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Battle of The Ideologies for Somalia

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Haatu, war anoo iska baashaalayo xitaa wee i qash qashaadeen.. aniga wax kaste aan u adkeysan karaa laakiin gaal somali ah oo kuunto madoow markuu Islam caayo uma adkeysan kari duqa lool...


lol@ Ngonge...


Haatu, B excuse uu diinta ugaga baxo uu raadinaya nooh lool hala yaabin..he on the same root of Ailamos lool.. intaan amusneen oo idinka dhan wax fiirsaneyseen, nin kaan Ailamos la dhahaayo caruurtii dhan buu shacuuc ku furay....


ani waxa aan la yaabanahay, maxee Islam ka rabaan hadii ee ka baxeen? mee iska dhaafaan....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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There is cultural genocide being committed in somalia by Islam. The last pockets of what remains of our customs should be protected. Islam calls for uniformity and wants a strict regiment of values, this is impossible to enforce, we are different people whose psyche has been hijacked by the hoarders who have come to our land and destroyed our way of life.

What was your way of life that Islam destroyed? Do you have proof that life was better in pre-Islamic Era? You have your hands in too many hot pots Bro. First, READ SOMALI HISTORY AND THE INTRODUCTION OF ISLAM, Second, rephrase your questions. Third, state your grievances against Islam because clearly you're not satisfied with the religion.


Ps...So you arent homeless or in jail yet, huh?

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Originally posted by B:

quote:Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:


Originally posted by B:


Originally posted by General Duke:


The conquerors have taken away our sense of self and replaced and given us their own values and ideals. There is cultural genocide being committed in somalia by Islam

When did Arab's conquor Somalia?
Adeer you need to think before you write.
The marauders came at different times and used different methods of colonialisation. Using only violence to perpetuate their aims is not an exception. They used ‘soft’ power techniques to penetrate the east coast of Africa including trading and commerce but often masquerading as missionaries. Even using Arab-based Somali Diaspora counts as a form of transplantation of the Arab religion, customs and values into Somalia.
So if the prophet Muhammad(saw) came to Somalia to spread Islam would you call him an Arab coloniser or invader?



ps. it is widely believed that the companions of rasulullah migrated to Abysnia through the port of Zeila and some historians say Islam penetrated the Somali coast before some other places in the Middle East.
My friend my concern here is not who spreads this 'foreign ideology, who propagates and how it got there but the fact that it’s become part and parcel of Somalia history. It’s irrelevant that Somalis becomes Muslims before parts of the Middle Eastern but ultimately the customs of our ancestors has been replaced by foreign values that have no respect for the indigenous culture that flourished there before their arrival.


If the Prophet sent invaders or envoys there is no difference. The fact remains that they came with the same intention and that was to replace what was already in existence.
The first concern and priority of Islam is the establishment of tawheed( worshiping Allah only- according to way of his sent prophets) .

Everything else, including culture, is, secondary in this matter. Many of the prophets in the Quran challenged thousands of years of history by attacking the idolotarous practices of their tribes. Allah said what roughly translate to as:


"When it is said to them, follow what Allah has revealed, they say, No! We shall follow the way of our fathers. What! Even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance?" [5:104]


So what your are directly calling us to do is to reject the message of the prophet Muhammad simply because it doesn't conform to the culture of your ancestors. You are indeed repeating the same argument the people of Nuh made:


He is no more than a man like yourselves; his wish is to assert his superiority over you. If Allah had wished to send messengers, He could have sent down angels. Never did we hear such a thing as he says among our ancestors of old." [23:23-4]



The people of Shuab also said:


"Do you forbid us to worship of what our fathers worshipped?" [11:62]


And the people of Saleh said:


"Do you forbid us to worship of what our fathers worshipped?" [11:62]


Today, this argument is repeated by the disbelievers from amongst the afrocentrics, and the followers of Ataturk, and the worshipers of Arabism, and finally, our confused Somalis. They say, " Islam was spread to us by Arabs, therefore, our culture has been erased".


