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Originally posted by Socod_badne:


whatever he did is between him and his lord


True now that he is dead. The Lord will punish and show him no clemency for what he got away with while here on earth. If he doesn't then the Lord would be unjust. I hope and pray he rots in hell. [/QB]
And I thought all this time you were an athreist.....which means you don't believe in the Almight Allah. :rolleyes: Allah unjust I am very offended by this, as Allah the Almighty is just and there is no one like him mate. Why don't you go to hell with Said Barre. As you so quick to tell others to do so. :mad:

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^ Easy there, nameless-chick, no need for personal attacks.


I'm deeply suspicious of anyone labelled a national hero. History books are rife with the celebratory accounts of people hooting and hollering about a country's liberty or whatever while brutalizing their people .

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Originally posted by naden:

^ Easy there, nameless-chick, no need for personal attacks.

Mate tell him not to call the Almighty Allah offended the Almight Allah I also get offended. :mad: :mad:

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^^there a different ways of defending your beliefs, telling him to go to hell is not one of them. smile.gif



Originally posted by ScarFace:

ibtisam just eat your fish & chips.......coz it seems like you havent got a single clue about somalia and its can you chat breeze when you havent even been raised in the bloody country.......the only people that can pass judgement is the ones that were there who went through the hardship and the ones that got the pleasures......for once will you stop repeating the same ole shit......

i know more about Somalia and its history than many Somalis that grew up there. What has being raised somewhere got to do with anything? As for people passing judgments, well at the end of the day i know injustice when i see/ hear/read one. i don't have to be in Palestine to understand the hardship. Nor do i have to have lived in Somalia to understand their hardship.


first of all did the man kill your mother,father,brother or anyone in your family.... did he abuse your clan or your relatives....... if he did then you can hate him as much as you want........

Well according to your assessment, I am entitled to hate him as much as I want. It seems after all that I don't have to be present to have suffered under his rule.


but the funniest thing is your half breed who hasnt been raised in somalia,..........and the amount of hate thats coming out of your mouth is just making me laugh.....the man is dead f...uck....he's dead......move on......he had his time./..... he lived his time........done things that were great in his time....done things that was bad...........

And your point is?? I am not in a position to common on Somalia because YOU consider me as half breed. So what if he is dead, I hope he rots in hell. You cannot force down my throat how great

He was, he was an asshole, and even when he is dead he is still an A*ss.


move on and stop repeatin one is portraying the man as a saint......whatever he did is between him and his lord.........BLOODY hell YOU KEEP SAYIN YOU DONT CARE ABOUT what clan he is but i think you do.........come correct

Everyone is aware of his crimes and it is documented. As for clan, I could not care less, I hate him as a human being, same way I hate Hitler and Sharon,

Bush (and I’ve never lived under their rule either)


It makes me sick that people are defending him and making excuses for him :rolleyes:

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Mate tell him not to call the Almighty Allah offended the Almight Allah I also get offended. :mad: :mad:


Nameless sister,


Allah Most Great can not be offended…doesn’t need our defending either….we need Allah. Even tho um happy that u sister are passionate about Islam remember this hadith:


Abû Hurayrah relates that a man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Counsel me.†The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Do not get angry.†The man repeated his request many times, but the Prophet (peace be upon him) kept saying: “Do not get angry.†[ Sahîh al-Bukhârî ]



Ps: I guess we have no Hero…why do I think if Somalis had a mujhid like Salahudiin ibn Ayub even….they would still curse him. The brotha asked for whose your hero (personal opinion no?)…we go on to curse a dead man Allah forgive his sins (no I am not a distant cousin, hooyo told me :D )….human beings easily condemn…but Allah is Most Merciful, Most forgiving to His Slaves…Barre from what I know recited the kalimah …and believed in it…Allah forgives all sins except shirk for those who sincerely repent…he will answer to Allah…not you bani Adam…so let the dead rest in peace…least you transgress yourselves.

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Siad Barre. Gamal Abdel-Nasser. Hafiz Al-Asad.


What do these men have in common ? They were all operating on a anti-Islamic platform. During the blessed Islamic awakening of the 60's and 70', these dictators did their utmost to combat and persecute Muslims who were slowly coming to grips with the fact that this deen is not a cultural relic to be practiced on Friday, but that it is a complete and systematic way of life. So when they demanded that Islam be implemented on the political arena, they were mercilessly persecuted by the state and it's Gestapo forces. Whether it was by the execution of 11 scholars, or mass jailings and subsequent torture of the Ikhwaan, or the destruction of an entire city to the ground(Hama), they spared no effort in trying to supress the Islamic awakening(the Saxwa). Their motives doesn't matter, nor do their beliefs and proclamations. Their actions are there for all mankind to witness and judge.


These facts must be acknowledged, and the whitewashing of public figures, just because they're dead, has gotta stop.

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Originally posted by Khalaf:

quote: Mate tell him not to call the Almighty Allah offended the Almight Allah I also get offended. :mad: :mad:

Nameless sister,

Allah Most Great can not be offended…doesn’t need our defending either….we need Allah. Even tho um happy that u sister are passionate about Islam remember this hadith:

b]Abû Hurayrah relates that a man said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): “Counsel me.†The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Do not get angry.†The man repeated his request many times, but the Prophet (peace be upon him) kept saying: “Do not get angry.†[ Sahîh al-Bukhârî ]

Allah help me. Leave me alone...what I can't defend my religion now? :rolleyes: And let these low life’s Atheist people mock my religion and my believe. Why are you always so quick to correct me? Why not these people that are always saying something bad about the religion.

