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Everything posted by checkmate

  1. ^^^Dude, get some sleep.
  2. Ws Wr Wb <<-** Hugs abu abdulrihman kisses him on the cheeks** says "udkhul yaa akhii, udkhul ijlis hinaa. keefa saxa yaa akhuuyu? man haakada sabca wa shadiida..Maa caleesh **Runs outta of arabic words** Welcome aboard my brethren, hopeth you liketh your stayth hereth
  3. ^^ Why do you ask so much questions?
  4. Pac, If indeed silence was golden, you would have kept yours. See what you made us do now, you have all these grown a$$ men responding to remarks at the same time. Indeed we are the brethrens of the cliqueth.
  5. ^^LoooooooL Saqajaan.
  6. I accept your apology. I now can see how easy it is to misunderstand my words. I sounded condescending, didn’t I? Well, I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to upset you. You are my friend and stood by my side when we fought the clique. LooL
  7. Brown, I will bet you dollars to donuts that she looks nothing remotely to that between the time she wakes up to noon. However, I would love nothing more if my paychecks looked like she looks in that picture. Damn Quick Question Why is that every beautiful(above average)ends up with the most ridiculous looking guy?
  8. Next time Tuujiye sits with Shoobaro aka zubzero aka checkmate aka bajaqgure.. Tuujis Allah yarxama yaakhii, nin kaas wuu dhintay alaaha amuurahiisa ha u fududeeyo. qofkale soo casun **Farta uu wadnaha ku haayaa** Tuujis oo rooseeto soo marsaday, timo buruko soo gishtay oo rabo dadka dhan in uu jarjaro **ilaahayoow na baxso**
  9. Waxaan Maqli jirey "Anyax tagyoo eelna reeb". Hadaba maanta na qabsatay, aanu ka gudubno. Xiin, Markuu baashi ku yiri " U caqliyee dhalaankan dhunsan" kama uusan wadin, in aad meed cidla ah istaagisoo dhangalaaso kula wareeto oo iidna handad iyo hardadabo u raaciso. Baashi, Askar badan baa meesha dhoobnaaye maxaad kii ugu xiinka iyo faniinka badnaa uga adeejisey? wallee talo iskuma kaa sheegto. Waxay aheyd in aad ila kaashato maxaa yeelay anigaa Xiin awoowayadeey isla dhasheen. wlc back sxbkiis
  10. This is Chappelle's second trip to South Africa. He first came to Durban, and visited Salim, in 2000. Chappelle won't tell me exactly how he met Salim but describes him as a family friend. A soft-spoken Muslim, Salim seems also to be something of a sounding board to Chappelle, who converted to Islam several years ago. While Chappelle is not doing a formal religious course in Durban, says Salim, who wore a simple cotton robe and hung back through the interview and photo shoot and only spoke when I asked him a question, "if he wants to talk religion then I'm there as someone to talk to." Says Chappelle: "This is kind of my spot where I can come to fill my spirit back up. Sometimes you neglect these things if you are running on a corporate schedule." The crux of his crisis seems to boil down to his almost obsessive need to "check my intentions." He uses the phrase a few times during the interview and explains that it means really making sure that he's doing what he's doing for the right reasons. His family, he says, has been a huge support over the past eight months. "They've been phenomenal really, just incredible. What beautiful people. Everyone loves their family but it's good if you can like them too." His religion is also crucial. "I don't normally talk about my religion publicly because I don't want people to associate me and my flaws with this beautiful thing. And I believe it is a beautiful religion if you learn it the right way. It's a lifelong effort. Your religion is your standard. Coming here I don't have the distractions of fame. It quiets the ego down. I'm interested in the kind of person I've got to become. I want to be well rounded and the industry is a place of extremes. I want to be well balanced. I've got to check my intentions, man." Source
  11. ^^ haa waa runteed aniga iga wareysta.Intey duq tahay ee reer aakhiraad ka sii tahay Horn, thanks abti waa u jeedaa xiin waa maro ku dhag, si kastoo wax loogu sheego tiisa ugala quman.
  12. Tan Car ninkii ka jawaabo! koob oo kun nin buuxsho?
  13. Posted by Pucca: there are somethings in life that should NEVER happen, they just should not happen! argh! Sure this is all allah's work and some of you might even say its none of my business ...BUT IT IS!!! i cant believe this is happening! we're ten kids...ten mashallah kids, the oldest being 28 and the youngest almost 2yrs old....out of nowhere my mother announces (like we should hold a friggin party and be gay) that she's expecting another child! wtf is up with that??? damn it!! why??? its wrong!!!!! argh! her eldest is almost 29 for cryin out loud! its sicking really...argh! Did your mom have her first born baby at the age of 12? :confused: nonetheless I blame you and your other siblings that are over the age of 19. Give your mom the best gift she could ever have GRANDKIDS.. fadhiga ka kaca get busy i say get busy... All in all it's a blessing from allaah be pleased with this joyfull embryo.
  14. Heeey I still Say Paris, Ontario Convenient for every one. Guidlines of the meet up: 1) Meeting Must Take Place In Day Light 2) No Revealing Clothes For Both Genders (Men: NO SHORTS, NO SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS..Ladies: ANY THAT SHOWS SKIN IS NO NO) 3) No luuqing At Any Circumstance 4) Chatty Folks Must be Considered Of Others( Soon As They Hear "TIME OUT" Chatty folks must stop Talking and walk away) 5) Last but Least, NO MUSIC( read my signature)
  15. I say "Paris Ontario" folks...
  16. checkmate

