The SSC Predicament!

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Once the dust settles on the SSC uprising and the calmer,
forward looking minds
begin to view the
wreckage that is Somalia
, whilst also noticing the
progress that is taking place in SL
and the increasing number of international states (and bodies) that are falling over themselves to aid it, I am sure
will prevail and our brethren from the SSC regions
will happily rejoin the republic
(unless Mudane Madaxweyne adeero Siilaanyo xafidahuallah goes and does something totally foolish, and with him being Somali, I would not discount that too).

loool very entertaining walee....NG aka my adeer must be living in la-la land when he is dreaming that SSC will join his somalidiid so called government.


khalaas I am out now :D

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^ NG, you must admit where Val and Alliya are fighting against s/l, something big must be wrong. Marka adeer bal re-check this project and your alignment with it again.

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^^ I agree about Val and agree that things are not working out as perfectly as they should. But I also see green shoots of hope all over the place and don't think this project should be abandoned just yet.

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A_Khadar;729581 wrote:
NG ku noqo, Kayse never being a commander but say was part of ssc. The point here though is not what Kayse was and is now, but this so called conference is nothing but project to make money from SL since this has no Mijo & Madax. And the player of this game is Kayse now, let us see how far he gets with it.

The Khusuusi Chairman just arrived in widhwidh this morning Khusuusi = ssc parliament right

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Cali sabareey oo xaqiijiyay sadaxda nine ee Gostay iyo fariin ku socota shacabka SSC



Waxaa aan ka xaqiijinay in ay gosteen sadaxdaas nin madaxweyne kuxigaynka SSC cali sabarey oo sheegay in ay maalmihii udanbeeyy ay wadeen qilaaf iyo dhibaato wayn oo ay doonayeen in ay kala dilaan umada SSC.


Cali ayaa waxaan waydiinay Niyad jab intee la le ek ayeey ku keenayaan umada SSC waxaana uu ka dhaqaajiyay waxa y kala tageen dhibkooda wax niyad jab ah kuma keenayaan SSC waxanse u sheegaya in dhamaanbulshada SSC aysan niyad jabin.


Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay madaxweyna ku xigaynka SSC cali sabarey in aysan wax dhaqaale ah ku soo qorin cismaan xaaji cali oo ahaa madaxii maaliyada iyo cabdirisaq gacmey ooahaa gudoomiyaha khusuusida umahad ssc yeesan niyad jabin waxa aan u halgamayno waa iyaha dadka wax kasta waa ay leeyihiin hawlaha maamulkune waa uu sii socondoonaan.

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Aaliyyah;729582 wrote:
loool very entertaining walee....NG aka my adeer must be living in la-la land when he is dreaming that SSC will join his somalidiid so called government.


khalaas I am out now

Sug dee mayee war baan kuu hayaaye ,,,,,,,,,, :D



War deg deg ah Gudoomiyihi Iyo golihi Khusuusiga ssc oo shirka widhwidh ku so biiray hadeer.


Buhoodle (saraarnews) Gudoomiyaha iyo Golihi Khusuusiga kooxda Nabaddiika ahayd eeh ssc oo ay weheliyan saraakiil sarsare oo ciidan iyo wafti balaadhan oo ay hogaamiynayan ayaa hadeer ku so biiray shirka ka furmay degmada widhwidh oo lagu wado inay noqoto xarunta gobolka buhoodle imikana ay ka ocdaan dhismayaashi mamuulka gobolka iyo xafiisyadi laamaha kale eeh dawlada Somaliland.


Waftigan ayaa saaka sagaalki Subaxnimo ka so kictimay degmada inteeda badani xadka la shisheeyso eeh buuhoodle waftigan gudoomiyihi Khusuusiga Gudoomiyaha Cabdirisaaq Gacmay, waxa ka mid aha mudane cismaan cali cali iyo nin la yidhaahdo Mohamad case waxayne ka mid noqon doonaan ergooyinka Balaadhan eeh shirku uga soconayo waxana la filaya inay shirka gelindoonaan naf cusub waxana la filaya inay so dhesyo sidii dadka degaankasi wax ula qabsan lahaayeen walalahooda Somaliland.