One simply refutes their argument by pointing out that the prophet Muhammd changed many aspects of Arab culture and he was fought by his own people. The Arabs went to war with him because they wanted to worship their old pagan dieties. When the prophet gained power he took down thousands of years of history by removing the idols from the Kaba. For your information, it was a black man, a former slave, an Ethiopian, by the name of Bilal, who took down the idols. Alcohol played great part of pre Islamic culture, yet when the Quran was revealed, alcohol ceased to play a central in Arab social circles. Arab women used to show their breasts in public, but this too ceased to exist.



You see,as I said, the first priority of Islam is to call the people to worship Allah and follow his prophets. The companion of the prophet Muhammad said to the persian king, " “God sent us, and He brought us here in order to lead whom He wills from the worship of man to the worship of God alone". If your awowe worshiped a semi-pagan deity called Waaq- then it was the duty of the Arab Muslims to go to SOmalia and call the people to worship Allah and follow the prophet. We should be thanful for this, otherwise you could have been worshiping what the Masai and some Oromos worship.

In Islam, there is no problem with your culture, that is, as long as it doesn't contradict the Quran and Sunnah.


"When it is said to them, follow what Allah has revealed, they say, No! We shall follow the way of our fathers. What! Even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance?" [5:104]



Islamic government of Bladland and Moorishland.

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^^ C&H He wants Islam to provide him Housing shelter, if not, weerar ayuu ku qaadi, maxaad ka sugi qof ka soo cararey guriga waalidiintiisa, xagna aan waxba qabsan karin!!

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Sometimes, waxaa i qabato dadka qaarkood inaan Al-Shabaab u tarxiilo ala express, edeb aa la soo bari lahaa walee.

Also, waxaan ciil u dhintaa markay exactly copy gareeyaan odayaasha cadaanka oo iskuulka u soo dhigay without even having the brain to tweak it a bit so they sound original. But nope! Isagoo big forheaded, tooth gaped ah buu wuxuu kuula soo istaagaa su'aalo aakhireed.

You dont believe me? See what's happening in "White House" thread. Waa lalabo socota dadkaan. redface.gif

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Originally posted by Tuujiye:

...aniga wax kaste aan u adkeysan karaa laakiin gaal somali ah oo kuunto madoow markuu Islam caayo uma adkeysan kari duqa lool...

loool waraa Tuujiye maxaad runta sheegtay ninyo, ayaamahana waaba soo badbadnooyaan halka ma is tiri banaankooda haddii aay gaalnimadooda la mari lahaayeen yaa qabsan lahaa problemka waxaa waaye ayagaba ku soo raadsanayaa oo qarasta kugu kic-kicinaaya kaalay icun camal.

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Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

The first concern and priority of Islam is the establishment of tawheed( worshiping Allah only- according to way of his sent prophets) .

Everything else, including culture, is, secondary in this matter. Many of the prophets in the Quran challenged thousands of years of history by attacking the idolotarous practices of their tribes. Allah said what roughly translate to as:


"When it is said to them, follow what Allah has revealed, they say, No! We shall follow the way of our fathers. What! Even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance?" [5:104]


So what your are directly calling us to do is to reject the message of the prophet Muhammad simply because it doesn't conform to the culture of your ancestors. You are indeed repeating the same argument the people of Nuh made:


He is no more than a man like yourselves; his wish is to assert his superiority over you. If Allah had wished to send messengers, He could have sent down angels. Never did we hear such a thing as he says among our ancestors of old." [23:23-4]



The people of Shuab also said:


"Do you forbid us to worship of what our fathers worshipped?" [11:62]


And the people of Saleh said:


"Do you forbid us to worship of what our fathers worshipped?" [11:62]


Today, this argument is repeated by the disbelievers from amongst the afrocentrics, and the followers of Ataturk, and the worshipers of Arabism, and finally, our confused Somalis. They say, " Islam was spread to us by Arabs, therefore, our culture has been erased".


