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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Maakhiri, Everyone is trying to be close to downtown, and if you got a good wide space, they could use for hotel , Bank or other Hawala businesses. They assume that people will not be able to reach your business if you are out of the main square, but if they organize local busses or cheap transport people will come other markets. Booram waxaan ku arkay magaaladii oo magaalo kale laga dhex dhisay oo la buuxiyey dhulkii banaana ee lagu nasan jiray iyo staanadii baabuurtu joogsan jireen. WAxaan is idhi waar dadku maxay iskugu wada dhawaanayaan. It is a bad culture that could be changed by new urban planners,
  2. Land sales and speculation is the only trade that is left in every peaceful region of Somalia. Cities like Garoowe, Boorama and Burco where people congregate for one single market (Suuq) for trades and exchanges, those spaces that are close to the market are expensive. The should create a "suuq" for every neighbourhood like i Hargeisa. In Somaliland the mayors got nothing but to sell public lands, parks school yards or open spaces where people use parking or other issues .Everyone is in the game including the ministers. fact it was Ahmed Siilaanyo who gave the national theater to a local businessman. Che, get some of your friends and start your own village or town 20 minute outside Garoowe. WAxaa laga yaabaa dhulkaa banaan in reer hebel yidhaahdaan angaa leh. A friend told me that from Mogadishu to Hargeisa every open public land is claimed by someone, if not the tribe that lives in the area will demand money or else.. You can start with a nice town where streets are wide and the land is zoned with retail, residential and public places like parks , hospitals and schools. Try to recruit some friends if you decided to relocate.
  3. It is a plot to distract the media and build some allies. By making this move at this stage, he is probably trying to gain the support of the Jewish intelligentsia at this crucial stage of the investigation, but unlike the crazy evangelicals, most American Jews are liberals and they oppose Trump. It was Netanyahu who opposed the unilateral recognition of the Palestinian state by the United Nation's general assembly last year insisting that the two state solutions could only be achieved through negotiations. Who knows the general assembly might start that process soon. Another way to read this move is that Mr. Trump could not deliver the Israeli and Saudi wish of attacking Ira, so this is probably a consolation prize for Netanyahu, yet the biggest losers of all this are the Arab allies of America., like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Fat boys of the Gulf. No one even considered their concern. This is definitely strengthening Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Qatar and those who oppose American policy in the middle east. Trump abandoned all trade agreements that had guided world commerce for the last fifty years. Soon he will leave NAFTA, he left the TPP (trans pacific partnership),He rejected the transatlantic agreement that suppose to bring EU and North America. Soon no one will sit down with America or ask their opinion whether it is the Middle East peace process, the UN or other bodies that regulate current issues. If the tribal congress of America do not act soon, he might dismantle America within four years. Some even suggested that Putin might help him for four more years, and within eight years of Trump , America will leave the world stage and will replaced by China, Russia, Turkey, india and others.
  4. Only in America . Where else would a lunatic like Aex Joes hold court for millions.
  5. That is impressive. How long it took to train these 2400 soldiers?. Maybe they should send some more young recruits to Puntland and train them there.
