Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Lander- Articles posted on SLand or Pland sites can't be taken seriously or accepted at a face value. The sites are propoganda machines for the die hards of the either end, and the people who post articles are the least objective.They are hardcore tribalist ( Worst Kind) masquerading as intellectuals. So, I guess any word that these characters say/write couldn't be accepted as fact. What I would believe is an actual audio/video by the girl, her kin or honest third party that would refute the alleged abuses that this girl endured. As for this moment, all I see a young Somali girl imprisoned by a regime who first did everything to deny this girl's existence, then once exposed totally mishandled the situation, and now is trying to present the victim as the agent of Sland's enemy. P.S. I doubt other sites would post his apology. Lets just they are very selective!
  2. The different version of this story is in every country, and the only version,I might actually believe is the Masia ( Masia males have to actually kill a lion to prove their bravery to their bride to be). LST....Your granpa was brave man. So he actually touched the nose of lion. Are you sure it was a lion and not wild cat bro. I don't wanna start calling Yaanyuur-San Kataabte...LoL
  3. People, Iam pretty sure none of us really care what happens to this gal. So, lets stop pretending we do. Just wish her well. Somalis lack emphaty for each other. Kowneyn- Saaxib, It seems Southerners particulary Planders have become convienent scapegoats for every ill that happens in Somaliland. The so called Sland remanants of Barre era were put in power by Somalilanders themselves. I failed to see how you could blame Pland/Gedo to the actions of the very people you elected to your highest offices. Iam certain every Slander that voted for the Riyaale Regime were well aware of their past. As for the case of this poor gal, This is simple you either condemn the actions of your goverment or not, but you don't. No need to point fingers elsewhere since this happened under your noses. As for the media, well I agree with you alot of Pland sites explioted this gal's plight, and that's sad. It is even sadder that they had her picture posted. The least they could have done is kept her face off da sites. However it is equally sad that no Sland site even ackowledged the plight of this gal in the first few months of improsenment. Sland media is also no different in exploiting sad events in Somalia to their ends. Many edotorials and articles have been written about the Suldan Hurre, the southern misery, etc. All were done to promote Somaliland. Anyway, the bottomline is blame the south for anything before 91, but anything after that is of your making Saaxib.
  4. Originally posted by Caaqil: [ What I am saying, however, is we (somalis) are responsible for our plight. [/QB] I couldn't agree more. I don't see why people should blame Ethiopia or the Arabs, it is our s-t-u-d-i-t-y landed us where we are now, not the Ethios/Arabs. People, maybe we should make reality tv show about this, featuring Yeey, da parliamentarians, and PM. We will see who stays or voted out.
  5. Well, Maybe that will be the first lesson on democracy 101 for these guys. Atleast they are not killing each other. Thats an
  6. Gediid- How did live in Lahore-Man the place gets so hot in da summer, the smog over th city is astonishing. Hibo-Sorry yu had bad experience with Paki Somalis. Learn n Live, and eventually you will know who to aviod and who to befreind. Most of my fellow Paki-Somalis are decent, but also little different. A word of advise, Get AC for lahore summers. N Best of Luck P.S .... Don't also be surprised if you see Somalis staring at you. They get the habit in Pakistan too
  7. Wind-Talker- I think Morgan's run from Kismayo was more classic, along with Aidid's 91 chase by SPM n who can't forget Barre's non-stop marathon from Xamar to Kismayo.
  8. The disappearing lands should be concern, soon these people will be at borders in the Somali proper. With no real Somali force for Ethopian to fear,and having Ethopian backed Southern goverment, and resource starved goverment in the north, Somalis should be alarmed regardless of political persuasion. Ethiopia has found the prefect weapon to nutralize Somalis, "Qabiil" N the only thing going for Somalis is that Ethiopia is disaster waiting to happen!
  9. The disappearing lands should be concern, soon these people will be at borders in the Somali proper. With no real Somali force for Ethopian to fear,and having Ethopian backed Southern goverment, and resource starved goverment in the north, Somalis should be alarmed regardless of political persuasion. Ethiopia has found the prefect weapon to nutralize Somalis, "Qabiil" N the only thing going for Somalis is that Ethiopia is disaster waiting to happen!
  10. The disappearing lands should be concern, soon these people will be at borders in the Somali proper. With no real Somali force for Ethopian to fear,and having Ethopian backed Southern goverment, and resource starved goverment in the north, Somalis should be alarmed regardless of political persuasion. Ethiopia has found the prefect weapon to nutralize Somalis, "Qabiil" N the only thing going for Somalis is that Ethiopia is disaster waiting to happen!
