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Mogadishu: Warlords Vs Courts :

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Xiinow, raga aan la hadleyno waa waxaan dux iyo jiir naxaa laheyn. Meeshii ay u hambalyeyn lahaayeen walaalahood diinta iyo dadka iyo dalka u hiiliyay, ayey la beegsadeen dacaayad raqiis ah. Waxaase waxwalba iiga daran MMA iyo ragiisa hadii la weydiiyo wadaadada hadafkooda iyo waxay qabteen ineysan waxna kaaga sheegi karin. Hadaba qof aadan aqoon sidee u dhaliishaa.


Wadaadada intey qabteen oo wanaag ah ayaa ka culeys badan intey qaldeen, sidaas darteedna ay yihiin Janna-galayaal dhexda u xirtay sideey inta naga hartay u badbaadin lahaayeen. Aniga koley taageerada aan dadkaas u haayo maaha wax afka ku siman, ee waxaan diyaar la ahay inaan naf iyo maal dadkaas garab istaago.


qolyahaan SOL isku biirsaday oo liberal-ka ah waxay rabaan in wadaado la waayo, oo aan waligeen ku jirno qabiil iyo qabqable gacantiis, ujeedadooda maahan dal iyo dad inay naga soo haraan, oo waxay rabaan qurbo iyo gacan gaalo inaan waligeen ku jirno, taasina ilaah ayaan ma magan galnay. Waligeed lama sheegin nin tuug ah oo shiiq ku caynaya waxaa tahay dulmi wade.


Waxaan aad ugu qoslay hadalka qabqablayaasha xamar markey yiraahdeen waxaa dadkii waxgaradka ahaa laayay qolyo indhaha iyo wajiga maryo kusoo xirta, yacni is qariya! Oo waa la yaabee, markeey iyaga laftooda dadka leynayaan ma iyagaaba maryo madaxa kusoo xirta, bareero ayey inta dadka u laayaan, hadhowna magaalada dhinac kaga xaragoodaan.


Caku iyo caqliga yaanyuurta ah ee qabqablaha! :mad:

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Xiin and Alle-Ubaahne, doodu ma ahan qoladan qabqablayaasha iyo kooxaha Islaamiga yaad taageeraysaa, halkaas xaajadu ma taagna,


muhiimada aan aniga ka hadley waa un labada dhinac wey hubeysanyihiin, taasna la iskuma heesto iney hubeysanyihiin, waana xukkun raadis, taasna cid diideyso ma jirto, intaas ninkii igu khilaafsan wuu ka hadli karaa.


tan kale ee ah, in qabqablayaasha ay arinta mareekanka wataan ee ah isticmaalka cardka argagixisnimada, wey iska cadahey taas in ay mareekan dabada ku wataan oo khaaimiin is baheesatey yihiin!

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Fair enough. Laakiin Nuunow, waa hubaysanyihiin iyo waa xukun raadis dood maaha. Anigu waxaan diidanahay labada qolo waa isku mid ama waa isku ujeedo. haddaadan saa lahayn , my bad saaxiib.


Alle-ubaahane, ninyahow liberalkaan aad sheegeysid xaggee joogaan? sida kuu muuqataba anigu hadda kula mawqif baan ahay. waxaanse filayaa inaad garankarto in dadka kala ra'yi duwanaankaro. addoon calaamdayn sooma habboona inaad uga harto ra'yi gefsan.


xaqiiqdu waxa weeye dagaalkan waa fashil siyaasadeed oo ku yimid qab-qablayaasha xamar. waxaan rajeynaynaa inay ku le'daan. wax walbo oo wadaada laga sheego qofkii caqli saliim ah lihi marna kuma eedaynkaro inay shacabka dhibeen ama ay nabadda hortaaganyihiin. waa haddii aan caddaaladda laga tegeyn.

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the moqdisho war are complicated than, a war between the warlords and the court. For example the warlords indhacade and seeraar are supporting the courts. It is basically war of interest. Caato want it stopped and his supporters are supporting the court. Indhacade and his group were benefiting the court increasing power and land grapping. Other warlords witnessed their power and land control shrink as day past. W ith the foreign money and involvement , the interest of the two groups colidated. The court deliberately calculated to crash Qanyare and make him example. That was very easy decision because he do not belong the two big tribes in the city. The most noticeable is Mohamed Dheere change of heart. He is worst and most dangerous. my heart is with poor civilian and Poor wadaadis recruited in the masjids who do not really known what is going on

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Who runs the education centres, the relief work, the money transfer businesses. What segments of our society does the best and are more trusted with the least clanistic view point. Without a shadow of a dount it is the people we refer to as Wadaads.

Janaraalka, we are confusing about two distinct, though politically motivated groups.


The group of wadaado you alluded that do some humanitarian works and control some educational institutions are completely different from what we have here in this war.


