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Somali's and the caste issue in marriage

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Originally posted by *Ibtisam:

we have no problems with the guys marrying out, it is the girls we have issues with.

Reer Southerner ma idin rabaanbo horta hore mala'is weydiiyay? Ibti, ama lug ku qas, ama jilib ku qas, ama suxul wax ku qas wiilasheena anageyba inaga badneen, so as a friend of mine would say 'hold your horses'...Erm, do you even have horses in Burco? :D


Wiilasheena iyagoo helo karo mid aadan umodeyn inuu carabka muruq ka galay markey la hadleyso, markey u dhoola casseysana aad moodo in ilkaheeda nuurad lamariyay, oo hadana 'aboow macaan' ugu sii dareyso Northka uma soo socdaan...


So how far did we get and where is KK?

(She's the one that started all of this).

NG, I didn't start anything, you did! Had you not called me 'fulay' afkeyga waan iska xiran lahaa... :D Laakiin sheekada sideey Burco iyo Koonfur ugu biyo shubatay? Caku iyo reer Burco iyo intaad is leedihiin reer Qardhood iska dhiga...Allow yaa idin dhoho socodkiina haka tagina! kix kix kix kix



For the record, qabiiliste ma'ihi...

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^^^ lool KK war dadkaan waxooda wee cadeestaan ka waran..qabiiliiste ma ihi ayaa tiri laakiin ma guursan dooni nin aan aheen qabiilkeyga..wareer badanaa bajaqdaan yari...


ma xasuusataa hada kohor mar aan bilaabi jiray a Topic called "Qabiil" and this bajaq Ibsi aka Ghanima iyo all these other reer waqooyi bajaqs from Burco ee xanaaqi jireen because I mentioned how they hated to marry outside their qabiil? the Admin deleted the topic dhan lol..... war bajaqdaan iyo saaxiib yaasheed waa jiran yahiin walaahi oo baaldi intii madax loo gashay ayaa laga dhaqay lol brain wash ka daran yaah.....


Ilaahoo qaluubta noo daawee lol awalna bajaqyaasha burco baadiyaheeda intee kasoo tagaan ayee nin wax bartay xamar kasoo raadsan jireen hadana iyagoo bustii burco wili wato bee nin reer koonfur ka faanayaan lool magaalo London laho aan joognaa maad ka wadaan? lool



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^lol Sxbow dadkan bilaash aad kumaageesin ..war somalida hada jirto cunsuri nimo intee dhaafeen eey waxeey isku guursadan laf laf

qabiilka korka laga wada wadaago xataa hada waa laisku jaakiraa hada waxeey marooosa in laisku cuno jifo jifo marka hala yaabin hadi dadka qaar dhahaan reer koonfur maguursaneeno

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^^^ haa laakiin qof waxaas qalbigiisa ku jiraan oo wili u arka in ee wax saxsan yihiin, sidee baad waxkale ugaga dhageysan kartaa saaxiiboow no matter what kind of topic ee soo dhajiyaan, wiligood in ee jaahil ahaanayaan soo dhafoorka iskaga ma eesan qorin lol....


Fufu, I know somalideena in ee mar dhaw bilaabayaan in ee ilmo adeer koowaad ama ilmo abti isku guursan doonaan loool mar dhow bajaq yaasha ilmo adeeradaa ah aa arkee oo kuu kulul lol.....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Originally posted by Abyan:

Soomalida wexeey dhahdaa uurka waxaa ku jira carabkaa soo daafo or in this case the keybord.


You learn alot about people in threads like this indeed.


Some of them I´ve met a couple of times ..I just hope this is some internet persona......

Tell me about it :confused:

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Jamiila lool maxaa ku qoslee yaaqee!! dadkaan sunta kaneecada in lugu buufiyo ayee u baahan yihiin....


Cara don't be shock walaashee meeshaan dadka calamada wada taageersan dhan waa wada sumeysan yihiin aan ka aheen JB..ama reer Puntland ha ahaadaan ama reer Somaliland....


intoo rabsho badana waa iska jiraan like KK oo tuulo iyo meel boor badan faaniyaan markaste lol Burco iyo Qardho!,, meel backyard kaada waraabe ama dameer faloo joogo ayaa la dhahaa xaafadeena loool Zoo miyaan joognaa.... (is all love guys).....


