Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. ^^LOL Che what you do to deserve that horta Come to work in tight khaki pants!
  2. Valenteenah......Xaal Qaado Inadeer!! LooooL@Cara.."Imagining you with food yar iyo jeego xiiran in little qeed milking ari" Emperor.....Apart from the damage done one's own moral consciousness, I think it would be cheaper to kill the wifey than to divorce her.
  3. LooooooooooL@Puuja. I had female boss, very talented and dependable, but so hostile to my female co-workers yet so sweet and nice to the male counterparts. I personally would prefer female since they seem to favor men.
  4. Shaley akhrinayaa I burst out laughing. Soon, people will be eating big cats and fried crocs.
  5. Originally posted by Taliban: What's the relevance of how he looks like? [/QB] He is in the shortlist of the GQ man of the year.
  6. Does anybody know how this guy actually look like?
  7. We wouldn't know, but the same time, the Yanks and Tigrays have admitted to not catching or killing him. I presume is alive and kicking.
  8. Macalin Aadan Xaashi Ceyroow oo ahaa taliyihii ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga isla markaana lagu tiriyo inuu yahay nin aad u mayal adag ayaa cajal maqal ah soo duubay markii ugu horeysay tan iyo markii Maxkamadaha ay iskaga baxeen inta badan Somalia. Aadan Ceyroow waxuu sheegay inuu nool yahay isla markaana maalinta uu dhimanayo la qoray intii uu ku jiray uurka hooyadiisa, isagoo beeniyay wararka sheegay in lagu dilay duqeynta diyaaradaha America ay ka geysteen Koonfurta Somalia. "Waxaan la dagaalamayaa ciidamada cadowga Diinta oo dalka Somalia kusoo duulay dhulkeyga, waana ogahay inaan xoog ugu bixin doono dhawaan," ayuu yiri Ceyroow. Ceyroow ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in ciidamada Ethiopian-ka iyo kuwa kale ee Afrikanka ah ay cawaaqib xumo kala kulmi doonaan dalka Somalia. Aadan Ceyroow waxuu ugu baaqay shacabka Soomaaliyeed gaar ahaan dhalinyarada inay hubkooda qaataan isla markaana ay ka qeyb galaan dagaal uu ugu yeeray Jihaad oo dalka loogu xoreynayo ciidamada uu ku tilmaamay inay kusoo duuleen Somalia. Macalin Aadan Ceyroow waxuu sheegay inaysan ciidamada Maxkamadaha ka bixin Somalia, ayna joogaan gudaha magaalooyinka dalka ugu waa weyn dhawaana ay dalka ka saari doonaan ciidamada Ethiopian-ka. Aadan ayaa wacad ku maray inuu u dhimanayo sidii dalka Somalia ugu bixin lahaa ciidamada Ethiopian-ka iyo kuwa kale ee Afrikanka ah, isagoo beeniyay inay Maxkamadaha ka dambeeyaan weerarada Dowlada lagu qaadayo. "Maxkamadaha kama dambeeyaan weeraradaasi, hoobiyaasha magaalada Muqdisho lagu garaacayo waxaa tuuraya ciidamada Ethiopian-ka,Dowlada KMG ahna wey ogtahay," ayuu yiri Ceyroow. Ceyroow cajalkiisa maqal ah kuma uusan sheegin halka uu joogo laakin waxuu sheegay inuu ku sugan yahay gudaha dalka Somalia , isla markaana uu ka qaban qaabinayo dagaalo uu ku sheegay in dalka loogu saarayo cadowga. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo Ceyroow codkiisa warbaahinta uu soo gaaro tan iyo markii la sheegay inuu ku dhintay duqeynta diyaarada America ay ka geysteen koonfurta Somalia. Fiiro Gaar Ah: Akhrisyaasha waxaan la socodsiineynaa inaan dhawaan bogeena usoo galin doono codka Aadan Ceyroow oo dhameystiran. Cabdi Fatax Axmad,GO
  9. ^^^ I do believe it is more than six millions even though the infant and child mortality rates in Somalia is one of the highest in the world. Xiin...I think the fall of Ethiopia would benefit Somalia if there is an able and honest leadership that could unite and steer the country to better future. A weak and fragmented Somalia in my view would not be able to deal with demise of Abysinnian empire. I don't see Somalis capitalising on just eventuality since Somalis could barely if at all deal with their own paramount needs.
