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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Ar dadkaan maba oga in our main resident, xaajigeena Baashi la dhaho uu yahay ina Uunlaaye. Ar aabo intuu Kismaayo nuskeeda dhisaaye asagoo meel kale {perhaps Nugaal } iska dhistaa u rooneed. Baashi iska samir saaxiib, kuwii Xamarba waa ka samirtee, koow ka biloow Shineemo Macalin Jaamac, mise Shineemo Nasar ee ahayd? Mise Shineemo Shantaraale ee ahayd? Mise Shineemo Afrika? Noo sheeg hee.
  2. Salaan... 1.Shariifka is very good alay with Xaabsade. It is no secret they are close. They always were, for one thing Xaabsade is his abti from clan-wise point of view. Also one of his wives is Xaabsade’s cousin. Before his sudden rise to this political stage, he was an unknown obscure businessman; save the few insiders from the old RRA movement who knew him. He was one of the main businessmen who funded and bankrolled the newly born, toothless, unfamiliar RRA organization in its initial days in mid 1990s. He participated in shirkii Carta in 2000; at this conference, when the issue of 4.5 formula was first developed, the two other major clans worked tirelessly not to give an equal, complete "1" figure to reer Arlaadi. RRA was on the verge of withdrawing because of this; however it was he who worked behind the scenes diligently convincing Shaatigaduud and Co. to not pull out, persuading other clans to accept the equal representation. He was elected xildhibaan in that conference. With that in mind, just few days before the speaker’s mini election, suddenly he rose, mainly and mostly because of Xaabsade’s--and Shaatigaduud's, who was against Sheekh Madoowe for sitting on the speaker's chair at that time--maneuver, endlessly acquiring other clans support for him. It was just a payback time. There was/is another xildhibaan shariif (Shariif Saalax), a well-known, well-educated and seasoned politician who participated from the Dowladii shibilka to Kacaanka, who, in normal times, would've deserved this position, but as Soomaalis are, few care those with highest credentials. 2. Shariifka made his own dection about african troop and his suportes know controll biadhabo. Well I wonder were xaabsad get the money where is is still controlling the futur capital city of somalia. Xaabsade gets his 'money' from just as where Shaatigaduud and Sheekh Madoowe would get theirs. Since none of them control any port or a major make-shift airport, their sources are limited. So it is no wonder the sources that provide them the funds waa kuwo isku di r-diraayo, midba wax soo siinaayo; it is working so far for them. Finally, it isn’t new that Shariifka publicly stated he personally doesn't want to go to Baydhabo as long as that Sheekh Madoowe threatens both his safety and his position. It is sad Shariifka oo ku dhashay Bardaale can't go to Baay, but Sheekh Madoowe, whose family is Reer Mandheera, can. And lastly, the guy is no angel; don't be fooled by his 'shariif' title.
  3. Salaan... I don't know when will these puppets will learn, oo ku dhamaadaan labo reer dhexdooda. I don't know when will they learn to care about their masses, who were not that long ago on a verge of exinction. Marba mid qori loo soo dhiibo, kan kale dil la leeyahay. Can't they ask whom are fighting and where the fight will take place? Who will suffer? Their poor masses. Shame on you all: Shaatigaduud Madoowe Xaabsade Saransoor Kiishbur Black Deeroow Qalinle Shame all of you, incapable of leading your own masses.
  4. Salaan... ...ima nice guy so this will give me a negative image but the ppl from garoowe ruled you like xoolo since time immemorial so bow down kiddos. Sometimes, this guy's outbursts is comedic itself. A missed punch of unfounded history uu soo tuuraa. Sheekooyinkii geedaha showriga hoostiisa loogu soo sheekeeye uuba lasoo shirtagaa. Yac!
  5. Salaan... The pearl-eyed "Sheekh" made a huge, huge blunder. Entering an already burning flame of internal squabbling could possibly be his last political card's spade. I see Qoryooleey, Awdheegle, Daafeed, Marka, Afgooye, Baraawe waa ku filnaan weysay, but as it had been said: "Cagtii joogsan weydo mar bay ceeb la kulantaa." Pray for the innocent Soomaalis, the soon-to-be victims of all but expected blood that will soon spill once again. In early 1991, Cumar Jees and his minion "Junior" Sayidka came. God knows what they did. In 1995, Caydiid, led by the same endowed mentality factions kistoo loo soo dhaabtay $$, came and the unspeakable cruelty followed is fresh in many people's memory. And now, our pearl-eyed "wadaad" apparently hadn't learned a lesson yet.