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Shirkii Shirqoolka Ahaa Ee Ka Dhici Lahaa Widhwidh Maanta Oo Gebi Ahaanba Fashilmay.


Guud ahaanba waxaa burburay shirkii shirqoolka ahaa ee uu tukubaha u siday Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf, oo isagu waayadanba ku taamayey inuu beesha SSC Kala Jabiyo.

Markii aanu la xidhiidhnay qaar ka mid ah odayaasha ruug-caddaaga ah ee ka tirsan degmada Widhwidh, waxay noo xaqiijiyeen in uu isku dhac ku yimi maleeshiya beeleedkii loogu tala galay inay sugaan ammaanka shirka, oo uu gadh-wadeenka ahaa Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf.

Isku dhacanina wuxuu keenay inay wada hadlaan waxgaradka ku dhaqan magaalada Widhwidh iyo maleeshiya beeleedka deegaanka, oo lala damacsanaa in la majara habaabiyo, waxaanay isla qaateen in aysan marna u adeegin kuwa Horgallada ah ee sandareeradu madax martay.

Sidoo kale waxay wararku intaasi ku darayaan in dadweyne fara badan, oo gadoodsani ay ku soo qamaameen goobtii loo xaadhxaadhay shirkii shirqoolka ahaa, ka dibna waxay taasi keentay in meesha lagu kala yaaco.

Waxaana tallaabadan soo dhaweeyey shacabka gobolka Cayn, oo aadna u taageeray Waxgaradka degmada Widhwidh, ee iyagu geed gaaban iyo geed dheerba u koray in aanu shirkaasi shirqoolka ahi marna ka suura galin degmada Widhwidh.

Ciidamo Ayaa waxa ku gadaaman yihiin degaamada ka hoos rogan Dhillaalo, Dandan Bali cad, Xamar lagu xidh. Dhalaamu cune, Ciidaankii Abid ugu xoog badnaa ayaa caawa ka baxay xarumaha ciidamada Buuhoodle saldhigyadooda waaweyn iyagoo degaamada caymeed xaga gamaha ee horufadhi ka sareeya meelo badan ka fadhiya xaalad colaadeed adag ayaa Gobolka cayn laga filayaa saacadagha Soo Socda,Saraakiisha Ciidanka Buuhoodle oo caawa Dula fadhiya Degaamo badan oo Gamaha ka mid ah Captian maxamed Cabdi shiikh Dabcasar {Tuur}.

Cabdiraxmaan Cismaan Yuusuf

Buuhoodle - Soomaaliya

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Widhwidh,(Lasanod Online)- Xubno Wasiiro ah oo katirsan maamulka Somaliland ayaa habeenimadii xalay waxay soo gaadheen..

degmada widhidh ee gobolka Cayn.

Xubnahan oo kala ah Wasiirka Duulista Hawada, Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo afhayeenka Madaxtooyada Cukuse, Waxana kaloo Weheliyey Maxamed Kaahin iyo rag kale ayaa markii dambe meel koono ah looga saaray magaalada widhwidh kadib markii dadweyne ka cadhaysan imaanshahan wiftigan looga baqay inay weeraraan.

Ciidan beeleed hore loogu talagalay inay shirka amaankiisa sugaan ayaa diiday in shir lagu qabto goobtii loogu talagalay, taas oo sababtay kala shaki ku yimid xubnahan xalay soo gaadhay magaalada widhiwdh iyo kooxda uu horkacayo Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf oo horey ugu sheegay xubnahan in wax waliba diyaar yihiin.

Weli ma cadda inay Wasiiradan noqon doonaan iyo in kale, iyadoo dhinaca kalena ay jiraan ciidan beeleedyo diidan shirkan oo isku abaabulaya degaano dhawr ah oo ka tirsan gobolka Cayn ayna kamid yihiin Xamar lagu xidh, Dhalaamucune, Dandan iyo Balicad..


