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Everything posted by Alle-ubaahne

  1. ^^How you view things is dangerous, not the good pious sheikh's dream and how we saw it. by the way, you were the munaafaq who insulted our prophet (scw) and sided with the Americans against our religion, how come you are warning about the notion of shirk when you utterly gone beyond the territories and the fold of Islam?
  2. ^^So, its not yet clear to us why call him hypocrite! the qoute you presented here doesn't show any discrepencies in terms of his political stances! why do you say so without any proof, mise you are another dabo-dhilif trying to tarnish the reputation of a good mujaahid?
  3. More ethiopians will die, more Americans will be sad about that, because of the death of their christian brothers. More Somalis will be happy except the few (I say still the few, like Captain Xalane, Duke and Co.)dabo-dhilifs in Burtinle. And Somalia will officially be the next Iraq on Africa, creating more instability in the region and the America of Bush will involve in the issue militarily as they did in January by fighting our freedom-fighters in the name of terrorism! Yeey will die with a number of his friends, including Geedi and Gacmo-dheere! Paragon will be our new hero, and Alle-ubaahne will slaughter Captain Xalane in his house, making the case very simple for SOL in here! All will happen by saying Insha-Allah!
  4. ^^And that is only your poor predictions that are in line with gaalo's views towards Somalia! I am interested your original views, without the voluntary dilution you made by agreeing with the Gaalo! Say it, that anarchy was always the product of western wishes for somalia, and that Somalia was never under any form of anarchy, only a fitnah that was gone with the horrible mentalities of the past decade.
  5. Originally posted by -Lily-: Alle Ubahane, wadaad fiican ma tihid. Marka gabdhaha ugu duceyneysid miisan in oo u khordho ma wiilisha in ee tiibisha qabaan loo maleyo caato daraadeeda u duceysid? Masa adiga ku wa caloosha horsocoto aa ku jirta? The more you speak the more I begin to be comvinced of you ability for comedy. quote: And I will be the first man to run-away from you, indeed. Allxamdullilah, sii orod! You never know when I will re-embrace back to my old notion of fonding of 'gabdhaha xusul-baruurta ah', so watch you from becoming the next chumby girl on the corner! Maa iska dhahdid masawirkaaga i tus, intaa jiiro dheer iisoo galeysid!!!
  6. Originally posted by Captain Xalane: Dude,are u saying that Puntland somali ma aha?All the same,ama ha qaldanato ama ha saxsanato reports are saying that SL boys were given a good fight and thus the PL boys prevailed.All the same,the two sides are some what peaceful,lets hope it stays so.On the other hand,naceebka iyo dhaq dhaqda qaarkeed aad beey u foolxuntahay and any one can deliver good criticism with out hate being involved.Keep on playing the Qabiil cards and stuff that u guys are doing in this thread and on the otherhand,continue with the islaanimo thing.After all,munaafiq maxaa lagu yaqaan aan ka eheen the partialities and the double standards? Ma adaaba gartay inaad labo-wajiilenimo cid kale ku caaysid!! Caku iyo dabo-dhilif ay doqonnimo u dheertahay!
  7. ^^Dowlad shaqeysa heli meyside, maad gaalkaaga horey usii raacdid intaan dhulka laguugu jiidin, for there is going to be another bloody war coming soon to degrade you from the level you are now, to the lowest of ************ Wallee waxaadan ogeyn baan ogahay ee meesha iskaga carar, oo la hadal ciyaalkii reer ********** ee meesha aad ku ajarteen! [ April 10, 2007, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  8. Masha-Allah Mujaahid Bada Cas, I truly love you in Allah's sake, keep up the good spirit, until we overrun the stinking occupiers in our homeland! Guusha waan heleynaa insha-Allah, as Allah will support our pure cause against the enemy!
  9. ^^War ninyahow waligeey kuu heystay inaad ka sara marto mooyee kamaadan hoos dhicin! Waxaan balan ku qaaday inaan bixiyo waxaad igu soo qorto, IA. Walaahi waxay iga mareysaa arinta meel culus; waxaana aad u xiiseynayaa inaan janada kula soo sheekeesto Nabi Max'ed (scw) iyo saxaabadiisa, iyo ragii Maxaakimta ee Al-shabaab qaarkood, iyo Sayidkeenii Ina Max'ed Cabdulle Xassan. Waxaan kaloo jeclaa inaan aabaheey (AUN) aan isna kula sheekeesto Janada! My list is too long, ee please hasten your good programs to me so that I can hastily reach there on time! Paragon, na hogaami, kii aan hubnaad tahay'e!
