Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Naga daaye. Ayaan hore diyaarbaad u aheed inaad qoorta u wada dheerayside.Qufyahe yaa isku kaa aamini karo. Midakale hadaah dhaheesid inta la jirta Yeey ku jihaadayaa, Soomaalow dhan baa dowlad isku sheega ku jidha. Bal maxaa kuwaan uun ku tusay.
  2. ^^^How could he forget the ICU. It is main reason he sided wth the "goverment". They are to be blamed for defending their own lands.
  3. ^^^^Wali ma joogtaa I thought you gonna wage Jihad against the reer Pland.
  4. Waraa Red murugu inaad igu ridid maa raabtaa. Iam not sure I wanna be as good as Cilmi. All I wanna do is to get da gals giggling, and Xamaris do that beautifully. But thanks for the songs..Those heavy staff will be reserved for the wifey, and in meantime fun is the word of hour. Hodman...Salaan qiima badan walaalshiis. Abaa kor iyo hoos diidaye koo maa dhex ku hashay. That just makes me and Red sad. N we thought we had it going on...darn it. Midakale stop correcting me noh.Red madaxaa sii waynaanooyo. Hadoo arko Hodman correcting my Somali waa isku sii bogaa.
  5. ^^^Adiguna gabadha masiibo ku noqotay maxaad ku sameesay. This is second or third thread she started oo ay kaa cabanayso. Hada waxaad ku kaliftay in ee tagto anti-sheh support group meetings chaired by Alle-U.
  6. Who knew missing Salaada cishada would lead to a wet dream....LooooL You are funny CC. I get da feeling JB would be coming into your dreams soon.
  7. Deegaanka taleex oo ay ka bilowdeen qax cusub, kadib markii abaabulo dagaal laga dareemay April 3, 2007 Markacadeey. Degaanka taleex ee degmada Hodan ayaa manta qax hor leh uu ka bilowdey, kadib markii halkaasi ay ka bilowdeen abaabulo dagaal oo hor leh. Dad goob joogayaal ah ayaa sheegay in labo maleeshiyo oo iska soo horjeedo ay halkaasi abaabulo ka wadaan, kuwaasi oo wararka ay leeyihiin waxaa suuro gal ah in saacadaha soo socda ay isku dhacaan. Maleeshiyaadka qaarkood ayaa taageersan golihii maxaakiimta iyaga oo doonaya in ay jid gooyooyin ka sameystaan halkaasi, weerarana ku qaadaan gaadiidka ay leeyihiin ciidamada dowlada iyo kuwa Itoobiyaanka ee halkaasi maraya. Maleeshiyaadka kale ee ka horjeeda waa kuwa madaniga deegaanka oo ka horjeeda in deegaanka Taleex laga abuuro dagaalo, iyaga oo ku doodaya in xilligan aaney u dul qaadan Karin dagaalo. Dadka deegaanka ayaa la arkayay qaarkood iyaga oo isaga qaxayay deegaankaasi, iyaga oo ka cabsi qaba in dagaalada Muqdisho ay ku soo fidaaan waxyeelana ay gaarsiiyaan. Deegaano badan oo dagaalada ka dhaceen ayaa markii hore dagaalada ay uga bilwodeen abaabulada sidan oo kale ah. Maxamed Cali Madka Xafiiska Markacadeey Muqdisho
  8. Originally posted by Jaylaani: Che, Waryaa..Caydiid was freaking warlord not Somali president. How does that make him any less of criminal.He did more damage than Barre could ever dreamt about. I think what will be more useful here is to do something about the situation rather trying to ferment new hatred among Somalis.
  9. ^^^Dee Dantu saas bee ku xuntay. Waxaan arkay rag uheesta gabadhooda just another addition to their achievements just like finishing school or getting your dream job. Dabcan dan meesha way ku jirtaa. Laakin waxaa mudan leysway diiyo qofkaan ma isku dan ma tihiin.
  10. The policy Abdillahi Yussuf is engaged is echoing to the one his cousin Mr. Barre did which was: a) Obliterate the targeted community, then displace them as to replace them with their community, with their agenda! -"Displace to replace" a genocide in another face! It has to stop now and not later. That's being insincere. I don't see thousands of Planders moving to Xamar. And Somalilanders are not the only people that faced the wrath of Barre's army nor they are the only ones who faced genocide as Reer Bay/Bakool lost 300,000 citizens under Aided's mad rush to ethnically cleanse all Somalia.And not mention the USC actaully succeeded in cleansing Mogadisho of all Barre's larger tribe. As for Yeey,he will destroy anyone and everyone that gets in his way including his own tribe. What's happening in Mogadisho is evil, and should be condemned in the strongest terms possibly, but under no circumstance it is plan by one ethnic group to wipe out another. Anyone trying to portray this sad events as repeat of Hargiesa 88 only wants the flame of hatred among the Somalis to burn forever.
  11. Iska guurso mafiicna. Waa inaad iswaydisaa maxaad gursanaysaa yaanad gursanaysaa. Hadaad guur dan kale u aragto. Dhibkeeda leedahe. Midaada un baa kuucad oo qaofkaa rabtid ma dhageysaneesid.
  12. Jb....Very disappointed horta. When I saw the title, for some odd reason it reminded of Mard Gras. Thought maybe JB with camrecorder going through Hargeisa streets filming hot chicks. Midakale,Did the guy that wrote this artcile web page scribbled this one too. Seriously, I don't understand this marketing campaign for reer Waqooyi gals.Surely, they ain't all ugly.
  13. LoooooooooL@Gaaraad Soomaali tashata wax dhaama ma jihdo, but that's too late now.The Amxaars are literally allover the place.
  14. Norther....Reinforcements have arrived for Ethios through Balcad, and Afgooye.They also have troop presence in central Somalia, and went as north as Bosaso. They have no reason to stop now. And Xamar is ghost town now exception being Kaaraan, Shibis, Madina, and Boondheere. Dhalinyarada dagaalka ku jira Gadoon, and no Somali is coming to their rescue including those in the northern suburbans, and you can't forget reer Pland, and Bakool. It looks like hal Qabiil la xasuuqay while the rest watched. I just hope Maatada wax looqabta who get scattered all over the south, and in the more "peaceful" northern Xamar. P.S Uncle Sam wants this done quickly.
  15. Red Alert---Qal-daan Shunkaasi in progress...LoooL War Red now I know why you wanna go Xamari these days. Glad we could help. Hodman is tough one, but Xamari Qoobsagaaro would work on her. Hi Hodman
  16. must be enjoying this Point. And what piss off me the likes of Fanisha put gasoline on the already flaming clan hatred while she sits comfortably in the west. I don't think she even get the guts to say what she spews here to actaul Planders in her town.
  17. On your campaign on demonizing Planders.
  18. ^^^Good luck then dear. Bal waxaad kaheshid wax hanagasiin.
  19. Raadamiir....Riyo maad ku jidhaa. Other than massacring civilians, the EThio and stooges hardly accomplish anything. Get grip on reality my boy.
  20. This is you in another thread clearly pointing fingers at Planders. web page You didn't say the TFG or all Dabadhilifs. Your problem is with one particular group of Somalis as constantly refer to them. You use the word Pland. It encompasses the Qabiils that live there alot of whom don't care for the TFG, Yeey, or the Xabashi invasion.
  21. Pland, Sland, or Mogadisho largest tribe. This is what they put while the war rages on web page