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Dastuurka Qabyada Waa Sax ee Ha la Baasiyo

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^He means Xaaji and You getting hot under the collar over the 'Somali' constitution. And Aren't you two not Somalilanders, for example? :D

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on a personal note regarding this discussion on the Constitution.


From Puntland's perspective I can fully understand that Puntland's structures are ready to function as a federal State. Just like I can understand that Somaliland's ambitions to become a full fledging recongnized country. However I oppose both. Not because they can't, I am sure they could. But because I belief its in the interest of all Somali's to stay together as a united country with strong regional and central institutions and goverment. Thats is the only way we could look beyond the current, end our internal issue's and compete and participate on economic, social, political with africa and the world. And fullfill our people's needs.


Paragon, I am guilty of idealism and of being a dreamer. But one needs to be if we want a diffrent future. I am sure those men sitting under trees in Burco back in 1991 and Garowe in 1998, were dreaming and hoping of abetter future. We are thankfull they havent let themselves be limited in their actions and a mbitiouns by reality and neither should we!

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Paragon;824813 wrote:

Another thing, don't the secessionists know that the very reason why Khaatumo folk oppose the constitution may have more to do with their ill-placed rivalry towards Faroole's clan name than any sound policy considerations?

What you have against KHaatumo People? I see you doubt Khatumo people intentions, similarly the majority of Somali doubt the intentions of those who support the fake constitution. Somali people don't trust Warlord Faroole & his pirates.


The real reason why Khaatumo people and majority of Somali People oppose the fake constitution is because there is lack of Somali ownership in constitutional processes, Somali people have no say at all in the process.


Paragon;824813 wrote:

Sidelining Puntland clans by commencing a Hargaysa-Muqdisho alliance wouldn't help the Somali republic one bit.


Likewise, Insulting Khaatumo Clans and sidelining Khaatumo Clans by Warlord Siilaanyo & Warlord Faroole and their unholy Hargeysa-Garowe alliance wouldn't help Somali Republic. Warlord Siilaanyo and Warlord Faroole & co must stop insulting Khaatumo People.

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Mario B   

Somalia;824822 wrote:
Faroole is right to be a "stealth secessionist". What's left if this road map fails, you think we will let moryaan set us back another 21 years? Even I won't be against secession if it fails and let the south become a trusteeship.

When trusteeship comes it will involve all 18 regions of Somalia from Ras kamboni to Loya're starting to behave like an ostrich with it's head in the sand, Somalia.

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I think you are the one being naive, there's more at play here. I guarantee you, if it fails, Puntland will secede, there's no doubt about it or the capital will be moved from Mogadishu to another area.

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Ha’ada Culumada Somaaliyeed oo Ka Soo Hor Jeesatay Dasuurka


Ha’ada culumada somaaliyeed ayaa waxa ay sheegtay in qobyo qoraalka dastuurka uusan xiligaan heysan waqti ku filan ama lagu diyaarin karo dastuur waxa kalo ay sheegan in dasturkan uusan ka turjimeyn baahida guud ee shacabka somaliyeed.


Gudoomiyaha culumada soomaliyeed Sh.Bashiir Axmed Salaad ayaa shegay in dastuurka la sheegay in lo samenayo soomaaliya uu ku shegay in uu u baahan yahay in wax badan laga qabto uuna sido kale u baahan yahay in waqti dheer la siiyo.


Maalmihii ugu dambeyay ayay aheyd malkii ay qaarka mid ah bulshada aya dhaliil u soo jedinayay habsami u socodka qobyo qoraalka dastuurka iyadoo madaxda Dowlada ay ku adkesatay in la ansixindoono Dastuurka.







Hay’adda Culumada Soomaaliyeed oo Iyana Codkooda ku Biiriyey Dadka ka soo Horjeeda Dastuurka Qabya Qoraalka Ethiopia Iyo Uganda


Guddoomiyaha Hay’adda Culumada Soomaaloiyeed Shiikh Bshiir Axmed Salaad oo la hadlay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta ayaa shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay inaysan marnaba ansixin Dastuurka la sheegay in dhawaan la ansixinayo. Guddoomiyaha ayaa ku ciladeeyay Dastuurka qabya qoraaledkiisu dhawaan la damacsan yahay in la Ansixiyo mid aan ku salaysnayn waa siduu hadalka u dhigaye Shareecada Islaamka sidaa darteedna loo baahan yahay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed ay meel uga soo wada jeestaan.


