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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Eebba ha kala qabto walaalaha Soomaaliyeed ku diriraayo deegaankaas, intii aan waxba galabsan ku geeriyootayna Eebba ha u wada naxariisto -- aamiin. Soomaali iyo dhul qalalan, oo angag ah ku dirir goormee kala daali doonaan. This nomadic miyi mentality runtii has to stop for once and all.
  2. i doubt Quraanyo could ever do that. "Ants pulling an earthworm." "A group of ants carrying a spider." "The dead body of a cricket near an ant nest. After 1 minute. A worker ant has found the mantis. After 3 minutes. Other workers have swarmed from the nest. After 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Fellow workers have successively gathered around the mantis. After 10 minutes. Gradual movement of the body towards the nest begins. .......... After 1 hour. The food was split into pieces at the entrance of the nest. After 48 hours. The food has finally been taken into the nest by widening the entrance."
  3. Originally posted by rudy: good job Nephy!! I will hand u the seef to chop their heads. xaawa taako is back! watch out tfg!! Seef ha u dhiibin ee tooreey u dhiib. Peacenow faraha ha laga qaado. He may be deist, nonetheless wixiisa ma qarsano. The one who worships his clan warlord bilaa xishood la'aan, his clan day in and day out, night come and night goes; who pays in qaaraan the dollars to his clan to slaughter innocent people in the name of clan fights; who defends xaaraantii his clan heysato; who is at the forefront encouraging more rape of innocent people and natural resources; and who will ultimately fight in the name of his clan interests, thus murdering dad aan waxba galabsan in the process -- all of this and yet still claim inay Eebbe aaminsanyihiin. Ninkaan dadkaas saas u dhaqmo ayuu dhaamaa, yaa been la isku sheegin.
  4. Ethiopia is landlocked and possible options would be in neighbouring Somalia where Ethiopian troops are helping the interim government -- either to Bosasso in the Puntland region or Berbera in breakaway Somaliland, analysts say . I am quoting again. Soomaaliyeey goormaa riyadda ee hurdada dheer laga kici doonaa? I can almost visualize Berbera and Boosaaso ports' management -- dekadihii lagu dhisay in the name of Soomaali state, Soomaali taxpayers' hanti -- competing Xabashi u adeegideeda about this deal. Eebboow saan maa Soomaali dambeysay. Dhul laga heysto in qeyraadkiis lasoo boobo, haddana dhulkii ay islahayeen waa maamushiin laga dhoofsado, iyagoo u adeegaayo waliba. Ma saanee, xaqdaradaan halgamiyaashii '64 iyo '77 u geeriyooday, u indho beelay, u hanti beelay, difaacidda dhulkooda iyo dadkooda Soomaaliyeed inay noqoto caano ciid lagu lisay? Walaahi, I had never thought in my wildest, furthest imagination inay saan Soomaali iyo Soomaaliya ku dhaceyso. Most depressing.
  5. Ethiopia signs [soomaali Galbeed] gas deal with Petronas ADDIS ABABA, Aug 10 (Reuters) - Ethiopia has signed a $1.9 million deal allowing Malaysian state oil firm Petronas [PETR.UL] to develop natural gas in its [soomaali Galbeed] region where rebels have warned oil companies to stay away, an official said on Friday. "The agreement signed between Ethiopia and Petronas focuses on the development and marketing of Kalub and Hilal gas deposits in the [soomaali Galbeed]," a Ministry of Mines and Energy official, who declined to be named, told Reuters. Ethiopian Minister of Mines and Energy Alemayeu Tegenu signed the agreement with Petronas in Kuala Lumpur last month after the Malaysian firm won a tender for the Kalub and Hilal areas, the official added. The official said under the accord Petronas was expected to lay down a pipeline to transport the gas to a nearby port. Ethiopia is landlocked and possible options would be in neighbouring Somalia where Ethiopian troops are helping the interim government -- either to Bosasso in the Puntland region or Berbera in breakaway Somaliland, analysts say . The [soomaali Galbeed] Basin, a gas-prolific area covering 350,000 sq km, is believed to contain gas reserves of some 4 trillion cubic feet, according to the government. Ethiopia says it has broken the backbone of the rebel [soomaali Galbeed] Nation Liberation Front (ONLF) which attacked a Chinese-run oil exploration field in April killing 74 people. But the separatist group denies that, and has repeatedly warned foreign energy firms from operating in the area which borders Somalia. "Pursuing oil and natural gas exploration activities in ****** at this stage can only be characterised as gross corporate irresponsibility," the ONLF said this week. Petronas is also engaged in the exploration of oil in the Gambella Basin in western Ethiopia. Reuters via Soomaalitalk
  6. Nuudo maxaa rude ka dhigay? Maxee ahayd that maahmaah horta? Lama qaawan waa u toostay. Iyadaaba ka gardaran nin asagoo dharaantiis ah irida ka furay, haddana u gishay minankiis iyadoo arkeyso waxaas. Wax kale amee aragtay oo jeclaatay at first at the door, then realized later it isn't what she thought it seemed to her initially.
