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Bad grammar and bad spelling

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the english language is changing, as it always is and always has been, but since there is no official standard, and people are open to more medium outlets (tv, billboards, internet), and the increasing mediums of communication involving writing (msg boards, instant msg, txt msg) tend to demand compounding and abandonment of grammar rules.

also, because there is no official standard, and classical literature seems to be abandonned by students, and the cultural society we live in today, the accepted standard of english is now what we hear from the pop stars, athletes, and famous actors who are generally from a lower class (and education);their english generally reflects it.

writing styles are also changing, and standards from educators are lowering everyday. of course theyre only decreasing if you look at it from the pov that it was superior in the past and that may not be the case. language evolves with how people us it. kids dont read anymore, and what they do read is often from the internet and like it or not, this is a factor in the fate of the english (and all other) language(S).


p.s. no edit.

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Cor lummy! Of all attributional deficiencies brothers might stand accused, this one shant be one of 'em. I mean, we're in the post-digital world where adherence to strict grammatical and spelling regime is no longer maintained. It's refreshing to say the least. I call it late-modernity's breeze wind of change, with which all pre-existing rules and attitudes give way to new carelessnesses. It's beautiful.


At last! Free from strictures of ever naive language. Free from the memories of blasted headmasters and prefects!

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Well, in serious discussions, a decent English (or Arabic, Somali, French etc) keep us more focused and help gauge one's intellectual skills and curiosity (after extensive reading, good english is so much easier), not mentioning the respect for your audience.


Having said that, this should not be a priority in itself, more like a skill among others gained through practice and that could help (especially if you practice it in a relevant way, ie through your IT litterature or works on Hadith).


Now, it is just amazing how many people with degrees or even Doctors, many of them born in US cities (especially among blacks, whose english adds to their social foes), yet speak/write in ebony or broken french, thus making people tolerate even more bad writing; so we should instead focuse on solutions...

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Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye:

grammer! 4 shizzel my nizzel.

That is what i call English ,,, :D


If you don't understand then you need to go back to school and improve the modern language ,,, lol

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LoL, how ironic!


Virtually everyone who replied to this thread has made at least one grammatical/spelling error :D

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Finally, a woman who appreciates good spelling and grammar!! Because that's about all I'm good for :D

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Originally posted by shaken and deterred:

the english language is changing, as it always is and always has been, but since there is no official standard, and people are open to more medium outlets (tv, billboards, internet), and the increasing mediums of communication involving writing (msg boards, instant msg, txt msg) tend to demand compounding and abandonment of grammar rules.

also, because there is no official standard, and classical literature seems to be abandonned by students, and the cultural society we live in today, the accepted standard of english is now what we hear from the pop stars, athletes, and famous actors who are generally from a lower class (and education);their english generally reflects it.

writing styles are also changing, and standards from educators are lowering everyday. of course theyre only decreasing if you look at it from the pov that it was superior in the past and that may not be the case. language evolves with how people us it. kids dont read anymore, and what they do read is often from the internet and like it or not, this is a factor in the fate of the english (and all other) language(S).


p.s. no edit.

Stuff and nonsense, my dear.


I didn't want to take this topic seriously because the original author was more concerned with frivolous topics such as Facebook, Somali boys and gapped teeth. However, your reply here is quite misleading and one has to pull you up on it.


Your argument is fine when the topic at hand is simplistic, frivolous and trivial. But how would it apply when it's more complex and intricate? Could you truly discuss politics, medicine, physics or even the future of information technology whilst using Ebonics and the spoken language (which is what Serenity, I assume, is complaining about)?


Language does indeed evolve, however, not to the extent that your words imply. In English, Arabic, Spanish and many other languages, there has always been a difference between the written and spoken language. Your average resident of London (or New York) does not write in the same way he speaks. There are no Arabs that speak the language exactly as it's written. Neither the French nor the Spanish speak and write in the same way or style. This difference has always existed and will do so for a long time to come.


When we speak, our punctuation is usually composed of phrases such as 'yeah', 'you know', 'you see', 'you get me?' and the like. Yet, when we write we simply use a full stop, comma or exclamation mark. On a trivial subject it is easy to discard such punctuation but, when the ideas we try to convey are more complex and laborious, we are forced to use proper grammar and punctuation in order to be understood. In other words, when I'm speaking, I know you'll perfectly understand the point I'm making because I blinked at the right time, raised my eyebrow or even smiled. But when I'm writing, this body language does not exist and I am obliged to follow the usual rules in order to ensure that you comprehend my arguments! That language is evolving is not in dispute here but the use of that fact to excuse poor grammar is.


Still, none of this applies to the pointless pastime that is Facebook. :D

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^Old man, this is one time you have missed the point of the thread by a mile.


Try not to get caught out by the words 'facebook' and 'private messages'. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

^^Keeping the spirit of your thread, Serenity, you made few mistakes right here in this thread and I dont think you even noticed them! You are not quite the perfectionist you said you are


Now if you want to know the cheif difference between girls and boys, inamadu gabdhaha waa u ceeb qariyyaan, gabdhuhuna xooggaana ma cafiyyaan, xattaa spelling error.


ps welcome back.

Xiin I told you to be nice, when she gets back remember! redface.gif

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