  6. Salaan... Meeshaan alaalax dhan maxee isku baheysteen. Tutigiin aaskuluusto umbaryaako waaxidiin. Cabdi Aalkole aaba isoo xasuusiseen dariskeena ahaa oo cabi jiray aalkoda farmashiyaasha lagu gado gaduudan oo nus biyo lagu daro oo barafna lagu sii daro.....ooh, casar walba casariya camal uu u cabi jiray, marqaankiis muxuu shidnaa, anagana aaskuluusto umbaryaakonimadeena waa noogu jirtay oo u sugi jirnay galabtii. Tuuryo.com
  7. Salaan... Suddenly, Shariifka aa la heystaa, waana ognahay meesha dadka qaarkood ka kulul yihiin. Jecliyaa. He was elected by this same disputable, pseudo-parliament, some thinking he wasn't a seasoned (read: neophyte) politician. Laakiin ninkii sidii la mooday ma noqon, flexing his political muscles. Jecliyaa. Aw Shariifoow, aw Sharafoow, saas ku wad. And back to the thread, I don't agree his dictatorial decision of banning Soomaali "journalists," which wasn't confined to only Reer Bari's media, as Waagacusub, an anti-C/llaahi Yuusuf website, also reports this: ...halkaasna lagu celiyay Warfidiyeeno ka kala socday Warbaahinada Idaacada Shabelle,Banaadir,IQK,Waagacusub,SBC Radio,Allpuntland,PuntlandPost,Somalinimo,Gobanimo,Hiiraan Online halka uu labo idaacadood oo qurana u hergeliyay inay shirka goobjoog u noqdaan... I believe the 'labada idaacadood oo qura' ay yihiin Been-Been-Sii and HornAfrik.
  8. Salaan... I call this ii dheh, an oversight. Qodoba qoran fiiriyaba: Inay guud ahaan ka baxayaan baarlamaanka hadii laga doodo Ciidamo ka socda safka hore. In ugu dambeeyn dhamaadka bishaan la guda galo dhismaha maamulka gobolka banaadir. In guud ahaan maleeshiyooyinka Muqdisho hibka laga aruuriya iyo kuwa ku xeeran. In la sameeyo Ciidamo Amniga suga oo ka kooban 10 ilaa 15 kun oo Askari. In Askari waliba la siiyo Mushaar dhan 100$ dolar iyo 30 dollar oo cunta ah sidaasna guud ahaan mushaarkiisa bisha uu ku noqdo 130$ In maamulka gobolka Banaadir uu yeesho lix xero Ciidan oo waaweyn, kuwaas oo ka baxsan magaalada ilaa iyo 30 Kilo miter,sida dhanaane,hiilweyne,Carbiska. In wasiirada (qabiil's name) uu dhinaca wixii siyaasad ah u qaabilsan yahay Xuseen Maxamed Ceydiid halka dhinaca Xildhibaanada aan xukumada ka mid noqona u qaabilsan yahay Cumar Xaashi Adan. In dhismaha Maamulka gobolka banaadir loo maro sida uu dhigayo dastuurka dalka qeeybtiisa maamul goboleedyada. In magaalada Muqdisho dhammaanteed laga mamnuuco hubka. In la magacaabo Madaxweyne maamul goboleed iyo duq magaalo guud ahaana ay soo maraan Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha. In si deg deg ah loo iclaamiyo gudi gaara sida, Guddiga Abaabulka iyo Arrimaha bulshadda ,Guddiga Hogaaminta guud, Guddiga Dhaqaalaha,sidoo kalana la magacaawdo gudi hoosaadyo ay ku mideeysan yahiin,ganacsatada,maxkamadaha,warbaahinta iyo dowlada. In Mowqifkooda guud uu yahay in dowlada Degto Muqdisho meel kalana aysan marna u aqoonsan doonin Caasimad. In Ciidanka shisheeyaha ee sameeynaya Hubka dhigista aysan gedi Karin ,gubi Karin,meel kale geeysan Karin balse ay ku soo wareejiyaan gacanta Dowlada dhexe ee Soomaaliya maadama uu yahay Hanti Qaranka leeyahay ee dhinaca gaashaandhiga. In sharuud la’aan Dekada iyo Eelaboorka loo furo, mas’uuliyiinta labada golena tagaan Muqdisho si ay u soo guda galaan hoowlahooda. In Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah iyo ganacsatada taageero weyn looga baahan yahay hergelinta arrintaas. In guud ahaan maleeshiyooyinka la isku dhafo lana geeyo meel magaalada ka baxsan. In la sameeyo xerooyin gaar ah oo lagu tababaro maleeshiyaadka Muqdisho iyo degaanada ku hareereeysan,loona sameeyo dhaqan celin iyo tababar Ciidan oo ku dhisan sharciga Caalamiga ah. Déjà vu, all over again. Waagii masses were ignorant ahayeen about these men and their likes, were optimistic, waagii Cali waa Caydiid, Caydiidna waa Cali {Aaheey!} in 1991, literally and figuretively writing their names on the dark sky at nights--by firing bullets' ammunitions' lights in celebration. (I was there, and I was one of the ignorant masses, eager to believe, giving them the benefit of the doubt.) This communiqué is waste of words, effort and time at best; at worst this communiqué will join the dust-gathering, long--and growing--list of ii dheh communiqués from these men.
