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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Too much aflagaado, haddana lagu daray inkaar. This thread does not deserve in la xiro, but if this afxumo continues, it will closed. Idinkoo raali ah si dad waa weyn camal u dooda ama hala kala leersada, baliis.
  2. C/llaahi Yuusuf "Hadalka Cali Geedi, anigu ma maqal laakiin hadduu jiro..." Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxa laga weydiiyey hadalka dhawaan ka soo yeeray Ra’isul Wasaare Cali Max’e Geedi ee ahaa in dowladdu ay sameyn doono Qad Cagaaran, waxa uuna yiri madaxweynuhu isaga oo hadalkasi ka jawaabaya “ Anigu ma maqal, laakiin haddii uu jiro waa mid aan ka tarjumeyn siyaasadda Dowladda Federaalka ”. Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed waxa uu sheegay in arrintaasi ay sid ugu dhaqsiyaha badan uga wada hadali doonaan Ra’isul Wasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi, isagoo sheegay in Shacabka Soomaliyeed u baahan yihiin nabad balse aysan u baaneyn in dhibaato kale lagu sii siyaadiyo. “Dowladda waxay la dagaalameysaa kuwa nabad diidka ah ee aan ogoleyn in dalka Dowlad ay ka jirto” ayuu yiri Madaxweyne C/llahi Yuusuf oo sheegay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed looga baahan yahay in ka shaqeeyaan nabdda dowladdana ay ku gacan ku siiyaan. Xigasho ----------- Ninkaan waa in satellite isbishaalo ah minanka loogu rakibaa maadaama wax walba uu leeyahay idaacaddaha ayaan ka maqlaa amaba, worse, maba maqlin, ee marka waa in loogu dhajiyaa meeshuu joogo ee Xabashada ku ilaaliso idaacad weyn oo caalami ah wixii war ee ku saabsan the occupied nation he claims uu u taliyo see u dhaafin. How many times uu idaacad wax ka maqlaa or not even maqlin at all? Shuud, waligeey tanoo kale ma arkin. Senile miyaa taloow oo kastuumadiis xataa marka laga badalo idaacaddaha ka maqlaa miyaa or maba la socdo dheh.
  3. Good for him. What happened to that sister who almost captured a seat on Helsinki city council a few months ago in Finland? She lost with half-percentage. So sad. Reer Iskandineefiya waa daadaloyaan. Saas kusii wada. It is a competition to see the first elected Soomaali in a Western country. Which country that will be? I bet it will be Kanada and I am not biased. Ontario holds an election in less than two months and the Conservative party nominee is a Soomaali who is campaigning in the xaafad most Soomaalis live. Actually, all the three major parties nominated three Muslims -- the current Liberal MPP and incumbent, a Bakistaani-born; the Soomaali-born; the last being Marookan-Canadian. It is sad, though, the Soomaali's party is the conservative Tory one, Mike Harris' former party. I don't know if any Soomaali will vote for him.
  4. Continued. Gaalkacyo [What are those lake-like and nebula-like deep blue stuff? Were it corrupted by the satellite images?] Baydhabo Jowhar Hargeysa Xamar was too big for a single close-up capture of the entire city, so I zoomed closely to our house in Xamar, which is a stone's throw away from Isgoyska Bakaaraha as you can see. All houses from every direction surrounding ours are destroyed. Nothing stands, thus the ominous nickname of xaafada, Bermuuda. Poor Isgoyska Bakaaraha. Some darn unconcerned men built on baqaaro on the Hodan side of the formerly beautiful public parks that surrounded the intersection. You can see the Howlwadaag side still has its parks, albeit with its long-dead flowers. It almost does not even look like an intersection now, but a jid yar.
  5. Googlearth and Soomaali towns. Afgooye Berbera Kismaayo Boosaaso Marka [Marka looks like boxes la iskor korsaaray, which says more about its historical ancientness. I would have loved to see Baraawe, but all the satellite images were sadly blurred.] Burco [The old town Burco looks like it was very professionally planned as a town zones. Very interesting from above, white-washed houses looking like parked cars at a large mall.] Beledweyne [beledweyne looks very, very unique and interesting from above, especially how the Shabeelle river snakes through the town.]
