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Would you consider marrying a broke man?

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KK,safkii uguu hoore aan jooge with my banner,see waayee adiga!


ps.waxaa anigu isla rabaa,gabadh walashaay naa walaa rabaa, mashaqeestee has no place in that equation!

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Money should not be the issue, if he is a man of character. But then again, naagaha ayaa these days wax guursado.*LOL*.

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so horta why all xalimoos are broke azz! what the hell do they do with their money! I am tired of these broke azz xalimoos.


where are the rich xalimoos! they must be deep deep uncover.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Marrying a broke man aa? HELL TO THE MOTHAGLOWING N-O!!! Don't even date a broke a$$ man...


Let me tell you a true story, I (yes me) dated a broke man once (around the time Adam and Eve la'aburay
)...Well he wasn't broke when I met him or so I, at least, thought...He conveniently lost his job only a couple of weeks after we started talking...He started looking for work, which after nearly two years he was still unemployed...Not only was he broke, he had no ambition in life at all whatsoever! None!!! He was just happy being broke...The little money he got from the government, he was very happy with, it was enough for him (wuu iska barakeysan jiray)...


After a little while, markaan arkay kan inuusan meel usocon, dee meeshuu fadhiyaan uga dhaqaaqay...Last I heard meeshiisii buu fadhiyay...Gosh, I used to pitty him walaahi, of course I couldn't tell him this...I would just hint at things, but he was too lazy to get it...Ee anigana mooto iskaafo aanku socdaa, vrooooooom vroooooooom, if you ain't on it with a fat wallet, habartaa iskala sheekeyso nooh!


If being broke means being short on cash every now and again, wax kuma jabno...Laakiin sheekada markey joogto noqoto, iyaah!!! Or if he's working at dead-end jobs that doesn't help to get further in life, war soco dheh hooyadaa usheekee...Long story short, broke men are needy, wax iskuma falayaal aan nolosha horumar ka rabin...Being caring, charming, honest, yada yada yada don't pay the bills...If you're a successful sister don't settle for less (a broke man)...


Maxaa kaloo sheegeyseen?

LOL I love how KK slowly goes from full English to Somenglish to full af-soomaali, oh well at least i got the point icon_razz.gif Hell, women want more than just a man with money, they want a sensitive, caring, rich, handsome, religious.....basically everything. Gentlemen, we've been set up for failure since the day we were born :(

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Ee anigana mooto iskaafo aanku socdaa, vrooooooom vroooooooom, if you ain't on it with a fat wallet, habartaa iskala sheekeyso nooh!


Markaa, ma waan iimaan la'ahay yaad leedahay? :D:D Oo saas ayaan kuugu soo tala galnaa kolkaan xagaaga usoo socono?

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^Iimaan la'aan maxaa meesha keenay? Hadaanan nin broke ah larabin ma iimaan daraa?


Baluug, while women may want more than just money, a man with money is waaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaay up on the list...Or one who can at least make his own money and not depend on her! Money makes life a bit more comfortable, and every body wants to live in a comfortable life... :D

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No I would not marry a broke man. Also even the prophet(pbh) advices men not to get married unless they are physically and financially stable with that said I am by no means looking for a wealthy man as long as he has a decent job with decent pay then we are good.

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Nop I wouldn't consider a broke brother..I mean why is he broke? anyone who tries hard will find a decent job and a decent income.


really thou is this an issue? many somalis guys work hard..dont worry abt the broke ones look for the hard working brothers. they are out there just need to look for them...



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Gabdhaan yaan qalad laga fahmin... They're not talking about gold-digging (for a change). They seem to be talking about nin baagamuudo ah oo shaqo diidan oo hor mar usoo jeedin.


There's 2 ways to look at this situation:


1. (and this is my opinion) If you already know all this about the guy and are STILL thinking about giving him a chance (yes, you are thinking about test-driving him or you wouldn't have started this thread), you might wanna invest some of that 'successful, educated sister' money in some Quran saar or therapy because you either have jiniyo or are afflicted with some form of inferiorty complex.


2.See if he's good with children ciyaalka hakuu haayo inta shaqo jirtid.

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2. Ciyaalka ha ku haayp intaad shaqeyneysid! That's like a dream came through you know that right? Find me a Somali Man who loves his children that much.

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You know it is actually a lot easier to work outside the home than it is to look after children? In my next life time, I might just consider finding me a lazy-mashaqeyste ah, so he can stay home and play daddy day care while aan cida aniga ushaqeeyo...Never really looked at it from that angle... :D

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