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let me just get straight to the and my girlfriends every now n then we test our boyfriends ( we know that u all have one). let me tell you how....I also believe that the majority of the girls do test their guys this way. me n my girls we get together, we choose whose boyfriend should be teased tonight and the one of us calls the poor guy.

gabar bey tahay iney wiilkaas shukaamisaa si fiican ( the point of this is to see how faithfull he is), cabaar waa iney wiilkaas jilcisaa, saaxiibtiisina weena ak fadhisaa wax kasto wey maqlee. we dont do this to one of the girls who are very serious about that relationship (they r engaged).


So my question to you sisters (n maybe brothers) is do you do this sort of thing to your bf/gf?


Gabar aan saaxiibo nahay aa saan ku sameesay xarfaankeedi, gabadhii shukaamineysay wiilka baa kala wareegday wiilki.

it could end up ugly.....but we just do it for laugh.


ps, I can honestly and proudly say that mine passed the test.......made me ever so proud!

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mabruuk,tahniyyaad dhab iga dheh, yours has passed the test.


forget about doing it for fun and for the sake of laughter, isn't there what is called honest and being confident with each other, if that exist, I don't think there is a need for test and tijaaboooyin.

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lolllllllllllll mine has passed the test lol PHEw 2 the brotha...He really must have bein' goin' throught hell @ dat iska'baro xaasisanidaa why u guys gotta torcher the poor guys like da, i'mean frankly what u guys r doing is totally wrong...lets be honest here, u wouldn't want want them guys testing ur blood' pressure, let alone him even misleading u in why go'behind his back and test his limits like dat in front of ya girlz??? i'mean if u wanna test him, test him in way's that u can make judgemental based on between u guys, but for u guys to do that ain't that such a childishnimo?? Its fun to play prank games but when it's a whole group of girlz playing branks on their boyfriends :eek: Kind strange isn't it???

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Nova waa hadashay...Iskey-baro..walaahi waxaas waa nacasnimo oo waa wax ee gabdhaha caqliga yar ku dhaqmaan oo wili u arka relationship kumeel gaar..lool..See this is what I don't like about this boyfriend girls friend staff; is fake and doesn't have a solid future.(itaabo aan ku taabto waaye)..Don't you know a real man doesn't need to be in a relationship to a girl who is still wondering what kind of a guy she wants and that she has no confidence in her self if she made the right decision!


We all know their is some kind of relationship before NIKAAX, but what kind of relationship? is it This crap that you are talking about ISKEY, lationship that is so popular to your friends, sharing your personal life with your friends (what y'all do,what he likes,what she likes,how he acts on things,)that is not relationship, is back bitting and is an extra (danbi) to the one that y'all ready have...


Gabdho aan wax idiin sheego. Raga ilaahey baa wuxuu ku abuuray wax la yiraahdo (damac)..damaco waa wax raga eesan ogeen marka uu hayo. Sidaas daraadeed ilaahey raga wuxuu u fasaxay in ee guursadaan 4 naag. Marka hadii aad diinteyna u raacdaan sida ee shegyso oo sida xalaasha ah iku barano oo aanan ku jirin wax shaki ah iyo wax faan iyo isla weyni ah, ilaaheey wuu noo gargaari doono si farxadleh ayeenu u heli doonaa waxa aan jecel nahay iyo waxa aan raadineynay...


Waxaan oo kale waa hadal ciyaal ramadaan ayaana lagu jiraa ee iska ilaalsha hadalada qaar kood...


Ina baqti lagday oo maanta wax waaninaayo aaqiro samaan ee koow dheh, ileen aduunka wuu is badalayaaye labo dheh..waa kaa bush marlabaad la dooran rabee sadex walalayaal hala yaabina


Wareer badanaa!!!!