Islaax is one such of a group. As the name indicates, they are largely a peaceful Islamic organization, myriad but loosely-connected. It is this group that has some influential sectors in the capital. They control major educational institutions such as Jaamacadda Muqdisho.


My stays in Xamar two and half years ago, I had met many of them. They are antithesis to pugnacious-minded of Maxkamadaha. They don't usually see face to face, and Soomaaliya, and Muqdisho in particular, is their competing ground.


However, these so-called wadaado in this new war are the remnants of former defeated Alitixaad. Alitixaad always was a violent organization, willing to use any means to gain a foothold of power in the country, in a dark constrast to the advocation of Islaax's peaceful resolution to prolonged Soomaali problem. This organization can, truly, claim to be a legitimate and genuine wadaad organization.


To begin with, they do not have isbaaros. They do not murder our few intellectuals that remain in the country. [Many members of intellectual close-knit themselves are members of Islaax.]


And they definitely do not start wars to expand the little patches left in the capital, vying to control. Which begs the question, again: Why now? Why did they start this unnecessary war? Why attack a warlord stronghold? Why make a deliberate new qax to a tired Soomaali people? And the final unthinkalbe: Why start a conflict in the most peaceful xaafad of whole Muqdisho -- degmada Hodan. The last time Hodan experienced a major conflict was in mid '90s. Hodantii la isku haleyn jiray in now in a deep turmoil.

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MMA, We are in agreement dear boy. Those who do the important work as you have agreed are wadaads. It also is correct that they are not armed and do not run the courts.


I also agree that the courts have a questionable history and affiliation with clans and individuals who do not represent Islamic values. One can also add that the courts are not very competent in getting things in order, though this is a Somali triat.


Yet what these warlords are fighting is not a court or a clan grouping but "Wahabisam". What happens after they are done with the courts? Will their battle against terror stop at that. Or will it also include all those with beards?Will we see Somali's being sent to camps in other countries? Will we witness torture cahmbers the likes of ones in Abu Gareb and Bagram in Mogadishu and elsewhere.


What we face here is the start of a war based on idelogy, western influanced secular and educated elite against the new enemy of freedom liberty and so on. However this battle will be fought by poor ignorant drought stricken 100% Muslim Somalis with the aim of gaining nothing..


So in this I am all against the silly warlords and on the side of the wadaads no matter what doubts I or others may hold inside.

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Guute, religious ideology wars is nothing new to Soomaalis. Dariiqyadii suufiyada ahaa waligood ayee is dagaali jireen, albeit not like this major ones. Gaashaan, falaar iyo wax kalee iskula tagi jireen. Dariiqyada such as Qaadariya iyo Saalixiya. Laakiin, at the end of the day, they mutually used to live side by side, peacefully.


The new group we have in this war is a complete breed new to Soomalis.


"Wahaabism" is a pejorative and offensive term, and no Muslim should use it. Nonetheless, the religous ideologies these Maxkamado espouse is very, very dangerous. When that semi-warlord, full-time businessman Bashiir Raage says these ideologies are "imported," I partially agree with him. They are intolerant breed, to begin with. Theirs is always my way or the highway. Or face the seefta [hoobiyaha this time]. Nothing between.

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Miskiin, Haddaad run doon tahay, waa laguu sheegay warka, This campaign is to stop shimpments and kidnappings of religious somali sheekhs from Dayniile airport. Stopping this business, and stepping up to the challenge to shut down the means(the airport) and bring the thugs responsible to justice requires some sacrifice. The courts wanted to settle this without dispute and Qanyare to hand over the man responsible, he refused so he has to pay for that refusal and allowing his property to be used for such betrayals. Qanyare went far enough to show his contempt by declaring a new organization to fight the sheekhs. He has now lost his business and resorted to being the animal he was.


Warkiiyoo kooban, wadaadada ha iska celiyaan cidii lid ku ah diinta islaamka. Islaax iyo cid kaleba waa wadaaddo soomaaliyeed. Kooda tuugada iska celinaayo iyo kooda kaleba waa dad sharaf leh.


Waxbaa la dacaayadeeyaa aa iska maqashay. You blame everyone.

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They are "sheekhs" for you. I don't call them "sheekhs." I hope inaan is fahamnay. You talk about outsourcing wadaado. What about the countless assasinations that took [still taking] place in the capital the last two years?


What about that?


When C/qaadir Yaxye's own wife says her husband's murder was orchestrated by a man by the name of Ceyroow, a high-ranking Maxkamadaha official, will you call a murderer a "sheekh?" For you information, that reclusive man has yet to deny that.


BS, outsourcing wadaado is nothing new. Bashiir Raage's make-shift airport of Cisaleey is the most infamous one of them all. Lambar Konton [N.50] in Shabeelada Hoose too does that. So is the one in Jowhar by Max'ed Dheere.


