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Xassan Sheekh Repeats His Opposition to Kismayo Conference, to What End?

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^^Boy, you are really something :D


So London, you reckon, will side with Hassan against Kenya (if we go on tangent here )?

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Oodweyne;945338 wrote:


Saaxiiv you see ghost everywhere and that is really what can't be helped in here.


As for IGAD meeting in Addis-Ababa, you should see that as in one piece of winning the Endorsement of those countries in his approach towards this jubbaland. Or failing that then at least help out to flash out where Kenya stand in here so that when he eventually arrived in London he can have some concrete allegations against Kenya in which he could put before the rest of the IC when it comes what Kenya is up to. And if IGAD is deadlock on the account of Kenya and her veto power then he will say to the rest of the IC that I have been thwarted by Kenya when it comes to stabilising Somalia on the back of his "Six points plan" for Somalia.


So you see all of these diplomatic dances seemed to have a purpose behind them.

Hassan got a good advisor here on how to defeat the occupying Kenyan army. Too bad he is a seperatist activist whose interest is against seeing united south. Save it for another day waryee.

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Oodweyne;945321 wrote:
It seems ever time Oodweyne mentions this jubbaland thingy folks are liable to see red mist in here, one wonders why that is the case?



War cid walba wee ku heysyaan, from Oba,Maaddeey, to MMA, Somalilanders, Djiboutians, Reer Xamar.


One needs to understand that there is a consensus among Somalis, thay Somalia will not be criplled anymore by the ambitions of ANY subclans. The pirates know this, but I feel for the Somali Kenyans who are new to the game.

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Xiinow ma maqli jirtay, boowe a latahay :D


Ninka ay AMISOM ilaaliso waa latahay inuu wax xukumo, nimaka Kismayo kushirayana umaba oga oo waxba inuu yahay ma aaminsana.


Shirku waa socdaa, xoogaa delegates iyo tartan xagga dhankooda ayaa loo dhutinayaa marka laga gudbona dowlada Jubbaland Madaxwaynaha ayaa ladooran, cid culusow ujoojinaysa iyo cid isaga udhutinaysaa ma ay jirto. waa uu isla yahay loomase oga oo warba lagama hayo.

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Carafaat;945350 wrote:


War cid walba wee ku heysyaan, from Oba,Maaddeey, to MMA, Somalilanders, Djiboutians, Reer Xamar.


One needs to understand that there is a consensus among Somalis, thay Somalia will not be criplled anymore by the ambitions of ANY subclans. The pirates know this, but I feel for the Somali Kenyans who are new to the game.

That consensus includes the ambitions of Laaland, right? or what?

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Oodweyne;945348 wrote:
Xiin and this script by name of Jacpher are really sight to behold, indeed. .

Which of those two am I wrong about? That you are a separtist activist who is offering advice on how to unite the south against the occupying IGAD Kenyan army. :D :D :D

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Madaxweynuhu hadalkiisu waa waa hadal masuul,meel xanaf lehna ma muuqato hadaadse caadifad qabiil isaga indha tirtaan waligiin ma garan kartaan, hadaad doonayso inaad xumaysaan waxaad oran kartaan shinidu malabka matag'bay ka samaysaa


Fedaraalku maahan xogaa yaroo dhaantaa oo meel lagu cayaaro waa hawl badan,una baahan in maskaxda la tuujiyo,hadii laga fursan waayay.


Sida walaalkeen waranle tol jecle u sheegayna waxaa loo dhutinayaa tartan jifada hoose ka dhexeeya, yaa qabiilkii weynaa xalin la'yahay waana tan keentay in madax weynuhu mawqif cad kasoo saaro sheegayna in dadka iyo dawladdooda oo isku duuban talo wada qaataan



Hadii ay noqoto in mid laga gaarsiiyo oo madaxweyne j/land loo magacaabo inta kenya aan meesha laga badelin wax macnaa ma samaynayso

Talada dawlada iyo baarlamaanka yaan layska dhaga tirin,dawladaanu mid kaftamaysa uma eka wax qabadka dalkeeda iyo dadkeeda waa ka dhab sida muuqata.

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waa waranka xasan caaradiisa , wax xunna maaha oo hadde dantaa harag eyna waa loogu seexdaa, waatii maahmaahdii soomaaliyeed lahayd. laakiin waxaa marqaati ma doonta in iyada oo xamar weli xero ****** tahay , in Xasan Kismayo u doobinayo oo uu caro bestii la yahay :D.


Gooni iyo ragga la midka ah waxa muhiim ah inay ogaadaan, in rag tashaday oo wiil usc tababarkeeda qaba aan cidna isku dhiibayn inta uu dawladnimo adeeradi diideen ku muxaadaraynayo . Federalka awalba sidii anti biotics kii oo kale baa loo laqsiiyey, dhowrka kiniini een weli caloosha is fiican ugu dhicin biyihii lagu dejin lahaa weeye arrinta Kismayo gooniyow :D

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gooni;945384 wrote:

Fedaraalku maahan xogaa yaroo dhaantaa oo meel lagu cayaaro waa hawl badan,una baahan in maskaxda la tuujiyo,hadii laga fursan waayay.