  6. This guy was said to be a former separatist, being a member of Waqooyi Galbeed's baarlamaan from mid '90s until two years ago. So did his stance change or his opportunity changed, seeing a much more greener personal pasture for him? Soomaali dadkaan camal opportunity doonka ayaa waalay, marna lugtooda meesha $$ ku badantahay ee cusub gishanaayo.
  7. Maskiin. Eebboow u gargaar caruurta saan camal u dhibaateysan. Waraa Caashaqbaro, cunuga adaa isku magaalo joogtiin ee ka farxi oo wax cabitaan xataa ha ahaatee u gad Jimcadaan, oo u tag meesha la sheegay uu ka luujiteeyo. One cannot look those so young, innocent, hurt eyes.
  8. Many people have heard Weston and Lawrence in Koronto. Well, here it is. It looks all concrete from above, but a bit different on the ground. Many Soomaalis have many businesses on there, including that two [in]famous studios: Hall of Fame and Waaberi, who are across from one another. Hall of Fame has many, many lost national treasures of suugaanta Soomaaliyeed. No, I don't live in or near Weston and Lawrence. Just decided to show it. Masaajidka Khaalid from above. The now 'upscale' Xamdi restaurant. And a few blocks Xamdi's west, you will see Ceelgaab Mall and Xamarweyne restaurant.
  9. MMA, I was inspired by the evolutionary development in Bay region. I read that they have institutionalized a political process that might become a model for the rest of the southern Somalia. The region has enjoyed a relative stability ever since the TFG secured Moadisho from the Islamists. They are reported to have elected a governor Mohamed Abdi Mahad. Tell us more of this. I don't think what is done in Bakool is anywhere near "revolutionary" nor "evolutionary." The residents opted to return how it was during the UNISOM in '93-'95, who initiated these kind of political process in southern part of the country during their stay. The United Nations-initiated political process was based a buulo-tuulo-degmo-magaalo process. Each tuulo and degmo would elect among themselves a few representive people who will represent them in Gobol Council at the gobol's xarun, and the council will elect the guddoomiyaha gobolka during the brief election process. Nothing new in this. The only new kusoo kordhay one can only say is the transparency and thus non-disputes resulting from it; also a little campaigning by the respective camps, of going to degmooyinka and tuulooyinka. PS -- The guy's name, the new governor of Bakool, is Max'ed Cabdi Max'ed [Max'ed Tool], a former national basketball player. Also speaking of Bakool, let me mention Waajid. Waajid -- which used to be a small degmo [thus the name 'waa jid'] in Bakool, and relatively touched by a few skirmishes of civil war, which last occured in the '90s -- took advantage of chaos that surrounds the town and the region. Now, all major NGOs and UN organizations that deals for the South are headquartered there, because of its relative peace, order and a major airstrip, the former, large military airfield.
  10. Barlamaanka xorta ah (Dastuur gaalo): Waa garabka mucaaradka ah ee baarlamanka Empgathi, waxay ku doodayaan in la jabiyey jaartarka, iyagaa wax ka doortay C/yuusuf, misana ansixiyey C/geedi Bulshada Rayidka (Gacmo Gaalo): waa ururo fuliya adeegyada iyo ujeedooyinka gaalada, oo rumeysan in diinta Islaamka laga fogeeyo Nolosha oo idil, bulshaduna ka xorowdo cibaadada Ilaahay. Qurba jooga: Waa soomaali badanaa degan dhulka gaalada, Caqiido ahaanna kala fog, waxaa ka mid ah shaqsiyaad ku caanbaxay difaaca dimuqraadiyadda iyo dhaqamada reer galbeedka. Qayb ka mid ah Golihii Maxaakiimta Islaamiga ah: qaybtaasoo ku qanacsan in la xulafeysto cilmaaniyiinta, qowmiyiinta IWM, waxay arkaan in xal lagu gaari karo wada xaajood iyo in laysla fariisto miiska wadahadalka. Waxee la jabeen, oo kalsooni dhameystiran dadweynaha ugu heli waayeen, oo Xabashadda u sahashay dalka inay wada qabsadaan waa taas camal. Fudeed, deg deg iyo siyaasad la'aan. Hebel ayaa gaal, hebel ayaa diinlaawe ah, hebel ayaa dhul gaal degan, hebel ma tukado, hebel Muslim toosan ma'aha. Waxaas ayee la jabeen. Ma qaraxyadda iyo dilalka masaakiinta Soomaaliyeed aan waxba galabsan in wax lagu keenaayo moodeen in saas kaliya Xabashi loogu saaraayo dalkeena? Teeda kalena maxaa ugu wacan in Afcarabi lagu soo qoro baaqa? Qasab miyaa in Afcarabi lagu soo qoro? Yaab.
