Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Subxanallah! It seems these were well coordinated.
  2. What would be the faith of Somalia once Ethiopia leaves the country?. Would the likes ofhim play prominent role again and divide the nation or would there be leaders (I see none now)that rise to the occasion and save this country from self-destruction. And most importantly, can we move beyond Qabiil and work for greater things?.
  3. ^LooooooooooL-You have never been the politic section. Those topics have been discussed and exhuasted. Besides, no one condones any of that, well apart from the TFG cheerleaders.You gotta admit these wadaado pass judgements will nilly. There's gotta be procedure for any system to work. They seem to have none in place.
  4. Nayroobi: Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya oo cadeeyyey in ay dawladda Itoobiya wado fidno ka dhex wado dawladda Soomaaliya. 28. oktober 2008 APL Nayroobi(AllPuntland)- Raysalwasaaraha dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya Col. Nuur Xasan Xuseen ( Nuur Cadde) ayaa usheegay Mudanayaal ka tirsan baarlamaanka Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya in ay dawladda Itoobiya fidno ka dhex wado Dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya. Raysalwasaaraha ayaa warkan sheegay markii uu banaanka uga soo baxay fadhigii ay maanta la yeesheen Wasiirada Arimaha dibada ee IGAD oo ay shir gudoomineysay dawladda Itoobiya. Col. Nuur Cadde wuxuusan si rasmi ah faahfaahin uga bixin ujeedada ay Itoobiya wadato iyo waxyaabaha ay ku dooneyso in ay iskugu dirto dawladda Faderaalka Soomaaliya, isagoo sheegay in ay arintaasi umarayaan dhanka baarlamaanka Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya. Xildhibaanadii uu Raysalwasaare Nuur Cadde usheegay warkan ayaa usheegay AllPuntland, waxa ayna sheegeen in uu wasiirka koowaad umuuqday mid ka niyad jabsanaa kulankii maanta ay Madaxda dawladda Soomaaliya la yeesheen Wasiirada arimaha dibada ee IGAD. Wararka ayaa intaasi ku daraya in uu Raysalwasaaraha Soomaaliya la kulmay qaar ka mid ah Lataliyaashiisa oo uu kala hadlayo arimaha ku aadan qorshayaasha dawladda Itoobiya ay wado, oo uusan marnaba faahfaahin ka bixin ama aysan AllPuntlad helin. Ilo Xog-ogaal ah ayaa sheegaya in ay dawladda Itoobiya ku eedeysay Madaxda dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya qaar ka mid ah in ay ku tumanayaan Axdiga dawladda, markaasna aysan dooneyn in ay nabad ka dhalato gudaha dalka Soomaaliya. Xaaladu say doonto hanoqotee shirkan oo wali humbulan Ama uu ku jiro Mugdi weyn lana gareyn ujeedooyinka uu ku bilowday & waxyaabaha ka soo bixi doona ayaa xiliga-kan umuuqday mid meel xasaasi cagaha lagalay. Wararka Shirkaasi saacad kasta & Daqiiqad kasta kala soco www.AllPuntland,com F. C. Geylan AllPuntland
  5. If we ignore the elephant in the room for second,he's sort right. Incompatency is the hallmark of the so called Somali leadership.
  6. Originally posted by ThePoint: Awwwwwwwwww shucks. What a lovefest. Shall we arrange private quarters so you can continue the mutual 69ing? Good riddance but LooooooooooooooooL
  7. Haweeneyda oo la sheegay inay qaylisay markii dilka loo diyaariyay ayaa waxaa dhankeeda u orday ruux ay qaraabo yihiin; iyadoo ciidamada Makxamduhu ay fureen rasaas, taasoo dishay wiil yar. Meeshaan naf qiimo kama laha. They couldn't just grab the individual instead of firing bullets into the crowd. I bet no justice for the deceased. " Walaasheen Caasho waxay weydiisatay Maxkamadaha in lagu xukumo shareecada, Walaashen kulahaa Gheele...No need verification since she admitted to the guilty which apparently happened to years ago web page
  8. LooooooooooooL@Codsatey....right :rolleyes: Alla Ha Unaxariisto Marxuumada!
  9. ^LoooooooooooooL..tell me about it.
  10. ^LooooooL..look who's talking. Igaaryaho aan kala gadisano Xiin would appreciatate though, and Bob would take peak and look away
  11. Originally posted by Cara: Tip for the guys: if you ARE getting coffee, drink it black and with no sugar. Very manly waxa nafciga leg aa noo diidey miyaa..It is like gabar ladhahe shaax iyo caano ha cabin if you wanna be qalajon.
  12. Che -Guevara


    ^LoooooooooooooooL...Thanks for answering the mistress question.People got off track but Aaliyah has been wonderful.
  13. Che -Guevara


    LoooooooooL@hotline to paradise but on serious note, Nephtys I know I haven't help laakin it seems you had an epiphany whihc is good thing, however you need to remember diinta is not meant to shackle us, it is to free us and keep us at peace-assuming that you have to meet a certain set of goals is just making the diin hard.There is no qualification to go to Hajj so long as you are sincere and willing to improve as Muslims. I think if you put preconditions, you are deny yourself the very thing you so badly wanna accomplish. I never used to pray and had millions excuses or preconditions not start praying, but one day, I just had to decide to do it and I'm better for it. Imagine if I would have said, I better memorize the Quran first before I could even think about praying. I would have never get there. With that said, I can't believe I'm actually preaching about diin P.S. I agree with Shaken, I think wiswis badan ku jira or either you are unsure of things. Educate yourself about things you are not sure. You are already the niyad and the will, just study and free your mind. I will stop there
  14. Che -Guevara


    ^You say I should know the basics of the Diin but thank you.It was just an honest curousity since that are two halves of us (the good and the bad one or demented in my case). I mean that sincerely!
  15. Che -Guevara


    ^LooooooooooooooooL..I wasn't talking myself, you just assume it was me.
  16. Che -Guevara


    True-LooooooooooooL..what's the point of repenting if there are no sins unless main existence is a sin. Ootay Aaliyah P.S. Aaliyah...My question is legit. You guys just got fixatated on the wrong part.
  17. Che -Guevara


    ^LooooooooooooL...Aaliyah, you really are not corrupted. Ignore the duceysane comment and I will take DD's advice. P.S. I was just pulling ur leg dear. I'm smart enough to know I won't make good kusband.
  18. Che -Guevara


    give them all that love in a halaal way. So, make use of it. where's Thanks for the advice dear. Duceysane
  19. Che -Guevara


    ^Monogomy is unnatural but definately honest is the bases of everything (dichotomy ). P.S. I have been through few but I wouldn't know how others would feel under same circumstances.
  20. Che -Guevara


    Aaliyah...I'm very giving and like to share my love. DD...I'm justing there is always a grey area or is it just me?
  21. Che -Guevara


    Aaliyah-If she truely loves me, she would understand! DD...Usheeg dee. mida kale, I doubt Aaliyah have ever been in love hence her clear mind and focus.