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Bad grammar and bad spelling

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This Topic was inspired by the following quote by the clever witted Nephthys


Originally posted by Nephthys:

Bad grammar is the online equivalent of having a gap in your teeth and a heavy Southerner accent - it doesn't matter what you say, everyone is just going to think you're istuburt.

Right on!


I often have to endure really bad messages on facebook by Somali guys. Not once, not twice but… 90% of the time. If any of my colleagues or Non-Somali friends send me a message/email, they take the time to always write a clear and well written message. They know that writing a half-arsed message is bad writing etiquette and does not reflect well on the sender.


However, a Somali guy will often go through the trouble of writing a long and often could-b-great-otherwise message (like trying to introduce himself), yet pay no attention to his spelling or grammar? I mean, spell check is everywhere if one cant spell, and if one cant write a language very well, why write in it at all?


I would much rather receive/read a well written Somali message than a badly written English one any day.


So someone please explain to me, when did it become commonplace in our community and especially amongst the male species to try to impress someone with bad grammar? Why hastily write some undecipherable message and expect a response? I’ve noticed that Somalis in general have a ‘don’t care’ attitude when it comes to writing emails or even writing in a public forum. Its almost like its community accepted thing, that if the message is badly written, but somewhat makes sense… it alright. No its not! It makes you look like an illiterate!!


Does anyone feel my despair?

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Male Vs Female battle is on again ......



I'm outta there with my bad grammar/spelling coz if it wasn't you men/women who can't read Somali i would write everything in Somali. You complain that you cannot read Somali yet complain again if the English is not good ,,,,,,,, bal labadaa mid raaca idinku ,,,

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You sound like my lecturer.........



Anyway, boor engliish is very bad four your healt...... I like some beoples speaking mashallah highly, sophisticated English...........



@Serentiy, facebook is an informal meeting place........I would have thought that it was far more convenient to write in slang/text language!



I don't know about the US, but grammar and punctuation is really slacking amongst university students in the UK. Speaking to professionals( in literature), they say the School system doesn't put great emphasis on the writing of the English Language, at least nout in High school! But I think your talking about something else.......faraxz with boor english, ya?

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wel if u get da massage, dat is al ye need,


alwayz da main point is important, once u got it, den nothin is needed,


dat is wot I think aniway

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A good writer doesn’t just spring up from the earth one day and write a good essay, neither does a body builder becomes puff by lifting only dumbbells in one day! It takes time and effort to master the art of writing. Occasional effort to apply the rules of grammar and spelling in one’s writing is to the advantage of the writer. Many years ago I remember having a problem with Subject-Verb agreement and Comma Splice problem with my writing-I still do. This was partially because of my poor education system in Kenya compounded with my laziness. I needed to apply these rules to my writing diligently in order to develop a fixed habit of writing clearly my class assignment. Long and hard I labored to correct my writing only to get low B’s on my essays (still I haven’t mastered the art of writing).



When I finished my undergraduate studies I was hired as an Analyst in a chemical laboratory. I was expected by my manager to write a scientific style report every week. This was not easy, but with practice I was able to do my best. Even if you are not a lawyer or a business executive you will eventually need to write something in your lifetime. If you have ever been discouraged (as I have been) one of the worst thing you could do is quit trying your best.



Bad grammar and poor spelling is like wearing shoes without socks only to come out with a stinky feet in the presence of your host. The writing style and how eloquently you convey your message across is a strong determining factor of how your message is received. A good writer is not, necessarily, one who can use fancy words , but one who has so developed the art of writing in a clear and a concise style without drenching his writting with jargons! As one might say, in modern slang, everything would be “fo shiznit” if you can make sure people understand what you are tying to say. The oasis of the desert of the lost hope is Practicing everyday. I’m still learning the art of writing everyday and I hope to improve.

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*Fights urge to proofread post*


So, Serenity, you get a lot of FB messages from Somali guys huh?



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Adiga waxaagu waa is yeel yeel. You write perfectly well, if only you would take the time to punctuate your sentences. I mean, it probably takes the same amount of time to put proper punctuation than putting the million and one commas you choose to use instead. Just bad habit?!


Abu, I understand what you mean about the informal meeting place, but it becomes a bit of a nuisance when one has to spend time trying to get your point. Also, informal just means informal writing - like 'Howdy!' instead of 'How are you', not misspelling or making horrid grammatical mistakes.


And you're right about language etiquette slipping in universities. One of my old university friends messaged me on facebook yesterday- but lo and behold! I was shocked at how badly the whole message was written. I mean said guy even went to the same university and did the same course as I! - so its really difficult to believe he is that bad - perhaps waa bilcaani, thus testament to my theory that Somali people just don’t understand that writing horribly is bad

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Language used for mobile phone text messages that is used outside of this context is just horrible. Having said that, if you write OK & it comes across as understandable that’s sufficient in most cases. I do a lot of editing on a daily basis and even the most intelligent and accomplished individuals, not to mention native English speakers have less than perfect grammar and English.


It’s a bit ambitious to expect everyone to be well versed and have excellent grammar…especially on online social networks and forums.

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This is not the right topic to start with when some guys have noticed your absance and dedicated to you a nice lovely poem. way to go Serenity. Brother Xiin you can take your gabay back now.

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Lily, we are all prone to typos and the small grammatical and spelling mistakes here and there.


.. What I'm talking about is wilfully writing a message knowing it contains lots of mistakes (it would be hard to believe they dont), but either not thinking much of it, or being lazy and not doing a check. And then there is often the case where some people just never bothered to pay attention to the small matter of learning how to write well!


The way I see it, if one chooses to communicate in a certain language, one must learn to write it properly. At least to a standard that most people would not be horrified looking at what one has written.

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^^ Yes but I noticed friends tend to be relaxed with their writing style to other friends. It's highly unlikely that this is how they communicate at work and so forth. In any case, if it is that bad you should point it out.

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Originally posted by Cara:

*Fights urge to proofread post*


So, Serenity, you get a lot of FB messages from Somali guys huh?






I agree Sen, It's very annoying and quite a turn off. However, it's not exclusive to guys or Somalis for that matter.

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Poor spelling is inexcusable. Nearly every application has some sort of proofreading ability. If not, it takes less than 30 seconds to open a word processor and spell check your writing.


My teen cousins' English is unreadable: poor grammar and spelling plus numbers in the place of letters. I don't understand what they're teaching them in public schools. If you're older than 15/16 and insist on writing poorly when you know better, it makes you seem illiterate.

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