I just don't understand how a grown a$$ person could say "I will only marry someone from my qabiil" and letter expect us to read some of the serious topics that they write in really sad.....I'm even surprised does that know these people oo wili saaxiib la aha oo soo dhaweeya lool...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Each to his own.But it's not an issue for me personally. Qabiil iyo Quraafadka Somalida wado doesn't dictate my life.


You hear all these tragic stories about individuals marrying out being cut-off from their families and being ostracized by the other families and community.This only instills more Cuqdad.Laakiin in our times they are few and far in between.


You don't hear of stories of the many successful marriages between individuals from minor & so called 'noble' clans.


You don't often hear stories of individuals that lost all their family in wars wage in the name of clans and later married a person from the clan that wiped out his/her entire family.


Considering what Somalis went through in the last 20 years, it' sad to see young somalis,that can't even speak the language that are indoctrinated with qabyaalad & Cuqdad.


SOLers caruurtiina u'naxa and don' teach them any Qabyaalad & cuqdad you harbour.

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^ Well put.



Let's keep things in perspective. For example, a Somali person does not become an anti-Semite just because they exclude Arabs from their "dookh". Nor is being married to an Arab a sign of an being an Arabist. I'm certain everyone here has their "dookh" and that does not automatically mean one clannish, racist, ageist, fatist, etc. Secondly, just because one has a "dookh", it doesn't mean they'll get their wish. I know several people who made a "leap of love" when they met their actual Ms/r Right.

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^^^ so what you trying to say is your "dookh" is not to marry someone because they are from a clan that you don't see as equal as yours?


Saaxiib Dookh waa wax aad jeceshahay example shaarka aad qabtid waa shaar aad jeceshahay because of your see wax ficil ah kuma jiro oo ma aadan xumeyn qofna oo iibitaanka aad iibsatay shaarkaas..qofkii ku weydiiya oo ku dhaha "war maxaad shaarkaan ku fashay foolxumadiisa?" waxaad ugu jawaabi karta "war waa dooqeyga!!... you see my point..jawaabtaada wax xumaan ahi kuma jirto oo qofna kuuma xanaaqi karo sabab dheh, jawaabtaada ficil mala socon..taasi baa ah "dookh"


Laakiin markaad u aragtid qofkale in uusan aheen qof kuu qalma because of qabiilkooda taasi dooq ma aha ee waa yasid iyo jaahil nimo..waxaasna naarta baa lugu galaa walaahi...


Dookh waa wax la ag dhigi karo jeclaan...khabiilna jaceel lama ag dhigi karo....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Help me out here, Ayoub..Dookh to my understanding refers to ones taste[height,weight or personality etc],now how is discrimination of a whole people ones taste? Especially if the discrimination was based on,a mentality one is superior then the other.


Ngonge,stuff and nonsense.


Islam respects a human being for being a human being not for any other reason,it does not distinguish between two races,or two groups of people..

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Blah, blah, blah…So what if he/she wants to marry someone from their clan?!?!? If you don’t fit what somebody else wants, why is that their problem? Everyone is entitled to their own preference. Live and let live.


And no, it is not necessarily some deep rooted hatred, or about being inferior.

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Originally posted by Malika:

Help me out here, Ayoub..Dookh to my understanding refers to ones taste[height,weight or personality etc],now how is discrimination of a whole people ones taste? Especially if the discrimination was based on,a mentality one is superior then the other.


Ngonge,stuff and nonsense.


Islam respects a human being for being a human being not for any other reason,it does not distinguish between two races,or two groups of people..

So what are you saying here, Malika? That I am telling lies or that those scholars are wrong? Or that you do not agree with their position and rather choose to follow Imam Malik? :D

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War ninyahow dookh waa wax jira. Qof yidhi "Asian dookhaygii mahaa" ma cunsuri baa? Ma dambiile baa? Innamal Acmaal binniya... Maybe you are the only person I've come across without an ideal girl.



ninba waxuu ku taamaa

ama hees ka tiriyaa

tixo gabay ku sheegaa

halka lagu talaalee

hawadiisu taallee

uurkiisu tebeyee,

dumar taan ka sahansaday

waa gabadh Togdheeroo...

~ Hadraawi

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i think this is going tad too far


please please dont force me to defend ibti ( i dislike her nothing other than she ate faheema's cake without me)


ibti is really not a person with cuqdad, far from it, she just does not play the siyaasad card many of us have mastered.


there is no shame wanting to marry your kin. in fact it is commendable inla badiyo tolkaada khalaas.

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