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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. ^^ You can watch the video of the interview by clicking on the Free Video on the right-hand side of the page. Prof. did his homework and was about to flip the script on Tucker before time ran out. Here's a link to the actual paper he presented, complete with graphics and sources.
  2. At long last, Proof positive from none other than a respectable professor of physics at Brigham Young U. Time to take your blinders off and get cured from tunnel vision, naysayer(s) Put up or Shut up Read the transcript/watch the interview, then holla. Quotes from the transcript: CARLSON: I want to read you a quote from the 'Deseret Morning News,' a paper in Utah, from you. I'm quoting now. "It is quite plausible that explosives were pre-planted in all three buildings and set off after the two plane crashes, which are actually a diversion tactic. Muslims are probably not to blame for bringing down the World Trade Center buildings after all." That's, I would think, pretty offensive to a lot of the people listening. Do you have any evidence for that? JONES: Well, not-not to the Muslims, I might say. CARLSON: Well, that's good. JONES: I have a lot of e-mails. CARLSON: I'm sure your writings greeted with just glee in Islamabad, and Peshawar and places like that. But for Americans. JONES: Well, I haven't received notes from there, but just good people. I have Muslim friends. Let me read, for example, but I'm not going to let you off the hook. I really want to do this experiment with you. CARLSON: We don't have a lot of time for experiments, Professor. But if you could just ... give us one thing to hold onto. How-you make these claims, or appear to make these claims ... *highlights and emoticons mine. Two things: Mad respect going out to Tucker Carlson for a) having the testicular fortitude to bring such a 'raving lunatic'on his show. b) actually contemplating the 'unthinkable' itself and trying to understand it.( read his blog for more). My real-o-meter is reading a perfect 10/10. A first for the bow-tied conservative demographic. His hood stripes are even more impressive when you find that he was consistently against Operation: Naked Aggression from the get-go. Is this the beginning of the end of the 9/11 myth ? What will it take to convince the Big-Brother-said-so crowd ? A letter signed by the leading American scientists declaring it to be virtually impossible for the towers to collapse because of the impact and subsequent fires alone ? What about a leak, like the on-going Plame-gate scandal ? . Whatever the case, you can either get a rude awakening(OMG, no way, it can't be) or not be a gullible fool in the first place who accepts conventional wisdom without a second thought. لعمرك ان الحق ابيض ناصح**ولكن حظ المعاند اسود
  3. ^^ Whining-fest III: Return of the Harpy. Let by-gones be by-gones, shawty. A direct constructive approach will give you better results rather than misplaced sarcasm. Not to mention: With great Moderatorship Powers, comes great civillised discussion facillitation.
  4. 15 second sample: This I believe: It's gonna be fun matching screen-names with personalities , accents, and speaking style. Does Rudy speak the way he writes, or is it a uncureable hooked on ebonics addiction (yo,yo,yo,yo,yo,yo,yo,yo,yo) . Does Tolstoy really launch into a 30 min speech everytime somebody questions the wisdom of further disintegrating the(already disintegrated) Somali peoples ? and finally, is it true that Haddad(missing in action) is a cyborg robot.
  5. ^^ Thanks Bishy :cool: In my humble opinion, conspiracy stories whether they exist or not are tall tales the weak parties in any conflict tell to themselves in order to soothe their pains. I second that. Conspiracy stories are an easy way out, Boom Shakalaka and you've got an answer for all your problems. Son: Daddy, why are we living in a refugee camp ? Father: Son-Son, because the Jews control the world and all it's leaders through a secret society, Here read this book(Protocols of the Elders of Zion) and it'll explain everything. The same goes for UFO sightings etc. A lazy man's tool. That said, make no mistake about the lengths the US goverment will go to to cement it's status and maintain it's dominance. My question remains: If the US goverment was prepared to slaghter it's own citizens to find a pretext for invading Cuba, why do many find it hard to belive it could stage a 9/11 and in return gain a lasting foothold in Muslim world, not to mention those priceless natural resource. In the absence of concrete definitive evidence, the events of September the 11th must still be researched. The official 9/11 commission report raises more questions than it answers. I hope you're not doubting the authenticity of the Northwood documents, it's beyond proven. but let's say it might just be 'spin' for distraction. Do you think it's beyond the powers that be to sit down, discuss, and implement such a horrific plan ? Operation Northwoods, a 1962 United States Department of Defense plan to commit acts of terrorism (real and/or simulated) on American tourists in Cuba and blame them on the Castro government to encourage support for an invasion of the country to depose Castro, was long considered to be a groundless conspiracy theory until the project's documents were declassified and published. The operation was approved by the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but was rejected by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara. General Lyman Lemnitzer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, was fired shortly after.