    I got beef

    Tuujis xaaji, Macawiista in aad xoortid wax yar aa kaaga dhiman sxboow, Ilaahayoo hana waalin waa ku tuugeenaaye. Sheeko Yar ah. Nin aa hada ka hor beer weyn lahaa, Maalin asagoo hurdo,aa waxaa loo soo sheegay in beertiisii Maroodi baabaah ka dhigay Hal geed ah uusan ku harin. Ninkii ciil uu bastiis la noqday wax uu ka qaban karo nah aysan jirin ayuu wuxuu yiri "Maroodigii intaas oo dhir ah cunay, dabadiisa ayey ka go'an tahay" Marka sxbkeey hilibka lo'da ma kuu fiicano, try hilib ari waa ku tuugeenaaye.
  17. Subxanal Laah OG-Gal, my dear sister forgive for the sake of allah but don't forget. Your story just reminded me of a Harlem renaissance poet "Countee Cullen's Poem" Once riding in old baltimore, Heart-filled, head-filled with glee, I saw a Baltimorean Keep looking straight at me. Now I was eight and very small, And he was no whit bigger, And so I smiled, but he pocked out His tongue, and called me "nigger" I saw the whole of Baltimore From May until December Of all the things that happened there That's all that I remember. This poem perfectly encapsulates the horror that that apithet connoted; it was shorthand for whites and arabs denail of black humanity.
  18. Posted by Stioc Oh! how we love burger!.When we lay our greyish pink patties on the griddle they begin to sizzle in a greesy puddle.Blood sputters and pops like a can of a coke.Do you know how Genghis Khan crossed the desert back in the days?.Him and his crew used to suck the blood off the animals back hence providing them with enough fatty acids on their body(providing energy). Oh! how we love football.Ever seen a quarterback crouch so low?.This a brain game you dummy Brit.This a game where the brain flows with the body like a baby sorrounded by an amniotic fluid.The body-brain flow is beautiful.The flow is with an action.This is a game where real men crush with their helmet.This is a game where real men body crouch, real men knees churn,and this is a game where real men tackle with their flexed wrist If this were a real brain game and the players would actually use their brains....There will be no violence only understanding and kindness towards a fellow man. My friends violence is not the asnwer.....unless your team is losing.
  19. Wiilo abaayo, Marka ugu horeysa hambalyo haruub ku xiran iga hoo, marka labaad abaayo ilaahey guurkaaga kii lagu nasteexo laguna waaro ilaahey ha iddinkaga dhigo. Ilaaheey waxaan idinkaga baryaayaa in labadii xuural ceyn kuwa isu noqda idinka dhigo, dhalaan saalax ahna idin kala siiyo. Abaayo gurigaaga guri muslim ah alaha kaaga dhigo had iyo jeer.
  20. ^^^In more ways then one, you sound like the right man for the experiment No Need To Look Any Further.
  21. ^^ You might wanna mention to the Reer Tabareed folks, that they come in second hand I would really laugh the day I see the above infomercials on TV LOOL. These days I have no doubt; every man is for sale, for the right price. Just look for an owner that won’t misuse and abuse you, every thing else is luck folks.