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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. Power is dangerous especially one that is mixed with religion ^ He probably means religion used as crutch to gain power, kinda like what the Ummayads and Abbasids were doing. A legitimate concern. I think that pessimism, at this stage, is uncalled for. The ICU has the active support of the entire cross-section of Somali society. When the dust settles, there still will be a need for law & order. Something only the courts have been able to accomplish in the past 15 years. 13 goverments with the backing of the US, EU, AU, UN,and OIC have tried and failed what the ICU has done in 3 months time: remove the Isbaros and clear out the mooriyaan from the nation's capitol The prospect of in-fighting between the courts due to 'religous differnces' is far-fetched at best. I can understand differnces on policy direction, but to say that the courts are gonna fight each other because one is Salafi and the other is Tableegi is ludicrous. What are they gonna kill each other for; how to best make wuduu ? The courts are Muslim. As Muslims, they naturally support Sharia law and Islamic governance and everything that entails. If their are difference in interpreting islamic law, they will be dealt with by the leaders in a organized fashion. These are, we hope, god-fearing men. I just don't see how a conflict could start between them for as fickle a reason as labelling(Tabliq vs Ikhwan vs Salafi)
  2. They ranged from little babies to adult males and females. I'll never be able to get that out of my head. I can still smell the blood. This left something in my head and heart. - Observations of Lance Cpl. Roel Ryan Briones after the Haditha Massacre Another day, another massacre unearthed. Only reason why this is getting any airplay is because of Time magazine's investigation. Apparently, the Marines were out for blood because their boy Miguel got shish-kebab'd by a IED, cut cleanly in two pieces. So they want revenege, right ? And the way you take revenge is by going after the killers, right ? And the killers are the armed insurgents, right ? So the manly thing to do is to go after the insurgents and avenge the death of Miguel, right ? Wrong. No, not the Marines. These b1tchmade sorry-excuse-for-humans storm a house and drag out blind, wheelchair-bound 76 year old Abdul-Hamid and his 66 year old wife and shoot them dead. They're just getting warmed up now. Then they do the kids, the grand-kids, and the in-laws. Bam. Bam. Bam. Rest in peace, brother Miguel. We are avenging your death by murdering children, women, and senior citizens. Semper Fidelis Of course it doesn't end there. The brave Marines of the fightin' 1st go on to stop a taxicab, order everybody out, see them for the college students they are, and shoot them while they scream "Please, Please". The next stop is Eid Ahmed's house where they shoot him and his sons while the rest of the family watches. The thing the Marines need to understand is this: You signed up for this war. You f'n volunteered. So if you or any of your baby-killing buddies die, you asked for it. You bought the farm lock, stock, and barrel the minute you walked into that recruiter's office and signed them enrollments(death) papers. Watch the video and take a look at nine year old Khalid's face, twisted with agony and rage as he says: "Yaa waylakum minallah". And then ask: Why do they hate us so much ? Khalid's face will tell all. That's why we hate you so much.
  3. Ghana brought their A-game today. And with the game I saw, they can take on any team playing. ANY team. The score shoulda easily been 5-0 with the number of wasted chances. <-- Their only glaring weakness, their lack of finishing power. They get to the box and roll the ball gently to the goalie. Ghana plays the way it did today, Ameriko doesn't stand a chance.
  4. Tradional Islam will always prevail in the end. The salafiyyah and najdiyyah cult will join the rest of the splinter groups and sects in the dustbin of history, inshallah. And what Islam would that be ? The when-in-Rome Islam ? The apolitical straight chillin' Islam ? Or the all tolerant all inclusive Islam ? Help me out, cuz those are the images that come to mind when I hear the phrase "Traditional Islam". Maybe you mean the 'old school' 'Slam in all it's grave-worshipping glory and Abdulqadir Jaylani dhikr-fests. In case you didn't get the memo, them days is long gone, Bruzzar 3.141592653589793238467... The saxwa(awakening) that started in the '60s and '70s is just kicking into high gear. An Islam that encompasses every sphere of life. An Islam free of cultural impurities and philosophical drivel. And you know the great thing, people are actively studying this deen. No longer a blind reliance on Shaykh hebel said-so. Now it's "Where the daleel at, Shaykh" And yeah, that cult you speak of, you've got them to thank for a shirk-free existence. A lil gratitude is in order. Onto the interesting discussion. The problem here is that it's not a discussion but a debate. From the looks of it, Al-Buti is trying to score points boxing his opponent in and Salafi is circling his wagons. It's also being recorded, not the best setting for a constructive discussion. Here's the problem with Taqleed: Virtually all scholars, past and present, hold the view that 'Laamastum' in the ayah means coitus while Imam Al-Shafi'i alone interpets it as any physical contact including accidental brushing. Somalis generally follow the Shafi'i madhab. If they were to practice taqleed they would have to follow this apparently erroneous interpretation while disregarding what all other scholars have said. That's just one example, among many. Blindly restricting yourself to one scholar's view or one madhab is a mistake in my opinion. It may be an initial option for reverts but all of us have a responsibilty to learn this deen. "My Shaykh told me so" won't cut in the Hereafter.