And whatever happened to your lamentation of closing airports. I remember you protesting out aloud when C/llaahi Yuusuf and Geedi tried to shut down Dayniile airport that they were going to sabotage the Muqdisho citizens, and isolate the capital from international flights. Whatever happened to this now? Aren't these "sheekhyo" sabotaging the citizens of Xamar by shutting down that airport?

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The assasinations were carried out by the same man Qanyare is protecting, namely Ina Waal. That is why he is a wanted man by the courts. Qanyare is also responsible for the assassination attempt on Geeddi. In fact, it is Qanyare who spread these lies about Sheekhs killing intellectuals and moderates when it is non other than him and his cohorts who massacred all intellectuals and continues to do so at this moment. It is widely known in Xamar that the Yaxye man was killed by Ina Waal in co-ordination with Qanyare.



Okay, meeqa kitaabaa diinta islaamka ka aqrisatay? WFor you to separate who is sheekh and who is not, you have to have the scale logically, the knowledge, that enables you to decide such matter of importance. Marka, adigoo daacad u jawaabaayo, ii sheeg inta kitaab ah oo aa aqrisatay. Thanks.


And to address your last questions, No, the courts are doing a good job fighting Qanyare and his ilk since they engaged in transporting religious men to outside of the country for persecution. Muqdisho residents support them in their bulk and that is what matters the most. Their faith is much more improtant than their goods coming in through there right now. Culumadoodey difaacanayaan. This is completely different than the conflicts between Qanyare and A/yusuf and etc. As for all other airports you mentioned being used for dhoofinta culumada, in wax laga qabto waaye haddey rumoowdo. Obviously, Qanyare was bold enough to declare dagaal furan oo mashaayiqda ku wajahan. Isagaana hadda wax ku cad yihiin oo magangalyo buuxdo siiyay nimankuu la shaqyesan jiray.


You criticize everything for the heck of it.

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^^^ Judging from the explanation you've thus far given, the wadaado are in their right to wage war against Qanyare et al. who is harbouring the man responsible for the assasinations. If your account is water-tight and correct, then I fail to understand MMA's protestation, since he has yet to provide any plausible reason as to why we should dismiss the wadaado as another warring faction. You say that Yaxye was killed by Ina Waal in cordination with Qanyare, yet MMA is adamant that it is the wadaado that have committed the murder! God knows which account is true but I somehow sense MMA's definition of wadaadnimo (considering his citing of Al-Islaax's pacificism) is too narrow and restrictive. A definition that forbids the 'wadaad' from protecting his own interests, whilst concerning himself with socially charitable ventures. In a sense, it is a Suufi wayfarer's position in society, where he does not partake in social affairs but only in spiritual matters.


When a wadaad takes a position and endeavours to engage in the most positive manner, he ironically crosses the thresh-hold of wadaadnimo and enters into a violence-riden social status. My view and conviction is that the wadaado may be guilty of silence and inactivity for the last 15 years of the civil war. Furthermore, they shouldn't only become active when only in the process of retaliating for their lost ones. They should have been more active long time ago. That said, however, now that they are active, politically and socially, they should act in the interest of the country.


PS: I feel that there is no other hope except the wadaado(whatever their composition). Therefore I am forced to wish that they curtail the lawlessness the nation faces.

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^ With all of my reservations about the "wadaado", I support them against the warlords. If nothing else, these men are guided by faith and not greed.

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Atheer Waad Asiibtay, a man guided by Faith, not Greed is very few and far between in today's world - waa faro ku tiris, Good Habanaman!


Nin Havana ku dhashay *** Hadal seegi maayee ;)

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Paragon, According to people I have spoken with back home, who have no tribal interests, and are not related clanwise to neither Qanyare nor to The islamic courts, The man yaxye was killed by the same thug ina waal who sought refuge with Qanyare and who spread the propaganda against others accusing them of the killing. When did Qanyare cared about an intellectual person or a religious person? These guys not only killed religious figures moderate or not, but intellectuals and the best in every clan. The last three sheekhs they killed were buried in Dayniile after their contractors rejected to accept them in Jabuuti. That was the last straw.


If Qanyare and his cohorts were on the right, you would hear wide spread condemnation of the courts by the people. This warlord and his juniors preyed on the sheekhs who had no tribal backing in Muqdisho, noble men who came from far and wide to live among their brethren. This action against them was long overdue runtii. Iyagaana billaabay gardarrada oo caddeystay ulajeedadooda.



No one is perfect, and the courts are not perfect themselves, however, they have proven their worth to their communities by filling in the vacuum and playing the role of a caretaker. Some of them haven't been clean allegedly, but the good ones far outnumber the bad ones and that is why many fully support them.

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