Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. The last time I ever ask this Tahliil...who is we?
  2. ^^^What do you think is the way out of this nightmare? Me....Qof dantiisa yaqaan lalatashan karaa. Umadeena wax dan ah garan meeso.
  3. Nayruus....Saaka kaniinagii laguu soo qoray inaad qaadato maad ilooday?
  4. Dagaal culus oo ka qarxay deegaanka Baar-gaal ee W/Somalia Click here to find shabelle news in English Boosaaso 01, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Deegaanka Baar-gaal ee W/bari Somalia ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in dagaal xoogan uu ku dhex marayo halkaasi ciidamada Puntland iyo kooxo la sheegay in ay isugu jiraan ajaanib iyo Somali oo dhowaan halkaasi ku tagay doonyo. Iska horimaadkaan oo ka qarxay halkaasi abaarihii 4 tii galabnimo ee maanta ayaa la isku habeensaday sida ay sheegayaan wararka laga helayo deegaanka Baar-gaal. Lama oga wali qasaaraha rasmiga ah ee ka dhashay dagaalkaan oo ahaa mid aad u culus oo la isku adeegsaday hubka nuucyadiisa kala duwan. Xiriir aanu la sameynay guddoomiyaha deegaanka Baar-gaal ayaysan inoo suurto galin in aynu helno. Madaxweynaha Maamul goboleedka Puntland, Cadde Muuse ayaa kal hore ku tilmaamay kooxaha ciidamadiisa ay isaga soo horjeedaan deegaanka Baar-gaal in ay yihiin ciidamadii maxkamadaha islaamka ee ka dagaalamayay koonfurta Somalia oo doomo ku yimid halkaasi. Arimahaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmayaan xilli maalmihii la soo dhaafay dadka magaalada Boosaaso ay ka jiifan waayeen guuxa diyaarado dul heehaabay habeenkii hawada magaaladaasi, iyadoo wali aan la garaneyn waxa ay yihiin diyaaradahaasi, laakiin dadka qaar ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ay yihiin kuwa soo kacay saldhigga Mareykanka ee xeebaha Jabuuti.
  5. Baargaal:-Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Baargaal ee Bariga fog ee gobolka bari ayaa sheegaya in magaaladaasi uu ay duqayn cirka ah ay ku socoto , ayna duqaynayaan Ciidanka Maraykanka. Duqaynta oo sida la sheegayo ah mid xoogan ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooday dad aad u badan. 2-bari kahor ayay ahayd markii maamulka Puntland gaar ahaan Madaxda gobolka Bari ay sheegeen in alqaacidoo ajaaniib ay oo ka soo dagtay dhanka xeebta ku waa soo watay laasha ay galeen buuralayda deegaanka.
  6. double post
  7. Posted to the Web Jun 01, 19:22 Baargaal:-Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Baargaal ee Bariga fog ee gobolka bari ayaa sheegaya in magaaladaasi uu ay duqayn cirka ah ay ku socoto , ayna duqaynayaan Ciidanka Maraykanka. Duqaynta oo sida la sheegayo ah mid xoogan ayaa waxaa ku geeriyooday dad aad u badan. 2-bari kahor ayay ahayd markii maamulka Puntland gaar ahaan Madaxda gobolka Bari ay sheegeen in alqaacidoo ajaaniib ay oo ka soo dagtay dhanka xeebta ku waa soo watay laasha ay galeen buuralayda deegaanka.
  8. ^^^If that lingers on, I heard Viagra helps.
  9. Ilove somalia but i hate the people That could be considered a dumb statement.
  10. Dam..I can't access flickr at work. Welcome back Val. I was hoping I was gonne see a tanned Val on top that big red rock with a NGONE looklike Aborigine by your side.
  11. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Somaliweyn dream is over ,,, and has been over for more than 16 years ,,,, i can't believe some are still dreaming ,,,,,, It doesn't matter if there is one Somali State or two or what ideology one believes in. What matters is the simple FACT that all Somali lands exception being Jabouti and NFD are direct or indirect Ethiopian control. We are no longer a sovereignty nation or nations for that matter.
