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Everything posted by Alle-ubaahne

  1. ^^Doqon iga dheh, ina damiirlaawe! We will never stop harming Ethiopians and your worn-out political capitals. Insha-Allah, dagaal iyo balaayo waxaan aheyn cadowga kuma bixi doono, waana siineynaa waxay u yimaadeen dalkeena! As for government, we need Islamic Government, and nothing less, indeed. Your infidel-trans-gaalnimo-government doesn't belong to Somalia, take it to Ethiopia and live with it by there. You have left nothing but to build a Church for Ethios in Somalia, your legacy in nutshel.
  2. masha-allah, they (the stinking Ethiopians) will buy such weaponaries from N. Korea, and all will end up on our hands, by furasho, Insha-Allah. Ilaahow hubkaas gacanteena soo gali, yaa Rabi!
  3. Meeshaan facshar iyo faqsuusnimo ayaa ka socota!! Ii soo diyaariya karbaashka bal!
  4. Originally posted by Xoogsade: Emperor, You never think this way saxib but Xiin and Paragon do great service for Puntlanders by presenting the rational voice that is missing from Duke and like-minded. Inadvertently, Their input is a damage control and repair. These two brothers and the wobbly Che, may not realize the positive effect they have on others like me, who are wounded by what is going on in Muqdisho. They will get their reward from Allah Almighty. My failure to return the respect towards them, and have them in mind when I reply sometimes, will not deter them from maintaining their excellent conduct. After all, men like them do not base their opinions on who is reading, who will rile against them, or who will praise them for their input. They are muslims first, Somalis second by their conduct, their clan comes a third and they never disowned it. In fact, they will defend their clan if transgressed upon by others as they do defend other somali clans. As for alliance, I am never into one. You haven't seen obviously what I wrote once about Puntland falling like a sack of potato and Somaliland following suit, both in surrender and humbled So, saxib, despite my forays into iffy comments here and there, I have no loyalty to a friend, to a clan, to anyone. I actually don't have friends but millions of brothers, I keep it simple because I don't want to give up my opinions for anyone or force people to accept mine if they disagree. Walaahi I wholly agree with you in this regard: Xiin And Paragon are two amazing people that I consider true brothers to all of us. To me, both of them are C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen and C/rashiid Cali Sharma'arke, two great statesmen who had embodied the true ingredients of Soomaalinimo! I salute you guys. Ilaahey janadiisa Allaha idinkugu abshiro, aamiin!
  5. ^^Looks like there is no more incoming checks from Gaalo to the mafia of TFG. waan sugeynaa wixii kasoo baxo, IA.
  6. ^^Walaahi you are indeed a walking dulqaad, full of dabeecad!! Listening the enemy to talk without interruption is a talent by itself! Aniga waxaanba is arki lahaa anoo internet-ka kaga soo dhexbaxay, malcuunka!
  7. ^^Call it Dabo-dhilif conferrence, not reconciliation at best, yaa dabo-dhilif-to-be!
  8. ^that is right, absulately, but we have no fear to fear about today. we will do what we have to do for our people, values and country of birth, regardless! Their psychological warfare means nothing to our determinations to live with dignity by defending our values and country against the enemy that is attacking us from the outside!
  9. ^^Yeey and Geedi should be beneath the shoes of the largest tribe in Somalia! with your little-dabo-dhilifness, you said a too big statement to resonnate in our ears for the next several days to come!! force is what you know, and force is what we speak today to make you understand our flaming tongue!
