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Everything posted by nemo

  1. nemo


    ^^^Speak for your self, am not in love cos there are no one that satifies my list and yes its LONG list. Of the prefect person.
  2. nemo


    ^^^No was never in love and hope to never be. But if I was, would prefer a language I can understand.
  3. nemo


    ^^^So you admit you are in love? Whos the lucky/ unlucky girl? IB
  4. nemo


    ^^^LOL, nah the kid is just in love. He doesnt know right from wrong.
  5. Originally posted by tHe oNe aNd OnLy: one only has to look at any Nation and their economic structure to understand how hard and almost impossible it is to have a genuine Islamic nation. in this globolised environment... So you are saying that its impossible to have a genunine islamic nation? If thats your answer, thoughts like these are why its hard for us. The first muslims prove that its possible and we should be looking at how they made it. The simplest answer is they FELLOWED the quarn and sunnah. Imagine in those times, you are new to the religion and you have to build an islamic nation, while at the same time the quran was still being handed down to you. We have it easier and should be taking advantage about it and not making excuses. Allah did not only hand this beautiful religion to those earlier muslims but to all mankind. Allah knows the 21st century and the difficulties that come with it. With every difficulties there comes ease and Vise versa PS We muslims can still build a well developed islamic nation, even if the west disagree with it. The key word is UNITE. Just look at Malaysia, they are coping with this "globolised ebvironment". And Allah knows best.
  6. Originally posted by tHe oNe aNd OnLy: or have a democratic "liberal" goverment that draws much of its laws form islam. Here we go again :rolleyes: Why can't we just have an "islamic government" that fellows the quran and sunnah. We as muslims have strick rules, step by step and most of all an example to fellow (the prophet peace and blessing be upon him). We just need to fellow them. Now is that so hard?
  7. Damn she can move for a white girl..........they usually dont have any rythum
  8. 4 - Anti-Islamic: No one will be allowed to insult Islam and Muslims under any circumstances. Your post will be deleted and/or username banned if cought with any anti-Islamic attacks. Your views are welcome but your deragotory language against Islam/Muslims will not be welcomed at the expense of those muslims who pay the bill for this privately owned website. Where are ALL the Adim people? I guess they are on holiday at the moment. This is the best time to take the apportunity to break the rest of the rules i guess. PS Well said everyone else. Mashallah.
  9. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: hahahaha ,,,,, this is the best place to practice your somali chick, ,,,, don't be shy, just write what you can write ,,,, Well I know the alphabets does that count? Let see if I can remeber all? B T J KH D R S SH C G Q F K L M N W H Y And there is the vowles: A E I O U PS Hunguri/ Hungry or whatever you name is, I said I can't read doesn't mean I can't speak because I say my somali speaking is pretty good. Just never bothered to learn reading because no one taught me probably.
  10. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Waxaan kugula talin lahaa inaad magacana bedesho oo aad BADDA CAS la baxdo ,,,, Classic, I too agree the name should be changed as well. And for me not writing somali, mate it took me an hour just to read the post without the replies. so im excused then
  11. What is the cause? The cause you ask is simple ANY girl/guy who is running away from their people is hiding something I must say. But WHAT is the bigger question?? It’s just that no girl Somali wants to be the talk of the town. E.g. wearing inappropriate cloths, being seen with guys, being in certain places not permitted by Somali society ect. It is sad that these people are hiding from the Somali community and at the same time fail to realise that Allah can see you wherever you are. IS this SHS (Self-hating Syndrome) prevalent in our female folk than our male? I think it’s more common on the Somali female folks than the males because it’s always more goosier what a girl does that a guy.
  12. Does anyone know a great somali site for the "news" one with simple somali. Something you can listen, reading is out of the question. A english one would be perfect
  13. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: Hello my beloved sister ms.Me, I know I promised that I would love you unconditionally,however after seeing that you are overwieght,short,and terribly dark skinned,I have decided to keep my diamond ring and try my luck elsewhere.I hope this doesnt' cause any stress or broken heart,but I couldnt' avoid in telling you the truth..the truth is that I don't love you anymore,cuz you are too ugly for my kind..sorry sister,can we be friends though? [/i] BTW Whats Labeeb?
  14. nemo

    Doctor Dilemma

    Originally posted by Reality Check: quote:Originally posted by nameless_chick: quote: Originally posted by Reality Check: 1) Just because he doesn't pray 5 times a day does not make him a muslim by name..that is for Allah to judge Doesn't the religion say PRAYER is what distinct you from the non-Believers. That's comes from the sunnah. But noone in this world can judge who is and isnt muslim. The ultimate judge is GOD. The sunnah is part of the religion :rolleyes:
  15. nemo

    Doctor Dilemma

    Originally posted by Reality Check: 1) Just because he doesn't pray 5 times a day does not make him a muslim by name..that is for Allah to judge Doesn't the religion say PRAYER is what distinct you from the non-Believers.
  16. ^^^well said and we know that jews are the smartest of all race.
  17. Ofcourse it's Okay for a girl to ask a guy to marry her, as the prophet's wife asked him to marry her. Are we ladies any better than the prophet's wife? The only guy that would say no is one's that are low self-esteem, as to say asking a girl to marry him makes him more of a man. Or vise versa. The only girls that would ask a guy to marry them are the ones with confidents and know what they want in my opinion and not desperate as many suggest.
  18. nemo

    Who What Am I?

    Originally posted by B0B: I pray for the downfall of the yahood (May The Curse Of Allah s.w Fall Upon Them) and their fellows, am i a fantasist? Amiin with a Smile on my face
  19. worst pick up line "You look familiar is your name ......" :rolleyes: The name changes no and then but same sh%t.
  20. Originally posted by MC Xamar: quote:Originally posted by Modesty: masha'Allah libaan, great story. Do you speak somali? Only waxyar. But someday insha Allah I'll be better than this guy..... Just wondering is this Bashiir guy muslim or not?
  21. For a small country like Australia we have played great against the superstars. Even though I'm with Brazil all the way, would have been good to see the aussies kick one goal against the stars. Still there is a great chance the aussies will make it the second round. Fingers crossed!
  22. Originally posted by Abdillah: Guys, Samba boys are not overrated, unlike the english (BNP lot who won't go beyond the quarter finals and never stop dreaming about '66). Braz all the way! wooooooooooh! Agreed. Hope brazil goes all the way. Now atleast there is black people playing.
  23. These two made me laugh Originally posted by Endeavour: 9."Wanna pray in jamaat? shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet?" "Is yo dad a terrorist, cuz u da bomb!!"
  24. Originally posted by MC Xamar: Bariis iyo sabiib iyo hilib lo'.........mmmmmmmmmm...... Dude you really scare me sometimes with your somali.