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Everything posted by Garyaqaan2

  1. by abaadir How can you assossiate Gedo with poverty and weakness. Gedo is the second largest region in Somalia has more people than, Bari, Nugaal and Mudug combined. Juba river goes through Gedo more than any othar region in the country. if willingness and Investment comes in, it will produce more than its residents need. before civil war Bedxaawo used to generate more income for the goverment than Boosaaso. abaadir are you serious for the above statment gedo is one of the second largest lol and more ppl then bari, nugaal and mudug you have good view of gedo but is not what you thinking. the place needs improvement like you said sxb it devently needs " if willingness and Investment comes in, it will produce more than its residents need
  2. abaayo ii qaleenooh magaca ha iga badali lol caadiyoos waaye waa Iloowday ayaan u maleenaa Wiil_duco "O" iga reeb waa iqarxinoosaa lol abaayo cafis iyo nus marbaa naga nixisay markaad tiri Garoowe wax ladho majirto <---- qof waxaa taxay caqli badan oo qalad kiisa garatay dhankeeyga iyo dhanka reer Garoowe cafis aa ka tahay. by sweeter_than_your_tea Laakiin weli waxaan ku adkeysanayaa inaan u rabin Magaalo madaxdeena in LA BADALIN. Fikradaada wax ku gu diidan malah ileen adigee gooni kuu tahay sax.
  3. PS. Armed oppositions ought be dealt harshly. Breathing room must be given to the likes of Sharif. are you serious xiin?maxaa ku jaban hadaan barano our leader background :confused: waxaan meesha ka aqriyay shariifka in uu ka ganacsan jiray qaadka taasna sxb wax qarsoon ma aha. walaahi waa dhibaato dadka hadeey seefta la boodaan ayakoon wax hubsan. we went the truth to came out. shaqo see lagu gu siinaa sxb adigoo lagaran taariiqdaada. there is nothing wrong with this article. I wonder how he got the job if he was drag dealar. cajiiiiib that is my opinion
  4. Now look the second picture in the first row from left the second guy, what is he wearing? Macawis. Hello, that is a vital clue for my evidence loll. waraa ishaa ka tuurtay afcores these are our ppl. commmm ppl Stay looking at the first picture in the firs row, they are sitting on their “Kabad†Incase you don’t know the word Kabad is a peace of cloth that our nomad women are famous about making it. <-------- soo maaali baanu nahay lol waxaan la yaabay dad dad kooda ka cararaayo <---- hey these are our ppl :confused: look @ picture so hard you can smell that they are soomalis.
  5. sweeter_than_your_tea ^^^ina adeer naceyb aan u qabo ma aha dadka dago Garowe....sababta aan uuga soo jeedo waxaa waaye waxaan ka xanaaqayaa dadkaan isku dayaaya iney burburiyaan Somalia taariiqdeedi.....hadaad caqli leedahay adba maad ogolaan leheen in wadankaaga taariiqdiisa la badalo. Walaalo waxaa tiri sidatan as far as im corcerned garawe doesn't exist oo micnaheedo tahay dadba kuma noola magaalada la yiraahdo garoowe amaba hadaan fiiriyo sidaa utri uma aqoonsanid dad soomaali ah am I wrong abaayo. waa iska caadi oo soomali baynu nahay dacaayada waa furantahay laakiin waxaa reeban neceebka xaasid nimada ah Dad jira ma aha <===== waa hadal weeyn :confused: Alaah Caza wajal hana hishii siiyo We are muslims.
  6. lander_girl04 walaalo i feel like telling you good night stories. But too bad you are not siting right next to me. I fell like having good conversation with you lander. wareer badanaa maxaa dareemeeysaa ku lahaa waxaan dareemaayo miyaan halkaan ku dhameenkaraa. waan xanaaqsanahay waana faraxsanahay but I don't now why would you help me docter phil uups I mean Land_girl.
