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SNM militia taken out of Buuhoodle

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This was a bad move on the part of the Somaliland Authorities. Those who believe that war is the solution are deluded and have imbibed God knows what. This failed attack on Buuhoodle would just make a bad situation even worse.



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I am amazed by the jungle mentality some solers have, how can they be happy with ppl who are being attacked. And, Buhodle was attacked from behind in the middle of the night...The snm army are cowards...And they still got outsted.


snm is no match for even one SSC town.



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Buuhoodle: (Allpuntland)-Ciidamo katirsan kuwa Maamulka Somaliland oo ku hubaysan Gaadiidka Dagaalka & Hubka cul-culus oo xalay soo jiiray deegaanadii difaaca u ahayd ciidanka Buuhoodle ayaa saaka Hiirtii waaberi weerar culus ku qaaday magaalada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn ee Puntland kuwaasoo kayimid dhanka Deegaanka Kalshaale iyo Hagoogane islamarkaasna weerar & Rasaas aan loo meeldayin ku qaaday magaalada Buuhoodle.


Wararka laga helayo Buuhoodle ayaa sheegaya in khasaaro xooglihi uu ka dhashay dagaalkii ka qarxay Buuhoodle saaka iyadoona wararku intaas kudarayaan in Ciidanka Maamulka Somaliland ay isdifaacid kala kulmeen ciidamada Buuhoodle kusugan & Dadka deegaanka Iyadoona dagaalkaasi uu saameeyey labada dhinacba.


Isgaarsiinta intabadan gobolada SSC ayaa saaka jaran Waxaana badi isgaarsiintaas bixiya shirkado kuyaala deegaanada Somaliland islamarkaasna laga xukumo Somaliland iyadoona taas loo sababaynayno In Maamulka Somaliland uu amray in lajaro Isgaarsiinta SSC, majirto Faahfaahin dheeri ah oo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ku saabsan khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee Weerarka Somaliland ay ku ekaysay Saaka Buuhoodle iyadoo warar qaarkood ay sheegayaan in Somaliland ay guud ahaanba saaka qabsatay Buuhoodle wallow markii danbe ay dib uga guratay qaybo kamid ah magaalada.


Waxaa jirta Diyaargarow xoog leh iyo Abaabul saaka kajira degmada Taleex ee gobolka Sool halkaasoo aqoonyahanada, Siyaasiyiinta & Waxgaradka deegaanada SSC shirweyne balaarani uga socday, Waxaa saaka Taleex laga dareemayaa kacsanaan xoogleh oo halkaas kajirta iyadoona dadka deegaanku ay ka keceen weerarka Somaliland, Gawaari lagu xiray cod baahiyeyaal ayaa saaka dhexwareegaysa Taleex iyadoona dadka loogu sheegayo inay Isdifaacaan Sidoo kalena Ciidamada Taleex kusugan ayaa lagu amrayaa inay hal goob ah isugutagaan ayna u diyaargaroobaan dagaal ka dhan ah Somaliland, Shirweyne degdeg ah ayaa u socda siyaasiyiin uu horkacayo Cali Khaliif Galayr oo Ra’iisul Wasaare ka noqday Dawladii Carta & Xubno kale kuwaasoo ay uga hadlayaan weerarka Somaliland iyadoona warar hoose oo shirkaas laga helayo ay sheegayaan in ay go’aansadeen in weerar lagu qaado meelaha ay Somaliland xukunto ee katirsan gobolada SSC, Shirkii Taleex ayaa guud ahaanba maanta hakad laga dareemayaa Sidoo kalena intabadan ciidamadii difaaci jiray Buuhoodle iyo deegaana kale ee SSC ayaa kusugan degmada Taleex waana taas mida loo aanaynayo in Somaliland ay gudaha u gasho degmada Buuhoodle, Waxaa xusid mudan in madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) oo shalay la hadlay Golayaasha dawladiisu uu si rasmi ah ugu dhawaaqay in Somaliland ay ka dagaalami doonto shirka kasocda Taleex oo uu ku tilmaamay inay wadaan rag maamulkiisa col la ah isagoona shaaciyey inay iska difaaci doonaan shirkaas & wixii kasoo baxa.


Wixii kasoo kordha Xaalada Buuhoodle APL kalasoco.

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Oodweyne;774851 wrote:


Well, that is your interpretation of things; and, I wouldn't hold it against you. For veracity of things were as stranger to you, as the notion of truthful interpretation of Koran is to you, particularly, as a AS card-carrying member.


As for your insinuation at the rest of it goes, I am afraid yours is as they say, wishful thinking at it's best, indeed. And, hence, no one should be surprise about it, indeed..

name calling won't help you here. clean ideas do.


you can't support blood shed while overseas, and expect to be different from the doer. your thoughts do hold.

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Kudos to the courteous, fearless Buuhoodle citizens. "SL" and with all its might have been tested once more. Rabbi xaqa ha tuso Siilaanyo iyo ciyaalka gacmaha reer Buuhoodle ku cadaabmaya.

