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Abdulladiif Al-Fiqih

Al-Jazeera Video-ONLF

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Salam Aleikum W.W



I've heard about this documentary a while back and that Al Jazeera camera crew were spending 4 months with the ONLF and I thought "Good...finally the world and the brainwashed Somalis alike will get to see the truth and how all Somalis regardless of their tribe are mistreated by the Ethiopian forces!"


Brother GeelJire don't stress...Mr Tuunshe just like the overwhelming majority of the Somalis is of the opinion that ONLF only represents and serves the interest of only a certain tribe and it goes to show you how deeply the Somalis are divided be it the Southerners,Northerners, Easterners and Westerners and if my memory serves me well...people were saying the same thing when the Islamic Courts were in Mogadishu...that they were only serving the interest of a certain tribe...they were misleading us, they were using us and so on and so forth and today look at where we find ourselves in and who runs our country and you tell me who was misleading who now?


ONLF is about making a stand against our only enemy we ever had as Somalis...since the Ethiopian armed forces daily violate the basic human rights of the Somalis and believe it or not these violations range from rape, robbery, torture and murder and you know what the best part is? The Ethios do it indiscriminately as long as you're Somali you will be raped, robbed, tortured and ultimately murdered and it's painfully disappointing to see Somalis sitting on their bums and arguing about why the letter O is in their name...


I will always have time for them and every brave mujahid who stands up to this bully, imperialist puppet who denies our right to exist as an independent Muslim and Somali state run by Muslims by claiming in front of the world that there's no Somalia but an Ethiopian tribe that rebelled against the Ethiopian empire! What?



Somalis should read the history between Ethiopia and Somalia and what they think of us as a Somali nation and how they brainwash their children by telling them that Somalia has been and always will be an Ethiopian land.


May Allah s.w guide us all through the righteous path Insha Allah and may he side with the mujahideen in every corner of the planet...VICTORY is for Allah s.w and we will achieve it Insha Allah against this 21st century crusaders...God is Great.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace, Love & Unity.

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I have seen young and old Somalis wearing a T-Shirt with the name on it. It perpelexed me that people would sink so low to embrace this clannish idealogy at a painful time of despair and destruction that such tribal names braught up on our society.


In the pre-colonial era, dominant clans were given the right to exericise sovereignty over their territories as this Map indicates when tribal names entered the political lexicon.


I have no problem if you attribute your clan country to the territories where your beloved and noble O resides but do not claim other people's land and therefore wrap up your political whims, caprice and deception under the pretext for liberation. The Geri rebellion had lasted for 10 years after being subdued with British and American support and during which their leaders were hanged on public by the monarchical tyranny of Hailla Sallasie.


The tragic consequences of

and many other events tell us that politically designed organization is no cure to Somalia's ills.

I am told that ONLF is liable for a cruel and collective punishments on the civilians.


It is hard to believe even educated folks would defend this primordial clan organization.


God have mercy on our people's ancient mentality.

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Does it really matter what their names is? Once again instead of looking at what the actual problem is we waste time on dissecting useless things.


That youtube video about the city of Raaso is truly horrific. Such atrocities should not be going on anywhere in the world. Yet it happens to us. I have such a hard time understanding the psyche of certain folks here.


Somalis are dying daily thanks to *******s who hijacked our country and our peoples lives are for them to play with. Yet rather then to be constantly moved by this situation, we look into whatever tiniest issue and spend time on debating about it.


While asking to seperate or believing in a gang of thieves to represent us when will Somalis understand there is NO TIME left for debates. Lets unite and salvage whatever is left of our dignity, our people and our country.


Long live Somaliweyn!!! May its ennemies inside or outside the country loose their battle. Ameen!

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- covering the lack of health care services in close proximity to rural areas that are in dire need, and the proliferation of illnesses that ensue as a result.


laa xawla walaa quwatta ilaa bilaah. Rabina yassir!

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^Al-Jazeera has boycotted my computer tonight. None of the links work for me. Thanks sis Haneefa. Youtube is the best.


I could not complete the video. It brought tears to my eyes. It's indeed the forgotten tradegy. Inaa lilaah wa inaa ileyhi raajicuun. Alloow adigaa awood lehee u gargaar daalimiintana ka qabo.

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Koora Tuunshe;


Who is responsible for the rasso thing and by the way how it all started? Check your facts! but again ONLF has nothing to do with it.


And as to the question of clan claiming land, ONLF is not fighting in any other clan's land, saaxiib!


I am told you said. well brother, i am not told. i am there. And ONLF is not our problem. It is the Ethiopian army who are raping our girls.


I refuse to accept crocordile tears and elephant milk (by way of hearsays).


I have expected more substance and rigor of analysis from the mighty Koora-tuunshe; than the leisure talk at Majlisis.

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Koora T, take out those reading glasses for the moment and forget about the O name for the time being, show your your solidarity for the people of this region if you really care about them

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Slash, they are my people but I have to be critical of what slows the pace of their struggle. Constructive Criticism is good saxib.


Clan names are what destroyed Somalis along with other factors. Tell me Why we don't want to refrain from whatever that promotes radicalism. Let us be honest with each other.

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^^ While I agree that constructive criticism should be welcomed in our political arena. This is neither the time nor the place. Rather the emphasis should be on our fellow Somalis fighting against a common ennemy.


Their names at this point does not affect the well being of the rest of the Somali citizens.


Also if scrutny and a constructive challenging dialogue should be taken it should be against the TFG joke. As they do not only slow down the peace struggle but also erase any traces of political exchange from the citizen with those attempting to forcibly govern them.


That my friend is a serious factor that will only continue destroying the Somali dream.

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Slash, they are my people but I have to be critical of what slows the pace of their struggle. Constructive Criticism is good saxib.

this would sound reasonable except this /


Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

O stands for?


How about Somali National Liberation Front.


does not sound like constructive criticism.


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you actually could not understand what was being said in the video ... a wise man once said 'never attribute to malice that which can be explained away by incompetence'...the sister being interviewed was forced to fight .. her husband and brother were killed right in front of her by the Xabashi filth.


you and I are on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to Ethiopia+TFG vs the Resistance as treacherous and spineless as i may find it .. it kind of makes sense in your own twisted jaundiced view of somalia because Ethiopia is the only thing propping up A/Y and the TFG...


but in this scenario what possible motive do you have belittling the resistance of our brothers and sisters ? ... granted you have to be severely lacking all 'damiir' and 'raganimo' to be a willing cheerleader for our enemy in the first place... but this is a new low even for you.

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