Che -Guevara

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Everything posted by Che -Guevara

  1. Zafir.....See that's what happens when you show off oo Maradona camal iska dhigtid. All you had to do was to fake injury, and our beloved Cara laabtay ku galin laheed....Hmmmmm heavenly I say. But hey you thought showing your footy skills might get you her attention. Tough luck man. LooooooooooL@Val...Did someone match with Serenity instead of NGONE.
  2. A moment silence Please for the beloved Kim:( These Faaraxs shall miss you.
  3. Originally posted by Puuja: I really need a massage but the closest masseuse is overpriced and out of my way. Zafir knows an excellent Chinese masseuse that could come to your place under 30minutes.
  4. Just who is in charge of the security. It seems some random person is being killed weekly. Do those that control the city condone these killings or are they just unable to do anything about them? Kismaayo 12, June.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Kooxo dableey ah ayaa nin ganacsade ah ku dilay shalay magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka J/hoose, xilli amaanka magaaladaasi uu faraha ka sii baxayay maalmihii la soo dhaafay. Ganacsadahaan oo la oran jirey Axmed Kheyr ayaa waxaa toogasho ku dilay nin hubeysan xilli Marxuumka uu sii galayay gurigiisa, isagoo ku naf baxay wajahada hore ee Hoygiisa, ka dib markii ay ku dhacday dhowr rasaas ah sida ay sheegeen dad goobjoogayaal ah. Gacan ku dhiiglaha falkaan dilka ah geystay ayaa ka baxsaday halkaasi, ka dib markii ay soo gaareen ciidamada amaanka. Lama yaqaan sababaha ka dambeysa dilka ganacsadahaan, laakiin Waxaa soconaya baaritaano ay wadaan saraakiisha Booliska. " Waxaanu wadnaa baaritaano ku aadan arintaan iyo waliba ninka falkaan dilka ah geystay" ayuu yiri taliyaha ciidamada booliska magaalada Kismaayo Ibraahim Shanfool oo u waramay shabelle. Dilka Ganacsadahaan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli xaaladda amaan ee magaalada Kismaayo ay ka sii dareysay maalmihii la soo dhaafay oo ay ka dhaceen falal dil iyo dhac ah oo loo geystay dad rayid ah.
  5. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Talyaaniga tooka bar tooka ayee dhahaan. Kuwaan stooges ah and their Xabashi masters waxaan sameynaayo, ku tumanaayo dadka xuquuqdooda waxa ku dhici doono usoo socoto aan sugaayaa. On that day ... Soomaalida xaquuqmaleedaha horta. And on that day you speak of, Soomaali baa Soomaali kale bariindoona,and Iam afraid you will be saying these exact words.
  6. He is an African dictator...hardly shocking!
  7. Biixi....Any belief that sells any being into bondage shouldn't be tolerated let alone respected.
  8. Haddaad guursato ood isfahmi weydaanse yaa ku maslaxayya Somalida waxay tiiraahdaa nin duquubay faan iyo dhuuso baa uun kasoo hadha. Ninyahow Hadaad wax maslaxi karteen caradaad ku soo barbaaarteen baa maanta joogi lahaydeen. Talo gacantiina kuma jiidhay tartiibna iska fadhi hadii kale hada waa taqaanaa North America waa waayeelka meesha lagu xareeyo.
  9. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Adeer waa buuxaa. Check this: Nin yari intuu geed ka boodo buu talana ka boodaa . [/QB] Aw talidiino macniihada waxay tahay hadaan koofidii Abtidoon iyo bakoorad gacanta iigu jidho yaan lay su,aalin. Mida kale talada mooyaaneey maxaa kalow lay idinku dheefaa qarnigaan lajoogo. Che, dee runtuun baan sheegayey Been baad sheegtay kumaan oran Inadeer. You are reinforcing the negativity by not acknowledging your admirable attributions. You are Somali who happens not to abuse the internet or deride others for taking advantage of this technology
  10. Nin gu' kaa weyn garaad kaa weyn Waxaas odayaasha Soomaalida niyada isu dhisa ee wax kale manoo sheegaysa ninyahow.
  11. Serenity...Aren't you reinforcing that negativity by being so discouring. Xiin...Dee Odayaasha looguma tala galin.
  12. As Somalis acknowledging reality is hard thing to do. I have seen people that went to all Somali lands and coming back with praises about everything that they saw there. But if you press them little harder, they couldn't tell anything progressive that larger society has gained over the years. Apart from previaling peace in the Sland/Pland, and few buildings owned by diasporo, our people have little to show. The average Somali is poor, illiterate, and barely surviving.