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Silanyo jumped the gun. He should have waited for the outcome of the meeting or showed his disapproval from the start. To act now in my view shows indecisiveness. I thought his handling of the Kalshaale incident was below average also.


If Siilanyo is a one term president as his claiming, decisions need to be clear and firm.

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They attack at night when people are asleep, they attack on Eid when people celebrate and they lose everytime. Siilanyo will have to face war crimes when this is all said and done.

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Abokor Omar;774903 wrote:
Silanyo jumped the gun. He should have waited for the outcome of the meeting or showed his disapproval from the start. To act now in my view shows indecisiveness. I thought his handling of the Kalshaale incident was below average also.


If Siilanyo is a one term president as his claiming, decisions need to be clear and firm.

I totally agree..


Some in his government admitted that they supported the meeting.


Wrong move, but I think the people of SL should support him regardless.

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This is a war that SNM bandits can not win in the end. This will be undoubtedly be their downfall if this continues.

The idea of ​​SCC is planted in the minds and impossible to stop.

Awdal state will make a similar journey, the snowball affect is in motion.


This day is good day. Its the start of liberation of SCC land and the birth of Pro-somalia state.

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Dervish;774920 wrote:
They attack at night when people are asleep, they attack on Eid when people celebrate and they lose everytime. Siilanyo will have to face war crimes when this is all said and done.

Well said!

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Hambalyo Ku Socota Reer Buuhoodle Sida geesinimada Leh Ee Ay Iskaga Dhiciyeen Maleeshiyaadka SNMta Guuul


Jaaliyadaha SSC ee ku kala sugaan wadamadd aduunka waxaa ay hambalyo u dirayaan shacabka reer SSC gud ahaan iyo ciidamada naftood hurayaasha ah ee maanta is ka ceshay maleeshiyaadka SNMta iyo wixii ay wateen.




Sidoo kale waxaa ay si qaas ah ugu mahad celinayaan shacabka reer buuhoodle oo u taagan midnimada umada soomaaliyeed iyo tan SSCba waxaan dhamaan bulsha waynta SSC meelkasta oo ay joogaan ay idin leeyihiin guul waxaana idin xusi doonta taariikhda soomaaliyed iyo tan SSC.




Sidoo kale shabakada Codka shacabka Ee Allssc waxaa ay u taagan tahay ilaalinta iyo halganka SSC markastana way idn garab taagan tahay waxaana aanu leenahay wada halganka soomaaliyeed ilaaliya calanka soomaaliyeed diida wixii umada soomaaliyeed kala goynaya.




Abdiwahanb mohamed abdi


nairobi kenya

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Congratulations to our heroic Buhoodle people, masha allah, they defeated the enemy (snm gang) in few hours.



Ninkii Dhoof kuyimid Bay Geeridu Dhibaysaa, Guushana waxaa iska ninka dhulka iskaleh, ee xaqa ku dagaalamaya.

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The Hermet;774789 wrote:
First of all the troops that went into buhoodle were from las canod: so if anyone died: your own clans men this moment in time: From what we know Somaliland has control of the town: but from your side there are conflicting lets wait and see when one side can be proven entirely wrong...lets wait and see. these are the latest reports:


Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland Oo Gudaha U Galaya Magaalada Buhuoodle Iyo Warar Iskhilaafsan Oo Soo Baxaya. Buhoodle (Ramaas) Jan. 15, 2012- Wararka ka imanaya degmada Buhoodle, ayaa sheegayaa in cutub ka tirsan ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland oo uu ho


Buhoodle (Ramaas) Jan. 15, 2012- Wararka ka imanaya degmada Buhoodle, ayaa sheegayaa in cutub ka tirsan ciidanka Qaranka Somaliland oo uu hogaanimayo abaanduulaha ciidanku Ibraahim Caydiid Dhab-dhab in ay gudaha u galeen Magaaladaas oo ay ka socdaan ilaa hadda dagaao l qadhaadh oo dhexmaraya ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa jabhada SSC.




Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in ciidanka Qaranaka Somaliland ay muddo kooban la wareegeen gacan ku haynta Magaaladaas, laakiin ay markii dambe kaga baxaan sababo lagu sheegay xeelado dagaal, laakiin waxa taas beeniyay qaar ka mida taliyaasha falaagada oo la hadalay saaxafada.




Qax ballaadhan ayaa ka bilaabamay Magaalada Buhoodle,iyada oo boqolaal qoys oo afka saareen dhanka dhulka ku jira gudaha dalka dariska ah ee ETHIOPIA, gaar ahaan deegaanka Laandheer, waxaana ay dulsaar yihiin ku noqdeen dad ay qaaroobo yihiin oo xool dhaqada ah.




Ramaasnews Desk

;);) you so funny.. War ileen nimaan xishoonayn waa kanoo kale..

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Abokor Omar;774903 wrote:
Silanyo jumped the gun. He should have waited for the outcome of the meeting or showed his disapproval from the start. To act now in my view shows indecisiveness. I thought his handling of the Kalshaale incident was below average also.


If Siilanyo is a one term president as his claiming, decisions need to be clear and firm.

Heheh, you were cheering on the other threads.. Now what has came over you?

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