  11. Some of this ministries can obviously be combined , and some I don't even understand. Wats Iskaashiga Gobolada. Smith...Wat did yu expect bro.
  12. Funny , but sadly this is not joke. These are people at the helm of the Somali nation, and wats even sadder we let them rule, and even bless them at times. I guess God rewarded us with well deserved destiny, bad leaders for a bad nation.
  13. Horn-So we along OG have established we originated from SomaliGalbeed....Wat are we doing in I think the question here is would one be safe and secure in living in his birthplace, in my case mogadisho where in 91 I was all but safe.Heck, my nieghbors turned on us. It is legimate concern on Somali people's mind whether you are from Pland or not, a basically a choice between your Qabiil's land or birthplace.
  14. OG- I don't know what the so called constitution says, but the reality is every ethnic Somali has the right to Somali citizenship whether you are from occupied lands or not. My grandfather is from Galadi/Wardheer area, Don't worry our lands will not be sold/forgotten!!!! People, I don't understand why would you gang up on Nationalist, Iam certain a lot of you are asking the same questions.
  15. 32 hahheheheehehehehhelooooooooooooooooool kixkixkxixkixkix, what are all gonna do. Isn't that excessive. Who has budget to support 32 ministries. Talk S-t-u-p-i-d-i-t-y in its highest form. We need small, and effective goverment, not employement office for warlords.
  16. Laskaa...It is unfortunate you put Egal with dat lot. Egal (Alla Naxariisto) was one of the best in the Somali politics. He was well schooled politician and diplomat,more importantly he was Somali Patriot. I sincerely believe our history would have been different if his goverment wasn't overthrown by Sayid.
  17. Wat is da purpose of this thread. We get your man is the president. Even Muse Sudi accepts him as his president ( atleast he says so). Perhaps you could stop cheering now, and actaully do something about the Somali plight.
  18. OG-Girl, No human tradition tolerates rape and torture, but sadly in times of war, rape is used as weapon, and means to humuliate your enemy, and Somalis raped and killed women in mogadisho, hargayse , kismayo,Galkacayo, Somaligalbeed and elsewhere. The story of Zamzam, and this allaged story of Mako is nothing new,but sad repeation. However it is even sadder when people even da sane use these tragedies to farther their causes. I find it sick seeing Pland sites using this story to demonize Sland, and I gurauntee you will see this Mako story all over Sland sites soon. People writing these stories whether true or not are getting more xenophic, and will come up with more wilder accusations.
  19. This was sanctioned by the traditional elders of Pland.....Come one, tell me more believable story. I can't believe one would make up story to play down Zamzam tragedy. This is sick. The author wants to restrict marriage to his clan. Fine by somaliweyn, He can go to his racist little corner. Qof Ka maan Gaban ma jiro xoola haan.
  20. Man, I did really bad, but I don't think Iam bad driver, maybe little reckless sometimes and that might due to the fact that live in Boston where you have to be aggresive specially in rush hour. Those from da beantown would understand. Now who are the worst drivers, I would say Chinese women. Go behind a car driven by chinese woman, n you would agree.
  21. Thats too ambitious, I think. Lets first see if he can go to mogadisho, and stabilise that place in one year let alone the entire Somalia.
  22. Oda-Wow Duqa, yu can't this war to start, very eager indeed. Could that be you won't be there in person to actually fight in it. When that happenes war is guarenteed as you would attempt to foolishly enforce your dream of Sacred unity. The only one seeming to enforce anything now is Somaliland. I don't see any Somali army taking orders from Mogisho marching towards Waqooyi Galbeed. N even if proper and well functioning goverment is installed, I doubt it will declare war on anyone. Besides any war in Sool won't between two States. It would be largely prolonged nasty tribal war between Qabiils. Somaliland will not wither away, even if that is your fantasy, you will have to face up to the reality. Dats true, n the oppisition to Somaliland from Sool will not also wither away. It is time you face up to reality.
  23. Ethiopia annexing Somalia, Naaaaah. Using warlords to influence Somali politics yes. Anyway, I think Ethiopia is big disaster waiting to happen. They have their own demons to deal with, AIDS, Poverty, over-population, chronic unemployement, desertivacation, armed rebels, tribal war, and the list goes on.