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Everything posted by Rahima

  1. Believe me people, Paul Wolfowitz is far more than an Arab (should be Muslims here) hating Jew. He is a blood sucking vermin, no respect for humanity. As for Somalia, unfortunately the US is already there, Ethiopia it's base in East Africa. Why do you think ex-president Jimmy Carter has visited Ethiopia numerous times in the last decade? THINK ABOUT IT!
  2. It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. - Voltaire
  3. Libaax, true at that. When it comes to China the Americans act like scared little children and probably for good reason. It is unarguably the truth that the United States is the world’s superpower (speaking of nations of course) with the other four countries (France, Russia, UK and China) that have Vito power coming in second. It is expected that in 50 years time, China will leave this pack and rival the US for the world superpower status. To be able to do that, China requires stability (which is exactly the reason why they avoid all conflicts and rarely use their Veto power- look at the current war for example, all they could muster up was “we disagree”), economic growth (which they are achieving, the Chinese economy unlike that of the US and many of its allies is growing exponentially) and you guessed it, OIL. This is one of the theories as to why the US is in Iraq now (when it is quiet clear that Saddam Hussain does not pose the threat they claim). The US is after Iraq because it the world’s second largest oil reserve not to mention most pure, so therefore, if they take hold of it now, china will not be able to get hold of it and hence will not be able to rival the US. I don’t know as to weather or not I agree with this theory, but it seems partially feasible. Maybe it’s another one of the reasons. However, personally I hope China never reaches its goal, I believe they are far more dangerous than the US. Both evil, but the Chinese are far more ruthless. Just take a good look at what they are currently doing to the Muslims that live Xinjiang province. Nine million Muslims are oppressed by the communist regime, can you imagine what they have in store for the rest of us. OG Moti: Brother I just thought I’d share what I found interesting, don’t worry, I was not encouraging the nomads to take on a violent nature. As for romance, sorry buddy, not my thing really. Michale Moore is the same guy that recently won an Oscar for his film Bowling for Columbine. In his Oscar speech he expressed his views about the war (in that he disagreed)- I’m sure you must of have seen it, it was all over the news. Anyway for more info, like where you can get the book, check out his website: www.michaelmoore.com
  4. Salaams to all, Just thought I’d share an interesting read with you all, some might of have already read it. The art of war by Sun Tzu is the world’s oldest military treatise and was written over 2000 years ago by a Chinese military commander. The Unites States army generals at the pentagon currently use it as their main book of reference. http://www.chinapage.com/sunzi-e.html Another good read for all you avid readers: STUPID WHITE MEN- Michael Moore.
  5. Naziha: Lay off the brother woman, before i do you know what
  6. Shyhem, Of course all is possible with Allah, but the question is, would this be possible? I don't plan to let you off the hook brother
  7. I was reading the post i remembered the ayah in the Quran which states: "Without doubt in the rememberance of Allah do hearts find comfort" So indeed true happiness lies in dhikr of Allah, as stated by Allah. Spending time with loved ones (family and friends), looking after ones health, shopping (if for the right reason ) and even breathing can all be forms of dhikr.
  8. Let us for one moment put aside the meaning of feminism and what it means for the women’s liberation movement (nothing at all actually, but lets put it aside). I don’t understand why we would need feminism or even resort to labelling ourselves as feminists when Islam and the label “MUSLIMAH” is enough. Do we realise what this means? We have all the rights this so-called liberations movement is still working for and all without the excess baggage. It’s about time sisters that we collectively recognised Islam as being enough without any isms. I say out with feminism for ISLAM is enough. Wear it with pride for it is Allah's religion. As for those sisters that may think feminism and Islam are mutually exclusive, then i advise you sisters to do further reading, you will in the end find out what an Islam and feminism are nothing more than negations of one another.