  6. Qawdan says, "The researcher stated in his findings that there were repressive military governments in the Horn of Africa, meaning Somalia and Ethiopia, but there is also, under them, law and order which provide a solid foundation and a basis of potential to achieve political and economic success through existing systems. Most importantly, the researcher concluded that such law and order in both countries will be nailed in its coffins when the gun goes into the hands of the Hawiye clan of Somalia and the Oromo ethnic group of Ethiopia, both of which he said they were politically in state of hypnosis at that time. Bearing this in mind, we have already proven the calamity that befell on Somalia for the past 25 years following the proliferation of guns into the hands of the Hawiye clan and it seems that the Oromo case will not be different given emerging signs now". No one can cover the crimes the Oromo criminals had committed against Somalis in Hawaday region and other places, at the same time , intelligent people are well aware that it is the TPLF who are creating and organizing these conflicts. In Ethiopia, as we speak, the Tigray dictatorship is weakening both in the Oromo region and in the Ahmara region. Direct occupation of Oromia by TPLF is almost impossible, and those who are leading the Oromia are allying themselves with Ahmara as the Somali regional government became a close ally of the Tigray dictatorship. These are political wars that could get worse if the Somali regional leaders try stop the independent seeking Oromo. There are reports that TPLF and Cabdi Illey are also carrying out covert criminal killings in order to create conflict among the Somalis and the Oromo. Despite the power the the Ethiopians exercise within the Somali republic in terms of military intervention and propping of weak Somali presidents , their days are numbered, so are the rule of criminal Abdi Illey. This writer's attempt to make the whole Oromo people as vampires that will eat people is huge overreach. Of course, the Oromo are mostly peasants, farmers and oppressed nation that is filled with hate and grievances that could boil up any time. Also, the war of the peasants is different than the one waged by the Somali nomad who upholds certain cultural and honorable values. Despite the crimes committed by these Oromo, I would suggest that the Somalis must get out of the way of the incoming implosion of EThiopia instigated by the Oromo. No TPLF army or Liyu police will be able to to stop the birth of nine month old Ethiopian pregnant woman who should bear this Oromo child or it will die. Finally, I also reject this comparison of HAG tribe with the Oromo killings. The USC community had a long history of peaceful power transfer, democratic institutions and hospitality throughout the Somali history. Of course the last generation of leaders tend to be anarchist in order to protect the ill gotten gains they have in Mogadishu, yet most Somalis , if given the chance of either going to Garoowe, Hargeisa or Garbaharey, they would prefer Mogadishu because of their hospitality and where no one will ask you which tribe you belong. EVery Somali region has it's weaknesses, but the resilience of the people of Mogadishu can not be ignored. Tens of thousands of foreign troops are in MOgadishu to fight Al-shabaab, but also many foreign soldiers are there to subdue the independent Somali man of Mogadishu, and when that Mogadishu man becomes free so does the Somali nation. So, Mr. Qawdhan spare us the Oromo comparison of our compatriots in Mogadishu, and your TPLF inspired propaganda launched from occupied Jigjiga. As I said every Somali group has it's weaknesses. Look at the "D block" other than Puntland, wherever they rule, they are ruling with foreign tanks and the backing of despotic leaders. Farmaajo, The so called Somali nationalist who suppose to raise the nation from ashes is crying in Addis and Kampala for more foreign troops, yet his clansmen say, " Danta ku kaliftay" .How long will Farmaajo cry and blame the opposition or those who want the "maandeeeq" for themselves for his inability and weakness. He is calling every army in the world to Somalia in order to prop up his diminishing power. Sow isagu ma dhihin 27 sano Dawlad iyo dal majirin, Wax kastana aniga ayey kow iga yihiin, isagaa laga rabaa waxii uu sheegtay in uu la soo baxo. Ethiopia way dumausaa. Burburkaasi waxa uu saamayn doonaa Afrkada bari oo dhan. Many peaceful places will catch fire. We must prepare and be good in terms with our Oromo neighbors. Some analysts that I talked to even said that Somaliland will be kept in peaceful mood at the moment in order to make the land a buffer Zone for the TPLF, and to keep the Oromo from procuring arms and space from the Somali coastal area. Somaliland will be save buffer zone for Ethiopia for now, as long as the international community keeps the old empire together. So, I would suggest those Somalis who think that they got gold to be very careful. Sidi sididaada mooyaane dhul u dhacaaga hubso.
  7. Yes, he will be there, but only if he gets the cheque first.
  8. Holac, The noose is tightening around Trump's neck. Who would have thought the USA , the nation everyone was looking up to in terms of wealth, power, diplomacy and statecraft would be taken over by someone like the clowns and dictators of African, Middle Eastern or Latin American leaders that people used to laugh , but could not do anything. When I see him I remember Ida Amin of Uganda, Colonel Qadaafi of Libyaand who everyone considered eccentric, clownish or even psychopaths. I blame the media.