One simply refutes their argument by pointing out that the prophet Muhammd changed many aspects of Arab culture and he was fought by his own people. The Arabs went to war with him because they wanted to worship their old pagan dieties. When the prophet gained power he took down thousands of years of history by removing the idols from the Kaba. For your information, it was a black man, a former slave, an Ethiopian, by the name of Bilal, who took down the idols. Alcohol played great part of pre Islamic culture, yet when the Quran was revealed, alcohol ceased to play a central in Arab social circles. Arab women used to show their breasts in public, but this too ceased to exist.



You see,as I said, the first priority of Islam is to call the people to worship Allah and follow his prophets. The companion of the prophet Muhammad said to the persian king, " “God sent us, and He brought us here in order to lead whom He wills from the worship of man to the worship of God alone". If your awowe worshiped a semi-pagan deity called Waaq- then it was the duty of the Arab Muslims to go to SOmalia and call the people to worship Allah and follow the prophet. We should be thanful for this, otherwise you could have been worshiping what the Masai and some Oromos worship.

In Islam, there is no problem with your culture, that is, as long as it doesn't contradict the Quran and Sunnah.


"When it is said to them, follow what Allah has revealed, they say, No! We shall follow the way of our fathers. What! Even though their fathers were void of wisdom and guidance?" [5:104]



Islamic government of Bladland and Moorishland.

My friend, I am in least bit concerned about your obfuscations and rebuttals and your quotes from people who are not Somalis, that is their experience and far removed from we as Somalis have experienced in the glory days you romanticise. Where are the Somali cases of divine intervention? How can we pretend to believe and engage with the facades of others? You are going on a tangent and missing the premise of my idea.


None of the spiritual experiences of Africa has been given attention because none of them is coded in scriptural writings associated with prophets and holy men. The indigenous spiritual heritage of many African has largely been relegated to primitive expressions more akin to the unholy dark world of evil spirits and the devil.


To many African devotees of Christianity and Islam, seeking African spiritual heritage is devil worship. To many other peoples, seeking African roots, once condemned and overwhelmed by foreign cultures, is a fulfilling experience.


Therefore much of the African traditional wisdom and cultural heritage has been destroyed. Indeed, African have been encouraged to be ashamed of their heritage and to ape foreign cultures and values, much to their detriment.


It is easy to appreciate why Islamic colonisers would have prevented indigenous forms of worship so that the ‘natives’ could be easily converted to the religion of the colonisers. All human beings have their traditional culture, knowledge, wisdom and values. These have accumulated over thousands of years; they have been passed from one generation to another. These accumulated heritages direct communities in time of peace, insecurities and in the time of birth, life and death. It is their antennae into the unknown future and their reference point into their past. While some people have invented the art of reading and writing and have been able to recorded their accumulated knowledge and wisdom, others pass it through oral instructions, stories, ceremonies, customs and rituals.


Without any indigenous art of literacy or spiritual evidence, Somalis have been unable to correct the distortions paraded to them as truths so often and for so long that even the victims have begun to accept them as truths.

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Originally posted by Tuujiye:

Haatu, war anoo iska baashaalayo xitaa wee i qash qashaadeen.. aniga wax kaste aan u adkeysan karaa laakiin gaal somali ah oo kuunto madoow markuu Islam caayo uma adkeysan kari duqa lool...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

looool :D wax waalan :D

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Waxaad i xasuusisay markaay 3-4 jir ahaa. Intaan nacnac hooyo boorsadeeda ka xado and ayaan sariirta hoosteeda gali jiray sidaanu Illahay ii arag. Mar mar waxa la mooda in dadka qaarkood u malayaan in aanu Illahay waxay internetka ku qoraan arkin. Don't write any old nonesense for entertainments sake.. waa iga talo. smile.gif

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