  5. ^ A man marrying another man was considered an 'extreme suggestion' 20 years ago. Today, you have the mayor of San Francisco, an elected official of the people, personally conducting the marriage ceremonies. Why couldn't pedophilia follow the same trajectory ? Anything is possible in this human experiment known as democracy. Nothing is sacred, including raping babies as long as the elected representatives say it's OK. Just give it enough time.
  6. MC Jibis-ka, I got summin' for you, akhi "The pen is lifted from three people: A person sleeping until he wakes up; an insane person until he regains sanity; and a child until he reaches the age of puberty." Reported by Ahmad, Abu Dawood, An-Nasaa’ee and Ibn Maajah. Ilaahay ha uu naxareesto. Ameen.
  7. Dear Socod-Badne, You are a joke, akhi. A cartoon of epic porportions. Why do I say that ? For two reasons: a) You continually talk out of your rear end(metaphorically of course, there's only one Ace Ventura) and think it's funny(it's not). b)You habitually disregard the truth, facts, or any semblance-of whenever it's convenient for you. Take our little 'discussion' about the Battle of the Camel and the events leading up to it. You clearly admit to not knowing(you say remembering) what you're talking about. Yet you analyse it like you studied Islamic history in college. So you don't read(or you forgot what you 'read'), you have no sources to quote from, and you expect us to take you seriously ?? I mean, can you at least see where the clown image is coming from(besides your avatar). You wanna be a comedian, fine by me. Take it to the Jokes section. But don't fabricate and revise the history of the men and women who lived and died fighting for this deen. Finally, the Riddah wars were purely religious. These people renounced their Islam and went back to idol worship, in many cases claiming their own prophets. There's nothing political about that. Apostasy at it's best.
  8. Originally posted by askme: I have a question Is using that rubber permitted in the religion or not brothers? Tell me only if you have knowledge about this topic and ONLY if you have got dhaliil ( evidence). Jazakallahu kheiran I don't know much but I do know that in Islamic fiqh, all things are considered halaal, unless there is evidence to the contrary. Alcohol at one point was considered halaal until the ayaat banning it were revealed. So the burden of proof lies on those saying condom use is haraam, which I haven't heard before. Here's Shaykh Al-Munnajid's answer : It is permissible to use condoms so long as this does not cause any harm and so long as both husband and wife consent to their use, because this is similar to ‘azl (coitus interruptus or “withdrawalâ€). But it reduces the sensation of pleasure, which is the right of both partners, and reduces the chance of conception, which is also the right of both partners. Neither one of them is allowed to deprive the other of these rights. (For more information, see Question #1100 and 566). And Allaah is the Source of strength.
  9. Now after graduation from these prestigious academies of higher learning, your daughter becomes a swimsuit model, and your son joins the Egyptologists digging for Nafertiti Pharaoh's hidden graves in Ras Xaafuun in Bari Puntland, convinced that he is a decendant of Monkeys I think I'mma go with Plan #1. Defintely doable. Now real estate dealers have a reputation just a notch above car salesmen. So what's the catch, Shaykh Hustler ? What are you getting outa this ?