  9. Saaxiib , Nin Waalan ma tihid kow dheh, Waxxad tahay nin barwaaqaystay. Congratulations. Marka guur la haybshee, Gabadh heega dheero Hoobaan la moodo Quruxdana ku Hodano Hufaan Lagu Aroosaa Hooyo lagu xasuustaa. By Hadraawi circa seventies. She is not maid. Coming home and looking forward for the warm food of the wife is good life. Nin Barwaaqo, we men are dirty , but we also go to many dirty places to feed and raise family. You can not imagine how many times I have been told that, " go and clean yourself before you eat supper after work. Ah, Gobsanaa hablahayagu.....
  10. Ak, is correct. No one names 50 or 60 ministers unless someone else pays their salaries. How can a Somali nation that can not pay or form 10,000 soldiers is able to have 325 members of parliament? . Hir-Shabeele was bad idea that was rushed by Hassan Sheikh. Rather than bring the services of the government and economic activity to the interior like Buule-Burde or Beledweyne, they made Jowhar their regional capital, a city 90km from Mogadishu. Unlike public perception , Hiiraan is a region settled by three or four major clans, yet Reer beledweyne want to dominate which will not be accepted by others. This could a big poster for the failure of the " Dawlad Goboleed" here you have a leader who is not worried about law and order, health care or government institution, but spends his time forming a sixty member cabinet. Soon some will resign, while others might try to impeach him. Ah , biciidkaan dili doono. Waan kala diri lahaa dhamaantod , maalintay Addis u safraana waxaan ku soo eedeyn lahaa Khaa'inu wadan jeelkaanan gay lahaa. Qabaa'ilkana dhabarkaan ka jabin lahaa.
  11. Saalax, The West Burco community is the largest among SNM Habro both in numbers and land mass. They have 30% of the Hargeisa city counselors, their land stretch from south HArgeisa to Berbera region and city, to Togdheer and Sanaag. They have large settlements in Zone five like Gaashaamo and " Carro Daanood". In fact except AWdal they reside the other four regions of Somaliland. They are the big muscle and lions of the " Habro" and without them there will not be Somalilaland, Just as, if we Awdalites leave , there will not be Somaliland. I do believe that without waging violent war this community could easily gain the presidency of Somaliland if they played their card strategically and shrewdly. . This community had failed politically more than once, and they should change strategy. Soon, I will present an article about C/raxman Cirro and how he was never a real opposition, but a controlled opposition.
  12. Today he made speech about his cabinet, and said it will be only 15 ministers and three commissions. He said many ministeries will be combined together. The three commissions are: telecommunication commission to regulate the media and the telecom companies,, higher education to regulate universities and their qualities, and the anti corruption commission. I never paid attention to their campaign and program and I ignored the book proff. Samatar was advertising throughout Somaliland, but yesterday I did watch a presentation in London by the professor and it is really impressive. People should pay attention and demand those promises kept. After Ahmed Siilaanyo got sick it has been a controlled chaos. If Cirro won despite the change of government, he would have nominated 50 or more ministers. I do not like Muuse Biixi and SNM or all the alphabetic Somali movements ( Waa dadkii qaranka inaga dumiyey) but if he acts this way, and nominates small cabinet with qualified people, he could be an agent of change in Somalialnd. One thing I know about proff. Samatar is that he would not accept mediocrity, corruption or nepotism in government. He might lead to good governance and better institutions.
  13. He was a different generation. Dawladnimada wuu uga dhawaa dhamaan dadkii in soo maray tan iyo 1991. Hassan sheikh is millionare so does Shariif and FArmaajo will one after four years. I heard that his own children were making a living in Alberta like everyone else.
  14. This is the kind of leadership Somalia needs. Dadka siyaasada Soomaaliya wax ka danaynaya ee madax raba in ay noqdaa ninkan oo kale waa in ay diwaan gashadaan oo isha ku hayaan. Good , and honest people are few and far. Dahabku dhoobaduu ku dhex jiraa.