  7. 2. Mr. me also does NOT pray. Baddacase, see kaa noqotay, duqa? Seeflaboodnimadaan xee ahayd hee? Siyaasad iyadoo laga hadlaayo lee ogaa, goormaa la galay salaad iyo kan wuu tukadaa iyo kan ma tukado? Qof ay salaad dhaafin waligiis oo nool oo SOL kusoo shiro, siiba kuwa dibadjooga ah, ma jiro; hadduu jirina gacanta ha taago, wir. Tukashadda Eebba iyo adoonkiis ayee u taalaa, ee Reer SOL ma quseyso, ee walaalkeen meel aa ugu dhacday, duqa. Si kale ha iiga qaadan, walaaloow, maadaama walaal iswaaniyo.
  8. Yaala socdo Dhaqane? I've heard three other xildhibaano la socdo. Maalin ayaa loo abaalgudi doonaa xildhibaanadda Baarlamaanka Xorta ah who voluntarily chose to serve in the interests of their country and people. They had an other choice: To serve Xabashi interests and be silent while getting a few dollars as a bribe. I don't remember all of their names, laakiin waxee u mudanyihiin magacyadooda in lasoo taxo, iyagoo intaa ka xasuusto ah: Saleebaan Colaad Rooble, Max'uud Cabdillaahi Sifir, Max'ed Cabdi Yuusuf, Cumar Xaashi Aaden, C/raxmaan Aaden Ibbi, Yuusuf Xasan Dheeg, Cali Baashi Rooraaye, Jaamac Cali Jaamac, C/qaadir Dhaqane, Shariif Saalax Max'ed, Shariif Xasan Sh. Aaden, Sakariye Max'uud Xaaji, Caasha Xaaji Cilmi, Max'ed Cabdi Daryeel and Fowsiya Max'ed Sheekh, to recite a few of them, mar markee ahaataba ayaa loo abaalmarin doonaa.
  9. Akbar said she is a personal friend of Somali Prime Minister Ali Gedi . Akbar is a chemical engineer who worked for state-run Kuwait Oil Company and Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Co. (KUFPEC) for 25 years before playing a role in the start up of KEC in 2005. Kuwait Times [August 08] ----------- Government documents obtained by Reuters listed Kuwait Energy's chief executive officer Sara Akbar, a friend of Gedi's , as one of the advisers to the administration. Reuters [August 13] --------------- Kan Fanaxle Xabashadda u adeego awalba wax quman kama sugeynin, waxa iga daran is that he will not stop until he must forcefully stopped. He is on the path of selling the whole country, which soon will include its citizens, to personal 'friends.' Shuud.
  10. This is the exact model replica both Jubba Airways and Daallo Airlines use from Dubai to Xamar and other destinations. I don't see any modern about it. The problem is exacerbated by the fact they overhaul with business merchandizes and deliberately leave passengers' luggages out in Dubai for a week minimum or even worse, a month or sometimes even lost. I had seen at Jubba Airline's headquarters luggages collecting dust because dadkii lahaa long ago ka samray when they did not bring and got back wherever they were visiting from. Who knows they eventually iska qaataan those baggages. Mine? It took ten days, which forced me to wear only the two t-shirts I luckily had on the carry-on small bag. No barfuun; no deodorant; nothing. Without those and living, you can imagine, kuleelka Xamar.
