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60 Ways To Keep Your Wife's Love, and the romance alive

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Calm down Sophi. You know anger is unattractive in a woman. Do you want to get wrinkles or something?

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Careful there you are adding fuel to the flames there. This is the part where I say "and why is it unattractive for a woman to be angery". Don't even get me started on the wrinkles part lol.

Am I the only one offended by the recent "How women should be fragile slaves to men" antics? Where are the other strong minded sisters I know exist in this place. Bloody wusses.

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We're not "bloody wusses". We just know our place is at the well-polished heel of whichever Faarax is compassionate enough to micromanage our every breathing moment. Pray that someday you too should be so lucky.

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I find myself agreeing in some ways with Xanthus and Sophi the lady, and Ducdhuc in other ways.


I think it's something we are born with, to show passion and respect to our partners, it's a must thing. It's there, we just need to discover from within us and put it to practice. As Xanthus was saying, that list simply lays out how normal human should's not rocket science at all.



However, reminder doesn't hurt ladies. Thanks Dhuch dhuc for that.


Much appriciated.

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Originally posted by : Sophistafuncated

Times have changed mate.



^^^^^This your idea of marriage miss drama queens? ;) hahahaha good luck wit it........but on da real u complaining too much against the one person who is dishing useful info, it’s a reminder namean and the wife guide post may have irritated u lakiin it was a teasing namean, she knows her rights as a muslim woman and rights of her husband wa qoof diinta taaqno u cant beat dat and her main message is treat your husband like a king and he should treat u like a queen.....not your version of nigga ironing yo underwear and changing baby diapers all day sure da brothers would agree wit me that the sister understands men, and the nature and differences between the sexes.........unlike da drama queens that are in competition with men and toooo much nac nacs against da brothers its refreshing to see a supportive type of woman......lucky sun of gun ba cambarro heeleey.......we need to clone ya mama. smile.gif

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What is wrong with that picture? I'll admit the rolls in his hair must go.

There is no need to get your knickers in a knot about my views. All I said was that it is basic common curtesy shiid. What I can't seem to fathom is how when a woman decides she does not want to be conformed to just the daily duties of house and home there is uproar. It is not about “nac nac” it is about being able to for fill your life and not just be a servant to a man. Some of the greatest people in Islam were women mate. Prophet’s first wife Khadija was a very wealthy business woman, and guess what, the Prophet used to work for her.

The life of Aisha is proof that a woman can be far more learned than men and that she can be the teacher of scholars and experts. Her life is also proof that a woman can exert influence over men and women and provide them with inspiration and leadership. Not just rub his feet.

And another thing why can't men iron their own underwear? Is there a rule against this? Maybe a Hadith? Please provide me with some sources. The prophet (saw) used to sew and mend his own clothes and sweep the floors and help his wives. Are the Somali brothers of today too good to help out their wives? Look I did not shoot down the idea, maybe I was a little heavy handed in my explanation of my view but at the end of the day all I said was that its common sense and I will not sit here and praise a brother for common sense. To do so would be grave insult to his intelligence!


Ms DD,


I didn’t mean to attack you I was just venting, no hard feelings Insha’Allah.

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smile.gif I agree inabti. Laakin, and many who understand the true faith of how Muslim couple should treat each other would agree with you on that. Very well said.



Be easy on us Faraxs though. :D

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A pure and polished leather whip should keep the love alive. Take it from me gentlemen, it is one thing constitutive of 60 hard to achieve things. Waa iney kaa kaadkaadiso markaad 5 mile u soo jirto ;) .


PS: I am only joking ladies. I blame it on Africa smile.gif . I am after a theoretically hopeless romantic myself.

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Paragon, here I was thinking the polished whip had multi-purposes, oh well I guess not...if you're into violence I know some cool Xalimos who will oblige you, only you'll be at the receing end :D

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"What is wrong with that picture?"


ummm for one thing the Quran says men are protectors and maintainers of women not the other way around. You are talking unnecessary and all over da place no one said woman not to achieve and be servents say whaaaaaaaat?..........ukhti good luck.

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Originally posted by -Lily-:

Paragon, here I was thinking the polished whip had multi-purposes, oh well I guess not...if you're into violence I know some cool Xalimos who will oblige you, only you'll be at the receing end

You are setting the stage for a GBH, Lily smile.gif .

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