The SSC Predicament!

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Aaliyyah;729889 wrote:
and I have news for you or more like a history lesson,



if mr Tuur can join somalia who was the founder/first president of Somaliland. Why are you telling me what one man of low rank status decided to do..


let me know the day xaglatoosiyo joins your so called somaliland maybe then we are even!


till then you got noin to say



Lol.. Alliya, that is very valid point, but successionist can't see beyond their narrow sight!

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NGONGE;729944 wrote:

You keep talking about innocent people dying but I never hear about them. Where, when and how?

So the daily arrests and invation to SSC cities where people die and wound to your view those are not innocent people. The Massacre in Kalshale, Balihadhac couple year ago also those are not innocent people attacked Siiraanyo militia for no reason other than closing virtual borders.


NG, supporting Adeer Siiraanyo with his mistakes is digging you deep and your credibility is a history... Ceebey tacaal.

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^lol odeygan NG la baxay faaidoba ma leh. Ninka dhan ee ku leh dad la dilay ma arkine xagee lugu arkay ii sheeg miyaa maanta wax ka sugasa...tan kale kulaha tuur haigu soo qadin lol (marna inay tariikhda dalacaan oo dhahaan 1988 baa nala xasuuqay markaad tariikhda wax kaso qadid yaga u cuntameena ku dhahaya iga dhaaf waxaas wa laga tagay)


tan sadexad 30 nin aya tfg ku jira markaan idhi oo somaliland kasoo jeeda miyey aheen wax hada socda oo xadir ah..they are very much alive believe me lol..and they are no different than the three men ee NG kaga dhagtay ee somaliland wax la wada. aduunku wa saas dadba laluush doorta (dadkaasna somaliland bay jiraan SSC bay ku jiraan meelkasta bay ku jiraan)


anyways, i got too much to do than to worry abt NG's bs..



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Aaliyyah;729889 wrote:
and I have news for you or more like a history lesson,



if mr Tuur can join somalia who was the founder/first president of Somaliland. Why are you telling me what one man of low rank status decided to do..


let me know the day xaglatoosiyo joins your so called somaliland maybe then we are even!


till then you got noin to say





A_Khadar;729967 wrote:
Lol.. Alliya, that is very valid point, but successionist can't see beyond their narrow sight!


I agree with both Khadar and Alaliya, Cabdiraman Tuur was chairman of SNM Clan faction, the first president and founder of Somaliland Jabhad/faction , the father of clan secession, after 2 years Mt. Tuur left the Clan Project, and became Pro-Union activist.


Buubaa and Sifir and numerous SNM/SL high ranking ministers were part of large Tuur Group who joined back to Somalia


Cabdiraxmaan Tuur, the former president, abandoned the secessionist project and turned to the south, where he joined Maxamed Faarax Caydiid in Mogadishu. He appeared together with Caydiid at a press conference in Addis Ababa in April 1994, presented himself as SNM chairman, and declared his support for a federal system for Somalia, including Somaliland.



While Tuur followed his own personal agenda, he also represented some sections among the SNM Clan, particularly among his own sub clan west burco, which opposed secession and looked for other options for Somalia. In addition, Tuur and some others managed to manipulate those clan members who, aft er Tuur’s replacement, felt deprived of power in Somaliland, even if they were not necessarily opposed to the secession.














Mohamed Oaamar

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Yeah but when tuur joined the govt of sal balaadh he was no longer the president of Somaliland thus he can do what he likes with his spare time. Former President Mujahid Tuur left Somaliland for adis ababa Ethiopia 11th July 1993. Tuur Joined the Sal balaadh Govt not as the SNM chairman not as the Somaliland president but as Abduraxmaan tuur. Now compare it to the Khusuuusi delegates they went to widhwidh as the Khusuusi MPS and as the chairman of the Khusuusi Mr Cabdirisaaq gacmay no one stripped him from his charmanship he is now in widh widh discussing the future of his people and his ssc faction.

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Maleeshiyada SNM Ee Dilalka Qorshaysan Ka Waday Gudaha Laascaanood Oo Caawa Toogasho Ku Dilay Gabadh Ardayad ah.