:D wallee waa runtaa. Dadkani badanka ma oga federalism micnaheeda, waxa lagu yidhi uun reerka yee u wanaagsan tahay. Macaa qaar siyasada Somaliya waxba ka ogeen oo Kikuya ah ayaa nala raba federalism. :D

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remember when i said qosalye has no vision and is clanist? lol. now you guys are realizing mooge was spot on. loooool.


people who opposed my views in the past are now looking down. we have the most incompetent leader in villa somalia since independence. lol. what a goon he is. he eats cambuulo all morning, qosol all afternoon, and sleep all night.

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Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh oo Adis ababa u duuley


Muqdishso–2 May,2013–Puntlandi– Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya Xasan Sheikh iyo Wafdi uu hogaaminaylo ayaa galabta u duuley Adis ababa si uu uga qayb galo shirka Madaxda IGAD oo beri ka dhici doona Adis ababa.


Afhayeenka Villa Somaliya Cabdiraxmaan Yariisow ayaa sheegay in Safarka Madaxweynuhu uu yahay ka qaybgalka Shirka IGAD, isagoo madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh uu igad ugudbin doono qorshaha xukuumada.



Its about IGADs grand stabilization plan for south-central Somalia. The Somali Gov have their own plan and strategy . IGAD must accepted sovereignty of Somalia. IGAD must show respect to Somali Government , Its a recognized government and are capable of managing the country,


IGADs grand stabilization plan for south-central somalia will not work

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Mooge;945498 wrote:
remember when i said qosalye has no vision and is clanist? lol. now you guys are realizing mooge was spot on. loooool.


people who opposed my views in the past are now looking down. we have the most incompetent leader in villa somalia since independence. lol. what a goon he is. he eats cambuulo all morning, qosol all afternoon, and sleep all night.


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I am not sure why this is a cause for a surprise. The government's position from day one has beem this is unconstitutional. The presidemt said it, the prime minister said it, the minister of interior said it. This was their position and they have reiterated it. What's the development that is cause for surprise?


You had foreign governments bring couple men together during the transition. Everything in the process was clouded in secrecy without any oversight, verification, or transparency. You had a constitution written in a foreign capital which was exported complete and within one day "ratified" by assorted number of elders no one knows where they came from (they are just now attempting to nominate them to even represent), whether they are even literate...all of which is mute considering the so-called constitution was presented and ratified in less than a day.


All of this in the backdrop of Somalia's first legitimate government being recognized and with the task of presenting a harmonious and orderly method of federalizing the nation. The entire IGAD project has had more holes than a fishing net and seems a dime and dozen too late. The country is heading towards order and protocol, not the wild west days of doing things in the transition and prior.


The President said 1.) turn the conference into reconciliation conference and 2.) stabilize the regions by removing Shabaab in the mean time with transitional administerations preparing the groundwork for inclusive participation.


This is exactly the governments positon from day one. Why the feigned surprise?

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You're getting it all wrong bud. Disappointment? Yes. Surprise? No. Not at all.


Hassan and his prime minister have failed in persuading, convincing or even forcing the local constituents to follow their lead. Why? That's food for thought for those who have healthy noodles in their cranium.


There is no polls in Somalia. But in the court of public opinion, the clans that hail from that corner of Somalia want to own the process of creating a provincial government of their own. They are united from top to bottom, from traditional chieftens to religious leaders, from rural folk to urbinites.


It's Hassan and his passive prime minister who are ignoring the public sentiment and want to ramp their version of federalism down the locals throat.


As to this business of invoking foreign card, yes it is true. Irrespective of what JL supporters tell you the frontline states have existential interest in Somalia. They want Somalia that is stable but weak. The federal constitution committe have been conveneved, staffed, funded and nursed in Nairobi. The roadmap is hatched in Kampala. And so on...


Awoowe oppose Kismayo gathering if you must but don't you pull foreign card on them.

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Awoowe gacaliye horta ilaahay harag ey naguma seexiyo maslaxad kastoo ku jirta

Arintu maahan waagii is barbar yaaca aqoonsi dawladeed baa la helay rajo fiican baa iftiimaysa,hadii aad ka dido lahjadda madaxweynaha waa arin kale,qudbadaasu ceeb ma lahan


Marka horee maamulo ku meel gaara ha la dhiso ka dibna heshiiya oo waxaad ku heshiisaan dastuurka waafajiya oo dhisa maamul dadku ku kalsoon yahay adinkoo mar walba ku xiran dawladiina ma hadalkaas baa turxaan leh?


Muqdisho yaa loo xaq sooraa awoowe oo daggen? kee qaalisan inaad gurigaagii xamar raadiso iyo inaad dhisto dawlado ka xoog badan tan xamar oo waliba cliqaadyo gaara la leh dawladaha dariskaa?

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