  7. let me add these let as wait when C/Y and Geedi land in Jowhar or any place in somalia to see what is going to hapen ppl like Indha cade and xaabsade lol. wareer badanaa dowladaan soo ma ka soo takto Kenya and at least show as something
  8. 3merald denial not being a river in egypt was a simple joke & garowe never in a million years becoming CAPITAL CITY is my honest opinion, and last time i checked i was entitled to it. walaalo alot ppl including me will dissagree with your HONEST OPINION. second somali waxeey ku maah maah daa wixii uurkaaga ku jira baa afkaaga xada lol camon give me a break will you. you said the above statment weather is joke or not alaahu aclam. I like the way you started your argument QUOTE what i think, Garowe can not, and won't ever be the capital, i can't believe i've jus put the 2words in the same sentence QUOTE You said it walaalo you couldn't belive why you didn't want your fallow somalis who you put it that they occupy puntland to host the goverment as CAASIMAD ku meel gaar ah. Hadalkaas miyaa kaa dagi waaye Finaly walaalo disregard the word "HATE"<===== I KNOW YOU DIDN'T HATE YOUR PPL YOU MIGHT DISLIKE THEM LOL RAALI NOQO CIMAAMAD BAAN KU SAARAY. XAAL BAANA IGU WAA JIB AH SKY AFRICAN xoogsade man youre right soomaalida are all screwups, from c/yussef to riyoole to cusmaan caasho & sucdi yalaxow. f*ck them all. i hate them, this whole situation wnats to make me cry . sxb walaahi you are very funny these whole thing is poltics and it goas like black and white. it doesn't have any period. yasterday was Alaha u naxariistee Caydiid and Cali mahdi. then It was Cabdiqaasim and Cali qaliif. and so on. So today we have C/Y and Geedi beri waa Indha cade and Xaabsade as persident of somalia. We will go as circle for 20 more years.
  9. oo kaalay dadkii ma waasheen mise anigaa u ma leeyay. :confused: 3merlad GAROWE WILL NEVER NOT EVEN IN A MILLION YEARS BE CAPITAL CITY!i know the truth hurts and denial is not a river in egypt. bismilaahi raxmaani raxiim is this hater that you have for your ppl I meant dad walaala haa ah somali aad wadaagtaan iyo muslinimo garawa....where in the good Gods world is that? as far as im corcerned garawe doesn't exist ma naceeb aag uqabtid daka dago baa kaa keenay you know 100% that is somalian land and it is in somalia not out side of somalia. Waa dad ku hadla luuqada aad ku hadashid lol does this place have a stop sign??? just wondering!!!!! yes and also it has red light. Isku raxariista wna waan idiin naxariisanayaa does that rig bell Sub xaanalaah.
  10. i been dating this guy for five years , he was the nicest guy i have ever been wit, i mean he always says the right thing to me, every night b4 i go to bed he would tell me he loved me, he was my dream guy. he would do anything for, Are you serous five years of dating sis you broke the ##########. <------ walaalo pray salaatul istiqaaro Insha alaah. By dawaco Abaayo i dnt wanna b rude 2 u laakin ur story doesnt make sense. Some aspects of it are quite personal and shouldn't be mulled over with complete strangers. Yous said it all dawaco But please don't call as strangers <------ uups you are right we are strangers ala gabadhu runbadanaa. iikaalay ii kaalay aniga ii kaalay Kasha wadanaha ku soo qabo aniga ii kaalay......
  11. THE SPEAKER HAS NO CLOTHES It must be pointed out that the Speaker of the Parliament has no clothes, figuratively speaking. Why? Because, he/she, who is supposed to be the arbiter of democratic practice must be held up to a high standard, a standard which emphasizes that he/she should be morally and fully garbed. It is often said that lies travel fast, but that truth (as in TRUTH) overtakes all lies in due time. This is precisely the case with the recent ugly spectacle inside the Somali parliament over the issue of peacekeeping forces. The Speaker of the Parliament, Shariif Aden has debased not only the constitutional order of his government, but he has also failed to uphold the principal procedural rules of parliamentary practice by forcing a motion with a questionable legal standing. By Abdirahman Hosh THE SPEAKER IS FULLY CLOTHED There is a saying that “A lie travels around the world while truth is putting her boots onâ€. Well! Now the truth is in a race to catch up with a blatant lie blaming the failures of the government and the recent ugly brawl among members of the parliament in Nairobi, Kenya on the Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Sheriff. This is led by both heads of the state and government as well as few other parliamentarians and their die hard supporters. The truth of the matter is that the present sad state of affairs between the legislative and the executive branches of this nascent Somali government has been simmering for quite sometime and was bound to boil to the surface as happened in the Regency Nairobi Hotel on March 17, 2005. By Rashid Ali In Response to Mr. Hosh’s Naked Speaker I don’t