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Everything posted by Kashafa

  1. I'm tryna humour you, duqa, but your incessant jaahilnimo is blaring. Sharif Ahmed and Dahir Aweys need no defense. And even if I was to cite their honourable brave records, past and present, in support of Islam, maskaxthaatha oo jiran ma galayso. So let me put it in terms you can understand: Your kind(by that I mean tribalists of all types: Aideed, Ali Mahdi, Qanyare, Suudi, Siad Barre, A/Y, to name a few) aren't fit to clean the dirt off the boots of the likes of Aweys and Sharif. Hathaa wa Salaam.
  2. Akhi Cigaal, I didn't insult nobody. I pointed out that Adeer was umm, quite portly, if you will. No ? ok, a lil on the hefty side or as my boy puts it: macalinka cuntatha oo iska badshay. Oprah diet camal aa loo baahanyahay. I see no reason why you should get upset about Adeer's alleged obesity, unless of course, you share the same dimensions. you know, occupy the same space. That and check into e-Nuri Chronic Tribalism support group. Ilaahay ha ku caafiyo.
  3. ^^ Are you manly ? Why aren't you at the frontlines dying for your qabil? I guess the most some of us have to offer in life is cyber-warriordom. geesinimada waa kuu dhaafay, sxb. Cigaal Shidaad complex "Abkay dooli dilay, internet-dagaal maas oo dahaa"
  4. ^^ Ethiopian forces are in Somalia playing the oldest game in the book: Divide & Conquer, and here you are saber-rattling, salivating at the prospect of tribal civil war. If 16 years of statelessness hasn't cured you, nothing will. [ November 13, 2006, 04:07 AM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]
  5. ^^ Good enough. Lead by example, brother. Stop calling the Islamic Courts, 'clan courts' and stop claiming exclusive rights on who rules Puntland and the rest of Somalia( memo: it's for all Somalis). Otherwise, you'll prove to be nothing more than a partisan hack.
  6. ^^ Easy now. The man made a legitimate point. From the looks of it, Adeer is legally obese. Not the best thing for a wartime leader attempting to project an image of strength. Think about it. You think this is the man that one(one being a passionate qabiliste) would follow to the end of the Earth, the sacred flag of Puntland in one hand, and a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and a mardoof in the other ?
  7. They should worry more the whole branch of Cabdulle Shideeye in Bakaaraha than wadaada ku sheega lol@Cabdulle Shideeye, waa taqaanaa yaah..I bought a Somali passport from there for 140,000 Somali shillings(about 14 bucks, give or take), gotta love Moga. .. Passports-ka waa made-to-order. The diplomat passports are red(a lil bit more expensive, 20 bucks), regular ones green. Waxay qabaan on the spot service as well as next-day. They also specialise in making educational certificates. Getting a Phd waxaa kaa xigto $30. Cabdulle Shideeye is doing an excellent job filling the void.
  8. ^^ lol. Here's my analysis of 'determinated': The good brudda meant to write terminated , but in a fit of anti-ICU excitement, macalinka spelling-ga ayaa ka dhomay, hence the formulation of a new word: DETERMINATED
  9. Speechless !!!!!!! Who the flying buck are you to 'ban' Salaat ? Analysts say the ban on prayers is really a political move aimed at stamping out radical Islamism It's official. You pray, you'sa a terrorist. Spineless Arab rulers never cease to amaze.
  10. or ? Whatever, whenever: . Stay Salaatin', stay safe.
  11. ^^ Tell that to the Kurds he gassed, the Shi'as he massacred, the Kuwaitis he slaughtered, and the victims of his rape chambers. El-Generale, I see supporting tyrants, warlords, and the status quo is something of a personal signature of yours. Reminds me of the Somali dude who was in tears when Aideed died. Nigga waa loo soo tacsiyaayay, guriga ayoo ka soo bixi waayay. True Story. My question to you is: When Adeer Cabdullahi kicks the bucket will you a) personally attend the Janaaza b) cry bitter tears of anguish. (Alaayaaaaaaaay) c) go about your biz like it ain't nuttin happen, you know, chickens die all the time crossing the road. No different. d) rejoice that one more obstacle of peace in Somalia is gone.
  12. Waraa Saddam, Please don't talk about honour. You were dragged out of a dirt-hole like a fieldmouse. Now, you will die a coward, a murderer, a Ba'thist tyrant. I haven't heard you publicly repent and ask for forgiveness from the Iraqi & Kuwaiti people, therefore I can heartily say : Mac Sonkur calaa shaah Sic Semper Tyrannis(Thus always with tyrants), punk P.S. Say hi to Munkar and Nakir for me.
