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Everything posted by Alle-ubaahne

  1. Originally posted by BiLaaL: ^The people of Mogadishu and the Mujaahidiin will be the final victors. Don't forget that CIA financing and intelligence couldn't stop the last uprising in Mogadishu. The Ethiopian occupiers and their stooges will regret this ill-advised escalation. The resistance is more capable of keeping the occupiers at bay. May Allah save the innocent women and children caught up in this conflict. AAmiin to that, and indeed Allah knows his slaves over the disobedient ones! may this war be the end of Ethiopian presence in Somalia, aamiin!
  2. ^You are smart, of course, am not denying it, but the problem arises on how you use your smartness! What is unsmart about you is that you declined the reward from Alle-ubaahne, the humble guy in SOL who promotes not only our somali culture, but also proslatysis those people deviant people, like Adeer Ngonge and Eedo Cara. You really need to die, walaashiis, because smart people don't last longer in this world, at least in our society! By the way, how come smart girls always end up dump guys, and the same happens in smart boys? Aren't you afraid of that if you continue being smart?
  3. ^^Are you Muslim in the first place? How can you say this is haram or halaal without backing them up with the reasons why Allah had said so? Or you are another ethiopian-lover, i.e. dabo-dhilif?
  4. Originally posted by Khalaf: "He bothered her for a long time - at least four years," he says." ^^^her brother is a coward,...da bitiches who did this to his sisters smelled fear/weakness from em.....anyway i know u cant stop the will of Allah but still....May Allah make it easy on girls.....niggas still breathing redemption go after em Don't act like a good man, you are who you are, the supporter of the cowards, and the cheerer of the raped Muslim girls in Mogadishu, only because they are Reer Qansax! Shame on the hypocrites!
  5. Originally posted by Tyjwania: Wallee nin kibray abaalkiisa, wa la fry gareena maadhahdee waa la foorneenaa wilicaado. Hadaaba is kashiftay ma is tiri, awal inaan kusoo dhaweesto aan rabay, oon cidaheyga kusoo baro, oo aan halkaas kasii wadno, laakiin jiq ay kugu tahay walaashiis! We'll catch you in Somalia, and only then you will pay the price of what you said now! Maxaakimta in laguu sheego waaye adi!
  6. Originally posted by Janna: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: HAHAHAHA ,,, You already destroyed him badly ,,,,, now, lemme laugh so hard Abaayadiis, don't force me to take my genuine comments back from you! I am basically saying how you valued our culture has drawn many of us to applaud for you. You said that out of sincerity, I know that for sure, but your resistance to Alle-ubaahne's big checks is futile. You really need to hide your age, abaayo, because I thought you were over 30's, and now I have say you are too young to carry the big check I intended you to obtain. I am thinking about who wrote those statements besides can't happen a girl of your age could do such an amazing thing for her culture, given the mindset of 20-year-old girls towards cilaan, latest DJ Dirac, and heblaayo's Gold such and such! Finally, you are using qof kale caqligiis, definately not you, because the words that you had allegedly used were above and beyond your little self!
  7. Indeed, its a lesson for all of us, to know Gaalo has no faith in any promises they make, until they got an interest in it! Ilaahey ha kaafiyo mujaahidiinta, aamiin, yaa rabi.
  8. ^^Kaalay adiga wali gabar Hargeysa kaasoo xambaarta maa raadinoosaa?? Anakii la joognay halkan aa shiid ah, adi maxaa u maleysaa!! Areey kabaha yeeysan kaa dhamaan, mahaan walax ka dheefi meydide. lol
  9. Originally posted by Janna: quote:Originally posted by AAliyah416: I wouldn't know why any one would wear Guntino or dirac on their wedding day, bt den again everyone has their preference. I would wear a white dress no question about that .. I am saddened by reading the above comment. I wonder how many other Somali girls feel the same way? How can a Western wedding dress be compared to our traditional beauteous Guntino's or Dirac? Some of the pictures from MaggieSottero were breathtaking however why choose something else over your own culture? Some Somali girls nowadays need a slap on the face and a stratch. Abaayadiis, you really need to tell me your address or P.O.Box so that I can send you a big check for your great remarks to our culture! Waxaa tahay gabadhii ugu horeysay oo aan SOL ku arko oo difaaceysa dhaqanka Soomaalida! Masha-Allah! I have to reward you, indeed!