  9. Salaan... I recently heard that some Ethiopian commanders reminded RRA branch leader Xaabsade that it was them - the Ethiopian army - that ultimately helped the then-unified RRA recapture the entire regions of Bay and Bakool from USC/SNA forces. I guess that's why Xaabsade is suddenly welcoming the TFG. Well, I don't think that is a good believable reason. One thing for sure is Xaabsade, Saransoor and other opposition figures that were against C/llaahi Yuusuf and Amxaaro--their attentive ears were whispered some appealing tribal words: Amxaaro will help them "liberate" the lands of D in the D&M tribal "caucus." That is Shabeelada Hoose and some parts of Jubbada Dhexe if you hadn't have a clue. One more sick tribal nonsense. It is one reason getting your weapons from Amxaaro (as all Soomaali jabhado did one time or another, RRA ma lagu koobin), but supporting and leading them to deegaanka Soomaalida, even if it is occupied by other clans, for clanish reasons. Sick. They (waa Shaatigaduud, Sh. Madoowe iyo Xaabsade) told the guy, the so-called wadaad, who rules Shabeelada Hoose: Iskaga bax deegaanka if you don't want to face Amxaaro wrath.
  10. Salaan... Btw bro, why do you worry about The Capital being moved to another town? I have a different opinion and feeling about this. The capital, Muqdisho, isn't a sacred and inviolable permanent place, written under the Quraanka Kariimka. No, it isn't. I have unease about this issue in the future, why, because once it is moved, something beyond our control will happen in this shaky tribal Soomaali politics. Hokey, today, say, it is moved to Baydhabo. All is good at the present. But what happens when another "government" down the road is formed and it explicitly declares another so-called hometown (tribal deegaan) as its capital, because they will refer it the unprecedented move earlier that happened. Opening the Pandora's Box comes to mind? Yes. We do not need to open the doors that won't and don't help the "dib-u-heshiinta," for we need to remember this is government that needs to conciliate to the masses, not arousing a badly unneeded mistrust. So far, the signs of misgivings are leading to that. This is the same case and result I was and still am against federalism. There isn't clear and clarified strategy; most jumped on the bangwagon without pondering the uncertainty that is ahead. For one thing, federalism in Soomaali politics wasn't born in this century (circa 2000 and later). It was an idea that was intertained, proposed and rejected in 1950s. A noble man was assassinated a half century ago because he espoused this unconventional idea. His name was Ustaad Cismaan. A whole party's platform--and it was the only de facto opposition party in a SYL-dominated parliament--was based federalism and an abrupt necessity on countrywide census, led by vehemently C/qaadir Soobe. His party was HDM. Few now know these men and their then radical ideology. Soobe, Eebe ha u naxariistee, went to grave firmly believing, and intact, his federalist politics.
  11. Ninkaan iga koreeyo camal aa jiro kuna kaliftay dadka Amxaaro ka daba ordaayo inay damcaan in dalka shisheeye soo giliyaan. Wali USC iyo wax loo joogin uu ka daba socdaa. War Soomaali...Soomaali...yaa wax fahansiiyo.
  12. Salaan... 6. Catherine Michael Mariano (Canada) Ina Maykal Maryamaa Kanada dagan, I didn't know. I always respected her father though, a true nationalist indeed.