  6. That 'someone at the CIA' is none other than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and every member on the Committee. Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff It doesn't get higher than that, buddy. They ARE the US goverment. Plus, once an idea is put on paper and signed, it no longer remains an abstract idea. It becomes official policy. Eitherways, Do you honestly beleive that 9-11 was staged? Can't say for sure now, but yes, I'm leaning that-a-way. staged meaning: orchestrated by forces other than the oft-mentioned 19 hijackers and Al-Qaida. ,<--- They may well have been pawns in a game of chess with international ramifications.
  7. If your country is feeling to be wiped out of the world map,& you are the president of such a country, what would you do? Lemme see, I'd probably display signs of leadership(that's what I'm paid to do) by confronting the problem head-on. Even if that means a full-fledged invasion of Cuba. One thing I would not do is murder and terrorize the very same people who elected me into office so that i'd have a pretext to defend them. That's not the case here. The Cuban Missile Crisis came later. When Operation Northwood was proposed, there was no threat of Castro attacking the States. They, for whatever reason, coundn't stand a Commie state in their backyard and decided to take him out. I have no problem with that. But since when was it OK to even think about engaging in domestic terrorism to acheive a foreign policy goal. I'm just using this example to demonstrate the ruthlessness of the US goverment and how far it's prepared to go. How different is the State and Defense Departments from any other terrorist organization ?
  8. Peep this: Operation Northwoods, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war. The suggestions of Northwoods include: Start rumors about Cuba by using clandestine radios. Stage mock attacks, sabotages and riots at Guantanamo Bay and blame it on Cuban forces. Firebomb and sink an American ship at the Guantanamo Bay American military base - reminiscent of the USS Maine incident at Havana in 1898, which started the Spanish-American War - or destroy American aircraft and blame it on Cuban forces. (The document's first suggestion regarding the sinking of a U.S. ship is to blow up a manned ship and hence would result in U.S. Navy members being killed, with a secondary suggestion of possibly using unmanned drones and fake funerals instead.) "Harassment of civil air, attacks on surface shipping and destruction of US military drone aircraft by MIG type [sic] planes would be useful as complementary actions." Destroy an unmanned drone masquerading as a commercial aircraft supposedly full of "college students off on a holiday". This proposal was the one supported by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Stage a "terror campaign", including the "real or simulated" sinking of Cuban refugees: "We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington. The terror campaign could be pointed at Cuban refugees seeking haven in the United States. We could sink a boatload of Cubans enroute [sic] to Florida (real or simulated). We could foster attempts on lives of Cuban refugees in the United States even to the extent of wounding in instances to be widely publicized." Burn crops by dropping incendiary devices in Haiti, Dominican Republic or elsewhere. Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, anybody ? Sorry, bad joke. Wow. For all the conspiracy theory-haters out there, sorry to bust your bubble but this ain't no conspiracy. The documents are authentic drafts and memos from meetings that took place among the top brass of the US goverment, all which were recently declassified. Check it all out at the National Security Archives at GW University(in case Wikipedia happens to be an anti-American hotspot) All of that terror and destruction(aimed at tax-paying patriotic Americans) for one modest goal: overthrowing the Castro regime. Compare that to a)redrawing the socio-political map in the Middle East, 'spreading freedom throghout the land and among the masses'. b) gaining control of a quarter of the planets oil and gas reserves. c) keeping the tabs on the next great big threat: that slumbering giant called Islam. Would a 9/11 be worth it ? Perfect pretext,domestic and international support: The Land of the Free was attacked, It must show the world it's response. If that response entails destroying and taking over a few countries, it's all good, you're just 'destroying the seeds of terror', uprooting