  10. Igu dar, oo please igu dar liiska, waxaan diyaar la' ahay waxwalba oo la iiga baahdo oo u soconaya qadiyada wadankeena lagu xoreynayo. Diyaar iyo nus, insha-Allah. Xitaa waxaan diyaar la'ahay in la igu daro kuwa isku qarxindoona Yeey iyo wuxuushtiisa! Ogow, Paragon, hadaadan igu darin liiska, waxaan bixin doonaa laaluush fara badan, oo dhinac kale ayaan kasoo gali doonaa, lol.
  11. Originally posted by Paragon: Dabshid, whatever reer Dhahar and other towns of Sanaag decide on is up to the people who live in it right now. If they deem Somaliland or Puntland or new Danwanaag state to be the right choice, I am sure they choose it. Right now, what they don't require is trouble courters -as Puntland is proving to be. Both Puntland and Somaliland should not stir trouble in this peaceful region. The last thing these people in Sanaag and other parts of Somalia/Somaliland need is irresponsible courting of trouble. Caku iyo dad aan diin iyo iimaan laheyn; war meey naga joojiyaan qaskaan baas oo hadeey dagaal rabaan nagu taageeraan jabinta cadowga weyn ee dalkeenii xooga kusoo galay? War ileen anakaa balaayo aragnay! Paragon, oo hadda dhul cidlo ah maa la isku heestaa mise wax kale ayaa jira? Waxaan la yaabanahay sababta aan u arki la'nahay Itoobiya oo dhulkeenii xoog ku qabsatay oo aan u eegeyno dad Soomaali ah oo xor u ah ineey dhulkaas ilaahey meesheey rabaan ka dagaan! War dhiiga muslimka yaan waxaan qiimo laheyn lagu daadin, oo ilaahey halaga cabsado.
  12. good news indeed. We must do our part to enhance this conferrence, as Paragon hinted, by setting local chapters of the same-minded people who care about the freedom of our nation. Let's do it, ladies and gentlemen, together we can drive out the enemy back to their AIDS-infested houses in Addis Ababa!
  13. Hadalka noocaan oo kale ah waxay aad u xoojinayaan halganka barakeysan ee aan kula jirno Itoobiya iyo dabo-dhilifkeeda. Waxaan maqli jiray, nin indhaha caro kaaga firdhiyay waxba kuma yeelin ee uurkiisa waxa ku jira ayuu ku tusay! Taas been maahan, oo waa mida uu Sac Cali Jeelle ku hadaaqay. Thanks to Yeey, the man who spearheaded this sort of talk to show his animosity towards the good people of Somalia.
  14. This is funny walaahi, how she forces to sing in Soomaali. the white girl will never make Soomaali song complete. She sounds like Kimiya speaking in Somali. Oh how sad is that?
  15. Originally posted by rudy: yo, dirbaaxo aaye ubaahantay duqdu!! bal hadaa salka gaga dufu hajii!! bac bac ka ga siie haga tanbey!! lool. translation: Waryaa, dhirbaaxo ayey u baahan tahay gabadha!! Bal hadda salka (gadaal) kaga dhufo, xaaji!! Bac bac kaga sii xaga danbe!! lool answer: bac bac majirto, gabarta waa qurxoon tahay, uma baahna bac bac, xaga hore walaa xaga danbe! She is ok and I will marry her soon, IA. And then when I marry her, I will bac bac her from the cheek. lol
  16. Dhulka ayuu maray hakaa saarto, wallee dhul iyo cir inaadan amaan ku aheyn adiga iyo amxaarka aad wadatid! Somalis are fighting back, to drive all occupiers to their rightful places! the next war will bring us more good news, IA.