  9. Shyhem, Will she get the same from you?
  10. Yusufaddie, With all due respect akhi I don’t believe you are in a position to decide the legitimacy of the jihad in Somali Galbeed (personally I don’t care if it was a word coined by Siad Barre- the point is you all know what it is I am speaking of). The reason for this akhi is that the Scholars of this great religion have already come to a conclusion concerning this. These are people who are far more knowledgeable than you and I and are in a better position to decide. They have (many Islamic scholars ranging from the late Shaykhs Naasirudiin Al-Bani and Ibn Baz to the Somali scholar Shariif Abdinuur) taking into account the conditions for a war to be jihad, decided unanimously that it is indeed JIHAD. Akhi unless you know what happens in the area then do not judge. Our fellow brethren are persecuted and tortured day in day out for their beliefs. In some certain areas if you are spotted with a Qur’an, then that is a good enough reason to be interrogated (and believe me its not the type we know of) not to mention carrying a siwak can lead you the same punishment. Believe me, i should know, i have family members that have first hand experience (and no i am not Ogaadeen). You tell me then, would you say that these people are not oppressed by this kufaar regime. The jihad of the mujaahidiin (as they so rightly deserve to be named and may Allah accept their sacrifice and write them down as Shuhadaa’) is against the oppressive kufaar regime and yes they do realise over 50% of the Ethiopian people are Muslims. The Mujaahidiin akhi are not just Somalis (although they do make up the vast majority of them) but also Oromos and others. Forget what ethiopia did to the people of ogaden and look at the root to the war. Siad wanted to create the greater somalia. No akhi, you forget Siad Barre, this is far greater than him. If it just so happens that he misused the jihad for his own nationalistic beliefs, then that is unto him, it does not take anything away from the jihad. Even at the time of Rasuallah (s.a.w) there were certain individuals who fought in jihads but their intentions were for tribal reasons, but nevertheless, it would still be considered a jihad. Inamal acmaal bin niyaat (actions are judged by intention). if the ogadenia was a legite islamic jihad then Allah would have granted victory. Subxanallah! Akhi it is Allah in His infinite wisdom that decides when victory to the believers will come, and if it hasn't come yet, even if it doesn't come for another 100 years, we MUST NEVER loose hope in Allah. Victory will come, Allah has promised success to the believers over the Kufaar. I hope for the sake of your diin and not just issue that you retract from that view. For the reason that the logic that a war cannot be classified as jihad because Allah has yet to give them victory is against Islam. If you want to argue your view, then i doubt this is a point you should be expressing. As you can see, this touched a nerve in me and hence appologise if i seemed harsh at any point and for the overly long post. It was not my intention. Alaahumansuril mujaahidiin fii kuli makaan. Alaahuma acizal islaama wal muslimiin. May Allah guide us to siraad al-mustaqiim. wa bilaahi tawfiiq.
  11. Impressive piece indeed Naziha, many thanks for sharing it with us all. As for my role model, i cannot go past the best of mankind, Rasulallah (s.a.w). Promise kept woman!
  12. Unfortunately tribalism is a disease suffered by our people, some people have just noticed it in the last decade or so while others have endured since Somalia was peaceful. If we ever want change, then maybe we should start with small steps such as the elimination of degrading names such as Midgaan, it’s Madhibaan. Respect is the key fellow nomads.