Laascaanood(Allssc): Mid kamida Maleeshiyada Jamhada SNM ee xooga ku jooga gobolka Sool ayaa caawa toogasho badheedh ah ku dilay Gabadh u Dhalatay SSC.


Ninkan oo lasheegay inuu miino dhigayay gudaha Magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxaa ku qaylisay gabadha ardayada ah , kadib markii ay dareentay inuu meesha ku aasayo miino. Ninkan ka Tirsan Maleeshiyada SNM oo ka digtoon in lagu qabto isagoo ku jira falka Argigixiso nimada ah ayaa la fududaatay in gabadha nafteeda dhaafiyo si aan loo ogaan cida uu yahay.


Nin falka gaystay oo ayaa u baxsaday Xeryama Maleeshiyada SNM ku leeyihiin banaanka magaalada Laascaanood.




Magaaca Gabadha Ardayada ayaan wali noo suura galin inaan helo, madama ay Maleeshiyada SNM ay durba magaalada ku rideen Bandoo si aan Shacabka Magalada laascaanood aysan uga gadoodin falalka foosha xun ee Maleeshiyada Beesha snm maalin kasta ka gaysanayaan Gudaha Magaalada Laascaanood.


Dhinaca kale Bandowga ayaa Maleeshiyada Beesha SNM u sahla inaan la ogaan Falalka Foosha xun ee ay ka wadaan iyaga oo u sahla inay meelkasta ku maraan si sahlan iyada oo aan ka baqayn in ay gacanta u galaan Shacabka aan raaliga ka ahayn Joogitaanka Maleeshiyada Beesha snm.






Allssc News Desk

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qoys qaran manoqdo. period.


p.s. armeey qof walbo ufiicantahay inuu dantiisa raacdo, yacni be a good muslim and pray for somalia, may be that is the utmost help at individual's reach.

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you are right genius. Laakin anoo odhaneen hargaisa iyo burco iyo berbera dagaal ha lugu qaado oo dad masaakina hala laayo sababto masakiin iyo innocent civilians maba la rabo dhib iyo qaxar, waxaan xaq u leeyahay in aan dhoho Reer SSC xaq ayey u leeyihin in ay is maamulaan iskana celiyaan dadka ku xadgudabaya ee xasuqaya. Marka nin anuu leeyahay halala dagaalamo wa ninka SSC regions lugihiisa ku yimiid ee dagaal iyo xaqdaro u soo diyaar gaboobay. kaasna naxariis ma odhanayo halo falo. (kii hargaisa iyo burco iyo berbera ku ekaada oo nabad raba xita haduu aminsanahay in u sadexdiisa magaladood la jucuriyo wax xumaan ah ama dhib ah an isku qabayno aaba iska yar)


with that been said, alle somali oo dhan xaqa ha wafajiyo. Nabadana hasoo celiyo.


A_Khadar NG warkisa aan ka socono, wuu cadeestay in uu daneen waxa ka socda SSC. 110% support gareeyo adeerkiis silaanyo haduu wax xasuuqayo iyo haduu wax wacneenayo eena isku mid u tahay. Taasna he is entitled...after all odey london ama dubai joogo wuxu rabo wuu aminsanaan kara. I will just leave it at that!. hadalkiisu reer ssc waxba ma yeelayo, haday is difacayaan taasi waa hawl u taala yaga..mana aha in aan maanto dhan isku dhibno in aan NG aragsiino qaladkiisa..who gives what he believes or posts in sol...



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The plot thickens. I wonder what Siilaanyo's reasons were for this visit at this point in time. Why when the SSC conference is about to take place does he go and visit the place and cause such a provocation that may tip the balance on the side of those supporting the SSC movement? What does he stand to gain from such a visit? Is it to score a point against the SL opposition (Udub & Ucid) or to prove something to the International Community? Is it to prove a point to the SSC themselves? Something does not add up here!



It's also strange that there have not been many protests about this visit. When Somalis oppose something, they usually come out to the street with their banners even a week after the deed was done. What gives?

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Diffrent SSC website write that diffrent key players(G6) have a mutual understanding with Siilaanyo and they are actually working for him.

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