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Everything posted by Mayaani

  1. This is very sad day. a new dictator is born who lost his brain to early. he isn't a wise one to lead a nation that desperately needs genuine leader. Qoslaaye agtiisa tallo mataal ee farad kale umada ilaahay ha u furo.
  2. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto inta dhimatay. Amiin.
  3. Hobbesian_Brute;980458 wrote: LOL @ try so hard, ok i am a little too acerbic sometimes, but i am angry that they put themselves in such harm. they are not victims of some natural calamity. why should we commiserate when people knowingly time after time put their lives in peril, war waxaan waa suicide mission blackflash. you sick man allow yaa naga kaa aamusiya naac aad halkaan ku haysid.
  4. dadbaa afartii sano sugi la'a war iska dulqaata oo danihiina wax u qabsada. TMZ nagu noqdeen sheikh madaxweynihiisa ha soo dhaweeye maxaa laga rabaa.
  5. Ilaahay ha naxariisto gacan ka xaqdaran baa dishay. Umadaan qof salaad ka soo baxay dilkiisa xaq mooday baan garan lahay waxa loo sheegay. Ilaahayow xaqa na wada tus.
  6. Jacpher;918652 wrote: ^So you agree Kenya is different than other Amison countries in seeking a control of Somali coastline Sxb that is just bogus argument and you know it. Kenya did capture Kismaayo without having control of the coastline it shares with Somalia. AS is much weaker now and I see no value for Kenya to take control of the sea in paper and their fight against AS. All IGAD countries assisted Somalia without asking it to give up its sovereignty to sea or airspace. Why is Kenya doing so? All the 'logistical' and 'other operational' things you are talking about Kenya has it right now. It's got a large land and sea border with Somalia and who controls what goes on now on those borders? Kenya does. Why does it need to get in paper when it already does have those logistical and operational borders under control? And about the second point, I wrote " Jubbaland initiative " not the city/state or region. If that initiative puts the interest of the country before that of the country, than yes it can die a horrible death. The interest of Jubbaland should be the best interest of the country, not the other way around. The best interest of Somalia and Jubbaland is to create a viable Somali marine force that does the work, not sign it off to a neighboring country. Excellent point Jacpher, Somalia sovereignty should our inspiration not a clan dreamland. Most us missing fact we miserable fail to understand nothing in our hand this time but we still talking nonsense who owns that city or region.
  7. waa jiitamaysaa wali wax xumaana kuma arkin. Ilaahay uga barya inay hagaagto aniga iyo adinkaba dantiina tan caruurtiina baa ku jirta inay sal dhigato. Shaqsi kaligii wax ma qabankaro nin walbo dhankaaga ka taageer. Dadku waa kala aragti duwanaan karaa laakin danta guud aan garano.
  8. Che -Guevara;894890 wrote: I am suspicious of any process that brings Abtigiis, Xiin and Gabbal together. Abwaan...It's process fraught with alot dangers for sure. Abdtigiis ,Xiin iyo Gabbal are unholy allies just for temporary. They appear to be same boat but their bitter rivalry dooms entire ill thought project. Just give them time you hear Somali tribe’s favorite battle cry slogan “waa nala qadiyay”
  9. Abwaan;894380 wrote: Waa sax Mayaani waan fahmayaa halkaad ka hadleysid, balse nimankaan Itoobiyaanka wax trust ah kuma qabo maamulkooda. Waa wanaagsan tahay in deris wanaag la muujiyo, laakiin markii ay rabaan bay xadka iska soo gudbaan dadkana dilaan, dhacaan, xiraan, dumarkana kufsadaan. Bal aan ka warsugno meeshu reerka ku furo hada asagaa dhaanka hogaaminayee. Aduunyo waa is badashoo dadbay caatifadii ku yaraatay oo dhibkaan aad shageysid aysan u muuqan.
  10. Abwaan, Soomaalida ku maahmaahda "Cadowgaaga caana qabow baa lagu soo dhaweeya" waa haduu taa ula jeedo hadalkiisa. Madaxweynahu haduu ku caqli qaadan waayey intuu Soomaaliya dhex joogey ethopian xumaantey gaysteen then Ilaah baa noo maqan asagey tiisu socotaaye.
  11. Hada wuxuu uga qaaday wuxuu is leeyahay ha lagu af garto. Laba beri ka bacdi wuxuu soo celinayaa isbaaradii. Dadkaan 20 saney waxaa quudanayeen laalush iyo xabad midkood hadaanad ula tegin meesha ugama dareerayaan belaash.
  12. President has no power to tell what his real intentions are this time. Ethiopia is capable to screw whole process so I give President the benefit of the doubt this time. Same time I will never trust them anything they are the ones who really want us to remain failure.
  13. STOIC;894169 wrote: You're a complete schlub and your attention-seeking antics is offensive to the millions of people living with the virus.Your post is irresponsible and short of humor...Nacaas foqol Nacaas +1000
  14. oba hiloowlow;891188 wrote: This is for you Mayaani pay attention! Oba Brother, waa ku arkee runta waa ku jiriricota. Brother la jeclow waxaad naftaada la jeceshahay walaakaga muslimka ah. Taasi waa dardaarankayga.
  15. Apophis;891096 wrote: Looks like you've been busy with Adobe. My sources in G-town tell me things are not too bad. So Mohamed Haji Yusuf also making propaganda against Kenyan army paradoxically he is so called Defence Minister of Kenya.
  16. Oba adigaa break u baahane bal yara naso waad isku dhex yaacdaye.
  17. Mooge;890655 wrote: Oba, ninyoow isku xishood. what will the palestenians think of Somali people when they see this useless topic? if we burned our house, we should not lose all our humanity and be silent or supportive of other injustices. what is wrong with you? Ninku nin xishoda ma aha. Mar uu yiraahdo Somaali qaarkeed ha la tir tiro oo dalka ha laga saaro iyo haduu la yimid maxaa Palestine caruurta iyo wayeelka xaq darada lagu dilaayo maxaa looga hadli.
  18. Somali lives dispensable everywhere. I feel sorry those who advocated Kenya soldier to join Somali conflict. They believe Somalis are similar so if one their own dies closest Somali must pay the price.
  19. Great catch Puntland, send them to jail and fine them heavily. That ship should become Puntland property. Imagine others that get away without Puntland authority notice. Pity we have been fighting each other so long everybody takes us advantage since we don’t see big picture sidaas baan ku noqonay wado halaq mareen.
  20. Ilaahay Soomaalida meesha ku nool ha bad baadiyo. Dadkii businesska meesha gashaday ayaan waligey ka welwelaa. Meel shiling la gashto maaha.
  21. Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon that his full name. Garaad his father nickname and Saacid his nickname.
  22. Abwaan;873542 wrote: Waa billaabatay, waryaa gooni qabyaaladda ha laga koro. Adiga iska bilaw. Xigmaduna waa kugu yartay brother.
  23. Abwaan;873522 wrote: Farmaajo is a cheap guy, if I was president Xassan I would have given him 24 hours to leave Mogadishu. Paying IDPs failed so this time he paid the Somali tabloid website correspondents in Mogadishu. you properly have tabloid mentality. He has right to stay Mogadishu as long he wants.
  24. Haatu;872042 wrote: Wax Ma'oge and his constant dhuusa. War naga leexi. ogow tiisa xoor dubarka dhusadiisa waa ka qurmuuntahay you may need facemask.
  25. Oba dadkaada wanaagsan taageer dilaale dadka gadanaaya waligaa ha raacin. I don't know the guy, i am just dreaming he may better than what we had.