  11. Wasaarada Awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta ee DF oo Muqdisho ka soo saartay wareegto lagu mamnuucayo furnaashaha goobaha ganacsiga xiliga salaada Jimcaha Muqdisho - August 15 - Wareegto maanta ka soo baxday wasaarada awqaafta iyo arrimaha diinta ee dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa lagu mamnuucay in goobaha ganacsigu ay furnaadaan inta lagu jiro tukashada salaada Jimcaha wixii ka bilowda Jimcaha fooda inagu soo haya ee taariiikhdu ku beegan tahay 17-ka bishan Ogost sanadka 2007-da. Sida ku xusan wareegtadan oo uu ku saxiixnaa agaasimaha guud ee wasaarada awqaafta iyo arimaha diinta ee xukuumada Soomaaliya Sheekh Cali Sheekh Max'uud (Sheekh Cali Dheere) go'aankan fulintiisa ayaa waxaa u xilsaaran ciidanka dowladda Hoose iyo kan booliskan ee ku kala sugan gobolada iyo degmooyinka guud ahaan dalka, waxaana looga codsaday shacabka Soomaaliyeed iney u dhega nugladaan go'aankaasi. "Go'aankan lagu mamnuucay iney furnaadaan goobaha ganacsiga xiliga la tukanayo Salaada Jimcaha maahan mid ay wasaaradu soo saartay ee mid uu horeyba ALLE ugu amray quraankiisa kariimka anaguna waxaanu nahay oo kaliya kuwo fulinaya awaamiirta ALLE" ayuu yiri agaasimaha guud ee wasaarada awqaafta iyo arimaha diinta ee xukuumada Soomaaliya Sheekh Cali Sheekh Max'uud (Sheekh Cali Dheere) oo ka hadlayey waregtadaasi ka soo baxday xafiiskiisa. Xigasho -------------- Sheekh Cali Dheere, ciyaal badan oo baahi wax u dhacay ama u xaday ayuu gacanta ka gooye in mid '90s in Waqooyiga Muqdisho oo xiligaas lahaa Shareecadda ayaa lagu dhaqmaa in uu maanta Xabasho wax ee soo dhoob dhoobtay u adeego, haddana leh Shareeco ayaan raacayaa, see wax ka noqotay ma'ogi sheekha. Ila qosol iga dheh. Mise waaba igu qosol?
  12. Anybody who diyaaradaas qaraabka iyo qatiimka Ruushka raacay, both rakaabka iyo midka xaamuulkaba Eebbaa u maqan. Walaahi nafta ayaa afka kusoo istaageyso. I still remember middaan Xamar u raacay a few years ago by Jubba Airways. The freakin' thing's wing biyo ayaa ka socday. It was leaking water -- and we only knew it was water because it didn't dry fast, otherwise it could have been gas -- the whole flight. And when this shactiroole guy I asked with the seats asked the lone Soomaali [well, he had a Russian helper] 'flight attendant' what is going on. His reaction was, I still can't believe it indha adeygnimadiis: Nothing. And if it the leaking of the water bothers us, we should close the window. The Russian 'hostess' tried to reason finally, saying in English something like "maalintuu qofka tiisa soo gisho, none celin karo." Probably learned from many other islaamo that used the plane before. Oh, maan, the shactiroole guy majaajilo uuba galay. "Hadda lee soo aroosee see u dhimanaa? Maya, maya. Xataa hal jiil magaceey wato wali ma dhalan. Ma jirto, ma soconeyso." Those old airplanes are accidents waiting to happen. And I am sure the tolerance by the Emirate's authorities will be gone the day one crashes into sea, in Dubai or even in Soomaaliya. Soomaali iyo investment iskumaba fiicna. They can't even buy the darn thing, still leasing from the Russian [actually many of them are from the former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, etc] pilots who still own the old planes.