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Qac Qaac   

Iskey_baro.. horta i have to say, since shaati badalka u were not the same... ever!!!


as for me... Boyfriend girlfriend.. i don't even believe it.. and as u saying u all have one.. i hope u r talking the ladies here, coz for the guys atleast i got no girlfriend think going on, specially in Ramadaan. bisinka.. maxaas ku daaray yaakhay..


to go back to the topic.. if i was that man, u tested this way... that was the last time u see me. i would dump u on the spot.. as soon as u tell me, or i find out what u did.. coz obviously u don't trust me... and is no point of my trying to get your trust... Gabdhaha way badan yihiin now adays...


marka walaashiis, i would advice, first of to loose your boyfriend.. or get married as soon as u can. seconly if u r serious about this relationship, don't do things like this that would jeopardize your relationship...


waan ka baxay.

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You Xalimoooos are Cruel!

Illahi ka caabsada oo raxma naa tuusa.


Why, why, whyyyyyyyyyyy?


I had this person set me up for the fall one time

and Allah knows best, but 'IT WASN'T ME' icon_razz.gif


She had her girl come on to me once out of no where and then like a 'well rehearsed PLAY', my friend pops out of nowhere and says 'I can't believe ure talking to my Best Friend and hitting on her'and I was like 'Ya Allah' (in my head ofcourse), "she was hitting on me" and ofcourse she was like 'Yah, right!. Needless to say, I was presumed GUILTY and that hasn't washed off, to this day...



Fi Amanillah

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Kool_Kat maashee...


I can picture 13 year olds doing that on tv shows/movies...But for a person to go that low with their bf/gf, specially with her girl friends, I don't know what to say...Afkii baa juuqda gabay...


Alaab alaabeey maa cayaarooyaa meesha...Wah...


by the way, how old are you? Just curious!!! ;)

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Psychological games :rolleyes: . Not fair really. Well,isnt my cup of tea. Not my scene and Inshallah pray that will never be.(May sound harsh to some but this is my outlook in life bf/gf relationship shshhss -aib -antislamic-dhambi :( )

My advice :What goes around comes around. Beware. redface.gif

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**yawns**...i'd have to be really bored to prank call some guy...but oh well, whatever floats ur boat. Besides bf/gf relationships are quite useless and a waste of time, the thought of someone expectin me to spend a certain portion of my free time every week with them is too depressin redface.gif way too much drama...and for wat? a lil makin out? i'll pass... :rolleyes:


ta ta

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OG Moti   

Ala bf beel, it is not tradition or islamic to have a bf.. i reject this topic and i complain to highest authorities of SOL to ban this girl till she admit no more bf or gf.. and stop poluting our innocent xaliimos minds ...


WAr anagaa wax aragnay.. ilaahey baa jira.. hayaay ma anigii baa yaabin...



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Posted by tuujiye

We all know their is some kind of relationship before NIKAAX, but what kind of relationship? is it This crap that you are talking about ISKEY, lationship that is so popular to your friends, sharing your personal life with your friends (what y'all do,what he likes,what she likes,how he acts on things,)that is not relationship, is back bitting and is an extra (danbi) to the one that y'all ready have...


God daaym garabka, walaahi when reading your post i could feel your viens coming out, it seems to me that you have been given the test bout 200 times and you have managed to fail all 200 time :D:D marka hada dumarka oo dhan ayaa iska dhax aragtay.....but i have ta say i like ur style "breaking all the rules" .....DAMAC...DAMAC...DAMAC..


posted by kheyr

You Xalimoooos are Cruel!

Illahi ka caabsada oo raxma naa tuusa.


Why, why, whyyyyyyyyyyy?


I had this person set me up for the fall one time

and Allah knows best, but 'IT WASN'T ME'


walaahi when i read your post my heart went out to you maan, what a ask why's like asking why do women have menstruations....kheyr pick up ur skirt and shake it off like a maan dude....


The Different Psychological games all women play

1) the chess game

2) the checker game

3) the puzzle game (walaahi this one gives me fear, especially brainteasers )

4) the taboo game


buttom line all women play the Psychological games

and that is the honest truth...



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