Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Sky-African-Qabiil mistrust will always be there, and federalism won't dispel all this hatred and mistrust among the Somalis. Federalism is meant to give equal representation, and resources to all Somali regions, and also curb the powers of those running our capital. In other words-no more city state. Dividing Somalia among Qabiil lines will be detrimental to our interests in the long run. The more adequate federalism shoud divide Somalia into regions with multiple Qabiils. I don't why Mudug and Galgaduud can't join Pland. We can have three regions, the north(sool,Sanaag,awdal,w/galbeed thats if they chose to rejion Somalia), the Central(Bari down to Galgaduud,), amd the South.This will be more practical federalism, and will teach Somalis to live together in peace and share. Wind-talker-The mention of Caabudwaaq joining Pland(Though it turn to be just fabricatin) looked Pland is becoming a Qabiil state within State.
  2. I was in school getting ready to take my mid-term(maybe final) exam. Ciyaal dhar jaalo aan ahaa(Galablay)I spent nine months in and around mogadisho, and I was out of there by november of 1990. The most horrifying thing was seeing this slaughter house(n It was literally slaughter as people's throats were being cut) where two women in Shuko are being killed. N the war taught us Abtirsi for first in my life. We had to learn many Qabiil lineage names, and recite those depending who you run into, the goverment troops or the USC militia.
  3. Puntland should be more inclusive. If this is true, and I would say it is positive step.
  4. QL- Keep on preaching bro. Che-Barre was unforgiving leader n see we are We need a leader that would put the interests of people and the country first.
  5. QL- We are superficial indeed, and hardly put in the effort to win our country, and sadly this extends to all Somalis including those of us in the diasporo. Xoogsade-How long do you think we could afford to stay on sidelines cuz of fear. Che- I do have a plan, and it begins with removing Yeey and his ilk aka warlords. I think Somali intellectuals, and diasporo should assume more responsibility in Somali affairs, and should also start asking questions. What has my Qabiil exactly done for me. If you are resident of any Somali town, one thing is sure, your Qabiil hasn't provided with jobs, paid your expenses, educated your kids, or even protected you from common thugs. Putting individual's interest before that of Qabiil might be the key to solving some of our problems.
  6. Well we can agree on one thing, Somalinimo is indeed dead.Obviously we are not deviod of all imagination as qabiil-based solutions are being tossed around,but this only gives a rise to new question, don't Somalis realise focusing solely on your tribe's problems, and ignoring the plight of your fellow Somali haven't really provided them any lasting solution. Do they understand individual qabiils is part of larger nation whose welfare need to be looked after.
  7. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: When Cismaan Caato and et al. start talking about in defence of "Soomaalinimo" against foreign troops, mainly Amxaar, it makes me giggle for a moment. Where was "Soomaalinimo" in the last 15 years, especially when the majority of his hub (and most of other warlords' weaponry in every region) were bought and bestowed by the same Amxaar/Tigrey to kill and victimize another Soomaali? . [/QB] MMA-Somalinimo was temporarily on hold for these people.The simple fact is that these people will lose a lot if law and order returns.
  8. Duke-Walaal Don't let your blind support for Yeey blur yourn judgement.Potraying Xamar as unsafe place will fuel more hate and unrest.n Also any deployement of Amxaar troops in our capital will be detrimental to our interests as nation. Your uncle need to focus on reconciling people instead demonizing xamar, and calling ethios to march into Somali proper. I do however have share your on opinion on so called Islamic courts.Those need to go!!!!!!
  9. If this is true. It will indeed sad day for all us. No Amxaar should be in our capital city.It is symbol of Somali freedom!!!
  10. Someone said Imagination is the ability to design ideas/solutions that creatively deals with unprecedented problems/situations. The problems facing the Somalis are truely unprecedented and have been going on for long time now. The effects of these problems are very profound, and have touched the life of every Somali in the most negative way.Under the current cirscumstances, one would think that Somalis would have flow of creative imagination that will effectively deal with their delimma as failed nation.However the very oppisite is true, and the minds of the Somalis whether be intellectuals, religious groups or average man are stagnant, and couldn't come up with any solutions that would help us overcome our problems.The now question arises, are we just indifferent to our plight or lack positive creative imagination altogether?. The latest pathetic attempt at restoring the Somali State just shows how stagnant is the Somali mind. The unwilligness of the Somalis to think for themselves is demonstrated in Yeey's call for IGAD troops to occupy Mogadisho. We need Somali solutions for Somali problems!!!!
  11. If what Sangub says is actually true, I don't see how his comments are any different from that of his countrymen. Who among the Somalis haven't wished ill on other Somalis solely cuz of Qabiil. All Somalis ignorant and educated alike are either murderors or potential murderors. Ha deesay gacanta wax ku dilin, afka bee wax ku dilayn,ama niyada. His comments if indeed true only reflects ill the nature of the larger Somali society and their lack of emphaty for each other.
  12. I think the call for foriegn troops is premature one.The world wants Somalis to do the heavy lifting, and assume responsibility for their affairs. This is how any Somali goverment will get any letigimacy in the eyes of the world.Any call for non-Somali forces erodes this letigimacy. N for this goverment to work,the warlords must understand their days are coming to an end, and the people have spoken.