know what kind of latent and spineless house leader in the Speaker (Sharif Hassan) that the honorable lawyer Mr. Hosh envisioned for any democracy let alone for his own supposedly yet to serve and still exiled democracy. With all due respect to Mr. Hosh, whom I have the greatest respect for, I must say that Sharif Hassan has his clothes very well on. He may not be armed with robust house rules and procedural orders or even certain disciplinary powers in this instance. He may be naïve but definitely not naked. What we see is a man of conscious, which is so badly lacking in that madhouse some call parliament. He had the unfortunate predicament of presiding over some undisciplined bunch of grown-ups and this time dangerously ambushed by wicked President and immature PM with fraudulently deceitful piece of legislation to pave the way for an obsessed plan of Ethiopian invasion into Somalia. By Abdirahman Waberi Shame On You Mr. Speaker "An event has happened, upon which it is difficult to speak, and impossible to be silent." Edmund Burke "There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action." Johann von Goethe "Choice of attention - to pay attention to this and ignore that - is to the inner life what choice of action is to the outer. In both cases, a man is responsible for his choice and must accept the consequences, whatever they may be." W. H. Auden We have witnessed a frightful act in today's fiasco by some members of Somali Parliament led by the Speaker of the Parliament, Sharif Hassan Sh. Aden. This was a shameful act of a coupe to sabotage the deployment of IGAD peace supporting force in Somalia. One can say it was democracy in action but ignoring and violating the very rules of democracy also warrants an impeachment.
  12. ^^^ upsss wrong QUOTE sory Sounds like a love letter addressed to another man.
  13. ^^^^^ It has never been related from any scholar that it is permissible for a woman to act as imam for the Jumu`ah prayer. This is not even related from those scholars who permit a woman to lead the five daily obligatory prayers.
  14. ^^^^ sky i though that you are the man who is next to the perident of somalia upsssss that kofi anaan sorry bro Nice picture bro
  15. ^^^^^^^ no! no! NO! walaalo and here is why Answered by Sheikh Sâmî al-Mâjid The vast majority of Islamic scholars deem it impermissible for a woman to lead men in congregational prayer. The only major jurists who differed in this matter were al-Muzanî and Abû Thawr. Al-Tabarî permitted a woman to lead men in prayer specifically in the Tarâwîh prayer if no man was available to lead prayers who had memorized the Qur’ân. This opinion that a woman can lead men in the Tarâwîh prayer is also one of the opinions related from Ahmad b. Hanbal. For him, permissibility is conditional upon her being an elderly woman and the men being of sound character and their being her relatives. The Hanafî jurist Ibn `Âbidîn al-Hanafî states in Radd al-Muhtâr (1/577): “A man’s following of a woman in prayer is invalid.†The Mâlikî jurist Abû Zayd al-Qayrawânî writes in his famous legal treatise al-Risâlah: “A woman does not lead obligatory or voluntary prayers – neither for men nor for women.†The Mâlikî jurist al-Hattâb writes in al-Tâj wal-Iklîl (2/412): “Al-Mâzirî says that a woman’s leading of prayer is not valid and that those prayed behind her need to repeat their prayers, even if the time for the prayer has passed.†Al-Shâfi`î writes in al-Umm (1/191): “If a woman leads the prayer for men, women, and male children, then the prayer of the women is valid, while the prayer of the men and male children is not. This is because Allah has made men the maintainers of women and not given to women the status of guardianship. It is not permissible for a woman to lead men in prayer under any circumstances.†The prominent Shâfi`î jurist al-Nawawî writes in al-Majmû` (4/151): “Our scholars are agreed that it is not permissible for either a mature man or a boy to pray behind a woman. The prohibition of a woman leading men in prayer is the same whether the prayer is an obligatory prayer, the Tarâwîh prayer, or some other voluntary prayer. This is our school of thought as well as the school of thought of the vast majority of scholars from both the earlier and later generations. Al-Bayhaqî attributes this view to the seven jurists of Madinah from the generation of the Successors. It is the school of thought advocated by Mâlik, Abû hanîfah, Sufyân, Ahmad, and Dâwûd. Abû Thawr, al-Muzanî, and Ibn Jarîr (al-Tabarî) said that the prayer of men behind a woman is valid. This opinion has been attributed to them by al-Qâdî Abû al-Tayyib and l-`Abdarî.