Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. I would be very suspicious of them if I was that man... Hard to be suspicious as guy when you have the prospect of sleeping with diffirent woman every night or maybe three on the same nite. :cool:
  2. Alla Ha unaxariisto dadkiisan samir iyo iiman haka siiyo.
  3. Muslinimo iyo Soomaalinimo ma kala haraan Widaagiis adigana goormaad surwaalka gaabsatay. Qof kasta ikhtiyaarkiis buu leehay. Haduu gaaloobo asaga iyo Eebihiis u dhaxeesaa. Muslinimo iyo Somalinimo are not mutually exclusive. One could be Gaal and be Somali patriot. This culture of intolerance gotta stop brother.
  4. ^^^Yup we are all in this together. It is conspiracy I tell you.
  5. ^^^LoooooooooL You are one cold *******. But Xalane haven't the army failed in protecting the state both from internal and external forces? What is there to celebrate or is this just all for nostalgia? [ March 16, 2007, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  6. ^^^Speak for yourself Cara!
  7. Duke....Don't take the words out of context. There is diffirence between announcing plans, and actually going through with the them. Sure, diffirent characters have alluded to the goverment plans, but hardly any action is taken exception being the warlords handing the weapons. The TFG plans are of little consequence to anybody. This nullifies everything. Now when are going up with something that's actually tangible? P.S. The use of brute force with no political solution in mind isn't going to solve anything. It just harden people's veiws.
  8. ^^^^You are entilted to your views, but Emperor how do you reconcile your views with the fact that it is multiculturalim that allows to thrive in these foriegn lands?. And just how much could really do about Somalia. It is already slowly populated by Oromos as Somalis continue to flee their homeland.
  9. Emperor...I saw mostly here in the west and there was a sizable non-Somali community especially in our capital, but we are digressing from the main point here as the marriage of Somalis to foriegners is not issue at hand but rather the presence of people with diffirent faith than ours. They always lived among us and will continue to do so in the future. Obviously, this might be shocking and completely undesirable for Somalis who would like to think Somalia is one homogenous society.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Che, the TFG has presented a clear plan, full disarmamanet, peace, return of private property and reconciliation amongst Somali clans. This TFG has built admins led by locals for every region in Somalia, it envisages a federal system which gives priority to local concerns. All the clans of Mogadishu have been briefed many times and that is why the security crackdown has taken so long, because it is being adapted to their needs and wants. Saaxib....That maybe so, but in my humble the TFG hasn't presented any plan with clear objectives and stated goals. The disarment issue clearly shows their lack of plan. They have come up with diffirent plans starting with three day operation followed by the handover of arms by the warlords (which is only tangible success we could point to).They made farther blunders by airing Reer Xamar would be forcibly disarmed-a very unwise pronouncement by a goverment that has hardly any support from the Mogidisho populace. There is also level of incompatency inherent in this goverment. Who is actually responsible in informing the public about the goverment's plans as diffirent ministers and their deputies as well as goverment spokespersons continue talking about goverment's stated goals without divulging into detials as what this means for the people of Xamar. And what do the new administrations in the rest of the country have actually done so far?. Hardly, anyone hears about the state of these new administrations. The only thing that makes to the news is the disagreement in regards to how the administrations were set up between the competing clans in the Jubba, Galgaduud, and elsewhere. Are these administration actually functional? And then there is issue of the Ethio presence.Just how long are they going to be in Somalia. And could one expect a viable Somali goverment as long as you have Ethio guns protecting it from its citizens as is in the case in our capital? This goverment has alot plans, but hardly did anything. People are only as good as their actions Duke. And with little to show for, this so called goverment is running of steam and out of ideas.
  11. this is all new and never have been there before few years back, and for that reason I believe someone will have the right to be suprised, dissappointed or even protest or at some point dedicate topic Agreed! I guess Iam used to seeing Maryooley intermingle and married to all sorts of people.
  12. Emperor......Our culture is not inert matter. It is evolving and is bound to intermingle with alien cultures.Now we could choose to ignore the world around and live in perpetual ignorance, or learn from others and incorprate what's ever good about alien cultures. P.S I don't know about Somali Jews, but there are and were definately Somali Christians.
  13. It's another suprise for me and great dissappointment that some other members find this normal and worse than that they find people like and Sheik as backward outdated and detached from thruth of the world and civilisation. Emperor....I don't find backward.He is more of bigot. One could be "civilised", and hatefull as well.But what's annoying here is the misplaced priorities as demonstrated by Shiekh. What could the presence of an allaged Jew do to Somalia that has done by Somalis themselves. We are in sad state in our history that's soley the making of our people. Rather than dealing with pressing issues, Shiekh is more concerned the presence of lonely Jew.
  14. ^^^^Easy now Zaf. That will get him over the cliff. N we don't want that. Start with him Fanta preffered by most Somali Muslims in remote villages.
  15. Shiekh...What's worse is the narrowed minded people like you whose is more worried about fictional online character rather than worrying about actual problems back home. Of all things to worry about in Somalia, you somehow manage to find the one thing that hardly does any damage to Somalia.
  16. ^^^^There is nothing nice about Somalia or Somalis.
  17. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: They forget to Add the job of Imaam, Islamic Scholar and prayer leader, that some of us do for profession! cajiib Alle-Ubaahne....I thought those were your Divine duties, not your chosen profession. Serenity...Whatever you do, don't become counselor.
  18. ^^^^Luckly for you, they just get the depleted Zimbabwe team and Ireland in the group. It would have been a nice if India was in the group.
  19. Che, I was just giving another prosepect , as for what i might have in common with 'them', well, you rather not count. Jb.....All views add up to healthy discussion but the striking similarities between you and Mullah Brigade is amazing. You guys are the oppisite poles, but seem to be working towards the same goals ie regulating people's behavior. People here are confusing bigorty with institutionalised prejudice. As long as gays don't face institutionalised prejudice, I don't see the need for state sanctioned behavior modification classes.
  20. North...Your bearded friends got real *** wopping from the Lara's boys. I liked Pakistan when Wasim and Waqar used to play.
  21. Point...Should we keep away people as well.
  22. Originally posted by Kimiya: Che... Are you for real? Yes Ameenah...Surely the Nabi (PBUH) wouldn't have banned Jewish traders from doing business in Mecca. There is nothing wrong in trading with your adversaries. Xiin......Muslims should rather invest in their people rather defense. The best defense is healthy educated populace.
  23. The only thing that bothers me is that some of the brands in that mall are riba based / pro-Zionist businesses. Why discriminate? It brings a healthy competition to the local economy,and product diversification for the consumer. Let it be! Tank factory right near the Kaaba. Interesting, just what is that suppose to convey Xiin.
  24. Duke.....Nothing against Pland in particular duqa. To me all the Somali cities are dusty and little. And just has Yeey in store for the people of Mogadisho and Somalia at large? This so called hasn't really presented any plan to the people it claims to represent?
  25. A president travelling within the nation needs no pomp and ceromony. Come now Duke. Yeey visits a little dusty in Pland, and he is greeted by cheering crowds with full media ensemble not to mention the Pland elite lining the runway.Surely his return to the capital along with some cabinet ministers do deserve some press time. Afterall, he is leading the way of his TFG to make Xamar a permanent home. Now isn't that worthy of celebrating? The romantic view of the clan courts is all well and good but history will note that they were the occupiers of whole regions as well as private property and got rich from charcoal and scraps and it was this and not faith they fought for and still causing some damage to the people of Somalia. We will let historians decide the court's place in Somali history.