an 'ideaology of hate and intolerance'. You gotta give the devil his due: Impressive. But umm hold on, maybe the US machine did change over the course of 40 years, maybe it no longer lives and breathes the 'ends justify the means philosophy. Maybe it's um er nice and good, like a big fuzzy teddy bear. But then again that begs the question: If it was prepared to kill and murder it's own citizens then for a trivial goal, what exactly has changed to stop it from doing so now(and with much bigger stakes at hand). Wierd. Draw your own conclusions but don't be a fool who trumpets the conspiracy theory charge when his comfort zone is threatened with such conclusive evidence as Operation Northwood. You heard that right. The US goverment likes to kill people. Strictly business tho. All in the line of duty. It's methodical and principled, which I guess makes the suffering more palatable. I mean, check it: would you rather go out at the hands of the greatest military machine in history, or at the hand of an wild-eyed crazy terrorist ?
  9. "this" just so happens to be a prime example of a pack of wild dogs(make that white devils) on a rampage. "this" and honourable retribution have nothing to do with each other. Thanks for the graphics.
  10. ^^ Differentiate, if you will, between honorable retributuion and a pack of wild dogs on a rampage. There's a not so quite subtle difference between the two that even you can tell.
  11. On issues that I think are worth debating, I would still debate and shall not (insha allah) be hindered by the fact that those I’m debating with are of an inferior cerebral ability and weaker disposition. It is to the reading spectators that I play. No man who expects to be taken seriously talks like that. For sheer entertainment value, I say rock on. :cool:
  12. Aeronwen, I went to great lengths to point out that I wasn't incriminating Bob Marley Jr because of his 'Jamaicanhood', but because of his actions. The same fate should await anyone who does what he did. As for your excessive punishment clause, it did make me think, but unfortunately, there is no other mechanism to deal with a situation like this. At all. The courts are ineffective(child support ? this is wayyyyy bigger than $$$), society views it as a normal occurence, and his buddies are congratulating him on gettin' some of dat. The cycle has got to be stopped dead in it's tracks. The message has got to be sent out that no longer will our womenfolk be an easy target; there will be fatal consquences for the wrong move. I'm not saying this 'solution' is a one-fix wonder, there probably still will be some(hopefully few) teenage pregnacies and abortions and domestic violence, but it will greatly help in restoring order and inculcating honour and self-worth in our communities. Pucca, Who said anything about judging/punishing ? This is just a real-life manifestation of Newton's 3rd Law(it's a little skewed, to be accurate !) but as I said earlier, their Zina is between them and Allah(SWT). The Pregnancy, The potential Abortion, the family break-up, the threats, the possiblity of said pregnant teen running away to God-knows-where encountering street life at it's worst= That's when we(society) join the equation. It directly affects us from all angles and we have an collective responsiblity as muslims to do something about it. Btw, we're not dealing with a what-if scenario, but an actual case that triggered this discussion and which my argument is based on. Allah(SWT) will do right by us when we do right by ourselves, i.e, getting pro-active about our social ills and not wishing it away. Sheh, Please point out the explicity defined solution to this problem. We have a specific case on our hands so make sure you have the right frame of reference. I'm not advocating vigilantism in the Wild Wild West sense. vigilantism=lawlessness=fitnah and fasaad= innocents suffer. What I'm advocating is (how do I word this, it still sounds like vigilantism !) umm analysing situations like this on a case-by-case basis, where then, the family(or a neigborhood council) would reach a conclusive decision on what to do. One option that should be on the table is capital punishment, i.e the whole D-E-F thing. It sounds weird, I know. But trust me, it's doable. I don't want to even get started with the number of homicides that go unsolved each year. So logistics isn't an issue( the kinks can be ironed out), it's the morality of the whole venture some of you still have doubts on. But don't worry, those hardest to convince make the strongest believers.