  10. ^^Rudy, eheheheh, I like that. walaahi myself I wouldn't trust myself with any woman, for their thinking is sometimes so upto deadly conspiracies against you! Midhaa hadaan guursado I would act doqon-doqon camal for her to underestimate me, just to escape from her terrible wrath! rudy, saaxiib adiga horta waligaa ha baqin, sababtoo ah doqon waxaa tahay aad u fiican! lol
  11. ^^Ninyahow waxaa la isku ogaa in anshaxa la ilaaliyo, oo erayada qaarkood laga fogaado, laakiin hadeer adigaaba celcelis u baahan, ama xir xiroow! Maxaa waaye timaha hoose oo la caarifaayo, saaxiibkeey? Meesha ciyaal aan abti u ahay aa soo galo oo 8 jir iyo 6 jir kala ah, waliba qeybta siyaasada, marka adeerow naga tirtir bal waxaan inteysan caruurta beri nagu soo kicin, IA! lol
  12. MMA, saaxiibkeey, maxaa dhacay? Ducooyinkii maa hadana la baxsan weynay, widaayoow! Duco interception lagu sameenaayo waligeey ma arkin walaahi, yaab iga dheh! Raali ahowba, hoos hoos inaan u duceysano waaye marka, habaarkana aan suubis uga dhigno cadowga! lol
  13. Ilaahow adaan kugu haleynay Mujaahidiinta inaad guusha siisid, Yaaaaaaaaaa Rabbi, please help us against the enemy, aamiin. ____________________________ Saacada Muqdisho markay ahayd 6dii aroornimo ayuu ka qarxay agagaarka saldhiga Wardhiigley dagaal wayn oo xalay oo dhan loo diyaar garoobayay. Taangiyo ay wataan ciidamada Itoobiya oo kasoo baxay Villa Somaliya ayaa soo gaaray halkaas, kadibna dagaalyahanada xoraynta Somaliya ayaa ku bilaabay weerar, ciidamada halkaas marayay. Ciidamadii Itoobiya ayaa u weecday dhanka isgoyska Bar Ayaan kadib markii ay ku adkaatay inay horay ugu sii socdaan wadada Wardhiigley. Dagaalkuna hada wuxu ka socdaa Bar Ayaan. Wali lama oga qasaaraha dagaalkas, maadaama uu goor dhow bilowday, waxaana la filayaa inuu noqdo dagaal wayn oo lagu kala bixi doono. Col. C/lahi Yusuf ayaa ku guulaystay inuu ka dhaadhiciyo Itoobiya in ********** Muqdisho 95% ay raacsan yihiin isaga, 5ta soo hartayna ay soo qabqaban karaan. Itoobiyaanka ku jira Villa Somaliya ayaa durbadiiba bilaabay inay madaafiic u ridaan afarta jiho, si ay u cabsi galiyaan shacabka. Dagaalka ayaa hada ka socda inta u dhaxaysa aaga Villa Somaliya guryaha Xamar-Billa. Wixi kasoo kordha dagaalkan cusub waxan idinkugu soo sheegi doonaa wararkeena dambe. [ March 29, 2007, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  14. ^^everything is bogus to you, even the Shabaab who are nothing but Dhalinyaro ilaahey diintiisa baratay, oo jecel iney u dhintaan! I am sure yourself is shabaab, a youth, but how you used your shabaabnimo is significantly very questionable than the shabaab you are accussing of shaqo-la'aan! Shame on you, & keep drinking the Ethiopian wines that keep you intoxicated!
  15. Masha-Allah that is a heroic act in defense of Islam and our land from the enemy that is occupying us. Ilaahow Mujaahidkaas janadda ka waraabi, oo ilaahow naga dhig kuwii uu u shafeeco qaado, aaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. Ilaahayoow noogu naxariiso diintaada iyo jaceelka aan u qabno, oo ilaahow imtixaanka nolosha noogu kaalmee inaan ku baasno! Ilaahow jabi cadowgeena, oo guusha na sii, oo Ilaahow adaa boqor ahee halmar na tus jabka dabo-dhilifyada iyo gaaladeey wataan, yaa Rabi, anta arxamu-raaximiin!
  16. Originally posted by Dhucdhuc & Dheylo: I am speechless. How can someone be this cruel? That is the Ethiopia you love us to heed! I was very speechless to witness your loyalty for Ethiopian invasion in our homeland! Wallee lacag iney ku siiyeen ayaan ka baqayaa!
  17. ^^What you call losers (for instance, Sh. shariif, Prof. Samater, Xiin, Alle-ubaahne) are known to me as successful and what you call successful (for instance, Yeey, Riyoole Kaahin, General Duke, Yalaxow, Aideed Jr.) are known to us losers. So, I say, is a prime contrast in definitions! You should kill yourself before your body expires, the same way your brain had expired! lol
  18. ^^Can I come for your wedding, only to be the shiiq conducting the Meher? Please, I say!
  19. ^^And I have seen you trying to hook up with Ngonge! lol
  20. I agree, but in the opposite, though! I agree, because you dabo-dhilifs don't deserve any dignity since you sold both your religion and country for the sole enemy we had long time! you need to die, saaxiib!
  21. ^^Kuwaan waa jaahiliin runtii, jaahilna daciifnimo kama weynaado! Haku daalin walaashiis, I only learn here how to deal with them, by understanding their day-to-day tactics, of mere attacks that don't amount to anything!
  22. ^^Ngonge, I hope that would be the drink I surely like, of ZamZam from Saudi Arabia, the holly water, I say. But please defend me now, of the congress of these allied women against me, only today, awoowe! ehehehehe, waa ii tashadeen waxaan wax ka badane! lol
  23. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Zaf...these ain't battery operated. War ninyahow waad ceebowday, maxeey tahay meesha aad la aaday sheekadii! I guess, you are competting with Ngonge in regard to liberalism, of no shame world, of anything goes! :confused:
  24. Originally posted by -Serenity-: Shid! imikana ma anaad i daba gashay? I still like you, don't worry, but don't break the mirror in my heart by acting gabar-isku-*** badan! Horta muxuu yahay mooskaan baas oo la leeyahay qofbaa xaday? War ileen ibtilo!!
  25. ^^Ma waxaa keentay inaad dadka *****o ugu yeertid and you are lucky for SOL management doesn't feel compelled to do anything about this sort of insults! Ma adaa joogay markuu hooyadood Morgan ka dhalaayay?