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Everything posted by Classified

  1. Siciid1986;970037 wrote: She's wearing a blue googarat that looks very much like Somalia's flag. She must be a Unionist. She has large headphones on, she's making a statement. "I ain't got time listening to this malaayacni Somalidiids."
  2. Wiil Cusub;974131 wrote: Ps when i said "kuwii" I mean politicians not tribe. If you can agree this than you can understand that kuwa la soo taagan "Somaliweyn"waa muqadis is the biggest problem, because they are seeking union without proper reconciliation and they are afraid to looking different angels to reach any solution. okay, so you were talking about politicians. I totally agree with you. There are two problems. Those that screaming about somaliweyn ha jirto iyo somalia ha noolaato, while the scent of animosity is in the air between somali tribes are a problem. They are not tackling the issue, rather run towards something that isn't really there anymore. The other problem is, those that live in peace in certain areas part of somalia, such as Boorama, Hargeisa, Garowe iyo Boosaaso, whom are not doing their duty as Somali by trying to do their part in bring together the people, holding reconciliation conferences and not just run away with the little they have. They too are a problem.
  3. Wiil Cusub, yaa kuu diiday inaad adigu dawlad ama Kacaan-2 ka fulisid Somalia? Or, are you socially, politically and economically too weak to control Somalia? 1- kuwii cadaalad darada u maamulay wixii lixdankii loola yimid. I quoted your first excuse of "Somalia's failure". Horta, first, Somalia is not in this situation because beesha SNM simply rejected to take part in bringing Somalia into a better stage than it is right now. The reason Somalia is in ruins is because ALL the Somali tribes are against one another politically, thus there is no trust and without trust there will be no unity. Secondly, who's responsible for making you a victim? All Somalis? or a Regime? Be it democratically elected and corrupted governments (Adan Cade iyo Cabdirashid) or be it the Kacaan (Siad Barre). 2- kuwii wixii yaraa ee umaddu ku wada heshiiska ahayd haba iska liitee (dastuurkii/parlamaankii) intay baabi'iyeen yidhi anagaa kaligayo qori ku talinayna. Who are you specifically talking about in this? Entire tribes? or Specific politicians? Be logic in your reasoning, take out all emotions bal. 3- Wax ma garawsadayaasha wali 22 sano kadib muran iyo makeeki la soo taagan (dhibta waa la wada qabay noooo!) Yes, 22 years and counting. No reconciliation. An honest reconciliation will bring back peace, stability and governance.
  4. Beautiful flag indeed. Every Federal State should have it's own flag. I like that!
  5. D.O.C;974105 wrote: I agreed with the quote that SNM wasn't in favoure or even fighting for succession, however somaliland people have never obtained apology (after what they been through) from the southerners whether its from the government or the larger population, and not to mention with their hatred towards somaliland people who worked so hard to be where they are. Therefore we decided to take the different path.. I think u must be animals not to even ponder about this guilt. My god bless somaliland, i don't even feel bad about not being recognised as an inernational member, but i am just glad that we are not part somalia alxamdu'lillah. Lol, do you think you guys are the only victims? Every Somali tribe suffer some form of genocide, mass rape and barakicin (refugees). The day you start being honest to yourself is the day you can find the solution to all the problems facing you and your fellow Somalis. If the civil war hadn't happened and Somalia still had a functioning government, then I'm quite sure many would agree with your self-victimization.
  6. As we all know, the Somali National Movement was established to end Siad Barre's regime and to create a new political system for Somalia. How many of you guys would honestly agree with this? These cry babies misunderstood the game. SNM did not even fight for secession, calacaal, isolation but to restore Somalia for all Somalis and thats why its name was SOMALI NATIONAL MOVEMENT not Somaliland Liberation Front, Somaliland Freedom Movement or whatever.
  7. No wonder Xaji_Xunjuf was on multiple forums. Shoow ninku was trying to be relevant, after loosing hopes of any relevancy on the ground miya. lol
  8. Somalia;973906 wrote: I mean that for an airport in Somaliland, not the world. Xaasidnimada jooji, it's a very advanced International airport for an international standard, not just only Somaliland.
  9. Somalia;973904 wrote: Xaasidnimada jooji, this is a very advanced international airport in Somaliland. You're right, this is a very advanced International airport. Excuse my xaasidnimo my fellow Somalilanders.
  10. 22 years dawladnimo sheego and this is the best you can do with 22 years of Foreign support?
  11. What ethnic group is a "Lander"? I never understood the SNM mind; to dislike and run away from anything "Afweyne" and at the same time, in this thread, Carafaat (The Hypocrite) is claiming "Afweyne's" niece as a "Lander". lol
  12. Classified


    I actually deleted. It's baseless. Such useless threads like this one, would only increase me in bad deeds.
  13. Astaqfurullah! I'm just joking. He didn't tell me anything. I didn't even meet the guy, AUN to Xussein Kulmiye iyo intii Muslim ahed ee dhimatay.
  14. Congrats to Britain. If the Romans were still here, they'd surely be holding Gladiator matches, celebrating his win for the name of Britannia.
  15. Cambuulo iyo bun;973790 wrote: Yeah that's exactly what happened.:rolleyes: Awoowe Xussein Kulmiye Afrax baa iiga waramay sheekadaas.
  16. Cambuulo iyo bun;973786 wrote: LOL wut? I left somalia in december 1990 ha ii gafin ... Ma Cali Mahdi baa kugu yidhi iskaga bax wadanka adeer, we're about to exterminate an entire species? lol
  17. Cambuulo iyo bun;973782 wrote: nuune we're not more than 20 millions. Ilaaha Laangaab naga dhigey embrace it Intaad dadkii Soomaaliyeed cuntay baad hadana leedahay 'illahay ba laangab naga dhigey embrace it". Maybe 20 million is the amount of Somali that lost their lives for the past 22 years.
  18. Ethiopia has more than 2 million Somali @ Nuune. Addis Ababa, Dire Dawa, Harar and many other Ethiopian towns excluding Somali Galbet have major Somali populations.