  13. The Nile is the life line of Egypt. Some restrictions had to be there to protect the sixty million plus Egyptians, but Egypt has to recognize the old treaties were unfair and obselete by now, and occupation won't guaruntee her the Nile. So they must sit with the other Nile and work out fair formula of distrubation.
  14. Take easy buddy. It is just map. Can post your version if you like, or use as your avator.
  15. Nobody knows what Mogadisho wants, and the idea of foriegn troops specially ethios in the Somali capital is bad one.
  16. Why in the world would anybody support Ali Samatar. All criminals of Barre regime should pay the price. Every action has consequences and it is about time that Samatar and co face the music. Farthermore the leadership of the many tribal-based rebel forces should also be held accountable for atrocites that they have commited. For the Samatar supporters- Answer this what has Samatar done for you or your country to deserve your mercy. "He is old man" is no good answer. Or even more, what has Barre regime, USC, SSDF and SPM did for you as individual to deserve your support or loyalty. These retards destroyed Somalia just to gain power. They weren't fighting for ideology or religion. Their only aim was to attain power even that meant Somalia had to destroyed in the process.
  17. Kudos to Yeey for showing not all Somalis agree with the miserably bunch that dug up the graves. Iam glad he had the mind and sense to calm down the matter, and apologize to the Italians.
  18. Wouldn't inclusion of Cabudqaaw district into Pland be considered D-ism looking at the fact Pland never invited the good people of southern mudug n galguduud to join Pland administration. Pland is already an exclusive QABIIL entity, lets not make even more exclusive. Rather than worrying about Caabudqaaw, Pland should worry about how to reunite Galkayo.
  19. Originally posted by Qorshel: Nationalist, I understand ur point. Sure is really sickening, unintelligent people always look for soft targets, somalis thats how they are! Ali Samatar is soft target....Come on man, So he is from persucuted minority. So what, that doesn't change the fact he was number two in Barre's genocidal regime, and doesn't certainly lesson his guilty. Enough with excuses, I say fry him. So, NATIONALIST, you would punish Ina Yeey after all? Dat will be da
  20. If the good educated folks here in SOL were to set up govermentin Somalia, Iam pretty certain we would have ended up with 91 wasiirs too. Lets be honest, these warlords are reflection of the larger Somali society. They do these things cuz we allowed them, or even worse we probably would have done the same things. Lets continue sipping our chia lattes, and we wish these warmongers the best.Atleast they are doing something about Somalia, we in da disaporo are just fadhi ku dirir that knows no better.
  21. Yusuf--I don't mean to be rude by asking this, but what's with and southern Mudug. Yu seem little obsessed with dat part of Somalia. I hope you are not trying to be da first foriegn warlord in Somalia.
  22. Horn-I don't know why yu wanna give this guy a free pass. Everybody must face the consequences of his/her action. Being old or sick doesn't make anyone less guilty/accountable. Somalis need to understand what accountability means. I say fry him.If Pinochet can do time, Iam sure mr samatar can too. Slanders...Since it seems justice might be what you are looking for, perhaps you can start at home by cleaning up Hargiesa. You could start with Riyaale, and SNM commanders that violated human rights. Xoogsade...Considering what Aidid (Alla Ha naxariisto) did in Xamar, Bay, and Bakool, I would have made sure that he got life in prison with no possibility of parole. If the man would have stopped his rage at mogadisho, that might have been ok, but what did he to Bay/Bakool is unforgivable. Over three hundred thousand people perished all dying from man-made starvation. Dying from starvation is slow and painfull.
  23. Originally posted by Nationalist: As one of Sland's leading politicians said, there are many Sland ladies in Pland. Don't let them face the brunt of Samsam's faith. Shame Saaxib Horta I understand you might be passionate about this and may actauly care for this poor girl, but keep your emotions in check. Think twice before you scribble reckless statements. Threatening a SOMALI girl with physical harm won't get Zamzam any justice, it will only add onto injustices against our sisters at home. So,wise up bro. Yasmine: I understand your frustration, and I agree the case should viewed as being a part of greater cause that might shed light on the crimes commited against Somali women. Sadly,I think this only spur few lively discussion, but will not lead to anything substantive. Women always suffer the most in wars, and get the least justice. Ameenah....Not pick on anybody, but we can safely say majority of Somalis are indifferent. I doubt folks in SLand or Pland care much this poor girl. One group is just exploiting her misery, and other is denying that anything happened at all.
  24. Lander, I do know the article is one man's opinion on the case, but I still feel the majority Somali sites solely exist to promote a particular agenda, not so much to serve the public and tell the truth. Sland/Pland sites are examples of agenda oriented sites where truth matters little, or it is simply distorted to fit one's view. Pland sites from the very begining did nothing to corroborate the allaged abuses suffered by Zamzam at the hands of CID.All they depended was on hearsay, then initiated smear campaign. The Sland sites on the other hand were on the snooze, and did little fact finding. They only jumped to the bandwagon once the story get out of hand,and even then many Sland sites did little fact finding. All they did repeat the goverment's story line.