†The Hanbalî jurist al-Mardâwî states in al-Insâf (2/263): “A woman’s leadership of men in prayer is categorically invalid according to our school of thought. It is related from Ahmad that it is valid for the Tarâwîh prayer and not permitted for any other prayer. On the basis of this narration, it has been said that this is conditional on her being a reciter of the Qur’ân and their being illiterate. It has also been said that it is permitted if the woman is more well-versed then the men. It has also been said that permissibility is contingent on her being more well-versed and a blood relative. Another statement is that she must be a relative and an elderly woman. Al-Qâdî chooses the view that her leadership of the prayer is valid if she is elderly.†The Zâhirî scholar Ibn Hazm states in al-Muhallâ (2/167): “It is not permissible for a woman to lead an individual man or a group of men in prayer. There is no difference of opinion on this matter. Moreover, the texts indicate that the man’s prayer is nullified if a woman passes in front of him. Then we have the ruling of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that she should necessarily pray behind the men in prayer – while the imam must necessarily stand in front of the congregation.†It has never been related from any scholar that it is permissible for a woman to act as imam for the Jumu`ah prayer. This is not even related from those scholars who permit a woman to lead the five daily obligatory prayers. The evidence of those who permit a woman to lead men in prayer: The evidence for this view is the hadîth in Sunan Abî Dâwûd where the Prophet (peace be upon him) ordered Umm Waraqah to lead the prayers for the people of her household. There are two responses to this line of evidence: The first is that this hadîth is weak. Al-Bâjî writes in al-Muntaqâ, his commentary on al-Muwatta’: “This hadîth is one of those that should not be relied upon.†Ibn Hajar says in al-Talkhîs al-Habîr (2/56): Its chain of transmission contains `Abd al-Rahmân b. Khallâd, who is unknown.†The second response is that the phrase “the people of her household†refers to the womenfolk and not the men. Ibn Qudâmah writes in al-Mughnî (2/16): “The hadîth about Umm Waraqah merely is permission for her to lead (the women) of her household. This is how al-Dâraqutnî relates the hadîth, and this additional information is something we must accept. Had this not been mentioned, we would still have had to assume this to be its meaning, because he had given her permission to lead the obligatory prayers. We know this because he appointed for her a mu’addhin to call the prayers, and the call for prayer is only prescribed for the obligatory prayers. If we are to assume this was for her, then this would be something especially for her, because the two calls to prayer (the adhân and the iqâmah) are not prescribed for women. Therefore her leadership in prayer would be especially for her by virtue of the adhân and iqâmah being especially for her.†And Allah knows best. Remembar sis this month of march is womens day or what ever they call it. that is why you see alot thing hapning espcialy New York. and these ppl they are doing this plotic reason these has nothing to do with islam.
  16. Dhalasho wacan oo wanaagsan walaalo. Sideey horyba u dhaheen dad badan. as long you don't break the rules Happy brithday. there is nothing wrong with celebreting your own brithday what so ever. Happy 15th brithday or 19th any ways HAPPY BRITHDAY lET ME KNOW WHERE THE PARTY @<--------- by Amethyst Maybe you’re unaware or conveniently forgot that our prophet (scw) used to fast every Monday and say it was because it was the day he was born. ^^^^abaayo ma aheen nabigeena Naxariis iyo nabad galyo dushiisa ha ahaatee waxa uu usoo mijiray Isniin iyo qabiis dhalashadiisa. Search Again Inshalaah You will learn abaayo. I USED TO THINK THAT WAY BUT ONE OF THE IMAM TOLD ME IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HIS BRISDAY. Cilmi badan magaranaayi abaayo sorry but at least I help you to mention that. Kulo caamun wanta bil dhalasho MSword
  17. Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileeyhi raa jicuun. umadaan muslimiinta yaa kala qabto. aaway dadkii wax garad ka ahaa. subxaana laah
  18. Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileeyhi raa jicuun. umadaan muslimiinta yaa kala qabto. aaway dadkii wax garad ka ahaa. subxaana laah
  19. Inaa lilaahi wa inaa ileeyhi raa jicuun. umadaan muslimiinta yaa kala qabto. aaway dadkii wax garad ka ahaa. subxaana laah
  20. Sky these guy macalimuu haters is nothing to him. A man who always goes after a women who have different view. Is amezing how he is wasting his time insulting olderly people. The word RESPECT I belive he never heard, having said that he contues to close his eyes from the other peopls standpoint. His mind-set is only his strib View point :confused:
  21. by macalimuu i spoke to one of the police officers and he confided in me that he could recognize how different somalis are in terms of their civility, mannerism,attire and education. He said the ones who were shouting are typically the ones who give bad name to the somali people. the gentle and chatty officer said that these odd men looked like they were off the plane and late comers to USA. we all laughed at his remarks and agreed with him. Well I belive these is the second post that you are insulting a people who have diffrent view then yours. Women who could be your mom, older man who have diffrent opnion then yours. My brother from another mother is normal people to disagree in onething. Don't asum everyone have the same view. And please respect these older women. :confused: Every one there was very considerate and showed civility except few clan consumed, demented nut-heads backed by Dozens of poor mothers ( with clan fervor) from Cedar . Why couse they disagree with you the way you see things. Sxb horaa loo yiri Gari labo qof kama wada qosliso. If you wanted the world to hear what you beliving only is true then you have to live in deffrent world. And you mention in your post that you leave in cedar Note there are alot somalia who leave there and devently they have the right to show their View At the end, every one was saying these protesters were the same ill-mannered and illiterate men who loiter at the Starbucks coffee shop at Riverside. They said they brought their awkward despicable Fadhi-Ku-Dirir tactics to a civilized venue organized by intellectuals, religious scholars, academics, college students and good Somali folks. dents and good Somali folks. How couse they agree with you View that is why they are to you dents and good somali folks. war ileen anagaa wax aragnay. maclimuu homeboy would I be intellectuals very good scholar if I agree with you :confused:
  22. shariif ka made big mestake alowing one and dening the others. Sxb waxba yaan la is daalin wariya yaasha africka oo dhan baa ukala eexda news kee soo saaraan kuwa ay ka jacel yihiin ku wakale. Laakiin waxaa la yaab leh Shariifka iyo dadka u shaqeeyaay sababta ay ukala sooceen news media :confused: espcialy alowing BBC yuusuf garaad in uu galo
  23. The point of contention is about Ethiopia being part of this process. Setting aside Men like Yalaxoow, Atto or whoever opposes the measure for their own reasons, the sentiment against Amxaaro is very high given the fact that Muqdisho has a dominant religious residents. They figure into this and all it takes later on when you bring Amxaaro into town under whatever guise, is for them to hold sermons which will consequently line-up support for waging a war . And people will support them. One bullet against a common enemy does all the trick to send the whole house crumbling down on its foundation. There, you will have foreign troops buried in Xamar along with whoever stood by them. Saxib, What does that scenario look like to you? Are you really thinking about this? xoogsade I have to give you sxb you are very good fadhi ku dirir But answer me these if you can. why the Muqdisho has a dominant religious residents and every day is being killed for very well known scholar, espcial for the last 3 days? why people like you and the resident do see these us a normal life? I agree with you 99% Is not good idea to have front line troops in somalia couse we are muslim and we had war with them. I even don't like the idea of having any troops in our wonderfull soil. But again we have ppl like you who will tell me, and the other muqdisho is very safe that you call everday. Again we hear from ppl who vist Moqdisho is not place you will even think of staying one minute couse of the way It trun out. Guns every where their are no ruls. Shee kadu waa ninkaa ka xoog badantahay dhac The worset think to do in this life Mr Xoogsade is to play ppl's intelgent And you are doing these by telling ppl fals infromation I read your posts in diffrent occion. And don't get me wrong is only you who is doing these you have your falks who will tell us somliand and puntland is the pest place to life. again all of these are lies. We will be safe only when the govenment have power of the ppl. One&love peace and unite in our nation insha alaah
  24. 4 me oh yeah I forget lol sxb they are not up to date but I like their news. You got that right
  25. I THOUGH people choose their name by their carters. But here Macalimo I don't think you are worth ppl to call you maclimo. couse of these Some die hard supporters of the warlord presdient, mostly poor Somali mothers from Ceder, are at this moment barricaded, freezing to death, (minnesota winter doesn't discriminate), in front of the office of Republican Senetor, Norm Coleman, to lobby for the USA to support the Ethiopian invasion of Somalia - This sit-in campaign started last night and will continue till tommorrow. why would it hurt you if ppl use thier freedom of speech :confused: why ppl like your mom would you disrespect them ? :confused: Macalimo I realy fail to meet the haters you have for these poor somali women like you said expersing their view. Horaa loo yiri aduunka intaa ku nooshahay wax kasto kaayabiyo waad heleesaa.