Sheikh Bashiir oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa intaa ku daray in markii ay dib u eegis ku sameeyeen Dastuurka ay xukuumaddu dhawaan sheegtay in la so afjaray ayuu sheegey in ay ku jiraan Qodobo ka hor imaanaya Shareecada Islaam Guddoomiyaha Hay’adda Culumada Soomaaliyeed ayaa ku biiriya qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada oo muddooyinkii dambaba qayla dhaan ka muujinayay Hawlaha ansixinta Dastuurka.


Guddiga Dastuurka oo dhawaan Saxaafadda la hadlay ayaa sheegey in marka ay soo dhamaystirmaan Hawlaha Dastuurka qabya qoraaleedka in dib loogu celinayo Culumada Soomaliyeed kuwaasoo turxaan bixin ku samaynaya.Mas’uuliyiinta Xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa hore u sheegtay in Dastuurka la hubin doono ka hor inta aan la ansixinin isla markaana wixii qalad loo arko laga saarayo.


waxaa abaabulkoodu iminka socdaa Odoyaashii loogu tala galay meel marinta ama ansixinta Dastuurka qayla dhaanta badan ay ka daba yeereyso waxaana la filayey in Xafladii lagu furi lahaa Ansaxinta Dastuurka ay baaqatey ka dib markii ay soo dhameytirmi waayeen Odoyashii Beelaha hase yeeshee waxa Muuqata in Dastuurka Ansaxintiisa ay ka horyimadeen inta badan dadka soomaliyeed ka dib markii lagu arkey Qodobo ka hor imaanaya Shareecadda Islaamka dhinaca kale dadka qaar baa ka soo horjeetay Dastuurka oo ay sheegeen in dalkaan lagu xukumi karo wax aan ka ahayn Kitaabka Alle







Sheikh Bashiir ” Dastuurka Kama Turjumayo Baahida Guud ee Shacabka Soomaaliyeed”


Ha’ada culumada somaaliyeed ayaa waxa ay sheegtay in qobyo qoraalka dastuurka uusan xiligaan heysan waqti ku filan ama lagu diyaarin karo dastuur waxa kalo ay sheegan in dasturkan uusan ka turjimeyn baahida guud ee shacabka somaliyeed.


Gudoomiyaha culumada soomaliyeed Sh.Bashiir Axmed Salaad ayaa shegay in dastuurka la heegay in lo samenayo soomaaliya uu ku shegay in uu u baahan yahay in wax badan laga qabto uuna sido kale u baahan yahay in waqti dheer la siiyo.


Maalmihii ugu dambeyay ayay aheyd malkii ay qaarka mid ah bulshada aya dhaliil u soo jedinayay habsami u socodka qobyo qoraalka dastuurka iyadoo madaxda Dowlada ay ku adkesatay in la ansixindoono Dastuurka.






Hay’ada Culimada Soomaaliyeed oo kasoo horjeesatay ansixinta Dastuurka cusub(Dhagayso)


April 28, 2012


Hay’adda culumada Somaliyeed ayaa ka soo horjeesatay dastuurka Qabya qoraalka, qaabka lagu soo diyaariyay iyo qodobo ka mid ah oo ay sheegeen inay dhaliilsanyihiin.Hay,adda ayaa maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Muqdishu.wareysi aan la yeelanay Gudoomiyaha Hay’adda Culumada Somaliyeed Shiekh Bashiir Axmed Salaad oo aan ugu horeyn weydiinay waxa uu shirkooda jaraa’id ku saabsanaa.

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Mario B   

Somalia;824832 wrote:
I think you are the one being naive, there's more at play here. I guarantee you, if it fails, Puntland will secede, there's no doubt about it or the capital will be moved from Mogadishu to another area.

If only the world worked like that then it would be x-mas and new year everyday. :D

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Che -Guevara;824835 wrote:
Where has the Culuma been the last 21 years?


You don't remember the Ethiopian Invasion of Somalia in 2006. The reason behind invasion was to support the TFG in Baidoa and to destroy Islamic Courts Union and Somali Culama.

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'Liibaan';824844 wrote:
You don't remember the Ethiopian Invasion of Somalia in 2006. The reason behind invasion was to support the TFG in Baidoa and to destroy Islamic Courts Union and Somali Culama.

That so-called culuma is now the TFG or Al-Shabaab. Good luck siding with Al-Qaeda.

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