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Everything posted by Gheelle.T

  1. Your thought of the matter itself is punishable by 15 floggings.. If I add my 2 cents though, I think it depends where the said man lives. If he is in Kismaanyo and its vicinity, that man is history. But if he is in Hargeisa for instant, there is a good chance that he will live another day to tell his affairs and there is also good chance that JB would tell us the story in detail.
  2. DD, Macalin oo taarikh/juqaraafi iidhigi jirey in middle school used to say 'laf cad aa toobin ku haydaa" :confused:
  3. ^ I think the whole purpose of this thread was to reveal people's Social Security Cards good for Mr.Sayid. Mahaan ka soo baracay aa lagaa raba heee
  4. ^Dare to tell me that inna abti If you didn't know where Taleex is, I doubt that you would know "mahaaaan ka soo barakacay"
  5. I think Taleex has some historical significance, but as far as Qardho is concern, I don't think it has any historical significance or historical event that I can relate to it. By the way Qardho was never been the seat of Boqor Cisman Yusuf, Baargaal was the center of boqortooyo at the time. I hope Mr Sayid would tell us the what these 2 towns have in common.
  6. ^lool, maybe sophisticated isn't correct word, but I was trying to say that they speak a different dialect that is hard to understand in other words pure Maay. Since when did you become Maay expert?
  7. Hemba sor me'eh heray nwen ma eh hobalo bal nmaaw..Quote from one of Xassan's song, I don't know if the spelling is correct though. Nuune and MMA can correct me! We use to go to Leego and Yaqbariweyne back in 80s, and some of the locals used to speak Maay May though I think it was different May dialect. I heard Diinsoor Maay is most sophisticated, MMA can confirm that I guess. MMA, ever been to Buur Hakaba, Buur E-elay,Jamaacada, Aw dhiigle,and other smaller villages between Shabelada Hoose and Bay? What a pradise dhulkaas walhi!!!
  8. That was hilarious walahi..Darn them Indian, Pakis, and Bengals take "bragging"thing to whole another level..
  9. AT&T, I am guessing Bashe's line of "Latter-Day-Patriots" hit a nerve..OOch War ninyahow meel un raac dee, waxaagu waa flip flip a la John Kerry style. Alshabaab waa taageeraa waana ka soo horjeedaa isma raacdo. Either embrace them just like brother Kashafa, ama Peace caravan dhinac ka soo raac.
  10. lol@Latter-Day-Patriots....Well said ya Bashe! dad badan oo waxaa jooga AK47 garabka ku sita inay dhiggaana rabin, kuwa badanse doonta iyagaa dhinac ka soo raacaaya mar dhow.
  11. Originally posted by Allamagan: ^ Truly agree, I must admit this is the only time I ever agreed with Kashafa. You are agreeing with him coz you are anti-Somalilander
  12. Allamagan, he will make some changes on US foreign policy(that was in his campaign rhetoric.) Will we benefit that? in some way we might, but I doubt if Somalia specifically is/will be a top foreign affair priority for him. If he makes some changes on the war of terror doctrine for example, that will have some affect on us, good or bad we don't know it yet.
  13. LZG, "maryooley" have campaigned and voted for "Yahoods" in States like MN. Late Sen Paul Wellstone was one example and current rep. Senator Norm Coleman as well. So, I don't think most of Somalis who voted for Obama would really care less of any "yahuud" guy serving the cabinet, after all he(Ramh)is a qualified man for job and a shining star among the Democrats, and that's what matter most to Obama and to the American people(including Somalis.) If anyone out there thought that Obama's triumph to the white would mean new dawns for Somali, must be too naive. He was elected by American people for America, and his top priorities will be a change in USA not in Somalia or in Africa or in Muslim world.
  14. Ngonge, Democrats controlled the US congress for quite a long time and only lost it in 1994. And in 2006 Democrats retake the majority again, and mess started when the republicans were in control. As for the Democratic party being a liberal, I guess that is just a wrong perception. There are liberal democrats yes, but there are also centralist, and southern conservative Democrats who are pro gun, pro life, and religious yet share same idea on inclusiveness. The Republican party used run on platform of free economic, small government, and states own their own affairs. That party has been hijack by group of neocons and religious zealots who see the world as black and white. I would take liberal Pellosi any day over Carl Rove and Sarah Palin.
  15. Let us make one thing clear, Carter was a bad president and that had nothing to do with democrats. He actually lost his own party's support. Besides, democrats lost the president in 1980 not the congress.
  16. 63 million ( and still counting) good Americans have voted and care about him. So, those of you(anti Obama)sakiin Topaz ah liqa
  17. ^^ Hope inay iska tagaan wiilashan haddii amxaaro baxdo. Xiinow,I was waiting you to come and comment on the thread of Al-Islah and their 10 point platform. Why didn't you come and tell your take on that?
  18. Nuune adna ciyaal waamo aa ahayd yaah, I had feeling inaad reer Bilaajo(basketball come to mind) ama xamar jabjab ahayd!
  19. Xiinow, raggan sharwal khamiska qaba waa wax laga baqo walahi. Allow alle indeed!!
  20. Xiin, yes I did and as I said in other thread, I live in southern republican red state and McCain will carry it with ease. Having said that, democrats came out in huge number especially the African American voters.
  21. BOB boortiyeeri waaye iyo laacib waaye like baggio isma raacoyso nuune.. see camal Anywz kudos to Xiinfaniin for winning this cup. Kisi guys naga daaye hee bootada, ciyaal quarto and waaberi hadday imaadaan waa xubasaneysaan. Meesha koobkii gobalada maaha
  22. I guess you guys don't have this length campaign and millions of dollar spending on political adds either. As for the SOL members and your relationship with them, keep your patience and express your thoughts, after all this is just cyberspace.
  23. Last time I checked, 2 of you were throwing jabs at each other, what have changed? Anyways,Duke how do you see US elections and all the crazy campaign rhetoric and negative adds? Compare it to the British one..