  10. Brudda ***-Badne(notice the self-censorship), Tell you what. You aim your misplaced sarcasm elsewhere, say towards the few flaming tribalists in the Politika section, and I'll be polite and civil. We might even become pen pals You might think comments like this: It was a war commanded and fought by camels of both sides ..are cute and endearing, but they're not. You do not discuss tragedies in a flippant tone. Anyway, you're way above your head here, Homer. Either you pulled a quick Operation Google and you have no idea what you're talking about, or you're deliberately tryna mislead people with false facts. Mainly because its no major secret Aisha disliked Ali for previously accusing her of adultery. An outright lie. Where'd u get this from ? Ali never accused Aisha of anything anywhere anytime. The only people accusing Aisha of adultery were the Munafiqs(hypocrites) of Madinah, who were using it to attack the Prophet's stature. The Prophet held a meeting with his companions on how to handle the crisis. Some advised for him to keep her while others advised divorce to quell the scandal. Keep in mind this was before the Ayaat came down vindicating Aisha. Ali just so happened to be among those advising divorce to protect the Prophet. Aisha and her half brothers weren't blood relatives of Uthman and yet they were more vocal in hankering for avenging Uthman's death than Uthaman's OWN blood relatives. That, on it's face, invoked suspicion of their motives and is what spurred Ali and his forces to gear up for battle. The Caliph of the entire Muslim world is murdered in his own house while reading Qu'ran and the capital of the Ummah is under siege by a band of rebel cutthroats. You think this should only concern "Uthaman's OWN blood relatives" ? This was beyond personal politics and blood feuds, waryaa. This was about the future of the Muslim Ummah. The leading companions each thought of the best way to navigate through these tough times and they came to differing conclusions. Sa'ad bin Abi Waqaas, and many others, thought that this was the fitnah the Prophet warned about and decided to, per his instructions, stay home. Aisha, Talha, Zubair demanded immediate punishment for Uthman's killers. Ali, being elected Khalifa, wanted to stabilise the Caliphate first, and then punish the killers. His was the correct choice, which was acknowledged by all later on. The guiding factor through all of this was what was best for the Muslim Ummah and not the political soap opera you and other history revisionists so desperately try to portray. Wrong there ranger! Abu Bukr (the 1st Kaliphate) had to suppress a rebellion shortly into his rule. That was the first time muslims faced each other with a sword. Waraa ***-Badne, kaalay athiga dugsi class ma soo marin ? I mean this is basic Islamic history. The Arabs rebelled after the Prophet's death. Some claimed their own Prophets. If-Quraysh's-got-a-Prophet-so-can-we kinda thing. Some refused Salah and Zakat. Some just refused to pay zakat and would do everything else. What you need to get through that revisionist head of yours is that: These people were not muslim ! They were Murtads(Apostates) who rejected Islam because it conflicted with their desires. Abu Bakr unleashed a WMD called Khalid on them and they soon woke up re-embraced Islam. My sources: Ibn Katheer's Bidayah wal Nihayah al-Mubarakpuri's Raheeq Al-Maktoon(Sealed Nectar) Yours ?
  11. Waraa Urr-Badne, cut the crap aight, it's seeping out of your pores digitally. Thanks. Abdul-Waaxid, Wa Alaykuma Salaam, After the murder of Caliph Uthman, Ali and Aisha had a difference of opinion on how to punish the killers. Ali, seeing how weak the Caliphate was, decided to return the lost authority and strength of Caliph office by securing pledges of allegiance(bay'ah) from the rest of the Muslim Ummah, then punish the people responsible for killing Uthman. Whereas Aisha and a few other prominent Sahabis wanted immediate punishment of all those responsible for the murder of Uthman. An unwise idea in Ali's mind because Uthman's killers had effective control of the capitol and everybody in it. That difference of opinion led Aisha, Talha, and Zubair to recruit an army to go after Uthman's killers. Ali saw that as a serious mistake and and raised his own army to stop them. Keep in mind that while all this is going on, all parties involved had nothing but love for each other. They only differed on how to confront and resolve these new events(Uthman's murder, disobedience from some governors, etc) that would for the first time make two Muslims face each other with a sword. This was no revolt or civil war in the traditional sense, but a sincere difference of opinion for the good of the Ummah. The battle itself was instigated by rogue elements on both sides that knew they were going to be brought to justice should peace take place. So they attacked each others camps simultaneously; both armies thought they were treacherously attacked and the battle was on. Muslim killing Muslim, and in many cases, family members fighting against each other. If you're nice with the Arabix, I'd suggest Tariq Al-Suwaidan's audio series on the entire fitnah timeline. It breaks down everything from Uthman's murder all the way to Ibn Zubair's death and the Ummayad consolidation of power. Be careful of what source you use to read up on this part of our history. Fabrications and false allegations are all over the place. So if you google: "Battle + Camel" and get this kharaabeet, you know whussup.
