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Everything posted by Alle-ubaahne

  1. "There is politics and there is Islam adeer" the well known believe that politics and religion can't go together! Waxaas baa munaafaqnimo lagaa dhahaa, waliba tan waa model-kii 2007, I say!
  2. Originally posted by -Serenity-: 60 pages of pure and utter... delight As for Val's great predicament, beri horaan kugu yidhi, grow a backbone and ask! Then give them a good verbal trashing, instead of whining about it or worse, going without. ^ Thats how things are done! Qofka dadka isku dira janada ma galo! :cool:
  3. Originally posted by Magool: ^ NG: Not impressed. In fact I just might delete it. Come up with something better. You used to be funny once. I guess your humour fell away with ur hair. This insult against your beautiful arrogancy should instigate the fifth world war, for the ugly Ngonge has called you Daanyeer! Ala tan dhiig malahan, caku iyo gabdhahaan mareykan lagu koriyay! :mad: :mad:
  4. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Silence defaults to agreement adeer. They must speak against such savage acts. It will only help and their cause. From what perspective does silence equals to agreement except in the case of an inexperienced girl heavied by a sense of xishood before the gethering of guurtidii bixin laheyd? We all know it was wrong to mutilate dead or alive people, but I am wondering whom are we directing to our expressions so that they will believe what we meant good in our condemnations?
  5. ^^What does that matter so long the tfg itself is foreign in the eyes of millions of Somalis? built in foreign country, run by foreingers, supported by foreigners and recognized by foreigners for the sole reason that it happen to believe in the dearest idealogy of foriegners, i.e. the governance system of Gaalo!
  6. ^^Are you trying to equalize with Siyaad Barre, the man whose legacy has spoken to get any closer to your wicked uncle, the animalistic Yeey? Caku iyo doqon!
  7. If killing the enemy that invaded our country has become believing in suicide bombings, then I believe in it, even if I fail to have a daliil in my religion, I would still stand there and say, "qaniinyo qaniinyo kale ayaa kaa fujisa" and proceed with my business as usuall! Xiinow, warka ninka maad runta u sheegtid, caku iyo hadal aan xaqiisa la siinin oo dusha laga soo marmaro!
  8. ^^They shouldn't say anything about the mutilation, sababtoo ah, people were taught what is moral and what is not. That is the gaalo way of explaining their ever-changing positions by speaking about all events in different tones. Islamic Courts were known for their solid positions, and for something like the mutilations of the enemy should not prompt them to say 'we disagree' because that is not relevent in this world where everything good you do is considered to be very bad. Even keeping the peace of Mogadishu was considered much worser than the mutilations that you make of such commotions! Let it be, and let's continue the struggle, awoowe, or keep trying to appease the enemy by conversing with them about every little details of wixii u cuntamaayo iyo waxaan u cuntameynin?
  9. Waligeedba Siyad Qutub ayey soo daliishan jirtay markii run iyo xaq loo hadlo! Wake up, adeer, the jihad on our part is proving you the best example of Bidco! You drink too much of qunsax-balaad, and talk without knowing exactly what you are talking about!
  10. ^^The best news, I can say, that delighted on my heart so far! Ilaahey janada ha ugu bishaareeyo kuwii sida geesinimada leh u war-jeefay cadowga, aamiin!
  11. ^^You seem defining the essence of war by limiting it to the physical aspect, thus leaving the rest. Saaxiib, dagaalka afkana waa jiraa, oo waa midkaan ku hayo cunuga yar ee Kabtanka is mooday!
  12. ^^Thank you for being direct with this statement. and we, the ICU, are doing exactly that to unite the country under Islam, by waging Jihad against you and the enemy. Only violence can bring us back to where we were, I say.
  13. What happen to this great man of ours? I longed to hear from him, indeed! War meel ku sheega Borofosoorkii duceysnaa!