  12. Khayr...Salaada Ilaahaa kula adiga kuma lahid.
  13. Originally posted by Sophistafuncated: [. Che I’m not entirely sure what this sue woman is lakiin I gather u watch her late night show to gain pointer for your activities under the sheet? And another thing don't you think men should try a little harder at pleasing their women. Since so many women go through their life with out the big O I think that is a problem that should be addressed. Maybe Somali men should start studying the karma sutra lol. [/QB] LoooooooL@pointer under the sheet. I wish I had that much on my hands. And about pleasing Somali women, the women had to acknowledge and express their needs first. Watching someone like Sue does little for any couple. I just brought up her name to unsettle the bunch in here. Chinaman..What are you insinuating? Me....Hayeeey...You don't wanna Puuja and Cara iney qoobsagaaro ku qabtaan.
  14. Originally posted by Cara: ^Gosh, Che . You take notes when Eedo Sue is lecturing huh? LoooooL ....Iam not actually good at taking notes, Iam more like do whatever you feel. LoooooooL@Puuja...I scare off Ayeeyo.
  15. Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo: hands, mouth, shaabuug (ouch) shumac (double ouch) This is where I will leave the convo Fuuleeey.....And what's shaabuug? that a whip?...Meel kale iga laga dhacdey. Nothing that involves whips or objects, Just da two people Ayeeyo. And yes it is all Xalaal. Jimcaale....I concur Aw. No shame in knowing what you want.
  16. Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo: no other option can replace the real deal. It certainly cant replace it for a lifetime. [/QB] LooooooooL...I really can't argue with that but PE is usually syptom of something else whether it is stress or actual disease. If the husband isn't performing up to par, you can employ other ways whether using hands, mouth, etc. The key to ending PE is the couple to figure what's causing together. Make an encompassing experience and hopefully they will pass the hurdle. LooooooL@Puuja
  17. Originally posted by Ms Dhucdhuc & Dheylo: If the women cant satisfy her man, there are other options open to him if the couple agree. However what other options does the woman have if the man suffers from pe? I was told that it is quite frustrating for the woman! Intercourse is not the only option though it is main course of the meal sort speak. Most women atleast to my understanding don't hit the big O through intercourse. Jimcaale....That's how stumble onto her show. Ofcourse, I did watch. Me....A spouse could end a divorce if he/she ain't enjoying the themselves under the sheets. It could be the bases for divorce. Obviously, one is adviced to seek other remedies first.
  18. Somalia: Ethiopian foreign minister says troops will stay in Somalia Aweys Osman Yusuf Mogadishu 29, May.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Ethiopian foreign minister, Seum Mesfin, revealed that the thousands of Ethiopian military forces backing the tenuous Somali transitional government would not be withdrawn immediately, saying they rescued the Somali population from Islamic hardliners. LoooooooooooL He made the remarks following his arrival in Mogadishu in early this week while he witnessed the resetting up of Ethiopian embassy in the war-torn country. “Many Somali officials, civil society members and tribal elders asked that we should not leave Somalia while it is still vulnerable and we are determined to make sure that Islamists do not come back and traumatize the population,” he said. The Ethiopian embassy was reopened closer the president’s compound where security is heavily fortified. Prime minister, Gedi, said Ethiopia sacrificed to save Somalia and enable the Somalis to have an affective central government since the ouster of former president, Siad Barre, in 1991. Mesfin said he would prefer that Ethiopia should not be seen as an occupant force but force that saved the Horn of African nation from the hard-handed of the radical Islamists. He reiterated that Ethiopian troops would not be pulled out of Somalia until both Somali and Ethiopian forces make sure that their military operations against the routed Union of Islamic Courts and international terrorists in the country did not end in failure. “We need to be certain that such Islamic elements will not disturb either the Somali government or the Somalia population,” he said. Shabelle Media Network Somalia E-mail us:
  19. "I'm curvaceous" True that...Now don't lose that with dieting craze that's gripping da Hollywood hotties. As for Zaf, my good sir, You are fired. Last time I do business with someone from my Qabiil.