  13. @Someone among us should use the bones of that jamaican as toothpicks, and drink his maraq, then, for hargabka or is qarasbixin ^^ Hear, Hear !!
  14. Brown, Brown, Brown... You da one main man I was relying on to back me up. You pulled a fast 180 on me, Akh lol Fo real tho, What other option is there ? B4 we get into that, I hope you do agree that it is a crime ? not necessarily because they're doin' the deed(that's between them and Almighty God) but because of the ramifications and consequences of their choice. Feel me ? Now, again it's upto the girl and family to decide what course of action to pursue, but if they want this dude dead, and have the means and logistics to do so, who are we to say: It's cold-blooded murder. You may argue that's not how we do business in the West( there's law and order and courts and what not), but you gotta accept the proven effectiveness of 'natural justice' in individual cases. Have you read Grisham's "A Time to Kill" ?, the very first novel that got me hooked on him. Pain-stakingly realistic and partially based on real-life events. Premise: 11 year old black girl is raped by two white man. What to do, Brown ? Let the courts handle it ? accept it as 'fate' and bury it inside you. ? the Father does what any human with an inch of decency would at least attempt do, get the monsters who destroyed the innocence of his precious ones. And oh, does he get'em. :cool: This is not a Don Quixote-like fantasy, but a hard cold read. To those who have a hard time accepting my suggestion because of their aversion to violence: I'm NOT advocating a world of freewheeling Mooriyanism , but am acknowledging the fact that extreme circumstances call for extreme measures, All options should be on the table. A quick Istishaarah followed by Salaatul Istikhaarah, and ur ready to roll, with whatever decision you reach. Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft. - Teddy Roosvelt.
  15. Aerowyn(the authentic Welsh spelling, mind you, yours is anglicised), The homies can handle me. How will they ever learn how to stand up for themselves if Mother Hen is always rushing to shoo away the King Rooster. P.S. I didn't see you talking about 'negatively-charged electrons' when an esteemed Nomad called another equally esteemed Nomad a 'flaming racist bigot'( a very eloquent insult !!). but hey, don't sweat the small stuff. Keep it moving. Just ease off the partisanship. Enjoy your Afur(not dinner, but a full-fledged Afur)
  16. ^^ You disappoint me. You really do, Johnny. There I was quaking in my dacas, asking myself what sort of witchcraft will John-ka hit you with, now that he's heated up nice and proper. And the best you can do is this: Originally posted by Johnny B: Here is your stance: quote: Far waa wayn: Abortion is a far more henious crime than FGM. Cutting of a hand, a foot, or a clitoris for that matter can never come close to ending sacred life. ...I'd have the family shoot the Jamaican dude(who impregnated her with his vile najaasah) dead. It can be 'fixed' so that he's another black statistic. It's very doable, runtii Now neither me nor Stalin or Mother goose can help you out. For anybody reading with an objective mind-set, there's simply no mistaking a contradiction between my 1st statement and the 2nd. But you're up for an argument this morning and I'm game(it's a Saturday and it's pouring outside). 'Sacred Life' in that specific example refers to the fetus in the womb, hence I didn't use any qualifiers, assuming there would be no nitpickin' literalists on the prowl. But the statement still applies elsewhere. Ending any life without justifiable cause is also henious. With me so far ? Good. Now all we gotta do is define what justifiable cause is. I say it's relative on crime committed and consequences of said crime. Using that criteria, impregnating a girl out of wedlock is justifiable cause numero uno for reasons I've harped on earlier. In other words, there is cause to end the life of Bob Marley, Jr. To be clear-cut for any potential nitpicker: there is nothing henious about ending his life and only a fool would draw a parallel between that and a fetus getting murdered in the womb. One is just retribution for grievances rendered, the other is murder, and ending sacred life. Feel me ? I won't even ask you to defend your ridiculous assertion. We both know the sole purpose was to rile up the 'religous' folk. It's kinda sad to see that you have to resort to 'flaming' to get ur point across.( I succesfully resisted the urge to add, "at ur age", must be gettin' the hang of the whole 'civility thang') Enjoy your Iftaaa...... that's my bad, almost said Iftar(what was I thinking !), Enjoy your kvällsmat/middag