  13. Salaan... Dadka qaarkood wax walba laf qabiil la dhahaa dhuunta ugu jirto, uguna horeeyo. Hadee rabaan, all things adduunkaan ka jiro, inay naga dhaadhacsiyaan Sooomaaliya in la keeno ciidamo Amxaaro/Tigreey ah. Rayigaas in qof Soomaali fiyoow laga maqlo iska dhaafee... Haye waaba yahay, Amxaaradii baaba lala yaabanaa, hadana Magaalo madaxdii hala badalo (xataa si kumeel gaarnimo). Yaab iyo nuskiis. Dowlad dalkeeda sitimaan ka badan joogi karin ayaa saan u dhaqmeyso, odeygaas wareersan fursada uu heysto madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed masoo marin wixii ka danbeeyo dagaalada sokeeye, sidaasna u dhaqmaayo, Soomaali sii kala fogeynaayo, waa wax madaxa laga lux luxo; haduu saas ku socdana meeshuu gaaro hala arko. Marmar Soomaalida dadka ku dhex jiro hadaa aragtid waaba ku lab laboonee, Ilaahoow adigaa caadil eh qabyaalad ka saar ummada qaarkood. ______________ Magaalo madax waa Xamar--shaleey, maanta iyo bariba. Waligeedba. (Ninkaan saas idinlehna seven of his brothers and sisters were born in Baydhabo, laakiin runta hala isku sheego.)
  14. Salaan... Ar huu, xaa la sheegay. Awlaadiin ma ii faaytiinoo. Koow. Ar horta intii aaba war kale galin, hadiyad aan idiin wadaa; Wiilo aan ka bilaabo, ee dhakab iga dheh. Wiilo, cali falaaxaan isku tijaabi Nuune asagana maadaama uu nuune saqiirkoo yahay, ha iga qabsado kastuumadaan. Nuune haye, ma kula eg yahay "buumahaan"? Yaa soo haray? Rawla maa soo hartay, waa loo haayaa. Finaanadaan hadii Rawla loo giliyo, shafkeeda aaba i dili lahaa.
  15. Salaan... Somalia needs a tough leader who can face of with these so called strongmen around the country. Yes, indeed macalinka. We do indeed need a tougher leader. But I didn't know bringing Amxaaro/Tigrey to do that "tough" dirty job was a "tough leader's" idea. The last time I knew, tough men faced their adversaries personally, not lagu soo ganbado shisheeye.
  16. Salaan... Somalia needs a tough leader who can face of with these so called strongmen around the country. Yes, indeed macalinka. We do indeed need a tougher leader. But I didn't know bringing Amxaaro/Tigrey to do that "tough" dirty job was a "tough leader's" idea. The last time I knew, tough men faced their adversaries personally, not lagu soo ganbado shisheeye.
  17. Salaan... Somalia needs a tough leader who can face of with these so called strongmen around the country. Yes, indeed macalinka. We do indeed need a tougher leader. But I didn't know bringing Amxaaro/Tigrey to do that "tough" dirty job was a "tough leader's" idea. The last time I knew, tough men faced their adversaries personally, not lagu soo ganbado shisheeye.
  18. Salaan... UN, Maraykanka , Fransiiska , Talyaaniga , Masar , Ethiopia , Jabuuti , Kenya , Ugandha iyo Sucuudiga What? No Imaaraadka Carabta, but Faransiiska? No Kuweyt, but Ugaanda? No Yemen? No Liibiya? Maaaan. War dadkeena dalalkaas ee daadsan yihiin oo business, qaxootinimo iyo wax kale u joogaan. This man talked like a president, walked a president, seemed like a president, yet few listened his nationalist messages
  19. Salaan... Markuu C/qaasin madaxweynaha ahaa, maxee faafin jirtay allpuntland.com? Dacaayad in, dacaayad out. Waliba C/qaasin oo lahaa "walaaloow waa idin baryaa", dhag jalaq maloo siin, ninkaan ereyga sarbeebka dhiibaayo, oo ismoodo nin shacabka dhan soo wada doortay meeshuu gaaro hala arko. Aniga personally for the sake of Soomaalinimo and our flag aa u support gareyaa C/llaahi Yuusuf, just as I did C/qaasin. Laakiin don't start and tell us now hebel iyo heblaayo don't support C/llaahi Yuusuf; they don't support him just as you didn't support C/qaasin, remember? (It all comes to qabiil, dad sidii daacuun camal u galay bahalka.) C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed needs to shore up his diplomatic skills--I know he is a military man, however the days of xukun xoog and boob ma jirto--more, if he wants disprove his sceptics' unfounded fears. Maloo baahno maanta inay ahaato the days of thinly veiled clanish threats and ambiguous messages, which fuels an already burning fire.