  13. Anybody who diyaaradaas qaraabka iyo qatiimka Ruushka raacay, both rakaabka iyo midka xaamuulkaba Eebbaa u maqan. Walaahi nafta ayaa afka kusoo istaageyso. I still remember middaan Xamar u raacay a few years ago by Jubba Airways. The freakin' thing's wing biyo ayaa ka socday. It was leaking water -- and we only knew it was water because it didn't dry fast, otherwise it could have been gas -- the whole flight. And when this shactiroole guy I shared seats with asked the lone Soomaali [well, he had a Russian helper] 'flight attendant' what is going on. His reaction was, I still can't believe indha adeygnimadiis: Nothing. And if the leaking of the water bothers us, we should close the window. The Russian 'hostess' tried to reason finally, saying in English something like "maalintuu qofka tiisa soo gisho, none celin karo." Probably learned from many other islaamo that used the plane before. Oh, maan, the shactiroole guy majaajilo uuba galay. "Hadda lee soo aroosee see u dhimanaa? Maya, maya. Xataa hal jiil magaceey wato wali ma dhalan. Ma jirto, ma soconeyso." Those old airplanes are accidents waiting to happen. And I am sure the tolerance by the Emirate's authorities will be gone the day one crashes into sea, in Dubai or even in Soomaaliya. Soomaali iyo investment iskumaba fiicna. They can't even buy the darn thing, still leasing from the Russian [actually many of them are from the former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, etc] pilots who still own the old planes.
  14. Who knows this woman maanakoobiyo kasoo fakatay? Your help is urgently needed and if you do know her, baliis call 1-800-Balaaya. Or 1-888-Ibtilo. Or 1-877-Qumayo. Buljiga qurxoon aa i dilay. Walaahi once again, time is indeed amazing.
  15. An unfortunately misplaced ads at unintended places.
  16. Maxee dhahooyaana Xabashiinta? Bahalka codbaahiyaha ayaa iga haleysan oo ma maqli kari codkooda.
  17. According to credible information Washington is training, through a third country, five thousand strong naval forces for a landlocked Ethiopia! Since the latter lacks access to sea, its new navy must be earmarked to permanently remain and operate in Somali coast line territorial waters and its ports of call, which can also threaten Eritrea and other Red Sea littoral states. A so-called Ethiopian own merchant navy vessel (sic) has recently made its first test call at Berbera port in north Somalia, which has already come under de facto Ethiopian hegemony. Mudane Jaamac Max'ed Qaalib recently alleged that in an article. I believe Md. Jaamac's assertions wholeheartedly. I have to believe. Xabashi have had a long-term, sinister agenda about Soomaaliya for a long time, primarily it to remain a lot more weaker and for an easier access to the sea they can control ever since they've officially lost the Eritrean ports in 1993. It is more urgent now. And they have a huge chance to accomplish that today since they occupy the country, from gees to gees. Any Soomaali who doubts that wax aan ku dhaho ayaa iska yar. Only haka shaleyn maalintee rumowda. I don't even think some ka shaleyn doono, some will cheerfully u alalalaasi doono even if that happens because, believe it or not, they would, in one way or another, reason a distant stooge uncle of theirs will be the managing man of the port that Xabashi's navy will occupy. That will be enough for them, even if the whole country is a sold piece by piece.
  18. She looks like gabadhaan, too. Maan, she had changed a lot.
  19. This is a moderated forum. Again, isafxumeyn looma dulqaadan karo, gentlemen.
  20. The pictures are not photoshopped. They are authentic and real. The reason planes are so low is because the landing strip is short, especially for the larger superplanes. The more a bigger a plane is, the lower it gets at the beach before it lands. That particular beach is more known as plane watching, that is why the folks at the beach are always watching the planes with cameras ready and not in the water swimming. Thousands airplane enthuisiasts go to that world renown island [st. Maarten/St. Martin] just to watch planes landing so low and taking-off so steep. This is the landing strip pilots see shortly before they land their planes. As you can, it is very short, which requires a lot more manoeuvre for bigger jumbo planes. From inside the passengers' window.
  21. On July 6, Puntland's minister of fisheries, Said Mohamed Rage, told parliament that Garowe has the authority to sign deals with "foreign partners" and that " Puntland owns its coastal resources " and will continue to do so until there is a " referendum on federalism ." Rage's comment marked an assertion of sovereignty that throws into doubt Puntland's commitment to reintegration with southern Somalia within the terms of a reconciliation process. :confused: :confused: :confused: Sir u degnayd uu qarxiye yaah atoorahaas?
  22. Welkam, duqa, oo soo dhaaf. Shaah cab. How is Oslo? Baraf maa wali ka da'aayo? Someone should move this thread to the General section.
  23. Waaba la daba qabsan kartaa diyaaradahaan ka warama. -------------- All these sawiro were taken in the tiny Caribbean island of St. Maarten [the Dutch part, Netherlands Antilles].