  14. ^^Wallee waxaan ka baqayaa inteey sheherezade igu kaa aragto in wajiga lagaa fiiq-fiiqdo! Maandheey iga leexo, I have enough for now! lol
  15. Originally posted by LayZieGirl: Waa wax ayaga u yaala. So, basically you are saying I don't wear Hijab and I don't care about who they ban from using it? And I was right to believe that you were idealogically a next of kin to Ngonge, the baddest liberal in SOL! Alloow maxaan kuu dhali waayay aniga, baadiye intaan ku geeyo ayaan ariga kugu raacsan lahaa! :mad: :mad:
  16. Originally posted by Magool: Wow. What a bunch of dimwits I'm surrounded by. They are too lazy to even take a good guess. Cajiib, someone help me recognize this girl who seems less than Val! Naa maandheey maad isku keey sheegtid, intaanan qoorta kusoo qaban? By the way, good news to Sheherezade........ am all yours as of now! You never give in and now you reap the fruits for good! Congratulations........... lol
  17. ^^ehehehehe, I have to notify my mother that one of SOL girls is dying for me, for I know I can only help her with the permission of my mom, other than that, Oh, please, My Allah turn Alle-ubaahne's heart to your thousands of signals!
  18. ^^U kala dhig dhig aan ku dhahay, I know xiin marmar inuu banooniga kala-dheerta ku qaatee!
  19. Originally posted by -Serenity-: It certainly cant be because we are good looking because there is NGONGE in the list. My best guess is that Magool was sure as hell we would all respond to once our nicks were mentioned. Narcissism is a terrible! I haven't seen you in the list, ee maxaa isku qoreysaa, if I ask?
  20. Originally posted by sheherazade: quote:Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^^ Kindly remove me from that list or else I shall get my contacts to find your address and pass it on to A.U.B maxaa nin isqorey. Maxaa gabar i rabta geed iigu soo gabatay!! :rolleyes:
  21. ^^I agree with brother Taliban, since moderates are defined by the Gaalos. but I glorify the fundamentalist muslims who adhere to the foundations of our Islaam.
  22. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: ^^^ Caano Is that what happened to Alle-Ubaahne?? :eek: :eek: Cheers Zuu, Saaxiib why are you asking for my greatness to be tarnished here in the hands of these little gabdho who are waiting a word about guurkooda from me? By the way, I think its shame of the poster to include the list in brother Taliban, the man that I deeply admire and pretend to be at his level! I have to revenge for him, soon! watch out what happnes next.....
  23. More will come in the near future, IA. and more of them will mourn, probably! What can we do for them except destroy the enemy they befriend with today?
  24. Great come back, yaa shiiiiiiiiiiiiq Nuuuuuuuuuur! Masha Allah, shiiqow wax badan ayaan ku sugeynay, horta koob qaxwo ah oo kulul iga hoo, waa soo dhaweyn intaas. Neef dheylo ahna aan kuu soo bireeyo. Waxaa intaas ii dheer, shiiqow bal soo ducee, muraad ayuu leeyahay walaalkaa Alle-ubaahne, inuu ilaahey sahlo muraadka. Mar labaad, marxaba yaa shiiq fowqal shiiq, fiika kheyran kabiiran, walaahi!
  25. Originally posted by raadamiir: These guys want to waste time, the dowlad should move on with it's plans and if Odayaasha beelaha or their sons get in the way they should be dealth with forcefully and removed from the city and sent away to the prisons. They think they still rule Mogdishu they need a reality check big time. President Abduallhi Yusuf needs to show these Odayaal who the Boss is. President of North Gaalkacyo, warlord Yeey should show us what he got, or ************! Maxaad u calaacaleysaa, hadaad wax tari kartid maad ciidan u noqotid odayga naf-lacaariga ah ee tiisa la yaaban, mise intaan ayaad ka dhiganeysaa naf! eheheheh, wallee iney idinka cadahay waa loo jeedaa, laakiin waa balan ineysan waxba idiin kala socon inta ay gabar gabadheed inaga nooshahay, IA. [ March 26, 2007, 01:14 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]