  11. War maxaa ku dhacay ciidamadii "tough guys" meesha kuu surnaa? Hadda kuwa barooraayo aan ku badalanaa maa leedahay?
  12. Originally posted by Sayid: MMI, If it is that simple as the above dotted line dictates, so why not we get it by now? And what is with the solid line from the above near Hargeisa, Groowe? ONLY one sided? The northern "boundary" is a line and not doted because Ingiriis colonials ceded the land to and signed with Xabashi, without any consultation with Soomaalida. For the southern "boundary," it is different. Talyaaniga did not cede nor sign any agreements. Still it is the same, even if Talyaaniga colonials signed any bogus agreement. We can still liberate because we can enter the line from the so-called "disputed" provisional "boundary."
  13. Mudane Gaashaanlesare Jaamac Max'ed Qaalib waa nin Soomaaliyeed, cadaaladda iyo xaqa u taagan. Nin Soomaaliyeed aan waxba galabsan oo saldhig lagu tuuro qof walba oo Soomaaliyeed damiir leh ayee dhibeysaa. Asmara waa magaalo madaxda Eritareeya, oo ah dal iyo dad aan waligood dhibaato u geysan Soomaalida. I see someone would have loved if uu kasoo hadli lahaa Adisababa and would have more loved if he sat under that Xabashi master of theirs.
  14. Jamhuuriyadda la baxday Somaliland ... Why didn't you quote the Soomaali version? Hmm ...
  15. Indhosarcaad ninkii u bixiye wuuba la helay waxaan camal. Sheeko. Meesha inay ciyaal joogaan muu mooday markuu isleeyahay waxaan ayaa la aaminaa? Watch his other shows on Youtube, especially gabadha kaliya ka nool caloosha iyo korkeeda, oo uu leeyahay waala kala gooye. Caadi aa u fahmee sheekooyinkii qaafka ah. Where is Penn & Teller's Bullsh!t show when one needs it.
  16. "Haters?" LoL. See camal, meesha teenagers maa joogo? Runtii dhab ahaan, Baddacase, wax yar ayaa iskaga kaa qaldan, ama isku qaladay. Midda koowaad horta waagaas ka biloow bilowgii ilaa dhexbartankii sagaashameydii -- xataa dhamaadkii sagaashankii -- Soomaaliya dhan iyadaaba wada isku yaacsaneyd. Meelo dhif ayaa nabad waartay ka jirtay. Oo walaal tiisa heysato, qof kale uu wax u qabto intuuba ka keenaa. Tan labaad waxee tahay, had iyo jeer qabiiladda deegaanka wada wadaago ama daris ah, waligood qabiiladda la dariska ah ayee dhex dhexaadin jireen. Waaba xeer iska degnaa. Nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with deegaanka iyo nabadiisa. Marka haddee qabiilo dego Waqooyi ay heshiisiyeen walalahooda la wadaago deegaanadda, ha ahaato Buuhoodle ama meel kale, taas dhaqan Soomaali soo jireen ah ayee ahayd. Dadka saas u horseedayna, oo u kacay walaalahood inay heshiisiyaana wey ku mahadsanyihiin. Marka kuma xirno siyaasad, ee degaan wadaag oo degan iyo nabad wanaag ku xirantahay maxaa yeelay waxa ka dhacaayo dariskaaga aad ayuu kuu quseyaa than kan shishe ee kaa fog. Dariskaaga gurigood oo dab ka holcaayo wuu ku dhibaa than mid kaa dheer.
  17. Originally posted by Sayid: Anyway, it is a political suicide fo a member country to lay claim to take on another's recognized land. Soomaaliya is not claiming Xabashi's land. Soomaaliya is claiming its rightfully stolen, Xabashi-annexed, British-ceded land. The international community you speak of knows this too, hence most official maps have the doted provisional lines between the "border" of Soomaaliya and Itoobiya, instead of an international line. It has never ratified, that is why the "border" between Soomaaliya and Itoobiya is always provisional, instead of a settled international one.