  13. Mashallah tabaraak Allah,jzk brother I just got an e-mail regarding the favours bestowed upon us from Allah and it quoted the following ayah that i just thought i'd remind you all: "And if you would count the graces of Allah, never could you be able to count them." (Qur'an 14:34)
  14. Narsa: Walaal, because of your reasoning that it’s “SOMALIAN culture”, I was naturally inclined to conclude that you were speaking of the fircooni way since that is the form practised by Somalis, not the Sunni form which is mentioned in the hadith. There is a great difference between the two sister, one is mutilation, hence the title FGM (rightly named) and the other is nothing more than a small incision as will nugaal already stated. As for my points regarding the purposes of circumcision (preventing rape and promiscuous behaviour), these are common excuses used by many individuals, if you haven’t heard it before, well believe it. I’ve personally heard people try to substantiate the barbarism of the fircooni way with these daft excuses. You obliviously haven’t had FGM performed on you, for those of us like you and I we should count our blessings, alxamdullilah Allah saved us . I have a very good friend who whenever her monthly period comes around, she needs to be taken to the hospital to have an injection to ease the pain, recently she wished to go to Somalia and the doctor advised her to have herself unstitched simply because she could not receive the treatment in Africa. You see the suffering of some individuals, it happens abaayo. OG_moti: Some points walaal: There is no imitation of other’s cultures going on, just stating the facts. Our culture like all cultures has it’s its good and bad. There is no need for us to be over zealous in our patriotism to the point we become blind to adhering to the truth. Who was blaming men? :confused: I blame society as a whole that is the reason that mothers do it, because they were fooled into thinking that no one would marry their daughters, no more of that alxamdullilah. Mind you my viewpoint is based on Islam walaal, believe you me I would never take the words of the westerners blindly. The Somali way (as you’ve agreed) is haram and that is what I was speaking of, I already stated that. Qaad is haram and like I said I don’t care for the western viewpoint, its haram because our religion tells us all harmful things are forbidden. And yes, Somali woman (in the past, like I specified earlier, the past) were not allowed to be educated. If my tone was harsh, it was not my intention.
  15. I'm only half way through my studies, doing neuroscience part-time at one university and midwifery full time at another univeristy, but jazaakum Allahu Khayran to you all, especially Baashi and Loyan, i just might beging to employ some of your advice.
  16. Axmed Gurey (Raximuallah) Sayyid Muxammad (Raximuallah) Boqolsoon (Raximuallah)
  17. MMA, you are definately on my revenge list lool. :mad:
  18. Nasra walaaley, tell me what would you achieve by torturing your future daughters? Y'all need to chill, it's only a SOMALIAN culture, or many other cultures of surrounding areas in somalia. So because it is culture we should continue to participate in it? I wonder sister, do you even realise how laughable such a reasoning sounds? Allow me to ask you, since it is Somaali culture to hate and kill each other based on clan affiliations, then should we also participate in that, should we the nomads here begin to attach each other? Because it is Somaali culture for our men to sit around chewing qaad (a harmful drug, both to the physical and mental states of the human) then should we promote its consumption? Because it was Somaali culture for the girls to not of have been educated should we go back to the ways of old? We can go on and on, but I’m sure you see my point. Just because something may be culture it does not necessarily mean it’s correct, as Muslims our criterion of right and wrong should be the Quran and Sunnah, anything that objects to it, such as FGM (which is very harmful to the girl) should be left behind. It's just a tradition that needs to be carried out, and if not you indeed face the consequeces. So tell me what consequences do you speak of sister? Do you think it will stop promiscuous behaviour? Do you think it will prevent rape? As are the common myths. FGM will never stop promiscuous behaviour (it’s so easy nowadays for one to go and have it re-done when the wedding is approaching). Only the fear of Allah will keep one far away from such a grave sin. As for rape, I’m sure you realise FGM does not prevent it. But as for consequences, the consequences are for some victims of FGM continuos pain when she is menstruating, to the point where some sisters I know have to get monthly injections to ease the pain and even then she is in excruciating pain for the whole duration of the period. Sure enough even non-victims have such pain, but a far less percentage, why increase the risk for your daughter? These victims may find it difficult to even go to the toilet and giving birth is a near death experience for the non-FGM woman, imagine when the passage is even further stitched, it was already small enough to begin with (sorry for the details, but it is the truth). I'm aboustely having my daughters circumcised, IF i can find a professional midwife to perform it. Don’t be fooled, there is no safe way of performing FGM. P.S I speak of the Somali form of course.
  19. Sister Jawaahir, sorry to say, but its true. However, the brother must be serious, it's not a consent to go peeping at every sister or just for a perve :mad: . It is reported in a sahiih hadith, i just can't seem to find it. The reason behind it, is that rasuallah ordered that we see of the perspective spouse that which may encourage marriage. So as sister Istaahil said, make sure your blinds are down.
