iyo Jaamacadiisii ugu dambeysay oo ku taala Sweden. Garowe Online, Muqdisho
  14. ^What you do mean by sophisticated? MMA...Yes, they hold special meaning for me
  15. ^I like a group too. I will come with my macamus. I'm that confident
  16. ^Looooooool@socks.anaa wax iga sheegay ka waran, and add high heels to the mix. Are you sure you wanna legdin with me. I might just enjoy. Ok xabad xabad soo baxa.
  17. LoooooooL@Cara..good one but I don't think the ladies are interested in someone that advanced. They prefer someone that could carry their wieght not just figuratively. Anyhow *thinking about how does one strip out of dirac without Kufin to the dhulka*. Malika..I have friends here,besides I used to excel into sneaking all girl dorms.
  18. ^A hello would be nice horta, Cara..wat more can guy ask for? about strip pole in the bedroom
  19. ^Interesting, what your views on shagging with married women?
  20. As Somali Qabiilist....Wat da F*ck, everyone on the list is from for lack of better word the same region well except Cara (it doesn't matter where she is from) whom I oppose for valid reason, she is pro-choice, anti guns, pro-spending, big government, opposes creationism in schools, and more importantly broke my boy's heart. The election is null and void.
  21. This is easy. Just change aa to ee, no Xa or Ca, and add W to some words. Ok, Translate the following to May May, Bisqin, Dabrid, Dhoocil, Mindhicir.