  10. Originally posted by Cara: Seriously, this reminds me of a recurring nightmare I had as a child. I dreamt that some complete eediot inuu i soo doontay, and everyone is too busy laughing at his antics to realize how totally unsuitable he is. Disturbing de ja vu... Sheherezade said: nacnacdaa dadka ka badatey. -------------------- Horta labadaan gabdhood, Sheher, iyo Cara waxay leeyihiin laba dabeecadood oo aan dumarka uga cabsado. Waa mida horee, Sheher waa kibir badan tahay, waliba xirato kabo aad u dhaa-dheer, ma aqaan waxay ula jeedo. Ilaahey amarkiisna jinigeyga ayaa iska jecel markeey sanka ii taagto! (waa calaamadaha lagu garto gabarta iney ku jeceshahay, don't miss that signal, lol). Cara markaan eegay, waxaan arkay gabar sir iyo mu'aamarad badan oo marwalba qorshe cusub wadata, iyo sideey kuu lug'goyn laheyd. Sibeey u xoolo jeceshahay, sababtoo ah waagii aan shukaansanaayay baan ugu sheekeyn jiray ciddo maal qabeen ah inaan kasoo jeedo! Val baa kuu soo hartay, Horta Val waxay balaayo ku dhigtay markaad damacdid inaad la hadashid afka ayey isku dhagsaneysaa....kaalay adiga ka hadal sii!!! Waxaan ka baqayaa ineey tahay gabdhaha dumarka kale la tashado oo weydiiya waxay sameyn laheyd! (Ilaahow aan la igu soo dirin, cadowgeyga waa badan yahee, lol) Laakiin ogow markeey dumarka la joogto, durbaan weyn beey hurdada nooga kicisaa, hadalkeeda iyo sideey u furfuran tahay! Balse dhibaatada ugu weyn oo sadexdooda nakala heysataa waxay tahay, Sheher iney sanka taageyso, balse aanan ka yareysan, oo anigana markaan arko shaarbaha ayaan iska tidcadaa kibir dartiis! Ragow ogaada, kibir haween waxaa u daawo ah inaad adna is kibrisid, xitaa isku day inaad ku socotid bakoorad aadan waligaa ku xaragoon, hadaad wax kale weysid! Waxaa kuusoo haray Cara, waxay is mooday iney aad u caqli badan tahay, balse ma oga inaan ka caqli badnahay oo aan qabo caqligii aan iyada ku shukaansaday! eheheh, (hadda ha iga xanaaqin maandheey, yuusan dadku moodin inay arintu dhab tahee, lol) Ugu danbeyntii Val, horta waa qof mysterious ah, runtiina iney i jeceshahay waxaan ogaaday laba sano ka hor, inta aanan Sheherezade ku daadin baan filayaa! (Correction: Sheherezade markaan ku daadshay baa inta jeceel igu dhacay, beey hadana iga aarsatay daadiskii; marka hadeer beey igu soo rogaal celisay, marka waxaan is leeyahay taloow maka aarsataa mise waad ka qaleysaa!!) Aqyaareey waxaa ila gudboon inaan Val wax la qabto, sababtoo ah Rudy ayaa igu yiri warqad suicide ah ayey qortay oo ah ineey saabbuun cabi doonto hadii uusan Alle-ubaahne jaceelkeeda wax ka qaban! Talo ayaa loo baahan yahay hadaba, ee aan caqliga inta isku darno xal raadino, laakiin balaayo waxay ka taagan tahay, hadaan Val iska guursado, oo ay Cara soo boodo iyadoo leh anigana haduusan A.u.B wax ila qaban daawo-madoobeeso ayaan cabayaa! Koley Sheherezade lagama yaabo iney waxaas ku kacdo, iyadoo og ineey aad ii jeceshahay beey hadana iska ilaalisaa iney maseerto! Wallee taas waa diracad, ilaahow ha iga qaadin! Caku iyo gabar aan sanka taagin!
  11. Fear of the worest people is death by itself! Why should they fear the cowards in the horn?
  12. ^Walaahi I testify the astounishing brilliance of brother Paragon, the former J11, of his great far-sightedness and striking ability to predict about the future of Somalia! I really should give him my seat and table! Garaasiyo Paragon, you are always one of us, a hero with no paralles, indeed!
  13. ^ you don't understand saaxiib, to all Somalis xabashi is nothing but Ethiopia. our terminology system had grown up that way, and there is no need to change it today with your precisions in meaning and describtion wise! Marka don't change our vocabs.
  14. ^^Walaahi runta aan kugu jeclahay marmar, inkastoo xijaabka markaad wax ka sheegtid aan iska xanaaqo, laakiin I agree with you fully. We shouldn't be shying away from the Maroodi in the center of Barsada. Ethiopia is the main aggressor here, the dabo-dhilifs are sitting there clapping for them to continue the killing so that they could function in our death alone.