  12. goading daughters of a tribe/town to seek out and sleep with the most brave and notable soldiers to improve the stock of such a tribe. Never heard of that, reads like the Greatest Hits of Freud & Darwin. Where/when does/did that happen ? Source please. Egg selling ? So that a mad scientist could mix & match it with a sperm and voila, a made-to-order zygote is ready for the womb ? That's two steps away from Frankenstein(not that they could ever create life).
  13. . You asked for it, Mathematics. Respect the Kong. Kaynaan, talented artist as he is, would be doing his fans(and himself) a big favour if he cleaned up his act. No amount of fame is worth selling out your principles for. A Somali version of Native Deen is what I have in mind.
  14. Line'em up. Shut'em down. Takbeeeeeeeer. Been a lil while since we've seen a vocal outspoken Muslim public figure. Very refreshing to see one who actually uses "Allah" instead of "God". All hail Anthony ibnu Tony Al-Mundine
  15. ^ So why not apply the old "Sins of the Father shall visit the children" rule. If we can't get the warlords themselves, we can hit'em where it hurts most: Heart & Home. What if we somehow made a census of all the warlords who have family members abroad. Names, address, occupations and then harrass the hell out of them, among other punitive actions ?
  16. Adeer, xamar cid kastaa ka timide, Aabahaa xagu ku dhashay. A: Usi laftiisa Xamaras ku dhashtay , (Isku raran) O: hmm, waxan ku waydiiyey, Awoowgaana? USA --> KSA --> USA Kulu shay yarjac ilaa aslihi
  17. ^^ You forgot the most crucial quote of them all ""There is nothing in our book, the Koran, that teaches us to suffer peacefully. Our religion teaches us to be intelligent. Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That’s a good religion." "Message to the Grass Roots," speech, Nov. 1963, Detroit (published in Malcolm X Speaks, ch. 1, 1965)"" Fatiha for Malik El Shabazz I don't understand. I've heard of reading the "Fatiha" for something/somebody, but don't really know how it works. Could you explain the mechanics ?
  18. Finally, Somaliland's soverignity, independence and self-determination is permanent, irreversable and nonnegotiable. Nomadic piece of advice: Don't talk in absolutes when it comes to politics. SL leaders would sell you and your beloved Sovereignty down the river in a heartbeat if they were payed enough(and I'm not talking camels). Disillusionment sucks, but hey, it's the way of the world. Case in point: The civil war in Lebanon. Christians(Maronites and what not), Shia's, and Sunnis are happily hacking away at each other for 15 years. Dead as a dodo Fahad calls them together in Taif, doles out a few billion dollars to all the warring factions, and buys himself a place in the history books as a peacemaker. End of beef. Promise them enough money and they'll be trumpeting the benefits of unity even louder than General Duke Nukem himself Anybody got a billion bucks to spare ?
  19. ^^ As expected, you tuck tail and run, boyo. Once shook, always shook. Good JB's last stand came down to three bouncing clowns ? Yaa Khasaara Do yourself a favour and debate if it's intellectual confusion(Who am I, Why am I here, Am I man or a woman) that's causing your weak attempts to justify your atheism. Better luck next time, or you could scroll a few threads down and visit Nurtel Opticians, I hear they have a very good Opthamologist who has done amazing work with patients from Somalinet.
  20. You know what would be really cool. If the film-makers could get enough funding and just mail out the DVD randomly, by the millions, to regular folk across the country. Just mass mail it untill it becomes a cultural phenemomen and the people start demanding answers. That, or get Al Sharpton on our side.
  21. Siad Barre. Gamal Abdel-Nasser. Hafiz Al-Asad. What do these men have in common ? They were all operating on a anti-Islamic platform. During the blessed Islamic awakening of the 60's and 70', these dictators did their utmost to combat and persecute Muslims who were slowly coming to grips with the fact that this deen is not a cultural relic to be practiced on Friday, but that it is a complete and systematic way of life. So when they demanded that Islam be implemented on the political arena, they were mercilessly persecuted by the state and it's Gestapo forces. Whether it was by the execution of 11 scholars, or mass jailings and subsequent torture of the Ikhwaan, or the destruction of an entire city to the ground(Hama), they spared no effort in trying to supress the Islamic awakening(the Saxwa). Their motives doesn't matter, nor do their beliefs and proclamations. Their actions are there for all mankind to witness and judge. These facts must be acknowledged, and the whitewashing of public figures, just because they're dead, has gotta stop.