  13. ^^^LoooooooooL@Xanthus...Red is just little envious of Xanthus, and now you "diss" Burco, he is gonna be little more red.
  14. Welcome back Xanthus. I was afraid a Geeljire might snatch away never to be seen.
  15. Alla Janadii ka waraabiyo reerkiisana samir iyo imaan haka siiyo.
  16. Slaves to the goddess of fertility By Damian Grammaticas BBC News, Bagalkot, southern India In a village in southern India a child has just been born. A group of women gather round the cradle, wishing the baby a life full of riches, rubies and pearls. "You're lucky the child is a boy," the women tell the mother. In this society girls are valued far less. The women are all devadasis, literally slaves of the goddess. As children their parents gave them to serve Yellama - the goddess of fertility. Her cult is thousands of years old, her followers spread across southern India. At the temple to Yellama in Saundatti women dance and praise the goddess. The practice of dedicating young girls as devadasis has been outlawed for over 50 years, but still it happens. Anti-slavery campaigners estimate that there are at least 25,000 devadasis in the state of Karnataka alone. Sexual slavery "Being devadasis means we are slaves of the goddess. We have to visit this temple. We wear necklaces of pearls to show we are bound to Yellama. We give blessings and perform her rituals," says Imla, a devadasi in her 40s who is swathed in a pink and yellow sari. When girls dedicated to Yellama reach puberty they are forced to sacrifice their virginity to an older man. What follows is a life of sexual slavery, they become sanctified prostitutes. The money devadasis earn goes straight to their parents who often act as pimps for their daughters. "My parents didn't have any sons, so there was nobody to earn the family a living," says Imla. "Instead they turned me into a whore. I don't even remember when I started because I was so young. My parents thought at least they'd get some money from me." Once girls are dedicated the course of their lives is decided. They can never marry, never have a family life. In a town nearby we found Shoba who is just 20 and has been a devadasi prostitute for seven years. Shoba showed me her brothel, a single room she shares with her parents. She comes from a long line of devadasis. Her grandmother was one, her sister is too. Shoba remembers how, when she was 13 her parents dressed her as if for marriage. They auctioned her virginity to the highest bidder. Tough life "When the first man arrived I thought he was going to marry me," Shoba recalls, "but he slept with me and then never came back. I realised this was now my trade. Every night I was sold to whoever paid the most." Life here on the dry, harsh Deccan plateau has always been tough, especially for girls, who are often seen as a burden for poor families, expensive to marry off. Recent years have been marked by droughts and crop failures. The goddess of fertility is seen as a powerful force. Many believe that giving girls to Yellama will bring good fortune on a family. It also means they don't have to save for a dowry, and the daughter becomes a bread-winner. We found Shoba's mother Satyavati tending to her field of sunflowers. Sacrificing their daughter's life has enriched Shoba's parents. "Someone had to continue the tradition. It had to be my daughters," she shrugs. "Because Shoba earns so much money she has been able to build us a house, and she bought these fields. So what's the big deal?" Secret ceremonies Despite campaigns by India's national and state governments, the system of devadasis endures. The number of young girls being dedicated is declining. But now the ceremonies happen in secret, so it is impossible to know exact numbers. I asked Shoba why she doesn't just give up being a devadasi, and leave it behind? "I can't get out of the system, even if I say I'm not a devadasi any more nobody will come forward to marry me," she says. "I keep telling other people not to make their daughters devadasis, you are abused, it's a horrible life." So it's a life that Shoba will never escape from. Women already dedicated cannot be freed. The power of belief is still so strong here that she will always be a devadasi, enslaved.
  17. Somalilandernimo LooooooL@Red...It is so much easier to say Somalinimo. It rolls off the tongue so nicely, and now come on say it after me.
  18. Waa markii ugu horeysay ee Dowlada itoobiya iyo maraykankuba ay isku dayaan inay xaliyaan khilaafka Gobolada Sool iyo Sanaag bari kuwaas Waa aduunyo gadoon. Reer Sool and Sanaag are better start their ministate rather than operate under Yeey and Riyaal...Zenawi's Biatches.Heck they could send their little Biatch to Adis.
  19. Juje....You seem to be expressing how you wish for things to turn out. This could be hardly called an analysis.
  20. ^^^Some do,others just see themselves as just another Somali tribe.
  21. Congrats to the gentleman. I have actually seen Somali Bantus going to college here in Boston. They are very hard working, more power to them.
  22. Qat doesn't cause mental illness, but it does give you wings. Namaste Puuja Jee
  23. The last time I ever ask this Tahliil...who is we?