  15. Nice discussion here.. MBS want to eliminate Al Saud dynasty with Bin Salmaan one which will start with him. His father is the last among the sons of C/caziiz Binu Saud who ruled the kingdom for the last sixty years. The throne suppose to rotate among the cousins with Mohamed Binu Nayef, as the new generation of Al Saud, but that scenario was eliminated by king Salmaan by making his son the crown prince. In order to create a Salmaan dynasty he must purge and eliminate all his cousins starting with the children of late king Abdullah who hold influential positions in the army and other places. As Gheele said, biting to many things he can not chew might bring him down eventually, but if he succeeds , he will create a forty year dynasty and absolute dictatorship that will rely on brute force. In order to achieve this dictatorship he must eliminate or change three ideas and groups: the Wahabi Culema; the princes and billionaires, and finally the middle east. The Wahabi doctrine. He already targeted to dismantle and eliminate the collision that formed the Wahabi kingdom. On one side you have Al Saud dynasty running the affairs of the state without question, and the Wahabi Culema who safe guard and spread the Wahabi doctrine around the globe specially in the poor and war torn countries, like Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistani tribal area and Northern Nigeria. This alliance is over two hundred years old which was formed by Sheikh Mohamed Abdulwahab and Al Saud warlord of the seventeen century. There is total separation of power among these two groups. Now, MBS said that his government is intended to finish off WAhabi doctrine and return to the original common Islam known to all. HE already arrested those who resisted and might finish them them all. I, Galbeedi would politely ask Mr.MBS to ask his Sheikhs to call back all their representatives in Somalia and the horn of Africa and ask them to abandon the Wahabi doctrine that begotten the Al-shabaab destructive force that are making havoc in Somalia. I do believe that it does not take much other than one single Fatwa released by the Grand Sheikh of Makah , and we might have a lasting peace. Although the international aspect of the terrorism will still remain in the country, the ideological one might be finished with the decline of the Wahabis in the gulf. Since this group was guided and financed by the government, they might change their Wahabi colors and quietly disappear, but if they fight back, expect total mayhem. " Soomaalida dalka joogta ee khudbadahooga Jimcaha Sacuudiga lagu soo diyaariyana fariin cusub ayaa loo so dari, taas oo naxariis iyo nabad wadata , ka dibna dadka ayey dhinac ka raaci, Ma maqli jirtay dhagdheer dhimatoo dhulkii waa nabad" The Princes and billionaires. The cousins and the princes might number thousands but they do not have any support among the people, which makes them easy to target and eliminate. People will be told that do you want thousands of princes or one king " waar ma 15000 oo Amiir oo xoolihiini boobay ayaad donaysaan mise hal Boqor oo ummadda xooleheeda illaaliya" With the public media leading the charge everyone will say, Oh we prefer only one king" . Some Saudi insiders believe the arrest of billionaire crooks had given him huge support among the public. Just like the princes , these men have stolen billions through graft, kickbacks and royal connection. Imagine prince Waleed Bin Talaal is the second largest share holder of Twenty Century Fox, the parent company of Fox New Chanel, the want that is attacking Muslims and Islam day in and day out. Saudi analysts also believe MBS ha kept close contacts with tribes and told them that the money we were looking is sitting right here in our back yard. Reliable reports say that the interrogations of the princes and billionaires is handled by American contractors based in Dubai. The local police and Saudi investigators do see these men as important public and royal figures so they would not put them huge pressure, but the contractors will do any thing to cooperate including water boarding and hanging them upside down. All their accounts in UAE and Saudi Arabia were frozen , and MBS want 70% of their wealth in order to get their freedom. Remaking the middle east. As many of you said the Saudis do not have the institutions to remake or organize their own state let alone others. Absolute monarchies do not build institutions which is based on knowledge and merit. Despite the disaster Syria and Iraq might rebuild and come due to their instituionsm, but if war comes to the gulf monrachies it will be over soon. War of adventure has weakeened great countries like America since 1991. The difference is America has two big oceans and these wars are fought thousands of miles away. With the war in Yemen burning , the vlatile situation in Syria, MBS want to target Lebanon to destroy Hisbullah and challenge Iran. his demise might come from his political adventures to try and remake the middle east. His effort to force the Lebanese prime minister to resign has back fired, so does his Yemen war. He could have invaded Northern Yemen and take Sana years ago but decided to unleash air strikes and destruction of the country which only create chaos and hatred of the Saudis. Finally, it will not be the elimination of the Wahabis, his cousins and princes, or the billionaire crooks who might destroy him but the Israeli led action of targeting Iran that might lead to the end of hubris of Mohamed Binu Salman.