  17. Originally posted by EboniQue: ^ Caku maan ogayn inay intaasi kuu qarsoonayde. Maanta laga bilaabo daba dhilifkaaD ku darsoontay , Waaayo adiga iyo daba dhilif kuba Abuurta ala ayaad dadka ku caydaan. Caku daba dhilif ubaahne aan wax fahmin! Walaaleey dabo-dhilif lee ha igu darin, waxaad kaloo jeceshahay igu samee, waxba kama qabo! Laakiin dabo-dhilifnimadu waa iiga daran tahay geerida qaarkeed! Wallee inaad i jeceshahay ayaan moodi jiray, hadaaba maanta ii quurtay dabo-dhilifnimo! Ma hoogo oo ma ba'o, ma aneey maanta dabo-dhilif igu sheegtay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tol beelay oo dumaashi beelay!
  18. Originally posted by Legend of Zu: quote:Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: May you die in a foodcourt Buffet! Waryaa gabadha ha naga habaarin...walaahi waa kuu qunuudi doonaa haddii kale... Please iga daa ha ii qunuudine, please yaa dhal-culimo! Saaxiib I prayed her to die in a prosperous place, (food court) and enjoy food before death. Xashac, war gabdhaha habaar uma quuro, see Alle kuu galay! lol
  19. Hunguri iyo Jacaylboro, waxaan la yaabay sida aad isku daba-joogtaan meel walba ee nacasnimada ah, waliba aad ugu hadaaqeysaan erayba erayguu ka doqonsan yahay!! Wacadalaa tihiin awlaad lagu qasaaray!
  20. Nin wadaad soomaaliyeed ah oo saalix ah ayaa ku riyo ilaahey wuxuu ku tusay in dagaal culus uu dhiman yahay wali, oo ciidanka itoobiyaanka uusan hal ka fiigi doonin, IA. Wuxuu intaas ku daray, ciidamo badan ayaa imaan doona inta uusan dagaalka dhicin, oo gurmad ah, balse kurtigood hal cantuugo ayey Muslimka u noqon doonaan, oo midkood itoobiya nolol uguma laaban doono. Riyadaan bal nala fasira, koley aniga waxaan u arkay macnaha tooska ah ay leedahay iney tahay, IA.
  21. Labo ciyaal baa tihiin, fiiriya meeshaad ila aadeen iyo meesha sarre ee aan ka hadlayay! Caku iyo dabo-dhilif aan waxba fahmin!
  22. ^^Wallee adaa karbaash u baahan, hadaan been la sheegeyn, sababtoo ah timahaagii jareerta ahaa ayaad banaanka usuu deysay, according to your avater! Masawirkaas haduu adiga yahay waa in laga qariyaa dumarka uurka leh, si aysan caruurta uga soo dhicin! Waa inaan oday abtigeey ah kuu baryaa si uu kuu guursado, IA, aad ayaan kaaga naxay runtii! Ilaahey nin xijaabka ku jecleysiiyo hakuu sahlo, aamiin!
  23. Originally posted by Caano Geel: ubaahne walaal, u really have to star holding shukaansi lessons for us. Compared with these moves, the rest of us are the village ****** Saaxiib, I think I am less than where you expect from me, either I lack dabeecad and have some shukaansi talent, or I lack shukaansi skills but have dabeecad. I don't know exactly which I am missing now, but surely one of them is missing from me, because sometime ago Sheherezade accused me of lacking 'open-face or pulling-face attitude'. CG, I think you are the type of guys who can't stop begging girls for everything. that is definately the ancient shukaansi skills, you should be hanged in the national Museums of Kuntuwaareey!
  24. Originally posted by -Lily-: quote:oo anigana markaan arko shaarbaha ayaan iska tidcadaa kibir dartiis! LooL, I have the solution for you, have you ever considered comedy? You would be so successful and rich and then all 3 would want you (diving from their cyber dacas). Comedy waa xaaraan, yaa ku yiri culimada comedy ayey ku fiican yihiin? waad ii gaftay, gabareey! Waxaan ku dhaho ma aqaan, Ilaahey 30kg oo cayil ah haku siiyo, si aad u noqotid 120kg, aamiin Insha-Allah! And I will be the first man to run-away from you, indeed. May you die in a foodcourt Buffet!
  25. ^^That was the plan of your ailing uncle that H. Aydiid has revealed without permission! he is now usable against you and for your demise, that is all.