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The Zack

Somalilander or Not a Somalilander?

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I's one thing opposing Somaliland. Its quite another advocating for a 'viable' alternative. Whoever attempts to do the latter, qacan baan utaagi.

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LOL@qacan baan u taagi.


Norf - bal aniga gacan ii taag


Here is my alternative to current SL government policy : Reduce the rhetoric of way duushay iyo Somalilander and the search for the ever illusive recognition - and instead focus on policy of rapprochement with south and all other Somali entities whilst maintaining your autonomy and continuing with developments and progress within the areas of control.

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^Gacan waan kuu taagay. But don't you think Somalia needs to get it's act together first before any discussion on SL seperation/stay can be had? What you mentioned is something that could happen if South Somalia didn't have Al Kebab running a mock (and if there was peace and stability for a period of time).


I just don't understand the anti SL views if there is nothing to offer in return apart from the TFG, AS and AMISOM.

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^ninyahow gacan taag-taag has many meanings - marka take your hat off for me - if you agree with what i am saying. :D


first of all - south or mogadishu to be specific, is not all of somalia - albeit it being an important part.

secondly - i whole agree with you and the people who raise the valid point of not wanting to join a chaos only to get affected by it.

thirdly - the alternatives to current somaliland predicament are many (which can all be done - without having to secede autonomy) - such as

- managing the chaos to it is advantage - i.e. muck in and support like minded groups vying for control of the south with view to influencing the long term outcomes.

- Claim Somali government (think ROC more commonly known as Taiwan - which sat on the UN seat as China until late 1970s)

- espouse Somali unity whilst maintaining your own de facto independence

- etc etc iwm.

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From the responses in this thread, if a referendum on secession was undertaken today in NW Somalia, another civil war would probably breakout in the area regardless of the result.

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^^^ As Sayid said, alternative instead of succession could be continuing autonomy system and taking a major role in the somalia issues like p/l does. I am sure s/l will gain doing business this way more than it has now.


Plus, regions in the north like ssc and Awal will be more incline to cooperate and that will weigh more the balance between south and north.. The problem now is s/l which other clans sees as one clan wants to just do things on its own way. That ain't solution abti.. Caqligu ha shaqeeyo..

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I fail to see why any of you care what they do with their three cities? ..


seriously who gives..


Val if there is ever a war we all know who caused it, oo imaan ku yelan wayey intooda...



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Aliyah ... Bal maanta waa Jimce ha layska baashaalo oo yaan xayraanimo lagu af bilaabin. Soomaalidu waa hal qoys oo aan kala maarmin balse dhabtii nina nin ma khasbi karo

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I realize that fact walaal A khadar waana wax aan si xad dhaafa uga soo horjeedo oo waxan yeelano hadaadn SSC nahay ma aha..xaqdarona meel dheer ma gaadho meelna mala gadhayaan.


laakin sadexdooda magalood ha qataan baan leeyahay anuu oo mars iyo jupiter halaka dhacaan..


Taleex somali wa hal umad oo kala maarmi mayso laakin koox haday garatay in ay qabiilkooda goostaan...maxa lo khasabaya ha goostaan..and ofcourse waxay leeheen yaguba loma adeecayo oo maba qadan karaan oo qofwalba meshiisa asaga u madax banaan hadii kale dagaal uun bay noqon hawshu hadii xaqdaro dadkan somaliland isku sheegaya kusii socdaan..dagaalna wiil kuma dhasho wiil baa ku dhinta laakin dad dhulkood marnaba ay hunguriyeen oo reer walba inteeda way rabtaa..


reer walbow intaada maamulo kii somaliwayn ku darsanaya tafadal kii raba in uu reerkisa yar goosto gooso? maxaaba la isku wareerin



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