  20. Salaan... Markuu C/qaasin madaxweynaha ahaa, maxee faafin jirtay allpuntland.com? Dacaayad in, dacaayad out. Waliba C/qaasin oo lahaa "walaaloow waa idin baryaa", dhag jalaq maloo siin, ninkaan ereyga sarbeebka dhiibaayo, oo ismoodo nin shacabka dhan soo wada doortay meeshuu gaaro hala arko. Aniga personally for the sake of Soomaalinimo and our flag aa u support gareyaa C/llaahi Yuusuf, just as I did C/qaasin. Laakiin don't start and tell us now hebel iyo heblaayo don't support C/llaahi Yuusuf; they don't support him just as you didn't support C/qaasin, remember? (It all comes to qabiil, dad sidii daacuun camal u galay bahalka.) C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed needs to shore up his diplomatic skills--I know he is a military man, however the days of xukun xoog and boob ma jirto--more, if he wants disprove his sceptics' unfounded fears. Maloo baahno maanta inay ahaato the days of thinly veiled clanish threats and ambiguous messages, which fuels an already burning fire.
  21. Salaan... Markuu C/qaasin madaxweynaha ahaa, maxee faafin jirtay allpuntland.com? Dacaayad in, dacaayad out. Waliba C/qaasin oo lahaa "walaaloow waa idin baryaa", dhag jalaq maloo siin, ninkaan ereyga sarbeebka dhiibaayo, oo ismoodo nin shacabka dhan soo wada doortay meeshuu gaaro hala arko. Aniga personally for the sake of Soomaalinimo and our flag aa u support gareyaa C/llaahi Yuusuf, just as I did C/qaasin. Laakiin don't start and tell us now hebel iyo heblaayo don't support C/llaahi Yuusuf; they don't support him just as you didn't support C/qaasin, remember? (It all comes to qabiil, dad sidii daacuun camal u galay bahalka.) C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed needs to shore up his diplomatic skills--I know he is a military man, however the days of xukun xoog and boob ma jirto--more, if he wants disprove his sceptics' unfounded fears. Maloo baahno maanta inay ahaato the days of thinly veiled clanish threats and ambiguous messages, which fuels an already burning fire.
  22. Salaan... Why, for Reer Sool used to live in Baydhabo in the pre-civil war, waliba iyagoo af Maay jacbursanaayo. Shaneemada kasoo horjeeda masaajidka weyn Jameeco ee buuxi jireen. Hada ka horaa xariifkoo Booroow la dhahaayo dhulkaas u booqday, asxaab ku bartay, his typical struggling day in the first few months used to go similarly like this: Booroow: De'eroow, see haayta. Dacar Waar BOORANOOW waa nabad, ee dee waxaanu heyno majidho. Booroow: Nibid wiyaan De'eroow. Dacar: Waaxay dee nibid? Booroow: War mahaad hadalka niki gagabaneysaa. Dacar: Gaw!! Oo maxaad tidhi Booranoow? Booroow: War mahaad naka ayaareysaa ma Abeydin baad naka Aaleysaa. Dacar: Ka daroo dibbi dhal, ma hadaad... Booroow: Hadiis dhalyana mahaa jarto? Dacar: Gaw!!! Waar iska aamu yaaney aadanuhu kula yaabine... Booroow: War mahaad oratay? Eedan intee joogyaa? ______________ Hakaa saarto Booroow, adigaa isku tagtee meel indhaha faraha lagaa galinaayo. Ar google ee ku jirta sheekada, ee true ma'aha.
  23. Salaan... I didnt makee him that it was all ordained by the lord. Allaahu akbar! I guess Bush isn't alone in that league of God-wanted-me-to-be-president. Oh, wait a minute again, the "lord" is Sir Senaawi, my bad.
  24. Salaan... Going back the topic at hand and we should be brutally honest with ourselves: The deplorable people who live in and around Shabeellada Hoose--waana degmooyinka Afgooye, Awdheegle, Daafeed, Marka, Baraawe iyo Qoryooley--would care less whether invaded and occupied by "gaalo" or living under untamed militiamen controlled by the pearl-eyed, self-proclaimed wadaad, whose militia currently harass and hassle them daily. They have been victims and over-oppressed for far too long. For vast majority of them, I am sure, they are thinking, "Let the so-called gaalo come and both the oppressed and the oppressor feel the heat equally." Thus, rightly or wrongly, C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil is a victim of his own unmaking. When Cismaan Caato and et al. start talking about in defence of "Soomaalinimo" against foreign troops, mainly Amxaar, it makes me giggle for a moment. Where was "Soomaalinimo" in the last 15 years, especially when the majority of his hub (and most of other warlords' weaponry in every region) were bought and bestowed by the same Amxaar/Tigrey to kill and victimize another Soomaali? No sane Soomaali would allow an Amxaar or a Kenyaati soldier to set a foot in our soil, but the likes of Cismaan Caato would be the last to feel Soomaalinimo in this case.