I have come to conclusion now “that you are part of them and not just their supportersâ€. Someone calls Allah the almighty un-just and you try to correct me when I say that is not acceptable. Do you see where I’m getting at?

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Do we have heroes? I would say we don’t have any. The ones we have are too scared to act up and speak against the inhumanity that exists in many regions in Somalia.


I find it fascinating to see people defending the religion who only do it to look good, when they know nothing about what they’re arguing – and are quick to point the finger and raise profound irrational and unfounded accusations when they’re participation is limited to Friday prayers.


I would suggest we consider everything that is involved, Somalis love to safeguard the deen, which is a good thing, however, we must learn all facets of the religion, and what is permitted and what is not – even those who know much are too snobbish to actually engage people rationally. Before accusing each other, we should actually layout the facts and concrete evidence and collectively reach a decision. I think the redundancy accusing people of being atheist is getting a bit annoying. Religion is a hot topic, but we must understand that we’re all Muslim, and we are brothers and sisters.


That being said, for the past fifteen years we have accepted the random killings of innocent people based on their clan or political associations. Even now we are seeing our lesser of evils operating inadequately – I’m talking about the institutionalized killings of minorities by using feeble procedural methods in determining their crimes, and whether they’re legitimate claims or not based on the Shari’a. The so-called transitional government is not making progress, and tribalism continues to spread rampantly faster than AIDS in Sub Sahara Africa, tribalism also invaded us in the Diaspora, tell why are young people using tribal politics?


Our only heroes are clan heroes, a person who has eliminated a certain number of the opposing clan. How can we have heroes when we have hate for one another, we beginning to be divided more than ever, by clan, by religion (fanatics, secularists, and many other sub groups) Ask me if we have a nation, before you ask me whether we have heroes or not.

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Originally posted by Animal Farm:

I think the redundancy accusing people of being atheist is getting a bit annoying. Religion is a hot topic, but we must understand that we’re all Muslim, and we are brothers and sisters.

I'm guessing you are referring to me. I don't just go around accusing people of being atheist unless they show it in some form they are. Because that's just not acceptable by my nature or our diin. The reason I called some individuals in here artiest is because not only at this post but many others. Just go to the Islamic section and see how they really are. It disputed me I tell you. And why people attacking me for calling someone artiest when some individuals called Allah the Almighty un-just? Am I the only rational person in this whole site?


PS I don’t go to Friday prayers so I guess your judgment were wrong because I’m a girl and don’t have to. :D Maybe I’m not a shikhad but wish to inshallah soon in near future. Well as you imply that you are religist then I presume you are quote “those who know much are too snobbish to actually engage people rationallyâ€. ;)

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Originally posted by nameless_chick:

And why people attacking me for calling someone artiest when some individuals called Allah the Almighty un-just? Am I the only rational person in this whole site?

Hello nameless_chick. I'm the artiest formerly known as Prince. I have some good news for you: Allah, who created the heavens and the earth, hardly needs your defence. If you can show why calling the "Almighty unjust" is wrong, do it. If you can't, put your sword back in its sheath until you figure out how.

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religist <<< what?


I was just trying to say that people on SOL who constantly jump to conclusion, who relentlessly question the devotion of other members through subliminal or suggestive sayings should stop this pattern.

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Originally posted by Animal Farm:

<<< what?


I was just trying to say that people on SOL who constantly jump to conclusion, who relentlessly question the devotion of other members through subliminal or suggestive sayings should stop this pattern.

I shall not STOP my opinions or thoughts because the truth hurts. You are not the person I offended so you shall not get into others business.


PS isn't it funny how the person I called Atheist doesn't mind but these entire people think they should protect him or something. :rolleyes: The reason why this person doesn't mind would be because they know they are.

Castro.. ummm I was not referring to you but I see there is more like you than I realised, every interested I say. And all this time I thought Somalia was 99% Muslims, now who made that figure up? :mad:

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^^^who made you the judge. So what if anyone is an Atheist or not. People have to decide what they want to believe and be free to do so. There is no need for you to mock them or persist in annoying and targeting them. if you do so and they respond by offending your religion, then you have no right to be upset and YOU will take the blame for their offence, as your provoked them.


I am sure you come across atheist people everyday, it is not strange, you don't harass them, do you? You may even consider them as your friends. There is no reason why you should treat them so well simply because they happen to be non-Somali atheist and be horrid to Somali "non believers". IN any case no one has to justify themselves and there believes to a bunch of User names, or answer accusations.


If you had a disagreement with someone in the Islam section or in another thread. Don’t transfer that disagreement to other threads, simply because you assume something of that user name.


Now leave people's believes alone. this was not about what people believe.


p.s. I don't mean to be rude and I mean it in the nicest possible way

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Holy! - is it necessary to gang up on the girl because she was offended by something someone said and called him an atheist. If that person was offended he will take it up with nameless. :eek:

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