  15. Now, are you denying your ailing uncle is the mother of all tribalisms, since he said what he said about ******** clan while addressing to incite his clansmen? Yeey is the worest enemy Somalia could ever have! but we are so glad that his so-called Fadaro system wouldn't work so long we are alive in Somalia. keep talking and we keep slaughtering the stinking ethiopians that you rely on for your boostful remarks of 'we are dowlad and we are dabo-dhilif' lol [ April 04, 2007, 01:59 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  16. ^^Oh, are you saying because of my qabiil, you wouldn't bother to marry me? Oh, you are the first racist to say that before my face! An extremely bold statement, I say! You really should know gabdho badan iney toosh igu raadshaan, Oh, ar ilaahow qofaan wax ogeyn ha cadaabin!
  17. ^Then we have no option but to marry you so that you will stop supporting Yeey and start supporting Soomaaliya's struggle against the occupation! never mind, Ok, I will accomodate your differences with the condition that you won't attack us if we attack Ethiopia and drag their soldiers on the ground. of course, you can attack us if we attack your ailing uncle, yeey. but leave us alone aan itoobiyaanka iska dhicinee, do you mind?
  18. 10830 lies and still counting on! Axmed diiriye speakes the language you speak, and nothing more! but increase the lies to support your ailing uncle before he dies with misery and humiliations in Mog.
  19. ^Horta gabar baa tahay adiga ka dhex bax siyaasadaan, walaahi kuuma fiicna, waad ku wareereysaa. Orod gabdhahaaga dhinac ka raac, oo cilaankaaga iska marmarso maalin walba, car aan kugu qabsano!
  20. ^Saaxiib, ka leexo lazygal, she has become a nice girl, indeed! Of course, I expect her to marry very soon, only a man with sound religion and character and surely that is not you, until you undergo an special program of shiiqnimo, I say!
  21. That question was asked me by a friend of mine who joins here! Then I paused for a while thinking about if there was ever gabar Masha-Allah ah in SOl! Cajiib, with their great numbers, and none of them seems suitable or Masha-Allah enough to pick! I think they become "ulihii badnaa oo mid laga qaata la waayay". Midhaa Cara, Val, and Sheherezade ayaa niyada ku haayay markaan sidaas iri! Alow Alle, war meesha aan iskaga cararo inteysan odayaasha SOl mid qoorta ii galin! ehehehe
  22. ^Your somali spelling is very impressive wallee! Oo walaaleey goormaad improvement-gaan sameesay, waa cajiibe? Mise Ghetto-gii ayaad kasoo guurtay oo......... lol just teasing, i like to bug you at times, but indeed that is a great read and Masha-Allah information. I should treat you like a good sister and a potential (eheheh) since you come to support Ilaahey diintiisa! Oh, I don't know what to give you, may be the tusbax of my Ayeeyo to keep it as for Silsilad qoorta lagu xirto!
  23. ^^Your president, of course, not ours! We have our own president, the Islamic president of Somalia Sh. shariif sh. Ahmed. And think about it, the differences between what you've got and our great leader! Waa qashin iyo dahab wallee oo aan waxba iska galin! Nina waa taariku salaad, habeen walba sariirta Melez ku seexda, midna waa halyeey sujuuda aan dhulka ka qaadin oo og xaqa uu macbuudkii abuurtay ku leeyahay! Caku iyo jaahil iyo wixii qabyaalad aaminsan!
  24. ^^Maandheey soomaaliya adeerkaa baa ugu liitee, bal u kaadi, haatan waxaan u joognaa wadadii aan ku zuulin laheyn qashinka uu wadanka naga soo dhoobay, markii howshiisa aan usoo jeesano bal markaas hanoo ahaato, IA. The sad thing is that a girl of your age shouldn't be blocking from the Muslims helping their brethren at times of crisis! Xaasidsanidaa walaaleey, ma bacaad-weyn baa ka timid?
  25. ^^kkkkkkkk, waa ku jago la'dahay ku dheh! Waxaan la yaabaa dadkaan sidaas aan u wada jeedno u liita, oo hadana is mooda iney yihiin dadka Soomaali ugu caqli iyo karaamada badan! Caku iyo jaahil xun oo wax is mooda!