  20. al_warya, im sure you probably had favourably intentions, however, allow me to remind you of the words of Allah: "It is part of the Mercy of Allah that you deal kindly with them, because if you were harsh with them, they would have run away from you. So overlook their faults and ask Allah's forgiveness for them..." (3:159) Sure enough, it is not OUR new year and hence should not make resolutions in accordance with it. However there is nothing wrong with making resolutions so that we become better individuals and try to better our lives. It is part of the Muslims duty to struggle for the betterments of themselves and society. Three ingredients to making your resolution to improve yourself successful are: (1) Have a truthful determination. (2) Be economical in what you decide to do. (3) Make dua to Allah to make your effort successful. Personally my resolutions for the near future include, trying to memorise more of the Quran, increase my Iman via more cibaada, control my tongue (as Abu Bakr did) and do well in my schooling.
  21. If we look extensively into the meaning of democracy and all that it entails, we can establish the premise that the idea of an Islamic state that is based on Democracy is nothing more than an oxymoron. We do not have such a clause in our Quran and to expect Muslims to abide as such, is asking them to copy Christianity. Inshallah when I have more time I shall bring proofs (one must always back up a claim). We have a political theory in Islam, it must be understood that not only was the Muhammad (S.A.W) a prophet, but also a statesman. The political theory of Islam is not clearly defined in the Quran, however there are aspects of the theory appearing in it. The greater portion of the theory is contained in the Traditions (Sunnah) of Rasuallah. Having established that, then I ask why is it that we Muslims tend to define our systems by the terminology of the west. We have our own; our Creator ordained one that is far superior for it, let us work to establish it and Inshallah we will return to our former glory.
  22. Rahima


    For a female friend to call me naayaa is fine with me, assuming it’s not accompanied with an angry tone . For a male to ever call me naayaa. God help him :mad: , it’s so rude simply because of the meaning it has. For those that accept being called naayaa by a male, I don’t think they fully understand what it means, because I’m sure that no woman (assuming she knows the meaning) would accept it.
  23. LATEAFHA, sister I'm sure that you are well aware that the Scholars of Islam have discussed this topic through and through. I'm also sure that you must realise that these same scholars have come to different opinions, and that is what they are, opinions. I don't believe it is for any of us to say that the opinion that appeals to us is THE correct one and the other is wrong, for only Allah knows best. Also because one opinion is not stronger than another. Obviously without a doubt, suicide is forbidden in Islam, but what you must understand is that the scholars that a sympathetic to combat in this form do not view it as suicide but rather a legitimate form of defence. Personally i don't like the idea because i believe that other ways could be sought, but of course what would i know. I'm sitting in my home, safe from the aggression of the Zionists, like i have a right to speak. Until we are in the same situation, i believe its wise that we give our full support to our brethren and if not at least that, try to understand their situation and make duca for them for Allah to ease their situation and return masjid Al-Aqsa into the hands of the Muslims.
  24. Our Lord! Bestow on us endurance and make our foothold sure and give us help against those who reject faith. (2:250) Oh Allah! You have revealed The Book...You control the clouds and dominate their path. You defeat the armies of Your Enemies. Oh Allah! All Mighty are You, All Powerful are You, Oh Allah! defeat your enemies, defeat the Zionists, Russians, Hindus, Ethiopians, Chinese, Serbs! Oh Allah! Scatter their aim, shake the earth beneath their feet, strike fear into their hearts. Oh Allah! Disperse their gatherings and shatter their unity; Make their condition severe amongst themselves, and make their plots turn against them - show us the glory of your Power and make their destruction a lesson for those who do not learn lessons. Oh Allah! Hasten their destruction, and make their wealth a bounty for the Muslims. Oh Allah! Aid our Mujahideen brothers in Chechnya, Palestine, Somalia, China, Kashmiir, Albania. Oh Allah! Unify their ranks, and gather them on the word of truth. Oh Allah! Make accurate the aim of their weapons; strengthen their determination and make them steadfast, and bestow upon them tranquillity. Oh Allah! put their hearts at peace and guide them to that which is all-good. Oh Allah! Give them authority in Your Glorified Name, and give glory to them with your infinite armies in the heavens and the earth. Oh Lord of the Worlds! May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon the Messenger of Allah and upon all his followers and companions.