  17. John-ka, bear with me here, aight You just made a extremely generic charge: More Religion= More Cruelty/Less Sense. Since you are SOL's reigning Chief Intellectual, that's an unforgivable lapse. All I did was point out the fallacy. Ka gudub. Me and my stance ? What is my stance, pray tell. Scroll up and read. On second thought, don't bother. I'll give it to you plain and simple. FGM=wrong, Killing Jamaican guy=right. My reasoning is covered in-depth in 3 posts. Soo Aqri. Why do I get the feeling that you would just love to be a slave in Ancient Rome ? Check it: No organised religion, it's 12 gods who are worshipped nominally and erratically. If you got beef with Appolo, Poisedon will take care of you, you get tired of him, keep it moving, there's no shortage of patrons. complete sexual freedom, kill and plunder at will for your master who will undoubtly reward you for your services. what more could a sensual heretic ask for ? Utopia, no ?
  18. It is usually when men/women are at their most religious that they behave with the least sense and the greatest cruelty You must be operating on joke-time, Johnny Boy. Your fellow godless atheists, Hitler and Stalin(to name a few), were responsible for the greatest bloodbaths in human history. And that's no hyperbole. What gives ? Without religion, man is reduced to base instinct and animalistic desire. Devoid of any check or balances, he does what he wants, when he wants, whenever he wants. There's no good in Life without Religion.
  19. Kashafa

    The Contender

    LOL ^^ "Arab-turned-Dannish-turned-I lube Amerika, baby." Him and the the black dude were the highlight of the entire series. Always poppin' off at the mouth
  20. ^^ Couldn't care less whether you belive my story or not. I don't need validation of any sort and anybody seeking it from the internet, of all places, needs mental help. Get that through your head, old fart.(ignore the epithet please, it's for technical purposes) You raise a point about my strong language. Granted, I'm not the most diplomatic person you'll run into. I tend to fly straight and speak straighter. Keeps the conscience clean. Grow some nuts and try it( again, please ignore the epithet, this one is for biological purposes) Consensual Sex, he says. Wow, round of applause for whoever invented Euphemisms. With one clever wording, he took away any criminal implication and the entire painful aftermath of that act. Nicely done. What's so con-sensual about it, fool ? The Baby(who the family and/or state has to feed, clothe, and raise) ? The Pregnancy, or the possiblity of STD's(which I have to pay for through my hard-earned tax money), or the pain, the anguish, and family break-up(which has no monetary value). Whopsy Daisy, almost forgot the Abortion(which happens nine times outa ten). That's also 'consensual', huh. The Muslim fetus was consulted and he put his Hancock on all the necessary forms. Of course, I haven't mentioned any of the religous or moral factors; it's kinda hard to do that when your conversing with someone who, correct me if I'm wrong, does not believe in Almighty God. Plus, how the hell do you know that it's consensual, ever heard of blackmail ?, maybe he slipped a pill in her drink and raped her at a party. Regardless, the crime is no less significant. Consensual sex, right ? Being the old head that you are, I'm assuming you're married( but then again, you do sound like a "New Age"ey character, so scratch that). Now say, if me and Mrs/Co-habitor Callypso, through a weird quirk of fate, did the dastardly deed, you wouldn't mind, would you ? Hey, it's consensual, buddy !! Free will, Babbbbbbyyyy. Atheer Darwin's Survival of the fittest !! Having satisfactorily beat the whole 'consensual' thing to death, lemme turn to my