  13. There will be no heeso, no saar, no shirib perhaps; no different gender mix in public, not even in public transportation; the imported, transplanted jilbaab and indhashareer will be mandatory; the hitherto proudly independent Soomaali women would be encouraged to stay at home; garka would be very encouraged, if not downright enforced; qamiis and cimaamad gaduud of Sacuudi-style will the de facto national dress code for men; the beautiful blue flag will be changed; the very Soomaali afkeena ah ayaa qatar gali doonto: "Shabaab, ukhtii/ukhii, amiir, abuu, ibnu, umm" has already made into vernacular, encouraged by them instead of Soomaali equivalent words inay ka isticmaalaan, in the last few months ee soo baxeen continuation "We will be invaded and and effectively emasculated by a foreign culture: that of the sayflabood shawarma-eating mushakal-drinking Abu Carab bin Carab-man Al-Acraabi. No longer shall my eyes feast on the curves of our women-folk, they will be hidden in black pieces of cloth imported from the desert. My mouth will soon forget the taste of a fresh jaat leaf. Alas!! Marqaanimo no more . Woe unto me that I, a true Somalian aabo ka aabo of Somalia, have lived to see such dastardly times. Sheeeekh Cabdul-qaadir Jaaaaylaaaniyooooooow, Balees Help me !!!!!! These shaykh-isku-sheegs tell me that it's wrong to worship you, to sacrifice thousands of ari, lo'o, and geel in thy Awliyo-astic name. Xaal ka ba !! Ma aniga iyo qaboor-caabud baala horstaagaa. Hell Nah, I make cash money off these Ziyaaro's yo. Hadee kaleeto, habaar culus aa kugu soo gamaa, nooh. Inkaarta Shaykh Cabdul-Qaadir gonna getcha, you gar-dheer'ing, sayflabood'ing, multi-wives marrying wahhabi" Wallahi, these hyper-nationalistic 'Somalists' crack me up. Waa comedy session caadi ah when you see them discussing "Za Wahaabi threat". They mean well, waa dad patriotic ah, laakin principles-ka aa xoogaa ka wareersan. Back to the basics: First, you are a Muslim. THEN and only then are you a Somali with all your dhaqan and fan and suugaan. Whatever traditions you got will be put under the Islamic microscope. Siyaaros(grave worship) and jaat-masticating(looks more like a cow chewing) won't qualify. Hence, they're trashed. Reject. Terminated. Adios, baby. On the other hand, our gabay and our macawees and gabarsaar, for example, pass with flying colours. Hence, waa OK. Two thumbs up, nooh. Aqiyaar-ka, naga qaleey sxbow, fear-mongering ninka ragga woo ka fanaa. Scaring(xooooooox) nomads with visions of niqaabs and no music(lol, that's a killer) just doesn't cut it. Another thing, I know what heeso(music) is, but whats saar and shirib ? Is it kinda like mingis ?
  14. See, entrepreneurs, even failing ones, never ask that question. They're busy making thangs happen. Getting sued, counter-suing, making moves, marketing, and staving off competetion gives you all the stimulation, intellectual or otherwise, you can handle and then some. Only in Corporate America(or wherever) will you find worker bees complaining about boredom and an unfulfilling work enviroment. Unless it's working for a non-profit(a cause, a school etc), I fail to see the logic in working so that other people(shareholders, management) can profit off my labour, my creativity, my dathaal. Once you taste the exhilaration of "the hustle", there's no going back.
  15. See RC, the thing is, The topic-starter/moderator/eNuri Enterprises is entitled to his own opinion. The vast majority of nomads who agree with him are also entitled to their opinions. Statments of support for the Islamic Courts doesn't constitute propoganda. That's where you went wrong. You want propoganda, I'll give you propoganda: Denying that there are Ethiopian troops on Somali soil invited by the TFG, even when the UN, and other international agencies acknowledge it. Seewhatimsayin ? However Kashafa, I would like to address you by saying if you mean by islamic revival you mean the violence and deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people, I'd rather there not be any revival at all That's your intepretation of a revival, not mine. Mine runs along these lines (read the article in full, then hollaback). Nor does a revival mean a wave of overzealous fervour, but a realization that in Islam(correctly applied) lies the solution to our collective problems. Take Tribal Mad Cow disease. 40 years of democratic & dictatorial rule didn't cure it. What makes you think A/Y and his secularist approach can ? I think this section needs a new moderator When pigs fly. E-Nuri for President :cool:
  16. ^ Any topic under the Islamic Sun can be discussed here, including the wave of Islamic revival sweeping through the Middle East. It may trouble you and your ilk, but change is fast coming, shawty. Learn to live with it.
  17. ^^ Hardy Haa Haa. And you would know how, lassie ? The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly Indeed so, daring greatly is the game plan. The results are up to Allah(SWT). At this vantage point, The Court's accomplishments are unparalled. 16 peace confrences and 3 Transitional Federal Goverments later, they turned a grass-roots kick-the-mooriyaans-out campaign into a national vision: Islam is the Solution. We(concerned un-biased un-qabalistic un-secular nomads) in the qurbu pray for them and their success, inshallah.
