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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. ^What's Nakumatt? Whatever that means, I thought the lunatics only eat Halal....
  2. ^When the lives of innocents being held hostage are in danger, they (security forces) ought to be cautious. That's the standard procedure taken in any hostage situations around the world. Unless of course you're in Russia or Algeria! That said, Kenya and most of African countries by in large are ill equipped to deal with these kind of situation.
  3. If the news of some of them being Somali diaspora kids is true, then it will make it harder for those qurbojoog with western passports to visit or live in Kenya. I hope some of them will be caught alive.
  4. Ninyaabanow, who is this group you speak of?
  5. Che, you're contradicting yourself here. On one hand you're calling for AMISOM to leave Somalia and at the same time calling people to support the SFG that relies solely on the very same AMISOM soldiers to want to kick out. The truth of the matter is, AS is a terror group that has an agenda beyond Somalia, and have no sympathy for the lives of Somalis, be it inside Somalia or in Kenya. So to suggest that their terror act in Nairobi can be justified for the Kenyan/AMISOM "invasion" is disingenuous on your part. AS is an international terror organization that wants to use Somalia for nothing more than a base to train and organize their menace. They need to be dealt with force. Somalia alone cannot do it. So, any help provided to Somalia should be welcomed. One question for you, Mr. Che. Were the terror attacks in Boston or in New York justified in your eyes?
  6. Tarzan is not a part of the government nor does he have any capacity to speak on behalf of other Somalis. So whom was he representing there? You cant set an agenda for a meeting that you are invited to.... And of course Somalia is already a fragmented and broken country and that the sole reason why he, this Tarzan guy, and the rest of Somalis were in Brussels. I guess he thought they were there for cocktail party...
  7. The reviews are (surprisingly) positive for a Somali restaurant!
  8. Al-Shabaab's future recruits. It's tragic to see young kids lives wasted like this.
  9. Good to see them talk face to face and discuss issue that matters. But it's perplexing to see these two men joke around, laugh and hug each other today, and next day send kids to die for their own political cause. Shows you how selfish Somali politicians are.
  10. Sida uu xaqiijiyey Nabadoon Maxamed Xasan Ciise oo kamid ah Nabadoonadda ku sugan Galkacyo ayaa sheegey in Ciidamo aad u fara badan tiradoodu uu ku qiyaasey dhoor boqol oo Askari laga qaadey Magaaladda Galkacyo isla markaana la geyey Magaaladda Kismaayo. Are you sure this tiny airplane could carry " dhowr boqol oo askar" ah and "hub culus"? Been xooggaa qurxoon sheega sxb
  11. Not sure about civil war, but what is clear is that the infant democracy has been undermined.
  12. Is there a real opposition party that can take on MB if elections were held tomorrow? The answer is no. So what will happen if the MB come back again. They say there were 9000 protests since MB came to the power....
  13. One wonders if Morsy/MB were not the helm, would these people be out there protesting? Is it about bad economy or resent on Islamism that fueling these protests?
  14. The road is wide enough to be 4 lane road. It will look even better if more trees are planted on sides of the road/ pavement. Great development.
  15. The whole strategy of the SFG was to have some nitwit to start a war they knew was going to loose, and then accuse Kenyan/AMISOM's army of involvement in the conflict. And now they have the excuses to make for the removal of Kenyan army from an area they have cleared AS off. Wonderful ....
  16. Where is our friend Maaddeey to update us on this new development! Markuu awooda lahaa waa isagii diiday heshiiska, hadda dantaa ku khasabtay miyaa.
  17. Kelligii Muslim. Waa wareerka ummadda haysata maanta. Kan oo kale oo baadiye ka yimi oo hal Kitaab soo akhristay, aa ummad u ah indho.
  18. Rabbi ha u naxariisto boqor Cabdullahi, ehelladiisana sabur ha ka siiyo.
  19. Sida Afghanta aa kitaabta Quranka intii kala fur, close your eyes and randomly choose a page in the book. Whatever written in the first verse of that page is going to be the chosen name. Voila, just add the last name and you got yourself a name. Bismillah Khan, Rasulullah Bagti, Lahuruuh Masood. Waaba dhamaatay. How easy
  20. So Nuune quit back then too? I see. Tolka Solidarity eh AT&T hadduu oranayaa gabdhahaas xaggee joogaan ';)
  21. May the lesser of the two evil side wins. lol Knowing how crazy they are, they will fight to the teeth and weaken each other. That's good news for the government and the others who are fighting them.
  22. Didnt you quit the site after those girls were banned, Moti? OG-Girl and the other girl that I cant remember her name.. Guess Nuune's persuasion worked. Welcome back!