alleged dehumanising of Young Bob Marley. You must understand that 'respect' is a commodity that is bought. You must earn it. If I see you rolling in the mud in a pig sty, I will judge you based on your actions. The liberal mantra "It's your body/do what you want with it" simply holds no water. When a callous young man decides to break iron-clad norms and values, throwing a entire family into a tailspin, he deserves to be a statistic, as he has earned that priveledge. Najaasah ? got it from Quranic ayah 9:28. Look it up(only if you believe in it, ummm no offence but ahhh if you don't, please shower before touching it. standard policy for umm "Others" ) Macho Posturing, eh. Oh you done messed up now, fool. I'm easily found: University of Maryland, Mckeldin Library, 2nd floor. I stay put with the books. Bring it. PM me for the exact timing but only after sunset, Waa kuugu afuraa P.S. iga raali ahow, if I was a little bit too harsh on you, but seeing that you were all up in arms about soon-to-be-statistic, and not even a whit of condemnation at his actions or understanding of what the girl and her family is going through, I decided on the 'gloves off' approach. You'll find me easygoing as long as you play decent and respect the sanctity of life. It's Ramadan. Handshake ? O Godless one P.P.S My apologies for hijacking the thread, but it had to be said. Do continue.
  21. Viking, I understand where ur coming from, that violence isn't always the answer, but extreme circumstances call for extreme measures, unfortunately. There's an ayah that says "Wa lakum fil Qisaas xayaatun". I advocated the use of violence only in this specific case: " Nur, my friends 14 year old daughter is pregnant, this Jamaican teen is worthless, a drop out, now what should I do Nur? does Islam permit abortion"? an actual phone call The culprit has commited the crime, destroyed a family, ruined a girl, and created a life that he will not raise nor take care of. What to do ? Let him move on to girl #2 and baby #2 ? Accountability, Akh, Accountability. 2 minutes of pleasure is costing young Bob Marley his life. Is it lawful or right ? Let the scholars figure that out. You gotta do what must be done. Then there's the deterence factor. The possiblity of death has a quick way of cooling down freewheeling libidos as well as inspiring temporary morality in otherwise vile trash. Relevant Story: I was on the bus the other day, at the back with me was an girl who was in her early teens and a middle-aged man.Anyway, Michael Jackson -in-training is sitting there throwin out lame line after another: "How ya doin', baby" "Lookin' good, baby". You could tell the fake compliments were gettin to Lil' Innocence, which meant I had to step in before this monster could do anymore damage. I asked her whether she knew the guy(Nope), and was he bothering her(Yup). I turn to brother Pervert and ask him as rudely as possible(always provoke) not to address her if he wants to ride the bus safely. His response and my counter-reaction is irrelevant but the point still stands: Sometimes there is no other option than direct and unwavering action. The family of Nur's friend have to face it.
  22. Naku, lol@chased at, he throw a ticking time bomb and ditched yaah, naah, I think he genuinely took time off for Ramadan. He doesn't sound like the cut & run type. Johnny Boy: That'll be King Kong K'Shafa to you.
  23. ^^ Aaamin Ya Rabbal Aalameen. Save us indeed from spineless souls, who forgot the meaning of honour and dignity, who are so entrenched in liberal philosphy that the word 'retribution' cannot be found in their dictionary. They have no answers(right or wrong), only questions. They do not condem, they only protest(weakly, at that). Save us Indeed. Note: A woman prisoner of war is molested in Istanbul and the then-Caliph Al-Mu'tasim sends an gigantic army to storm that city and rescue her. But I forgot, he's a stand-up comic.
  24. Radio'blogged Eye of the tiger. Dude has a sweet(read: fag) voice. You don't let a cat like that sing about guts and glory and above all things, the eye of a tiger. Straight Insult. P.S. First you ditch and run, and now knowing Nur's gone for Ramadan, you announce your arrival ? Start singing "Heart of a Chicken"