  18. ^ When Ethiopian forces invade Muslim land, a Jihad is automatically in effect, doesn't have to be announced, shawty. If other misguided Muslims choose to side with the Ethiopians, they too will be dealt with accordingly. The fact that they pray 5 times a day doesn't change the reality on the ground: They sold their deen & dignity for(fill-in-the-blank). "Oh yeah ? what about the Eritreans that are helping the Courts, aren't they Christian forces ? huh ?" Big difference. A) Ethiopia has the upper hand in it's relationship with A/Y(or as he's recently been crowned: Shiek Cabdullahi ) It says jump, Adeer A/Y asks how high. Even his supporters concede that. B) They share a border and centuries-old blood feud with Somalia and the Muslims of East Africa. C) They occupy Somali and Muslim land. I could go on, but I'll stop there. Eretria ? All they want is to diminish and weaken Ethiopian influence in the reigon. Heck, maybe they want to destroy it too. We have the same goals. Win-win situation. My enemy's enemy is my friend. Side with Ethiopia and not only are you a low-life dog, but a soon-to-be whipped one as well.
  19. war nuunoow waxaan kaliyah ka rabaa in la i yiraahdo ninkii geesiga ahaa oo inta Itoobiya xoog ku qabsaday hadana dumarkoodii isku qaboojiyay Laakiin Nuunow waxaan ku fakarayaa ninyahow sidaan Ethiopia dumarkooda gaalada ah markii lasoo qaniimeesto uga faa'iideysan lahaa, inkastoo la yiri waxaa ku badan Cudurka afarta xaraf ah, ee AIDS-ka Athiga waa isko ciyaaraysaa, sxb runtii. Just to make clear: This blessed endeavour by the Courts has nothing to do with getting laid.
  20. ^ Allahu Akbar indeed sxb..laakin tarteeb xoogaa nooh, otherwise sii qaldan aa laguu fahmaa Duke, I haven't questioned their Islam. That's between them and Allah. But what I do know for a fact, is that all those men have/had one overwhelming drive: the supremacy of their Qabil. That's why no impartial nomad concerned about his country can take them and their kind seriously. The Courts, on the other hand, with all their strategic and tactical mistakes, are a breath of fresh air bringing the moral strength of Islam into the political equation. Question: Who would you trust with your family: Macalin Dugsi's Xasan Dahir/Sharif Ahmed or name-any-politician/warlord figure. Sheeko meeshaas ay ku dhamaatay
  21. As for the President, he is a man who prays five times a day, does not drink, smoke nor chew. His children are all good practicing Muslims, so you should not belive everything you hear nor repeat it to us LOL. And you say that with a straight face ? Brah-man, lemme break it down for you real quick. I'mma run a few names by you and tell me what they have in common: Siad Barre, Abdullahi Yusuf, Mohamed Farah Aided, Ali Mahdi, Riyaale. LCD = they all suffer/ed from Tribal Mad Cow disease, and more importantly, haven't been cured. To me, that automatically strips them from any shred of legitimacy, be it religous or political. Kuweena kale, lay off Allebahane, he means good, his rhetoric just needs to be tempered a lil bit. I'd pick one Allebahane over a million Dukes.
  22. "He said, 'I don't take alcohol,' " Buzek said in an interview this month. She said she was refused service by three more drivers. Then in August, Buzek told cabdrivers that she had wine in her bag even though she did not, just to test responses. She said four drivers refused her service that time as well. Drivers have to go to the end of the line if they refuse a passenger, which can mean a three-hour wait for another fare. "So if you turn down two passengers, you're waiting six hours," said airport taxi driver Abbsilan Hassa, 36. Nomads Represent :cool:
  23. Dad mala waayin, markee Amxaaro soo wateen iyo ciidamo magac beeleed eh becomes an occupation And this crucial reliance on Ethiopian military & political support that goes back way back in A/Y's career, will be the burial ground of his infant goverment. Option A: Fight the Courts on his own Option B: Fight the Courts with Ethiopian backing creating a groundswell of support for the Courts. The March uprising in Moga multiplied on a national scale. Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.
  24. ^^ 'Bunch of macalin dugsi' will clean-sweep the ground with the secularists, the tribalists, and the anarchists(mooriyaan), inshallah. Sayyid-ka was also opposed by some Somali tribes who signed treaties with the British(read: Ethiopia today). You know what happened to them: Dhuli & disgrace(that will live on as long as Somalis exist thanks to Sayyid's poems). And you know what happened to him: Honour & Martyrdom. Cry and yell and scream: 'Clan Courts', all you want. Their cosmoplitan nature and the fact that their leadership, both political and military is represented by different tribes is known to all. Raadmir, The beginning of the end of the Ethiopian empire will begin the second it invades Somalia.
  25. Question...Is this the same Ibrahim Addow of Washington DC ? brother of Abdullahi Addow(Shiirkii Arta Madax-weyne candidate) ?