Xafiiska Wararka Laascaanood

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Warbixintii Ugu Danbaysey Ee Xaalada Magaalada WidhWidh- (Maqal)


Buhoodle,(lasanod Online)- Dadka ku dhaqan degmada widh-widh ee gobolka Cayn ayaa si aada uga cadhooday shirqoollo la sheegay..


in maamulka Somaliland ay ka wadaan degmadaasi.

Shabakada Warbaahinta Lasanod Online ayaa waxaa la soo xiriiray qaar kamid ah madax dhaqmeedka degmada Widh-Widh, kuwasoo aad uga xumaa ficillada gumaysiga xambarsan ee maamulka Somaliland ka qorshaynayaan degmada Widh-Widh.

Gudoomiyaha degmada Widh-Widh Aadan Xirsi Dhabarlow ayaa maanta lasoo xidhiidhay Lasanod Online isagoo ku sugan degmada Widh-Widh, waxaana uu sheegay in ay mar kale Somaliland ay wadaan hawlaha ii ku tilmaamay dhul boobka.

Waxaa sidoo kale isna xiriir nala soo samaayey Maxamuud Yuusuf Mire oo kamid ah madax dhaqmeedka ku nool degmada iyo waxgarad kale oo dhamaantood shucuur toodu aad u kacsanayd. Hoos ka dhegayso warbxintii oo dhan..


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Originally posted by jacaylbaro: Sug dee mayee war baan kuu hayaaye ,,,,,,,,,,



War deg deg ah Gudoomiyihi Iyo golihi Khusuusiga ssc oo shirka widhwidh ku so biiray hadeer.


Buhoodle (saraarnews) Gudoomiyaha iyo Golihi Khusuusiga kooxda Nabaddiika ahayd eeh ssc oo ay weheliyan saraakiil sarsare oo ciidan iyo wafti balaadhan oo ay hogaamiynayan ayaa hadeer ku so biiray shirka ka furmay degmada widhwidh oo lagu wado inay noqoto xarunta gobolka buhoodle imikana ay ka ocdaan dhismayaashi mamuulka gobolka iyo xafiisyadi laamaha kale eeh dawlada Somaliland.


Waftigan ayaa saaka sagaalki Subaxnimo ka so kictimay degmada inteeda badani xadka la shisheeyso eeh buuhoodle waftigan gudoomiyihi Khusuusiga Gudoomiyaha Cabdirisaaq Gacmay, waxa ka mid aha mudane cismaan cali cali iyo nin la yidhaahdo Mohamad case waxayne ka mid noqon doonaan ergooyinka Balaadhan eeh shirku uga soconayo waxana la filaya inay shirka gelindoonaan naf cusub waxana la filaya inay so dhesyo sidii dadka degaankasi wax ula qabsan lahaayeen walalahooda Somaliland.

and I have news for you or more like a history lesson,

Abdirahman Ahmed Ali Tuur

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Abdirahman Ahmed Ali Tuur

عبد الرحمن أحمد علي الطور

President of Somaliland

In office

28 May 1991 – 16 May 1993

Succeeded by Muhammad Haji Ibrahim Egal

Died 8 November 2003

Religion Islam


For the Somali politician executed for apostasy in 2009, see Abdirahman Ahmed


Abdirahman Ahmed Ali "Tuur" (Somali: Cabdiraxmaan Axmed Cali Tuur, Arabic: عبد الرحمن أحمد علي الطور‎) (var. "Tur", "Tour", meaning "Hunchback"[1]) was a Somali politician.
He was the first president (1991-1993)
of the
self-proclaimed but internationally unrecognized republic of Somaliland in northern Somalia.

[edit] Biography


Born in 1931, Tuur had been a diplomat and government official.