  10. LooooooL@Farax war ninyahow Ari carbeed iyo Dameer aad meel la tagee. In laguu gabyo ma rabtaa. That's just dissing nomadic nature of Val's clan. I was gonna ask NGONGE, but I don't even if the man even saw a Geel. Rokko....Australia Geel laga helaa maryooley dhaqata ma jiraa?
  11. LooooL@CC Faarax...How many Halaad Val ka bixin laheed?
  12. Originally posted by EboniQue: I can grantee you he is not the leader of my hometown SAYLAC thus not my leader. Who do you think needs to down tone BS me or you? I could have sweared your hometown was Dallas which would have made a Dubya fan that wholly supports anti-terrorist measures being carried by the TFG. Duke...Surely every attack against the TFG can't be credited to cowards that hate law and order. Does the TFG and its support have any plan to sit with their enemies (Somalis) instead just dismissing the people as being cowards with no goals.
  13. Originally posted by Jaylaani: You cousins. Is that clear enough? Now was that so hard Jaylaani. I didn't call you any names. I asked a simple and direct question with which replied back interestly enough, " what the hell". If anything, Duqa you are one questioning my "mother Teresa" personality and suggesting that I have alterior motives. It took little while to get that out of you, but thank you for your candor. Adios.
  14. LoooL...Take it easy Horta. Iam just phantom person with keyboard and pc. How could that annoy you Awoowe? And when somebody calls something on you. Pls don't throw hissy fist in the air, either answer or shut up about it. You have alluded to something by making this statement,"They never own anything significant in Xamar". Now is it too much to ask for you to elaborate. Who is they? the Tfg as an entity or Duke's Qabiil. BISAYL iyo QAYDHIN waxba uma dhexeeyaan. Everything is grey Duqa considering only few month you were dead set against the men who brought peace and stability to our beloved capital while today you admonish to put lightly those that have overthrown the peacemakers.
  15. ^^^^N here you are Duke wax ka sheegaaysaa.Amazing..loool Laters.
  16. A friend of mine who is going through a nasty divorce was joking that it would cost him less to kill his wife than it would be to divorce her. The break-up is gonna potentially cost him half of his earnings through the years, not to mention the legal fees. I was also reading a story here in the beantown where parents murdered their child simply coz the child was not bringing any money from social services web page ”The questioning appears to have been directed at how much money they got for the child, and did they think that was not enough,” Darrell said. This got me thinking just how much a human life is worth? Urban...Love that car, nothing like it. Ameen......loooooooool
  17. ^^^It is simple question Duqa. Who is the "they" you are referring to?
  18. Che -Guevara

    Nip Tuck

    ^^^All those are legit concerns, but I think it goes beyond that. I have seen teenagers getting breast implants. It is something that starts at younger age.
  19. Ahmed...LooooL Wax khayr ah dad u horseed before you start throwing them overboard. Close to two decades, isdi leenay with no losers and winners, and all to no avail, but it is time we should try something diffirent.
  20. Che -Guevara

    Nip Tuck

    Are woman prone to feeling ugly physically that's? Gotta give to the guy....LoooooooL Now a million thoughts running through her mind.
  21. Saaxib, Before you wish death upon somebody. Try to think for second and reflect on the words that are coming out of your mouth. These militias have no choice, but to align themselves with whoever is going to secure their livelihood. Unlike you, they don't have 9-5 job or get goverment payments from social services. Their only security is their gun and their Qabiil.
  22. ^^^^Somali dhimaneesaa ku farxeesaa? What do you gain from the demise of these people?
  23. Thanks for da pics MMA. Me....The fiishatiri toor's name was Saciido Koofi. And the brother of Nimco was named Khalid, a reer Waqooyi lad with ilkacas.