  16. Mooge, We , the diaspora think we are smarter than the locals, Laakiin Walaahi dalka markaad tegto way ina iibsanayaan. Kulmiye used locals not the diaspora. Meel walba dad baa u joogay , xadhkaha mar hore ayey xidheen.
  17. You right Awdal was divided more than over. The division from Ahmed Muumin affair also did some damage. Kulmiye also, encouraged the fragmentation. THe party does nt start the healing very early. Also, Although the West Burco helped a lot Rayaale finally at the end about 25-30 percent voted for Siilaanyo including the Cirro community who were the forefront to defeat Rayaale. That is why Cirro never got the endorsement of Rayaale. In all I still believe The future belongs to the opposition. Next time the race will be three man race if Faysal leaves the field. Also , large number of Awdl votes were missing especially from opposition. the 147,000 who registered only 102,000 got their card most of them from opposition strongholds at the border communities whom Ethiopia closed the border for crossing. In Lawyacado there were only few Waddani observers where a massive unprecedented number people came from Djibouti and facilitated by Kulmiye. Waddani used many diaspora observers who were not familiar with local tricks and games. WE shall see. History has tought us that, " Midba ka uu ka dambeeyo wuu ka sii liitaa ama kd masiibo iyo dhib badan yahay" marka laga hadlayo mandiqadan Sooomaaliyeed. Khayr.
  18. Farmaajo is begging troops from Ethiopia. Beggars can not lecture their patrons.
  19. There were probably also a lot of dirty tricks by Kulmiye. Three days ago WAddani fired seven people Representative the party in Ahmed Dhagax and other Hargeisa district after it was discovered they were double agents.
  20. Biixi was the weakest candidate compared Samaale and MOhamed. B. Yoonis.
  21. Saalax, Awdal was a fertile ground for the opposition, but Cirro had done nothing to earn their vote. Few weeks before the election I wrote i my in-box an article by the headline, " if Waddani loses Awdal , he might lose the election", yet I decided to discard it for not sounding pessimistic or putting doubts about the leader. He got the 50%plus votes from awdal due to the good will the people had for the Cirro community and their desire for change, but in terms of what Waddani will do for Awdal, he said nothing. He would not touch the Lughaya port, the Head tax in Lawyacado, and many other issues. When Samatar publicly said that a Kulmiye government will build the Djibouti-Borama road , it attracted a lot of people. When he was the chairman of the parliament, he appointed parliamentary committees , and he did not appoint one single Awdalite. In fact Cirro never ever commented one single issues concerning AWdal. Cirro was helped and selected by Siilaanyo and his people to off set the strong leaders who would have defeated Biixi easily. Brother, we all knew he was weak and indecisive", laakiin mar haddii la soo hor mariyey waanu taageernay' In order to became a leader he destroyed UCID, UDUB, Rayaale and Ahmed muumin , and finally it all catch up to him. He got 50% in Balligubadle the stronghold of temporary chairman Jirde. Nimankii la gabayaagoodu ku yidhi , "Lix meeshaad ku joogtaan dagaal laabta ka ogaada" oo aan badanaa kala hadhin oo la is lahaa Waddani ayey iskugu tageen Boqolkiiba 50% buu ka helay. Also, unlike the presumption, not everyone voted according to their tribe except the clans of the two candidates.
  22. Maakhiri, You are right. You either fight to the end or concede defeat early. He was presiding by commission, and that is what weak leaders do. Marba koox ayuu dhagaysanayey.
  23. Galyar might not have a value in Khaatumo, but he has a burning desire to stick to Puntland and Mogadishu politicians. He might even join the cabinet, or replace Saleebaan Gaal as the head of Guurti. I think it is a good marriage between the former unionists and Biixi. I do not think that the so called Jeegaan will last very long. The cabinet will be small unlike the 70 or so who were given false titles and just good salaries.