He later became the Chairman of the Somali National Movement (SNM), a guerilla force drawn from the ***** clan that was attempting to topple the military administration of former President of Somalia Siad Barre. Although the SNM at its inception had a unionist constitution, it eventually began to pursue a separatist agenda, looking to secede from the rest of Somalia. Under Tuur's leadership, the local administration declared the northwestern Somali territories independent on 18 May 1991.
He then became the newly-established Somaliland polity’s first President, but subsequently renounced the separatist platform in 1994 and began instead to publicly seek and advocate reconciliation with the rest of Somalia under a power-sharing federal system of governance
.[2] Tuur also lent some support to the UNOSOM peace-building mission in the southern regions, which alienated him from Somaliland's succeeding government as well as many former followers.[3]


When support for Tuur in southern Somalia failed to materialise, he was exiled to Ethiopia for almost a decade, before returning to Somaliland on 10 February 2003, 9 months before his death on 8 November 2003.

if mr Tuur can join somalia who was the founder/first president of Somaliland. Why are you telling me what one man of low rank status decided to do..


let me know the day xaglatoosiyo joins your so called somaliland maybe then we are even!


till then you got noin to say :D



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Posted by Ngonge: ^^ I agree about Val and agree that things are not working out as perfectly as they should. But I also see
green shoots of hope
all over the place and don't think this project should be abandoned just yet.

lol@green shoots of hope. for who exactly? Do you mean to say that somaliland by occupying forecfully the SSC regions they are closer to the so called recognition. cuz clearly there has been innocent ppl dying in the ssc regions for no reason at all, other than the selfish attempt by the somaliland admins to kill and force the ssc residents for something that absolutely has no purpose for them. They have nothing to do with Somaliland and careless abt its recognition.


They are part of Somalia, and that fact is not going to change! not now, and not ever.



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^^ Dee stop teasing me first. Are you in or out? :D


As for the green shoots of hope. No, that is not about recognition. It is about reaching an acceptable deal with the residents of SSC and having them as citizens of SL. I mean you've got to admit that the SSC bubble is leaking. First it was Xaabsade then Kayse and now this talk of the Khusuusi guys. If these are not green shoots of hope (note the use of the term) I don't know what is.



You keep talking about innocent people dying but I never hear about them. Where, when and how?

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I mean you've got to admit that the SSC bubble is leaking. First it was Xaabsade then Kayse and now this talk of the Khusuusi guys. If these are not green shoots of hope (note the use of the term) I don't know what is.You keep talking about innocent people dying but I never hear about them. Where, when and how?

wow after all what ppl of SSC been through u are pretending as if nothing you are showing your true colors adeer. I guess adeerka silanyo in ilahay ku xafido uun daneesa iyo somaliland in ay hesho aqonsi, SSCna kala daadato kulaha if that aint green shoots of hope I dont know what is, xasid meel dheer ma gaadho ma ogtahay sadex nin oo somaliland laluush siisana macno badan ma sheegaso. 30 qof ka badan oo somaliland kasoo jeeda ayaa tfg ku jira oo laluush ka qaata maantadan, horayna aan usoo sheegay ninki dhamaa ee somaliland first president ka aha oo tuur lagu magacaabi jiray in uu asna 1994 ku biray TFG..marka macno ma sameenaso qof asaga iskii intereskiisa marba meel ku biraya taasi ma aha mid shacabka u hadlasa oo waa shaksi.


Ogowna, xaqdaro meel dheer ma aado. Just remember inta xaqdaro somaliland lugaha kula jirto recognition ma helayaan ilaahayna yagaba faraj uma furayo...



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^^ I don't like it when you speak in such a way, adeer. It tells me nothing and gives me no room to reply. Bal waxaad indha adeeg o malaysay ama xaasidnimo dhinac inuu dhig oo waxaad o qadataa in aan ahay nin qashiin aan waxba la socon, haye xaqdarada aad ka hadlayso iyo waxyaabahan kale ii sheeg (sawiro raaci hadaad doontid). Secondly, the green shoots of hope are real dee. Tuur was history and his defection made no difference nor does it have a chance to make a difference today. Raggan kale are here today and still live in SSC. If you believe they make no difference, I accept your position but you've got to give me more than the Tuur example to change my position adeer.



ha i nicin adeero; siilaanyo warka uun ayaan ku arka lakin adiga halkanaan maalin walba kula sheekeesta. Isaga haduu madaxweyne yahay dee adigo boqorad yar baad ii tahay (xafidaki allah). Carada uun iga daa.

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