  22. Still believe 9/11 was the work of evil-doers who hate our freedom ?.... open your eyes and click it here.
  23. whatever flaw somalia has a nation, there is one thing that clears our account, our ability to never bow down to a white man You know, I used think the exact same thing. Used to have this vision of Somalis as proud, noble warriors( each and every one of them was somehow related to Quraysh, Bani Hashim preferably ). Going to war with each other over the slightest insult, but then fast making up and exchanging camels and nubile virgins( My uncle told me) in a great peacemaking feast known as the zab. Anyway, apart from the camel-stealing and virgin-kidnapping, they sounded pretty cool. Plus, we kicked the combined asses of the Marines and special super-secret elite Delta Rangers. So I guess that made us some hot stuff, right ? Enter my big mouth. I cracked one too many jokes about black people in front of black people(friends, of course). I always had the "Somali-Lions of Africa-bow down before no man" card ready to play. Until one brothaman had enough and went to the library to research the history of Somalia. He came equipped and I got slaughtered. Among his findings: -Many Somalis served in the British Imperial Army as lowly soldiers. Not Askari officers like the Hindis, but common foot-soldiers. Preparing and serving the white usurper my food, on my land ???? Noooooooooooooooo Say it ain't so :mad: :mad: - The "bow down before no man" theory got destroyed: The Britishers just made us recognise them as our protectors and sign a few documents saying that the land belonged to the Queen, but the Italians practically owned us, banana plantations and all. Add to that the French, Ethiopians, and Kenyans just taking bits and pieces of our land, and we pretty much bowed down to every man. No other nation on earth has had so many masters in such a short period of time. Warriors.....or B!atches ? - Finally, and this is the most painful relevation, he claims he can knock out any man from East Africa. According to him, all we know how to do is shoot Ak-47s wearing flip-flops and skirts So that kinda burst my bubble, especially after I did my own research and found out that our past history, on the international level, was a sad and humaliating one, except during the brief reigns of Sayyidka and Axmed Guray(raximahumallah). Anyway, I'm proud Allah made me Somali; love the good-natured non-stop foorjo & kaftan, the strong family ties, the ability to survive and thrive anywhere in the world, and last but not least I also am a noble, proud warrior from Quraysh
  24. I am thankful to Allah that I live in a country where the constitution protects me against federal government violating my due process right. The right to due process is the greatest constitutional check against arbitrary infringement of human right. This right originated from what those mullahs would call “Kufrâ€. This is the fountainhead of liberty in Anglo-American history. This is the only process that mandates the fundamental right of people. I live in that country, too. And I see a radically different picture. I see a system that routinely lets murderers and criminals of all kind walk free after serving a few nominal years in prison. And even when convicted and sentenced to death, rarely is the criminal executed. He spends the rest of his years eating 3 square meals and playing ball with his convict brethren. Justice ? For whatever strengths the American judical system has in protecting civil liberties & rights, it fails miserably in providing justice and closure to the victims and their families. The movie In the Bedroom* powerfully demonstrates this not-mentioned-frequently-enough aspect of American life. *I give the movie a halaal rating of 7/10. Pretty clean for a R rated film. I can imagine how the poor soul struggled or convulsed when the beast was stabbing him to death. Poor choice of words there, akh. Who's the poor soul ? The 16 year old who was robbed of his father, or the man who did the murdering ? You may disagree with the method used, but given the chance, would you not want to dispatch your father's killer with your own hands ? Honestly, now. There's no denying it. It's one of the most deeply ingrained urges to protect your loved ones and to visit vengeance on those who hurt them. The 'beast' in this case is this fake court that has made a mockery of Sharia law with their P.R. stunt, and in the process ruining the good name of other courts that provide much-needed stability in the areas they control.
  25. ^^ It's all politics, good neighbor from the north. The illegal aliens wash their cars, clean their houses, and pick their cotton. In return, they get paid dirt wages, no health insurance, no retirement, no workman compensation. A capitalist's dream, in short. These 'aliens' are as American as a Negro in 1865. The Republicans have a mid-term election and 2008 coming up. With Iraq in shambles, Katrina horribly mismanaged, and gas prices headed towards 4 bucks, they think that immigration reform and "Kick the Foreigners Out" will save them. There's also the small matter that's terrifying the hell out of White America: Hispanics are making too much babies, too fast.