  18. Baliis, do not use clan names as a title. It is one thing when it is a copy-and-paste article and neglected to edit the clan names within the posts, however completely another, when one posts a clan name deliberately and as a title. Some people took this leisure of posting this particular clan name lately on this section, as though it was officially condoned. There is a reason why this clan name -- and all other Soomaali clans mostly -- has an asterisk. Ee marka mar labaad, do not post clan names on here, idinkoo raali ah.
  19. BTW: where did you find these? Oddee.com
  20. Waxaa soo xasuustay koo yar Soomaali ah sanadkii 89 [or early 90] galay lambarka sadexaad ama labaad mid uu ahaa ma'ogiyee mar Quraanka tawjiidka u tartan lagu qabtay Sacuudiya. Cirka uu ku socon jiray faan daradiis, ar ciyaal kalena maxee ka dambeyeen. Dugsiga aabihiisna asagaa ka ahaa macalin weyn. I used to pass his dugsi on my way to Hawlwadaag Hoosedhexe, mar walbana ciyaalka dugsigaas sidii shini camal asaga ku shamuumsanaan jiray.
  21. Markaan ku arko Waan kaa maqsuudi lahaa Muragadaan qabee Hooyooy macaan Muuqaagu wuu Iga meyri lahaa Dhibtaan soo maray Hooyooy macaan Intaan kaa maqnaay Waa maaganoo Manfac iyo hurdaba Waa iska maanacee Hooyooy macaan Maama aragtidaa Anigoo Maka iyo Madiina tagay Xajkii soo maray Hooyooy Magan Illaah Markasta ahoow Maamooy dhib aad Igu soo martay Miisaan xaq ah Lama magi karo Minaankaaga janada Mowla' haka dhigo Markaan ku arko waan Maamuusi lahaa Waad mudan tahay Hooyooy macaan Murti iyo amaan Baan u marin lahaa Ma huraankiiyeey Hooyooy macaan Dadka moogayaan U maqashiin lahaa Maalin iyo habeen U macneeyn lahaa Maama aragtidaa Anigoo Maka iyo Madiina tagay Xajkii soo maray Hooyooy Magan Illaah Markasta ahoow Maamooy dhib aa Iga soo martay Miisaan xaq ah Lama magi karo Minaankaaga janada Mowla' haka dhigo Markaan ku arko waan Maamuusi lahaa Waad mudan tahay Hooyooy macaan Heestana waa tanaa, oo uu qaado Hanuuniye.
  22. Another bogus, clan-based, so-called 'maamul goboleed.' How can half-gobol be a maamul goboleed [in this case, defined as a federal state]? The whole Sanaag gobol hadduu ahaan lahaa waaba la garan lahaa. Teeda kale, the orchestrators should have spent some more time to study, instead of hastily declaring this magac u yaal only maamul goboleed; they should have known that it is against this Xabashi-led dowlad ku sheeg's own written axdi to declare one gobol, let alone half-gobol, as a federal state. It is in that constitution lasoo dhoob dhoobay that at least two gobols or more can only form a 'federal state.' Not half-gobols and half-tuulo or half-buulo, for that matter, to satisfy every perceived grieving and wronged sub-clan's goof in Soomaaliya.
  23. Eebba ha kala qabto walaalaha Soomaaliyeed ku diriraayo deegaankaas, intii aan waxba galabsan ku geeriyootayna Eebba ha u wada naxariisto -- aamiin. Soomaali iyo dhul qalalan, oo angag ah ku dirir goormee kala daali doonaan. This nomadic miyi mentality runtii has to stop for once and all.
  24. i doubt Quraanyo could ever do that. "Ants pulling an earthworm." "A group of ants carrying a spider." "The dead body of a cricket near an ant nest. After 1 minute. A worker ant has found the mantis. After 3 minutes. Other workers have swarmed from the nest. After 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Fellow workers have successively gathered around the mantis. After 10 minutes. Gradual movement of the body towards the nest begins. .......... After 1 hour. The food was split into pieces at the entrance of the nest. After 48 hours. The food has finally been taken into the nest by widening the entrance."